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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Together with Sara holding Asha they drifted back into slumber for a thankfully disturbance free night. In the morning Sara awoke to Asha trying to force the door open they hefty amounts of snow that had fallen earlier having blocked the door. She was fully dressed and seemed to have made some breakfeast for both of them as a small pot steamed away over some coals. "Xsa rivvil dobor pahntar jal'yur! Ugh in'loil d' tanth cal'tuu shu!" Asha kicked the door in disgust before noticing Sara was awake. She smiled at her and walked over and fetched her a bowl of oatmeal. "Well we are stuck good no doubt about that." Sitting down across from Sara Asha waited for her to say anything. "So I was thinking we spend the day trying to get to the town to lighten our load maybe stay the night some place that isn't abandoned with actual beds. We will need to get some fresh supplies to extra socks and what not. What do you think?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Arching an eyebrow at Asha, Sara giggled at the nymph's outburst. She didn't know what Asha had said, but it was probably not anything nice. "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" She giggled again and accepted the offered oatmeal. "Don't worry, I can get that door open after we eat. But yea, I like the idea of getting some rest and resupplying in a town. If we find it soon, we should probably just stay there until some of the snow melts. Oh, and a map! We should definitely buy a good map so we can find our way better, less guesswork and all that."

Once they had finished talking, eating, and had cleaned up and packed, Sara would motion for Asha to stand to the side with her, then just rip the door inward, pulling it against the hinges, tearing out a chunk of the door frame, and mangling the door in the process. A small landslide of snow flooded into the room with the opening of the door. Sara playfully kissed Asha on the cheek and pinched her butt before giving a little curtsy and gesturing for her to go out first. "How on earth did you get out of snowed in buildings before you met me?" Another giggle and a wink later and they were on their way again.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh I would have waited another day before climbing out the chimney if the snow didn't melt." Asha moved out first climbing over the mound of snow and offered her hand to Sara. Pulling themselves over the snow and back on the road they found it slow going as the deep snow hindered their steps. However the air was warm and the sun bright leaving little doubt that the snow wouldn't stay long. Asha didn't speak much during the walk just a few things about different tracks they found asking Sara to point out ones she already knew and some she was just beginning to learn. Still Sara's mind wouldn't let go of the suddenness of the snow storm while light snow was not uncommon such a harsh and fierce one was practically unheard of then of course she had never really been this far north before. Did that woman bring it with her or did she just follow in its aftermath? A vision of the icy blue eyes filled Sara's mind before she was snapped to by Asha pointing out something. "Look we made it!" Down below was a fairly robust frontier town. People moved about their daily business and Sara could even see a few people on their roofs with shovels clearing off the snow.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara giggled at Asha's comment about climbing out the chimney. "What a dirty girl you would be then!" She accepted the offered hand and climbed out of the hut.

As they walked, she kept thinking about how suddenly such a severe storm had hit them. She wondered what, if any connection it had to the woman... Thinking about her conjured an image of her startling eyes in her mind before Asha's voice brought her back to reality. Still, it seemed the woman had well and truly gotten into Sara's mind.

"Oh wonderful!" Sara exclaimed happily. "Let's see, we need to find someone to buy or trade the stuff we picked up for more supplies, socks, a map, and whatever else you think we need. And somewhere we can stay...with privacy..." She offered a seductive wink at this last part, shamelessly teasing Asha before they made their way into town.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As they began their walk down the hill a couple of children came zipping by them on a curved piece of wood their faces alight with excitement and their voices full of glee. Asha just smiled as they went past at a fritenly fast pace before they reached the bottom of the hill and crashed into a snowdrift giggling. "Well it looks like they are having fun." As they got closer to the town they could see a few weary looking men with old rifles eyeing them from an low stone wall. Two younger looking men maybe about their 20s had shovels digging the snow away from the wall muttering to themselves. One of the older looking men saw them approached and waved. "Hail travelers glad to see new faces. Did you pass any loggers on your way?" The man was older but not old maybe in his late to early 40's with a salt and pepper beard and hair. He had brown eyes and a strong healthy figure. He wore light furs and had an old rifle slung over his shoulder.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled as well, the simple joy of children at play a welcome reprieve from the grim events they had experienced recently. "Indeed, it is good to see such simple joy still has a place in this world."

