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Sonja (freeko)

Re: Sonja (freeko)

"Oh stop it. You dont need to be so tough about it. It clearly bothers you the same as it bothers me. I just dont want to deal with it any longer. You scared off that spider, so what harm is there in having a little fun to rid ourselves of whatever the hell this is that was done to us. I screwed up and did this, so the least I can do is fix the problem. Hell, pretend its just a game.. maybe it will even be fun!"

Sonja would almost immediately be on top of Jane once she threw her onto the bed. Knowing full well how deadly a mage was as Jane had already turned her clothing to ash once already she would immediately try to pin Jane's arms over her head and mitigate her ability to incinerate anything else. Sonja would start to maneuver herself so that she was either straddling Jane around her waist (fully mounting her) or if Jane would struggle a bit while her arms were being pinned, Sonja would merely try to wrap herself around one of Jane's legs in an attempt to restrict her ability to get away from her.

Hopefully Jane would realize that nothing threatening was going to happen and she would just give in to Sonja's advance, though knowing how Jane acts out.. fat chance of that happening right?
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"You've no reason to believe it will go away by doing this, moreover for all you know this is what it's meant to cause! You wanna fix things, then get off me and find an antidote before you find out how hard it is to have fun with third degree burns!," snaps Sunflower angrily up as Sonja pounced atop her and grabbed her arms.

She struggled and tried to position her hands to touch Sonja's arms or hands to give her a burn and try to get her to let go, struggling while the girl straddled one of her legs.

"Think about it, dumbass! You rape me, and then what?! Assuming it even wears off, if you're lucky, in either case you have a pissed off person who can incinerate you in front of you, and then where are you at?! You're not good enough to handle this tower alone that you can afford to burn bridges!," she snarls angrily.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"Rape you? is that what you think I am doing? For all you know this could be the antidote. You keep struggling like this and we will never find out. What is the worst that can happen? You get sent off into an orgasm and then end up no better off than you are right now or the whole thing just goes away maybe. What is there to lose?"

Sonja was.. not stopping. This train already left the station. Her mind was set on what she was going to do next. The only thing that really needed to happen was for Jane to just enjoy the ride. Of course, this was not going to easily happen. Sonja would put almost all her effort into keeping Jane's hands at bay. It would seem Sonja was going to be in for the long haul here as Jane was showing no signs of simply allowing herself to submit. Now it was a battle of wills and Sonja would likely be in a better position here, already having released some of the sexual tension from before by liberating her chest both here and before while Jane was talking to those strangers outside the door they had turned back from. Jane should have a very large head start on how much of an effect this has had on her body already.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"I don't want it so yes. It is specifically what you are doing! Don't be a moron! Stabbing yourself in the face could be the antidote but you aren't trying that either, doing random nonsense is pointless, especially since, in case you forgot, we are not safe, we are in a dangerous place full of monsters who want to rape us or worse! And what is there to lose? Time, opportunity to defend ourselves, or maybe the drug causing even worse stuff because we gave in! Plus I've known you for all of a couple hours!," snaps Sunflower, trying to appeal to any sanity that Sonja may or may not have.

She continued to struggle with her arms to try and get a position while using her free leg to try and brace it against Sonja and dislodge or roll her enough to make them fall off the bed. She still had a desperation card she could pull, though she really wanted to avoid doing so for multiple reasons.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"Fine... Your loss when you go get hauled off and raped like I already did. You were no help then and are not being any help now. Could have just dealt with it now and see what happens."

Sonja would release Jane and roll herself toward the opposite side of the bed. She would simply wait for Jane to just go away or something. Sonja full well still intended to scratch an itch, though by the looks of it, Jane was obviously not interested.

"I'll just use my "antidote" on myself then. And if it cures the problem, I am going to use it on you whether you like it or not next."
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower looked shocked then glared daggers at Sonja as the girl got off of her.

"I saved you from those damn chains, and I did the best I could. It's hardly my fault you couldn't hold up your end of the fight. But if I'm of no help, by all means, see what you can do alone. I won my fight."

She grimaced and got up with a shrug, glaring as she headed over to snatch up that idol, then head for the door.

"Do what you have to on yourself, but if it works, I can deal with it myself. I don't need you grabbing onto me. Do it again and I'll not hold back next time. Good luck."
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"You seemed to forget that you were the first one to get chained up. I saved you from that one that had your hands all tied up well before you ever saved me. You were useless then so I had to go and save you or fight a battle 3 on 1 after they were done annihilating you. You seem to conveniently forget that.. You were in trouble and I helped you.. I was in trouble and you just let me get dragged off and raped.

