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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Tanya smiled "Well I can give you the rest of the week at 5 denari a night if you girls would give me a hand around the bar. Food will be on the house and if you two do well you can keep the tips. What da say?"
Asha looked unsure it seemed it would be Sara's call on this little deal. Not to mention that Tanya would probably be willing to negotiate a little on the terms she was after all a merchant.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara's eyes twinkled as Tanya delivered the terms, they seemed favorable, and perhaps at a later date she could negotiate her down even more, though she didn't want to press for too much now.

"Ohh Asha doesn't that sound like fun! Come on, it will be good for us to take a break for a bit, don't you think? Let's do it...er please?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I I I guess but Im not scrubbing toilets!" Looked like Asha was in no doubt relenting to Sara's desires. "Oh good you two can start tomorrow do you prefer the late shift or early? Now mind you the early shift is fairly drab and dull not much coin to be made working that one."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Laughing at Asha's declaration, Sara replied, "I don't think that's what she has in mind, but if it has to be done, I'll take care of those scary toilets for you!" She giggled and pinched Asha's butt, a little more openly than before, perhaps the atmosphere was getting to her here.

"Well, we were planning on needing to sleep in... so I guess we'll take the late shift! Anything you want to tell us now, or would you rather brief us tomorrow night?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Sounds good I will need both of you to come in for a fitting though you'll need proper bar grab while you work." Tanya smiled at the two while she flung another order down her bar with out looking. "See ya later tonight you can get your key when you come in for the fitting." With that Asha and Sara where free to do as they pleased.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Yes ma'am, we'll be here!"

Sara twirled around Asha, stopping in front of her, one arm around her waist as she placed a finger on the nymph's chest and looked up into her eyes with a pretend shy, demure look. "Well, what ever should we do in the meantime, Asha? We could go trade, go see if those boys got back from the lumber camp, explore the town... And I've never been in a place like this Asha...I'm glad I've got such an experienced woman to show me all the...ins and outs...of a place like this..." She gently rubbed her front against Asha, her nymph-inspired flirty nature coming out in full force at the prospect of spending the rest of the week in a nice hotel with Asha.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha started to blush as Sara rubbed herself against her. "I I I guess we can look around a a a bit." Asha sighed a little but every thing Sara did just hit all the right buttons on the woman making her sound like a fool even though she was normally composed. She is a confident deadly warrior not a wet behind the ears little girl going on her first date. Still Asha couldn't really form proper words with how Sara was acting. "Y Y Yeah lets sell the loot!" Asha pretty much pulled Sara out of sight of the bar before forcing her against the a wall and kissing her deeply slipping a hand under the woman's robes to get a good feel of the tender tit flesh. "Your driving me crazy!"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara suppressed a giggle at how much of an affect she had on Asha. The nymph seemed unable to respond with how flirty she was being. Or maybe she was just struggling to keep herself in check until they were out of sight.

When Asha grabbed Sara and dragged her off to a more secluded spot and started taking charge of her, she felt a sharp tingle of arousal in her loins and a spike of pleasure in the breast her lover was groping. "Oh my Asha...you really are becoming more forward..." She giggled before raising a leg and wrapping it around the back of Asha's legs.

"Am I driving you crazy enough to take me right here, where anybody could see us?" As Asha was still in her armor, Sara couldn't grope her breasts. Instead she reached towards the nymph's waist, where her torso armor met her leggings. She reached in and stuck a hand down the front of Asha's pants, inside of her panties. Her leg was raised, so a bystander may not necessarily see where her hand was, and it was still wrapped around Asha' gently trapping her, though the stronger nymph would have no trouble freeing herself if she so desired.

Gently reaching further down, Sara placed her cool hand over the nymph's pussy, checking to see just how hot and wet she was down there. Using only one finger, she probed Asha's labia until she found her love button and rubbed it softly for a few seconds. "Maybe we should go sell the loot and save our passions for the room...I wouldn't want to wear you out too early..." Sara giggled, wondering just how many buttons of Asha's she could push before the nymph claimed her, whether she do it here in the open or dragged her off to some closet to fuck her in. She was starting to think this would be a fun game to play, perhaps all of the nymph sex she had was altering her mindset...
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha was indeed hot and getting damp thought the cool hand on her hot flesh just seemed to encourage Asha to kiss deeper and rub herself against the intruder. Breathing hotly Asha pinched Sara's nipples before suddenly pulling away from the woman. "Later we should wait till later." Asha was biting her lip but she quickly straightened herself up before looking to the rode where a young man stood mouth agape.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

It seemed like Asha was going to give in and take Sara right there. She made Sara stiffen up as she pinched her nipples, Sara pressing harder on her clit in the meantime.

