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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I-If not a bad girl... t-then a dirty one Sophia. Gods it... it's so good Sophia, I can't... I can't stop moving my hips," Agnes whimpered as she began thrusting her hips up to make her length slide up and down Sophia's hands better.

Agnes' hands slid up Sophia's hips and grasped her again as Sophia straddled her and spread her legs before sinking down onto Agnes' length. As soon as she entered Sophia, Agnes let out a deep lust filled moan, the pleasure obviously being too much for the poor thing to endure so soon after cumming once already, her body already twitching and on the verge of another powerful climax from the looks of it, as her length was already twitching with need. Sophia would notice that Agnes had begun to thrust up to meet her downwards thrusts as she bounced upon her shaft, the whole act seemingly coming to the gorgeous redheaded angel as naturally as eating almost. It was obvious to Sophia after she was halfway to her own climax that Agnes was greatly enjoying herself and would soon join her in a powerful mutual climax, and with each thrust into Sophia, Agnes either moaned aloud or returned Sophia's I love yous with ones of her own.

As they approached their peaks, Sophia would feel a wave of purity beginning to wash over her somewhat, making her feel... whole again almost, or less tainted. Then with one final bounce from her and thrust up from Agnes, Agnes gave a cute cry of bliss along with Sophia's own orgasmic squeals, where Sophia felt Agnes' pure angelic seed spurting into her and filling her womb. The wave of purity surged through her, pushing the taint back a tiny bit as if battling with it, though the taint was able to hold its ground somewhat and it turned into a battle within Sophia's core for dominance, yet despite the taint holding its ground, the purity that was within her once again held its ground too and kept the taint from pushing it back any as well.

Just before blacking out from overusing her limited magics and all of the exhausting traveling and fighting they'd done, Sophia felt Agnes' arms wrap around the small of her back before rolling her over onto her back with Agnes on top, where her beautiful girlfriend lay atop her now instead. Then Agnes pulled her length out of Sophia and stared at it for a few very tense moments as Sophia's eyes slowly began shutting, the last thing Sophia saw though was Agnes smiling happily as she dipped her shaft back inside of Sophia who felt a wave of pleasure as she also felt Agnes' lips touch her own in a sweet, tender, loving kiss.


When she awakened sometime afterwards, Sophia would see Adriana sitting above them on the ceiling in a makeshift web bed. She looked to be asleep herself actually. Looking to her right side Sophia would see Agnes laying there beside her and snuggled up to her, her right wing laying across her. Sophia would be able to lift the covers without disturbing Agnes where she would see her magic had worn off and Agnes' penis was gone, but she'd also see that her own body was absolutely drenched in dried cum, as if Agnes had spurted several loads on her, and inside her as well, as her pussy felt... full and still a bit moist as Agnes' seed was still slowly leaking from it. Agnes looked quite happy as she lay there snuggled up to Sophia, a pleasant smile on her lips to signify as such, and her right arm was laying across Sophia underneath her wing, her hand laying on Sophia's left breast as they both lay under the covers of the bed.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sopha felt strangly at peace. She hadn't slept that well in a long time and no dark dreams troubled her. Maybe being with Agnes had settled her some. Hopefully the pure feeling she had felt was a one way street after all she didn't want any of her taint to cloud Agne's soul. Smiling Sophia was content to lay with Agnes a while longer. Though such things would have to pass as the dried cum was a reminder of what had happened to her. Still it was from Agnes and that knowledge eased her a little. Still she did eventually get up while Agnes lay sleeping to clean up and get dressed. After which she would head back down stairs and relax and wait for their meeting with the Lady.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

When Sophia slipped out of bed she saw Agnes didn't want to let her go very easily, with her right leg draped over Sophia's right leg so it lay between her's. She would eventually get untangled from Agnes though without waking her up, with Agnes pulling one of the large soft fluffy pillows down to snuggle as if it were Sophia. "Mmm... I love you Sophia," Agnes mumbled softly as she lay there after Sophia got up.

The bath was simple enough to draw up and get warmed up for her if she wished to take a whole bath that is, and Sophia would find the warmth very pleasant as she soaked in the stone tub they had in the guest house. If she opted to simply wet some towels and wash off with them then she'd manage easily enough without any trouble. Either way when she was about halfway through cleaning up, Sophia heard a soft knock on the bathroom door before it was softly pushed open.