Why dont you go figure out what this symbol is on the ground while I prepare my antidote or something.."

Now the question was, do it in front of Jane so that she would have no real choice but to watch (and invariably get turned on by it and maybe even join in) or turn away so that Jane would derive no satisfaction at all while Sonja pleasured herself. After about a second or two Sonja decided to turn her back to Jane while she did whatever it was she was going to do, and would administer a dose of her antidote with her fingers.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Once the girls foght each other without really needed to reac that place, Sonja just used the bed to try to calm the list of her body as Jean decided to check the door after take that Sun symbol.

Just then she hit the metalic jar in front of the door, both girls had forgot it thanks to the spider. After hit this thing the soft pain at her foot finger was not the worse than happened as suddenly the wood cover get destroyed when a bunch of dark silver tentacles get over Jean who was taken off guard by the sudden trap. The first tendril get deep inside her mouth as another pull her inside the jar making her get half inside. The container was deep dark and her upper limbs holded and pulling her more so she could fit the dark metal jar.

Sonja dont heard any noise as she enjoy her time alone, she would maybe find a peak in a pair of minutes.

Jean: Traped
Sonja: loving the moment.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower grumbled and snatched up the idol before turning. Evidently she had missed a jar there entirely, her stubbing her toe. She cursed, before suddenly it reacted, the jar bursting open and snatching her up, muffling her with a tentacle as the rest tried to pull her in!

They got her half way in, her kicking and rocking as she gave muffled curses, biting down best she could while she tried to channel flame forwards into the pot to try and make the thing flinch and let go, shuddering at the pressure on her over sensitive body again.

She didn't know what Sonja was doing but she wouldn't put it past her to decide to abandon her to it. She had killed the one who had chained her own arms herself, and she would deal with this as well most likely. She would have to. That girl was nothing but a liability.
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Re: Sonja (freeko)

In this instance, ignorance was bliss. Sonja would simply be on the bed having a go at her lower regions with her fingers. A muffled pant here and there was about all Sonja would offer up. Certainly it was likely that Sonja was already getting to the point that she was going to be lost to her own desires of an orgasm soon enough, she was not there yet. Though not even so much as hearing a sound would normally be an alarm for someone, it was likely that under normal circumstances this silence even from Jane would be noticed by Sonja.
Re: Sonja (freeko)


With Sonja busy there will be not help for Jean, maybe she expect to dont need it. After notice her predicament she soon tried to focus on use her fire but this would be slower of what she wanted it thanks to the quick moves from the creature who soon send more apendages toward her to make this work faster. They not only pull at her but some do it to her shirt who slowly get teared by the force placed on the fabric, the one on her mouth dont even feel that bite, the body of this creature was so strong than instead Sunflower hurt herself, a few more attempts and will need a dentist.

The tendrils pull up a part of her shirt making her underwear be revealed as two tentacles playing with her aroused chest. Unfortunately for her she was also fighting against her body who has been demanding attention the whole moment and by ignore it it decide to cause her problems in this important moment. She could feel her hips fighting to remain out this place who is bigger inside, but not so much what she learned when finally she casted her spell, the fire was sended to the creature. The spell only made her see the bunch of tendrils than were waiting for her and the resistance of the body of this creature who just increased his moves after receive the hit. With her breasts already erected before getting inside Jean may need more time of what she have now to save herself.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower eyes teared up at the pain from biting this thing. Damn it was hard as metal! She definitely did not repeat that gesture, it hurt and was useless. As she struggled, it tore the weak fabric Sonja gave her free, and promptly made a go at her underwear.

The creature, some sort of mimic she supposed, seemed to exist in a demiplane within the jar and it was trying to inter her within it. She shuddered to imagine being trapped within with no way out, or what could happen to her.

Finally she managed to get her flame off, but it only seemed to reveal her captor more fully as she tried to pull away, and it only encouraged it to tug harder. Refusing to surrender to some horrible fate of lord knows what within, she tried to pull away, which made the sudden gropes and caresses on her breasts all the more irritating. She was fighting against the creature, time and her own body.

She just had to keep fighting.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

And so the fight continue and mostly it will end where it started this time. Sunflower tried to use her body to get away of this predicament as the monster use his tentacles to make her join it. Even with her body betrayal she manage to hold her place there.

