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Sonja (freeko)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Name: Sonja
Age: 22
Level 0 Trait: Sword expertise
Description: See picture in spoiler

Attitude: Sonja is at that age where she needs to branch out and make her mark on the world. Shame its probably going to end up with monsters leaving their mark inside of her instead. Complete and total tryhard, so wont give up until left moaning like a whore after being raped.

Extra Notes:
Humans: Y 3
Male/Female: Y 2
Female/Female: Y 5
Pregnancy: N
Birthing: N
Non Consent Sex: Y 4
Slavery: Y 1
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5+
Roughness: Sonja gets victory raped and then left to continue on.

Sonja reach the place were the Chamber Corp was, expecting to find something fun to do in her weekend, as she go toward the door she notice a young scientist reading some papers seated in a bench close the entrance, quickly he stand up rtying to maintain his composture " Welcome to Chamber Corp we where waiting for you..." he make a brief pause to her spech as try to find the sheet of the tester "...Miss Sonja, right? plese folow me im Chris Roland i will be your guide."

They walk toward some rooms filled with computers and weirds machines, probably prototipes until finally he opens a door and invites her inside. Within the room is a lone desk and chair, and a rather odd looking bit of machinery that takes up a large portion of the room.

"This is the EGG chamber, if you'd please take a seat inside?"

Sonja does so and after a few moments, Chris pops his head down and gives her a thumbs up. "Okay you're good to go, just follow the instructions on the screen."

The door on the machine shuts, leaving Sonja in darkness for a moment. Then several screens light up in front of her and she is prompted with several questions.

Greetings PLAYER, please select the settings for your world generation:

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Mythical like beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Enemies from any bestiary game (like DG, RPG maker, etc?: Y/N (No frequency here, if you choose it, they will be in pretty much when I decide to throw them at you ^_^)
cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): Y/N
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futa option (You start as a futa): Y/N (Add size and whatnot if Y)
Futa enemies (You will encounter futa enemies): Y/N (If Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body modification (You can gain tentacles, be futa'd, grow wings and shit during the game): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Bimbofication: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): This is left vague on purpose, a number can't properly convey this setting.

Extras: (Put whatever extras you want right here, I'll do my best to add it in wherever I can, also add a frequency to whatever you put in if you don't mind, it'd help me out a bit.)

Then appear other screen with more options

Easy - Normal - Hard - Insane
Lust Swamp
Corruption Dungeon
Monster Town
Hoppeless Tower
Tentacle Lair
Lewd Planet

Character Bio Y/N (make the player have an avatar with a past story)
Avatar Creation (give the chance to let the player make a more unusual character

Attack mode(male and monstergirls only))/ Defensive Mode(
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja sits, and a slight twinge of fear pops into her head as the room she is in goes completely dark. Another twinge of fear goes over her as the computer terminal starting up surprised her. After those few moments of shock run their course, Sonja starts to concentrate on the screen and wade through all the choices presented to her.

Humans: Y 3
Male/Female: Y 2
Female/Female: Y 5
Pregnancy: N
Birthing: N
Non Consent Sex: Y 4
Slavery: Y 1
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5+
Mythical beings: Y 4
Enemies from bestiary: Y 2
Cybernetic enemies: Y 3
Anthros: Y 5
Fey: Y 1
Futa: N
Futa enemy: Y 2
Body Mod: N
Corruption: Y 1
Bimbofication: N
Roughness: Sonja full well expects to be raped by whatever is able to defeat her, though any monster would more likely just leave her be once they had their way with her.

Extras: Getting trapped and being completely helpless in a spider web has been one of Sonja's secret fantasies for a long time now. Also another fetish of hers is that having her clothing destroyed seems to turn her on.
Once she finishes with the first screen, she sits and ponders the second screen for a while. Should she pick a difficulty that would be too much for her so that she gets overwhelmed and dominated often, or try to go through an easier area so she can play around with enemies for a while and then more easily defeat them in the end. If there were cameras observing her, they might well be able to notice that her left hand is now currently south of the border while she is pondering the second screen.

Difficulty: Normal, or more

Location: Hopeless Tower

Bio: N
Avatar: N
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Re: Sonja (freeko)

With all the options answered the whole machine turn off, leaving slowly the poor young woman in a complete deep darkness. Then in a wink a new place was revealed to her, the floor and walls were mostly made of stone with naughty statues and art on the small hall where she just has found herself.