When Asha got herself back under control and pulled away though, Sara sighed softly. "Ohhh...Asha..." She gave the nymph a sultry look as she sucked on her fingers that had become damp with her partner's juices. "Such a tease you are..." After Asha had noticed their audience, Sara pulled her head back around a kissed her passionately for a few seconds before releasing her so that they could get on their way to the trader's. "But that just makes me want you even more..."

On their way she slipped behind Asha, holding on to her from behind and standing on her tip-toes to whisper softly in the nymph's ear. "So Asha...surely you have some sort of fetish or fantasy... tell me what it is so I can make this even better. Do you like dominating your women? Being dominated? Sex toys? Kinky positions? Public sex? What turns you on more than anything but you've never wanted to ask of your partners?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara could almost feel Asha's face redden at her words. "I I don't know I I never really thought about it.... Oh look a shop come on." Asha pulled Sara into the dimly lit shop where an old man sat looking bored. He was kinda pudgy with greying brown hair and glasses. "Welcome to my shop please take a look around." The man sounded bored likely this was the slow season. The store seemed to be a basic outfitters of some kind and various supplies from snow shoes to tents and dried rashions where stacked and sorted neatly.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh okayyy... Sure you don't" Sara giggled as Asha dodged the question and pulled her into a shop. So she was going to be like that was she? Well, that just meant she would have to try a little bit of everything. That would be fun...

Inside the shop, Sara got a little more serious, but only a little. "Good day sir, we have some gear we would like to sell and a couple of things to buy."

She showed the man the loot from their encounters too see if he would buy it. Additionally, she looked around for socks, food, and a detailed map of the area and for as much of the ground between here and Endus as she could find. Plus whatever Asha thought they might need of course.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The man inspected the heap of blades and guns slowly picking threw them. "Im no armorer so I cannot fix these armors but I will buy them off you for scrap. The blades are in good condition and well made so Ill take them off you at a fair price." He looked at the revolvers and frowned at the blackened one with still burnt chucks of goblin on it and shook his head. "Im only interested in rifles so you best take these to Rui and have her take a look at them." Asha in the mean time was looking over the snow shoes and extra cloths and not paying much attention to Sara leaving her room to negotiate with the merchant.

Town Merchent is willing to buy the leather armor's (6) at 25% of sale value and is willing to sell the blades (6) at 60% value.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara nodded, saying, "Well that does seem reasonable for the armor, but perhaps you would be willing to cut us a bit of a deal on the blades, we are planning on resupplying from you, after all. Or perhaps you could just cut us a deal on some of the gear we pick up?" She gestured towards Asha who was still picking things out. Regardless, she would complete the transaction, and help Asha pick out whatever they needed before heading over to this woman, Rui's store with her to sell the revolvers.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"My prices are already marked down for the slow season." The man frowned but seemed to be mulling the offer over. "I suppose I could buy the blades at little higher price but only if you buy at lest 20 denari worth of goods."

Town merchant is willing to buy the blades (6) at 65% of sell value.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Deal." Sara smiled and shook hands with the man, the went to help Asha get their supplies so they could finish here and go sell the guns.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh good Sara your back let me see your foot." With out really asking permission Asha pulled Sara's leg up nearly throwing her off balance while she compared a snow shoe to her foot. "Oh lucky shot on the first try." Asha let the leg go and set the snow shoes ontop of another set and a small pile of gear. Most of it seemed to be extra cloths of thicker and sturdier materials as well as wool or fur linings. "So how did the bartering go?"

Selling things
84 Denari for the blades and armor
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was nearly thrown off balance, having to windmill her arms and clutch on to Asha to save herself from falling. "You did that on purpose..." She pouted, not really upset, she enjoyed any time spent playing with Asha.

Hefting the pouch of denarii, Sara exclaimed proudly, though not so much that other people in the shop might hear, "84 denarii, though part of it was a deal in exchange for a promise to buy 20 denarii worth of gear, I figured it couldn't hurt since we needed to do some serious outfitting anyway. So, did you find a map? Are we ready to check out?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha smiled at Sara "Well I did find a map thoughts fairly out dated see." Asha brought the map around and pointed to a small dot midways between here and Endus. "This was Fort Droth but I know for certain it no longer exists it was overrun nearly eight years ago." Asha didn't explain further about the fort but Sara did notice that a road lead right threw it and seemed to connect to the road this town was on. "As for kit well warm cloths and shoe shoes as well as a warmer tent and furlined twin bed roll. The food can wait till we leave again. Think we might need anything else?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara cocked her head, wondering about the fort but deciding to wait until later to ask about it. "Well, we should still take it anyway, it's better than no map, at least we will have a better general idea of where we're going." When Asha asked if she thought they needed anything else, Sara considered everything for a moment before adding, "I can't think of anything really...maybe a first aid kit in case something happens that I can't heal with magic. Other than that I say you've done a great job, let's check out so we can sell these stupid pistols already!"