It had just happened some seconds and Sonja was really loving this curse for first time, maybe she havent reach her peak yet but really it was as her fingers were magic. Behind her the mage legs still try to push out as the tentacles fight to take her.


Sunflower was starting to get tired and over all excited without allow it, it was like if her breasts were on fire and making her wish than these things could make her end this cursed lust at her system without take her inside.

The hard tendrils were groping and leaking a sustance at her breasts who should have aphrodisiac properties, it was like slimy oil coating her chest with more needs than before, if this continue like this her possible first orgasm at least in this tower will come without her flower being touched. The desesperation made her fight harder and soon more of herself started to leave until the tentacles take her shirt and pull her again. She maybe will be free with some more time if she left something behind or she could fight even more for more time to dont lost anything.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja still unaware of anything else but her own fingers working their magic on her pussy, starts panting rather heavily as it is fairly obvious her finish is close. Another few seconds and she screams out in ecstasy from the orgasm she had just experienced. Not enough time would pass for her to know if anything was gained by this, but she would simply lay down on the bed now.

What Sonja would actually see as she lays down would be anyone's guess. She was looking behind her so everything would be upside down, and as her eyes scan around the room she would not easily see Jane. Though now it was time for Sonja to recover from her orgasm, she could worry about where Jane went in a little bit.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower struggled as their battle continued. She whimpered all the more as the tentacles coated her breasts in god knows what, making the burn of lust almost double, the pleasure intense and radiating out of her. She wasn't sure how much longer she could keep up this battle.

She started to throw everything she had into her struggle to escape, even as she whimpered around the tentacle gag. She started to get some ground before she was yanked down by the shirt. There was her window, she squirmed to try and get loose of the shirt to hopefully get loose. If she couldn't get it off in time she doubted she could stop herself from being pulled in anymore.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Both Jean and the monster trap tried their best to win this challengue, but the creature have almost its tentacles on the mage's shirt and her breasts were oiled enough to dont be a good supporting point where its tentacles could stop her of escape.

With all her will she pull herself away with some pain as the remain tentacles on her tried to cancel her moves in vain, even some leaving red marks on her bare skin. In a last attempt she fall free over her soft rear topless but safe. The small sound of her hit made Sonja notice her finally, so she could ask her why she decided to remove her borrowed upper clothes.

Sunflower has earned more than a interesting experience but also an iron jar and oiled oversensitive breasts.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower winced in pain as she was gripped and tugged at as she tried to yank free. It took the last of her strength, but she managed to pop free from the jar, sans a top, coughing from finally getting her mouth free.

With an angry snarl she promptly grabbed the jar and flipped it upside down and sat on it so it couldn't unleash it's tentacles again, before reaching her fingers down and pressing them near the exit, and heating the metal, trying to melt the iron pot shut.

She shuddered at the air on her over-sensitive and slick breasts. She really hoped that wasn't permanent, or that she'd start sweating aphrodisiac oil or something.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja would, after recovering from her orgasm, finally see what exactly was going on. Maybe turning her back to Jane was not the best thing to have done, as she was completely unaware of anything that may have happened while she was lost in her own little world of ecstasy. Though what she did see, was a view she could enjoy to say the least.

"Did some puzzle thing while I was occupied?

Sonja would remark seeing only the end of what Jane was doing to an iron pot.

"Figure anything out with these markings along the ground yet?" Sonja would naively state next, thinking that Jane would have just been investigating the symbol.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower decided to try to seal the iron jar with the wood of the floor and her fire after flip it. The iron jar dont have the weight than it should be with that huge monster at the inside so it was easy this time and also there was not a fire with her soft spell.

After "seal" that trap the girls now must decide what to do now. Jean started to feel some wetness at her panties additional or thanks to her breasts's problems.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"No, the jar is some sort of mimic, it tried to rape me but I escaped. Got your shirt though so I can't return it.," growls Sunflower irritably, before looking at the markings of the ritual circle.

"No bloody idea, you got another top I can use? Ugh it got them all slimy, and it made it even worse. Maybe that was what we drank. Disgusting., grumbled Sunflower, "Going to need a totally new wardrobe by the end of this. Stole my bra, soaked my panties... Hate this place."

She glared at the pot with a smirk. "Least I got it good. It can sit inside that pot for the rest of eternity, sealed by the god damn floor."