In her power she have a new blade than she havent seen before, the weapon has been used some times, as also had passed the betters days of the backpack behind her. On this room she could find a closet, an used bed and a desk with a pair of chairs, one of them used by her at this moment. There was a door at her left and some stairs at a side of the closet, in the desk there was a note than has been just opened by herself but she still havent read at it.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja took a second for her eyes to adjust from the darkness. The first thing that caught Sonja's attention was a blade. Sonja flailed about with her newfound blade, if for no other reason than to get accustomed to its weight.

"Not bad, but not good either." Sonja remarks about the blade. Sonja looks around some more and spots a backpack. The contents of which Sonja tries to see as she looks inside of it. A few moments later, she start to scan about the room. She finds what looks to be a bedroom as she turns to look around the room. A few moments later, Sonja investigates the desk she is sitting at, finding a letter.

Sonja would read the letter, and then unless there was something stopping her, she would get out of the chair and head through the door on her left. Sonja would have the sword in one hand and the backpack over her other shoulder after she stood up from the chair ready to go through that door.
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Re: Sonja (freeko)

The letter at her hands describe in a resume where she was now, however most of it has been writed in a different idiom. For what she could understand she has been selected to be part of a mission to investigate this place where many victims had been taken from the villages around it by strange creatures.

Sonja could see a great amount of money than she would earn if she finds out what is happening there and maybe a little more if some kidnaped are rescued by her hand. Her backpack have two extra pairs of clothes than she could use in any moment as also rations for three days and a small first aid kit. The backpack could be used to wear a some of things as she explore but if she store too much weight it could make it broke.

With a huge need to start her adventure she leave the room and open the door to reveal a new room, this one looks to be a storage room with mostly rotten food, completely dark with a odd scent in the whole place, at the right she could see three wood boxes than could be filled with more useles food by how some liquid are bellow them, at the other side of the room she could see a well damaged shirt close a old chest. In a small sight there was a small hole at the wall behind the box.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

While using the light from the room she was previously in, she scans the room she is currently in. Though not committing herself completely inside of the room as she allows her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Just to make sure she has some way to see, she drops her backpack in a way that would act as a doorstop though positioned so that it would move toward the room she was going into, just in case the door was automated in some way to close.

With the room so poorly lit, she scans the area and takes inventory of what she sees. To her right, she would notice 3 wooden boxes. On her left, she would see what looked like the remains of a torn shirt draped overtop of a chest. Noticing that there was some kind of liquid under the boxes, she surmised that those boxes could possibly be suspicious. She decided to go about the room in the following order. For now, Sonja had her sword already at the ready with her backpack near to the door she had originally walked into the room at. If for no other reason than to give her bearing on direction were the room to go completely dark, she would know where the backpack was in relation anything else in the room.

First examining the chest to the left and making an attempt to open it if nothing happened after she removed the leftover clothing with her sword. Barring any complications, Sonja would move onto the boxes next.

Examining the boxes to the right, and trying to open them if possible one by one and evaluating what was in each box before moving onto the next. Sonja would start with the box closest to the door she used to come into the room and work her way through the boxes from there.

Finally she would, if nothing has interfered with her yet, attempt to get a closer look at the small hole in the wall.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

With the attept to check what she could take from this room, Sonja decide to get inside, but before do it she placed her backpack to stop the door in case than this could try to get automaticaly closed. There were a lot of things than the swordswoman would wish to try but the first one was to remove the cloth over the old chest in order to check any reaction, there was not any at the moment so she proceed then to try to open it.

With xtreme caution she manage to do it and she then reveal the inside of the chest, ther was a rope tied with the shape of a doll and on a place was a small esmeral gold ring. Inside the box she also notice a small quantity of coins, others toys and also some small doll dresses than could be used to dress the rope doll.

Sonja then tried the first wooden box at the other side and broke it with her weapon, rotten food splash everywhere making the scent fill the place as more of that strange fluid started to drench the floor. The tunnel behind the chest at the other side looks to be a very narrow small tunnel where she could with some troubles get crawl inside.

Sonja has found but still dont store:
Rope Doll with an esmerall ring attached
An old rag cloth (top)
toys and doll dresses
rotten and fermented food

2 cloth sets
Re: Sonja (freeko)

After investigating the chest and its contents, Sonja proceeded to the other side of the room and smashed one of the crates. Sonja simply figured why wouldnt these boxes have treasure in them as well, and was instead greeted with rotten food and more of the liquid that was likely seeping out of these crates for some time now. Sonja realized that the food was rotten almost immediately from the look of it and the rather putrid smell.

