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Sonja (freeko)

Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja would almost lose her way as she left the arena with it being so busy now that the opening ceremonies have commenced and the tournament itself was ready to begin. Travelling toward where she thought the tailor was, she happened upon a few places. The first one seemed to be a rather busy tailor, and by the looks of it she was simply far too busy to deal with Sonja right now.

Moving onto another shop, Sonja would find just about what she would have wanted. Finding herself some clothes that just about covered all that she figured she wanted to have covered in the first place, she would buy from this place. That they were cheap was almost a bonus since she really only needed them to last through these first fights. Finding a fairly short skirt that fit her halfway decently and a top that looked like little more than a cut off tank top that would show her boobs from the underside of the top were it not for the bikini armor, Sonja figured this was good enough for now and would buy them and move onto the smithy where she bought the armor.

Having put her newly purchased clothing into her backpack, Sonja would make her way to the smithy. Looking around, she knew that with what she had available to her monetarily was not enough to really do much shopping. However Sonja was not here to do much shopping, she wanted to know where that bikini armor had come from. No sooner than an idea pops into her head, than she notices a sign that says they are not responsible for any imperfections in the items sold once they leave the store. Seeing the dog girl again that she previously had given her old sword to gave Sonja a slight bit of liquid courage almost being inspired a little from seeing her again.

Sonja would attempt to talk to the owners, not about any imperfections but to see where that armor had come from. Having dealt with them already, she knew that if she tried to confront them at all she would just be ignored and nothing good would come from that.

"I need to know about the armor I bought yesterday, where did it come from? Stupid me, I put it on and it seems to have been cursed. How could I get a curse removed? Is there someone I can go to?"

If this would prove to be a useless endeavor, hopefully someone that was there would be able to help her out with at least some information. Worst case scenario, she would try to see if she would find a church or mage of some kind that might have knowledge of curses. Having some time to spare before her battle in the arena might end up being a bad thing if she lost track of time.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

All was going well for Sonja this morning, first of all the naughty clothes she found something cheap and common to wear in the street, clothes than cover her body the needed.

Then she get inside the shop and the sales loks to have the owner of god mood to dont frown at her or order her to leave in the instant. Of course than Sonja needed to show that bikini armor to him so he understand of what she was talking.

That is a terrible mistake for novices. One not just buy something and wear it, you must buy an item appraiser or go with someone expert. Actualy looking at it you can see a great product... He said taking a moment to investigate the bikini closer when Sonja show it to him. A young man of the arena said than it is an armor than only virgins can wear, unfortunately it looks like the armor is incomplete, so you cant remove the curse. Said this he turn to do his work, maybe said all what he know or want to say.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Having picked up some clothing to wear later, Sonja would run into a issue at the smithy. What the owner said made sense, but then also no sense at all. Of course in hindsight, she should have gotten some manner of item detector. This all would have been avoided if she even knew they existed. Though what he said next made no sense at all.

If only virgins could wear it, then it should not have been able to be worn by Sonja at all. The thought almost in of itself was enough to have a unwelcome flashback to her day in the arena where she had to sell herself and her virginity to get anything out of the match she was in. Nevermind the goons from last night having their way with her as well.

With all that being said, Sonja had more questions. The worst that happens would be that she gets thrown out of the smithy, but she at least had to try to ask if the owner had any information either about the rest of the armor or if they knew anyone that could deal with curses. If nothing else, maybe there was an item appraiser that she could buy? Just about anything Sonja could think of to try to keep the conversation going so she would get some kind of a clue as to what she would need to do next. Maybe at the least she could get the name of the man at the arena.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The man continue doing his work, cleaning and placing in order his goods, of course when Sonja asked more this caused some nuisance in his work what make him frown as he turn to her.

I dont have any more information about that armor for free, i could sell you an item appraisal, they cost 50 golds now and only work a time or two before broken. Now i only have a few of them in store.

The man then return to his task in hand what was mostly clean and arrange coins as also items.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"Information for free.." echoed in Sonja's head. At least she could try to get some info, but who knows what the cost would be.

"What would it take then to get some info on this armor? If I buy one of these item detectors would that give me enough information on the armor? Name your price."

Hopefully it would just be the sale that the owner wanted, but who knows around these parts. Maybe he was interested in something else entirely.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

He was a bussiness man not sure about that. He placed a small item than looks like magnifying glass and in the haft of it a seal. If you buy this for 100 golds then i could think in share more with you about that armor. The man said looking really not intersted in her body, as easily he could fuck the dog girl any day or her wife was at his side. So, only coins looks to work at the moment.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja would mull this over. Not so much as to the idea of buying something for information, it was that she had no idea what she was in fact actually buying.

"Ok, just what exactly is this thing? Don't want to make the same mistake twice..."

Hopefully already learning from her previous mistake, Sonja would want to know what it was that she was getting. The information part of it was likely worth the 100 gold in of itself, but Sonja was not really desiring a repeat of a previous mistake.