"Hello there gorgeous, nice to see what I missed out on earlier when you beat me," Sophia would hear Adriana say from the doorway, a smirk on her face, though she made no attempts at forcing herself on Sophia. She was obviously admiring Sophia's body though and had probably already admired Agnes' before coming in here with her. "You're just as beautiful as Agnes you know, no matter what you think about yourself. And Agnes... she loves you very much I can tell, just by the way her hips were moving earlier when she was making love to you. So passionate, so loving, if I didn't know she was an angel I'd swear she was a succubus or some sort of passion devil or demon with how she was thrusting away at you. It was as if having a dick was natural to her, or maybe she simply loved you so much, and despite the fact you fell asleep like you did you clung to her so much that it was obvious you love and care about her," Adriana then said with a smirk, confirming that she had admired Agnes already pretty much, and had apparently watched them go at it after Sophia conked out.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia looked down at her sleeping friend and lover. "I love you to Agnes." Prepping a full bath Sophia let herself soak a moment before cleaning up and cleaning out her sex. The last part was rather stimulating but necessary. Her magic may have created the cock only but it was created by magic so complete equipment or not she might get pregnant and well she couldn't due that and adventure at the same time. Of course this was all interrupted by the very very light sleeping Adriana. Her word brought a blush to Sophia's face that only got deeper and deeper as Sophia sunk lower and lower into the water till she could take no more. "GET OUT YA PERV!" Standing up and revealing her naked body in its entireity to Adriana Sophia threw a cumsoaked rag at the drider which impacted right on her face with a sticky sploot. Standing a moment as the soild rag slide down the driders face Sophia began to laugh at the sight easing her anger at being spyed on. Sinking back into the water Sopha laughed louder leaving Adriana to do what she would and hopely see the humor in this as well.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

As the rag slapped into Adriana's face, the drider laughed heartily as she peeled it off and tossed it back to Sophia, where it splatted right into Sophia's stomach and fell into the water in front of her and made some water splash against her face as she sank back down. "Ah that was fun teasing you, it's so easy to. But still though dear, I do wish I could have joined in with you both. You would both make such good mothers I think to my little ones. However if you're truly sincere about your people taking them and that they'll be cared for properly then I suppose that I can let them go for a time, until I have repaid you for it at least that is," Adriana said, crawling into the bathroom with Sophia and plopping down next to the bath, apparently wishing to talk while Sophia got cleaned up. "But seriously though Sophia, Agnes did keep going after you conked out earlier. I was surprised to be honest, and she didn't even notice me making the web right above you both. She was just so... passionate, and she had eyes only for you," she went on to say, looking a bit jealous actually about that as she smirked over at Sophia, who was likely washing off where the rag had hit her after Adriana threw it back at her.

Once Sophia was done, Adriana would leave if asked, but she offered to help her dry her wings and back off if she wanted her to. Either way when Sophia was coming out of the bathroom when she was dried up and everything, she came face to face with Agnes, who looked directly into her eyes and blushed red as a beet. "Um... hi Sophia... are you uh... okay? I d-didn't hurt you or a-anything... did I?" Agnes stuttered at Sophia, gulping a bit and looking down at her feet. Sophia would see Adriana smirking a bit before leaving the two in peace so they could have a bit of privacy with one another without her interfering or anything, so Sophia could say whatever she wished now.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia blushed "She did.. wow.. must have been a result of the magic. Ill have to make an apology to her it was... not intended to do that." Helping Adriana clean up a bit from her own slight mess Sophia accepted the offer to help clean and dry her wings. Heading out she ran smak dab into Agnes and was about to apologze for her actions. This of course was unacctable as it was really Sophia's fault. Hushing her lover with a soft kiss Sophia grinned as they broke away. "Now lets not have any regrets about that humm. No you didn't hurt me and Im sorry for using magic on you.. I wasn't fully myself but everything I said to you was true. I love you Agnes."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Heh, I doubt it was just the magic talking dear, she really does love you I can tell. Though... the magic might have made her incredibly horny is why she couldn't stop thrusting," Adriana said with a chuckle as she carefully dried Sophia's wings, making a very big effort to ensure she didn't ruffle her feathers.


Agnes accepted Sophia's kiss and returned it a bit as she leaned against her friend/lover. "Oh... I don't regret it... because it felt... really nice and all honestly," Agnes replied with a cute blush on her cheeks. "Its okay though Sophia, I'm not angry at you for it or anything. It was actually kind of fun too, doing something I'd never done before... something that was... hmhm, so naughty. I've never done anything naughty before at all, and... it was done for love, because I love you too Sophia. So I feel in my heart that nothing wrong was done," Agnes went on to say to Sophia, which caused Sophia's heart to flutter a bit.