As the pair got closer to the gate, she noted the men guarding the gate, it seemed even this village was faced by at least some trouble. When the guard hailed her she responded. "Aye, it is good to see a town, we have been traveling for quite awhile. Alas, we saw no loggers. Were they caught out in the blizzard?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The man frowned a little before speaking again. "When I saw smoke from the old Janson farm I was hoping they had bunked for the night but with your arrival ... Well I just hope Corey had enough sense to hold up for the night." The man let them enter town their wooden gate pushing piled snow around in a sweeping arch. "Welcome to Verdent Pass. If you need refreshment and a warm fire I recommend Tanya's just up the road."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Hmm...if you mean that abandoned-looking shack a ways back...that was us. We were caught unawares by the storm and it was the only shelter we could find. We didn't realize it was anyone's property, sorry. But I hope he did too. There was more than the blizzard to be afraid of last night..."

Sara didn't want to assume the worst, but that woman did specifically hunt men. Still, from what she had said, it sounded as though she hadn't had anything but Orc recently, so the man could have survived, assuming he was a human. "This man, Corey, he wouldn't happen to be an Orc, would he?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh don't worry about it Old Man Janson died awhile back froze to death in a freak blizzard." The man smiled at Sera and Asha. "Someone telling you old ghost stories of the ice witch have they? I wouldn't put to much stock in it just old wives tale to keep children inside and men from straying. Now don't get me wrong we live in a dangerous world and the snow and ice can play tricks on the mind but in all my years I have yet to see a nearly naked woman wandering the snow. She would freeze to death its just not possible. As for Corey nah not a drop of Orc blood in him. Im sure he just hunkered down at the logging camp to wait the storm out."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

A troubled look passed over Sara's face. Another freak blizzard..."How often do these blizzards happen? Would you count last night's as a freak blizzard as well? It seemed to come up awfully quickly..." She sighed with relief when she heard that Corey wasn't an Orc, that meant the witch likely hadn't gotten him...but if he was still out there with that woman wondering around... She remembered the direction the woman had set off in and exchanged a worried glance with Asha. "I am afraid that is one story that is unfortunately all too real. The only reason we stand before you now is that we are women, not men. As for your logging camp, what direction is it from your Janson's place?"

If indeed the old woman had headed off in the direction of the logging camp, she would tell the older man this, encouraging him to round up some sort of search party to go check the camp. Of course she would volunteer herself to go as well. If they didn't believe her claims, then she would just go herself, hopefully Asha would come with her.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh they happen maybe once every 2 or 3 years. Aye last night was one of the freak blizzards we knew we where do for some time so I had the boys prepare when the weather started changing." Listening to the women's concern the man just laughed. "Well ladies I cannot tell you what to believe or not but I tell you it just a ghost story. As for the boys their camp lies north of the Janson place." Sara breathed a sigh of relief the woman had headed west.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sighing, Sara replied, "Well, if you say so." Well it seemed she couldn't convince them of the danger, but they were apparently bothered by such phenomena every couple of years, maybe the woman would not trouble them before Sara met with her again. Since the logging camp was not in the direction the woman had traveled, Sara decided not to worry about it for the time being.

"Thank you gentlemen, a pleasant day to you!" With a friendly nod, Sara put an arm around Asha's waist and walked on into the village with her. "Well, perhaps this year has spared them from tragedy. Now, maybe we should go get a room before we take care of our shopping?" Sure walking with an arm around her partner's waist may be a little showy, but they hadn't gotten to walk together for awhile, what with the woods and everything, so she intended to enjoy the open walkways of the village while they were here. "Lets go check out that Tanya's place he mentioned!"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha draped her arm over Sara's shoulder sharing in the display of affection as they walked down the road. When they reached Tanya's they found it very busy and easily the largest building in town. Loud shouts and laughter echoed out of the closed doors above which stood a sign in the shape of a well endowed woman holding a man on one side and a chugging a bear in the other. Bright Red Letters spelling out Tanya's. "I bet this is the towns watering hole and gambling den." Asha raised an eyebrow in Sara's direction silently asking are you sure?
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The bright smile on Sara's face made it clear she was enjoying the opportunity to walk with her lover.

When they reached Tanya's she took a moment to reevaluate her decision. "Well, its probably a good place to gather information, and it looks like the biggest place, so it might have some nice rooms, but if you want somewhere smaller, more private for...our time, then I don't mind finding somewhere else." She didn't have to tell Asha what she meant by 'our time', the unspoken promise of sex being clear enough between the two of them. After all, she had promised Asha that once they found a nice place with beds where they could rest that she would teach her all the finer points about seducing and loving a woman.