Sonja would put up the 100 gold as a sign that she had it, and wanted to get the information first if she could. Both on the armor and what exactly it was she was buying before simply giving the money over and getting nothing in return.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

I already told you. The man said as he frown in disdain. An item appraisal, just break the seal as you point to the item than you want to identify and the information will appear in the lens. If you dont broke the seal you could use it again. The man looks to be fair in part, as it looks like the information would cost just 50 golds and with the item would be a total of 100 golds.

The merchant will mostly get the coins and then go on with what he have to say about the armor, mostly placing the gold in safe place before continue. Its the first time than i see a virginity armor in this shape, ussually are huge white full armors with holy aura. So i supposed than it was special but ended to be just what happens when the virgin turn into a complete whore... i would say than it needs some boots, gauntless, maybe a sword or shield and a helm. However who know how these parts look now, mostly you will find the items in the arena or i could get them later. The man then cough and then was ready to leave, now with that info mostly he dont need to say more.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Hah, if only Sonja would have known sooner about these things. At least now she would have one for the future. Though there was still one problem that she did not know the answer to. How would a "virgin armor" have anything to do with Sonja after she had lost her virginity in the arena already? Both figuratively and literally.

As for the armor itself, it seems that she had gained the first part of what would be a set. Likely the other parts would be won in the special fights during the tournament. If worse comes to worse, she could at least try to do a few of these special fights to assemble the rest of the set. Otherwise, according to the smith other parts might show up there from time to time.

"Well do let me know if other parts happen to come your way." Sonja would say as she left the smith.

With all that done, Sonja would need to do some more preparations before her match later today. At this point, it was going to be back to the inn so that she could relieve herself. After that, she would look to get some time in the training facility if she could before heading out to the arena for her match. Not really paying attention to the time, and nearing the point that she needs to attend to her more basic issues, it would all come down to how much time she would have left after taking care of herself.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The man accepted to give her some chances to buy them, if he manage to get them in their storage, but mostly would be important check each day and have money or someone else could get them what would be terrible for Sonja.

She have still time to prepare herself for the challengue, returning to the inn to eat and then sattle her basic needs again before train a little, there was a great space and equipment to use, so her effort would greatly help her in her next fight and fortunately she dont get any lesion.

The time pass and before the match Sonja decide to pleasure herself again, was she getting used to need to masturbate many times in a day? To need to remember the body of the ones than use her to sattle her primal needs?

The swordswoman needed to clean as fast as possible her love nectar or this would displace her in the whole day with wetness, but it was not use. Her armor panty would get some few soakness than she will feel until her next release.

With her cheap clothes and bikini armor hidden she went to the arena, having ready her katana to be used when the match start. With some guide she reach a door than lead her to the battle firld where her for a blonde spear girl wait for her. Sonja know than a lancer would take its distance and mostly wait until Sonja try to get closer, so the swordswoman would move first.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja would size up her opponent a little. The spear was the first thing that stuck out to her. Her opponent would have the reach advantage, but it could also be turned into a disadvantage as well given that a spear mostly has to thrust or be swung wildly in an arc to be effective. Having done some training with her new katana, Sonja at least knew that speed would need to be on her side.

In a perfect world, Sonja not having very much armor on would work toward her thought that using her speed was the way to win. Being able to move faster without a lot of cumbersome armor on, this might just work. Keeping herself right around the range where she thought her opponent would be able to attack, Sonja would try to continually feint until an opening was found. That would be the chance for her attack. Her opponent would likely have to telegraph their attack somewhat, so it was at the most basic level just going to be an exercise in clearing away the opponents attack with a parry and countering with a strike of her own.

How well this plan would work out, well that was another issue all in itself.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

With one in the defensive and the other making feints, the duel match start slow and boring for the spectators. Trained in combat and maybe dont wishing an early point against her, the lancer remain in place until Sonja decide to finally attack, she get inside and dodge her foe defense, making a small cut than cause a soft groan, but there was not a wound what was weird for Sonja who was sure to had reach her well with her katana.

There was not time to ponder, as the spear woman move the end of her weapon to cause Sonja trip and fall on the floor, act followed she swing and stap down, but Sonja dodge by a pinch, as the spear reach to holp the end of her top, making a tear cloth sound, so weak cloth get reduced in size, but still her battle suit remain hidden.

Both hit
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja was sure she scored a hit, but the other girl seemed to have no effect from it. As she hesitated a little, Sonja ended up on the ground because of it. The spear deflecting off of her and ripping away a part of her top.

No matter what, Sonja knew that she could not win by not attacking. So that was going to be her only real objective. Trying to be smart about it was going to be another issue altogether.

Since Sonja was on the ground still, she had to bring her opponent down to her level. Attacking her legs would be the best way to do that. Hopefully she could trip the other girl down so that she could get herself back up.