"That magic though... that gave me a... m-man's p-penis. Do you think that... you know... we could maybe do it again sometime Sophia? It felt really good, and... well... it let me make love to you, the one I love, in a way that made us both feel wonderful," Agnes said after a few moments, looking down at her feet with an embarrassed look on her face, though she seemed intrigued by it and sounded like she wished to maybe try it again sometime in the future.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia blushed and held Agnes tight only for the blush to get deeper as Agnes asked if she could use that magic on her again. "I-I don't know how I did it Agnes... I just wanted to have... to have a penis inside me.... and it just happened....." In all honestly Sophia wasn't exactly sure what had happened. Her magic control was pitful to say the lest thats why she was a warrior not a mage. Though maybe the lingering taint in her had caused it to act in a chaotic manner. It was of course only a thought she had no proof. "Well lets get something to eat and await our visitor." Sophia broke the embrace and got dressed in her cloths while Agnes got cleaned up.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"W-Well whatever you did... I kind of... heh... I kind of liked it honestly. But you're right, we should await miss Viridiana," Agnes said before moving past Sophia to get cleaned up herself.

Heading on downstairs, Sophia found Adriana smirking at her, an eyebrow raised curiously. "So... was she pissed? Angry? Livid?" Adriana asked with a chuckle.

With that, Sophia was aided by Adriana in getting some food readied for them, keeping it simple though they got some bread out that had been provided and was sitting in the kitchen on the table there with some sort of meat that looked similar to fish of some sort and likely was, along with several fruits of various kinds that were somehow being grown in the underground areas here, likely thanks to the fey woman's magics if Sophia had to guess.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"No.. she rather liked it...." Sophia was honestly pleased and surprised about it but despite the blush working on her face she kept the topic to the food at hand. Soon enough they had a simple meal of bread and fruit which would suffice. Though honestly Sophia wanted some ham or turkey with her meal. Though given the slime girls she doubted such would be had here. It would be okay however just as long as they didn't only exist on fruits and veggies after all warriors need meat to keep strong. "So Adriana have you been practicing the words I taught you?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I figured she would, despite you two being angels your baser instincts are still similar to those of us mere mortals, mostly because it was her first time. And yes I have in my head, wasn't much to it all though really, so it was easy to memorize," Adriana replied to Sophia with a nod of her head, looking as if she had expected Agnes to have enjoyed herself earlier.

The fish that Sophia had in there was quite fresh, a couple of trout that had already been cleaned and cut for her to fix as she wished, while the fruits and bread were also incredibly fresh just from the aroma of the former and the pristine condition the latter was in. In no time at all really Sophia had everything ready to eat by the time Agnes entered the kitchen, which of course had a table large enough for at least half a dozen with Adriana there, but otherwise it was fit for 8 it looked like.

"Wow, that all looks delicious Sophia, you always could make food better than I could," Agnes said with a smile as she entered the room.

Agnes sat down with the other two, a towel wrapped around her hair and the redheaded angel in what appeared to be some robes that had been set out for them to take and use. With that they all ate their food and awaited Viridiana's visit that they were expecting, but they had more than enough time it seemed to enjoy their meal first.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Thank you Agnes. Im only good because I had to cook for myself while on patrol duties. But I wasn't alone Adriana helped." Smiling Sophia looked over at Adriana. "So how is it?" Sophia eyed the arachine. After all she had attacked them out of hunger and desperation to breed. Getting her answer Sophia chatted lightly with the everyone untill they had finished. Once that was done she helped Agnes with her hair combing it out so it didn't get all tangled.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Ah, well thank you too then Adriana, it tastes wonderful," Agnes said as she bit down into the fish which Adriana had quickly cooked on a skillet and added some sort of spices that they had onto it.

"Yes it is good. I don't get these spices and stuff save what I can sneak in and steal from the villages when they're mostly asleep. It was a rare treat that I got spices this good though. And it's delicious," Adriana said with a smile, looking genuinely happy as she ate her fill of the food, her plate noticeably larger than the two angel's plates.

Once they were done, with the trio talking a bit and with the angels learning a bit more about Adriana in the process, that she was around 25 years of age, that she was an only child, and that she used to be good friends with the matriarch of her people. Adriana helped Sophia to brush Agnes' hair out, and there was quite a bit of it to brush out indeed, as it hung down all the way to Agnes' butt after all. After about 15 minutes they had her hair all neatly brushed out with no tangles in there, and Adriana was braiding it in a large perfect wide braid with a cute black ribbon tying it off at the end to keep it held in place. After they got done with that, Adriana finished up with cleaning the dishes as they heard a knock at the door.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia had always worn her hair fairly short.. well short for an angel anyway. It had just seemed sensible to keep her hair from growing any longer than the nape of her neck given her role as a warrior. Still she did enjoy brushing hair and tending to Agnes's was a real treat. Still even that ended as they heard a knock on the door. Moving switly Sophia answered but not before adjusting her robe to look presentable if it had worked loose.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Upon answering the door, Sophia saw that Viridiana had paid them the visit she promised them, the fey lady looking quite radiant at the moment in her attire. "Ah hello there dear, wonderful to see you again. I'm sure you have some more questions for me, and I would be happy to answer them as best I can. Is your companions Agnes awake and able to speak at the moment?" Viridiana said when Sophia opened the door, coming on inside once she had spoken and Sophia invited her inside.