"What do you think Asha? A place this big is bound to have some nice rooms, but if you'd rather go someplace else, I'll be happy as long as we get to share a bed." Truthfully, Sara wanted to have a nice room and a bath to be able to teach, or help Asha re-learn, every little trick she knew about sex with women. But what she wanted most was for Asha to be comfortable, so long as she was with her, she would be happy in even the worst of inns.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha's eyes sparkled "Well its big enough and loud enough to cover up our cries of passion. After all you did say you wanted to teach me a thing or two?" Asha smiled as they both walked into Tanya's. The first thing the two noticed was it was fairly warm in here the second was the smell. A mixture of all sorts of cooking smells assaulted the two woman. Roasting meat fried potatoes and the smell of herbs and garlic was heavy in the air. The noise was also fairly deafening as well. The main area with all the tables was huge and open up to the rafters where numerous magical lights glowed brightly Casting a bright but not offending light down to the tables below. The place was packed with loggers trappers as well as a few farmers and other trades folk a few armored men sat at their own table talking amongst themselves likely adventures out for easy coin. A large bar with a large assortment of drink on its wall was commanded by a tall woman with Red hair. She could easily see eye to eye with most of the men in the room and to top it off she had a nice and rather endowed chest. Looking at her Sara could sense magic about her but at this distance it was hard to determine exactly what type of magic it was. Numerous waitresses in low cut white blouses and green dress moved between tables pouring drinks and handing down plates of food. A little further down they heard a bunch of men grown and a cheery voice stating "Sorry boys the house always wins!" This sound originated in a separated area that was hard to see from were they stood now.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was probably one of the happiest people in the village as she walked into Tanya's, her eyes dancing with happiness at the thought of getting to share a night with Asha that was completely dedicated to pleasure, no early wake-up, trail meal, or wilderness marches. Just the two of them having a wonderful time.

Looking around Tanya's she was rather surprised at how big this place was. It was like a restraunt, tavern, inn, and gambling hall all in one! She had never seen anything like it in her life. Not really knowing where to go, she decided to go talk to the tall female barkeeper, noting the magical energies being given off by her. She wondered if this might be Tanya, or maybe it was the cheery voice coming from the gambling area... Whatever the case, she decided to talk to the barkeep first. "Excuse me ma'am, how much for a room?" She had to lean pretty far over the bar to make herself heard in the loud room.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The tall woman smiled at Sara. "Oh how long you staying hun? And what type of room do you want? Cheap rooms are 2 denari a night Standard rooms 5 and Trade rooms are 8." The woman grabbed a slightly dirty mug and began to wipe it out with a cloth. "Yo Tanya give me pale ale!" The woman who towered(?) above Sara clearly edging into the 6ft range looked down the bar and shouted in return. "RIGHTO HOSS CLEAR THE BAR!" With lightning speed she filled a mug and sent it sliding down the well worn surface of the bar before turning her attention back at Sara.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The woman definitely had more than a few inches on Sara, though she didn't mind the height difference, she had a feeling it would take a lot to bother her after the snow-woman...

She turned to Asha with a smile, wrapping her arms around her waist and pulling close to the woman, completely unabashed when it came to displaying her affection publicly. "Well what do you think, Asha? It is mostly your money after all...And your journey." As much as she was looking forward to this, she didn't want to impose on Asha, especially since the woman had already bought so much for her. Sara let Asha pick the room and the number of nights they would take out of their journey to rest here. In return, she would provide the...entertainment...
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha looked at Sara pondering the situation. "Well to be safe we should stay at lest 2 days after all I would like the snow to melt a little more before we head out. I guess well take the Trade room." Asha began to into her money pouch when Tanya spoke up having been eying the women for a good moment. "Ya know huns the snow is rather deep it might take more than a few days for it to melt for easy travel. I can cut you a deal for a few extra days if your interested?" Another order was shouted to Tanya who quickly filled it and sent it flying wait for one of them to answer.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Hmm...Well we do want to stay safe, slogging around through the snow would probably just burn us out without us actually making much progress. Well what sort of deal could you give us Miss Tanya?"

During this time Sara's hand would slowly drift down to the point it was over Asha's rump, once there she would deliver a gentle, discreet squeeze to her ass at the suggestion of staying longer, letting know what she was in favor of, but still relenting to whatever the nymph wanted. After all, she could hardly complain about even just two days in the best rooms of the house.