Sonja really did not see a reason to worry about her clothes. The whole point of wearing them in the first place was that she assumed they would get shredded into oblivion anyway. At least this way she could keep some level of modesty intact before her real armor would be displayed. Her whole focus right now was to defeat her enemy.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja focus now on her foe's legs, trying to hurt hr the enough to make her fall, the katana slice the anckle and it not even let a mark, but there was a pain growing on the spear lady which leg was still in place united at her body without a scratch, something than Sonja know must not be.

In her ponders Sonja got the followed hit at her lower part, making fear be damaged, yet only her skirt get damaged. This was just strange, as the spear pass all the way at her leg, there should be a terrible cut, but she was untouched too, only pain and some warm feelings in her cunt could be noticed.

The lancer was more skilled than Sonja and have more experience too in the arena, the ponder's face on the swordswoman nly cause the other smile and act faster.

With a sudden slash from head to toes, her spear pass through Sonja who would be almost death by this, but she was completely fine as she moan suddenly by the impact. Her top destroyed almost completely making her bikini bra get exposed.

First time in a duel, right? So cute. The woman said trying to Tease Sonja who was still fine and ready to continue this.

Sonja: 3/6
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Some strange sorcery had to be in play here. Sonja knew she landed another clean hit on her adversary. The other girl should be cringing in pain after having her leg cut in half, Sonja thought. This was totally different than the last match. The pain was real when she fought the goons in that "special match" before.

What made no sense was that Sonja's clothing was getting destroyed somehow. First her skirt was turned almost into swiss cheese by the spear, and then her top was completely destroyed by a second strike that likely should have been close to a killing blow. Clearly Sonja missed something in the rules that the weapons did not have an effect on people here somehow.

With that realization in mind, she had to refocus herself to the task at hand. Fear would only paralyze her, and in all fairness if that last slash by the spear was any indication, she would already be dead anyway.

All Sonja had to do was keep hitting her opponent. Hopefully she would fall before Sonja did.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

There couldnt be wounds in the duel, yet Sonja could feel how her body get weak by each hit what should be the same for her foe. However think on this was not a good idea now when her oponent was on the offensive.

Do you have a really interesting underwear, noob. She said as her spear cut the remain part holding Sonja's skirt fully revealing to all her armor. The event made a pause to the lancer attacks what Sonja used to hurt her back, this time attacking the torso what cause some damage on the foe's clothes.

Giving a gasping sound her foe retreat some steps trying to to cover herself, until she notice than her leather armor still is in place with just a cut. Both were lacking of air in almost the climax of this fight. Sonja have some muscles in pain by maybe the hits, but was just a little bother at the side of the warm feeling between her legs, her foe was also blushing, so they were close to be in the smae state.

Sonja: 2/6
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Interesting arena this was. The weapons were real enough, but inside here they may as well have been sticks one would find laying along the ground. Those sticks would probably even hurt more.

Judging by how she felt, and how her opponent looked. It was going to be over soon one way or the other. Sonja just needed to get lucky a little and it would be her who would be left standing at the end of it. The strategy of trying to move and evade a little and then counter seemed to be working a little now. Sonja's opponent was getting worn down and possibly frustrated a little as well. This could work into Sonja's advantage if she could capitalize on a mistake.

One way or another this match was going to be over soon.

(May as well run it out to the end?)
Re: Sonja (freeko)

With her oponent getting back to recover her breath, the sowrdswoman could have a better time to explore her weak points, as she notice the defense of the spear girl be reduced from the one than she make at the start of the duel.

Taking this as a clue, she make her false attacks and finds than the attacked leg than her sword hit looks to be in sharp pain each time than she press, so attack in some places looks to work without cause serious wounds... She only could expect than her pain between her chest is at least the same in her foe leg.

She move then to attack when she notice and opening, it was the last push, her sowrd tried to take down her foe and this dont put free the fight. After some hits than connect the leather armor and what she could have of clothes fall from the opponent who get on her knees to use her hands to cover her breasts.

The victory was decided and Sonja this time won, she could just do a lot of things now or just go for her gold earned today, her body certainly was faster thanks to her bikini armor and her training before the fight.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja would adapt to the fight a little better than what maybe her opponent expected. Probably a good thing then that she spent the time training earlier in the day, otherwise this would have been a much different match. Probably one in which Sonja was the loser instead of the winner.

Leaving her opponent topless, Sonja thought to herself that this was a standard match. Listening to the crowd and how they were reacting, Sonja would try to give them what they wanted. She was the winner now afterall. If she were allowed to claim the spoils of victory in a normal match, it was not ever explained to her. At least she knew that the money for winning the match was hers now.

At this point it was time to collect. If the crowd wanted it, in more ways than one.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The door was opened for Sonja to leave, but she also could hear the crowd shouting her to degrade her opponent, some even saying than they would pay her for make this show better.

Not all the ones looking to them were waiting for an after event to make their money pay more than the usual. Also the blonde defeated foe was not trying to run away, mostly frowning to Sonja who looks to have her rights after win this duel.