When she entered the guest house they were residing in at the moment, Viridana smiled upon entering the kitchen/dining room and noticing they had just eaten. "Well that takes care of that, I was going to offer some more food for you both or rather have someone come out and cook something nice for you all to eat, but I guess that isn't necessary now, so that means we can get right into the talking," Viridiana said.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Oh hello Lady Viridiana please come in. Yes Agnes is awake and we have just eaten but thanks for the offer. You need not worry to much about us we try not to be a burden. Sitting down as Adriana finished up and Joined them they got to the discussion.

"Lady Viridiana I do have one small favor to ask of you. Could you contact the High Heavens for us. After all I need to arrange for the care of Adraina's young. The wilderness of her underground home is.. far to dangerous to raise young and well Agnes and I are concerned that Adriana's instict to breed may lead to another unfortanate inccident. She is a good woman and I would hate to see her desires drive her to do something terrible." After that she waited to see if the others had any questions for the Lady before hearing the faye woman speak.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Viridiana listened to Sophia request and nodded to her with a smile. "Very well lady Sophia, it shall be done, as soon as I can at least. Though... surely you wouldn't revile the poor thing for it considering what she's gone through, and as lovely as you both are I can't say I'd blame her a whole lot if she did force herself on either of you. Though you can be sure I would punish her for such a thing indeed, for she still needs to show some measure of maturity and whatnot," Viridiana replied as she smiled at her.

"I have a question too lady Viridiana. What um... what do you do about the scyllas that are down here? They tried to take and rape us too, but we just managed to get away thanks to a passing lamia, whom we'd always been taught were prone to evil," Agnes said, seeming to have a question of her own.

"Ah yes the scylla problem. I have spoken with their matriarch at length and she's... gods I don't know honestly what she's thinking. But I do know that there may soon be a conflict in their village between her and the one who is trying to overthrow her. I'd hoped to avoid it, but it may soon be out of my control, for while I shelter them in these caverns away from prying eyes that would destroy them, I don't interfere personally in their affairs or anything like that," Viridiana replied to Agnes' question with a knowing look in her eyes. "I do apologize for what they tried to do to you though ladies, forgive them though please, for they mostly act on instinct, and when they're in heat like those two probably were that attacked you both, they get a bit... unable to control their urges. Many of them go into heat around the same time which makes it even worse, but you get the idea I think," she added to them both with a small bow.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I.. don't blame her for her actions. She was acting in a way she thought was best for her children. While I cannot agree how she went about it. I can understand her desire. Protecting someone you love is very important." Sophia heard out Agnes's question and after the Ladies answer waited to see what the faye had to say next.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hmhm, indeed. For those we love, some will do almost anything," Viridiana said with a nod as Sophia spoke.

"Now girls, I have a question for the both of you. In your opinion, would you say that these wonderful people down here could once more walk the surface without fear of being hunted to extinction by the humans?" Viridiana asked Sophia and Agnes both with a curious look in her eyes. Agnes looked to Sophia and shrugged her shoulders a bit, as if telling Sophia that she could be the one to answer that question if she wished to, but if Sophia didn't do so then Agnes would do so.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia frowned. "No I don't think its time. Some people would accept them surely but as a whole I do not think it would be safe. This is why I want to take Adriana with us. She can be an ambasador of the underground or at lest a scout. The humans above still view others diffrent then themselves with suspecion. I know thats not what you wish to hear Lady Viridiana but I think the time might be right for a small step. Adriana could travel with us awhile and look for a place where you could set up an embassy of sorts. Maybe start a trade relationship with a local port. It would take some work but in the end I think it will work out." Sophia really did want to help the cre.... no the people down here. Sophia leaned back and sighed. "Humans are prone to isolating those diffrent from themselves its why even angels travel in disguise at times. We don't wish to be a target and endanger thouse around us. But I know that once they get to know a person no matter what they look like they embrace them as one of their own or at lest a part of their comunity. Just need to find a foot hold first. A place barve enough to risk it."