Instead of bothering with the remaining crates, Sonja instead went back to her backpack so she could take the coins, the doll with its other clothes, and once everything was tucked away in the backpack she would make for the tunnel. Assuming that she were able to go through it without issue, she intends to crawl her way through the tunnel into the other side satisfied that the room she is currently in has been explored enough.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

With nothing more to do at the last room, Sonja decided to crawl through the small tunnel, her trip was not so long as after a small tunnel she reached a new room, this one looks to be a basement room with some chains at the walls and a small pool of water newly formed by a leaking at the cealing, at least looks to be a very transparent clear blue water. The room have also a chained skeleton at the wall with some few old rags on it, at a corner there was a small candle turned off and almost empty diss at the side of a small closet. The whole room have a sweet scent and Sonja could notice a small shining jewel incrusted on the ceiling making her able to see around in this dark room.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

About the only thing Sonja can see that is of value to her in this room would be the candle, which she would attempt to take so that if she were in a dark room she could possibly be able to light the candle and see what was in the room. The closet would be her next order of business, and Sonja would go to explore what was in the closet. The scent would not go unnoticed by Sonja, though without being able to figure out where it was coming from, she would simply look to find a way to go into another room.

However tempting the gem along the ceiling was for her, she did not end up touching it.

Assuming that there is no other visible exit, Sonja would seriously consider going out the way she had originally came in, and would plan to return herself all the way back to the room in which she started out.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The room what looks to be just a boring old torture room than havent been used in years was not what Sonja was looking, her idea for an adventure havent been settled by these possible empty rooms and she just wonder if she could find the one guilty by all these peoples kidnaped on this place. Just when she went to open the closet a sudden darkness come at the room making her get sucked inside the piece of fornitude.


Her eyes were suddenly awakened by a potent light than make her awake and get the need of get out of the narrow place where she was now, maybe she has fainted for some hours, she supposed.

Sonja then notice some steps geting out the room where she is now. It was not the torture room from the past, for what she suppose she has been warped to another place and what for it looks is a room similar of the one where she started but with new statues on it and also pictures. The possibility than she could be in danger was there as this unkown person was moving around, she in a peek noticed than she was armed so who knows what could happen to her if she dont act now.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja, without so much as even thinking about it, impulsively would attempt to attack this unknown person. The thought of this person being friendly in any way never crossing her mind. Figuring that this person would most likely have something to do with the abductions she was sent to investigate, she decided to make the first move. Since Sonja did not wait for her eyes to readjust themselves to the changing light, her first attempt at an attack would be seen from a mile away and easily dodged.

Sonja missed so badly she left herself completely vulnerable to any manner of counterattack that this unknown person would attempt.
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Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower considered the statues. Supposedly all trails lead to this place. Talk about a mess. She wasn't entirely sure what someone would want to kidnap a bunch of people for, but this place looked like it hadn't been touched in ages.

Her musings were cut off abruptly however as suddenly light was in the room. She turned aside, and yelped as some woman with a sword came rushing at her, swinging.

Light blindness must have thrown her off though as Sunflower snarled and stepped aside, flame igniting in her hand. "Oh, you want a piece?! Fine, try this one on!"

She slashed out with the flame, it taking a blade like form, and promptly burnt right through the shirt on the woman, leaving it in pieces. Sunflower blinked, her aim having been a bit off, her preparing for the counter attack, and tried not to be distracted by the fact she made someone topless.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja somehow felt no malice from the strike that easily could have done alot more damage to her. As the ashes that were previously her shirt float toward the ground, and possibly because she likely would get crushed anyway if she continued the fight, Sonja would try a more diplomatic approach.

"Whoa, I yield. You could have actually hurt me with that thing, though even I can tell you held back. My name is Sonja, what is yours?

Sonja would take this opportunity to attempt to back away a bit from this unknown person, though her initial feeling is that there is no evil intentions directed toward her from this person.
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Re: Sonja (freeko)

"Yield? Do more than yield, swinging a god damn sword at me, who do you think you are?," growls Sunflower temperamentally, though the blade of flame seems to dim a bit as she glares at the woman, Sonja it seems.

She huffs with a growl, "Say you're sorry and maybe I'll forgive you. And it's Jane to you. The hell do you think you are, some sort of bandit? You're lucky I don't make ashes of more than your shirt!"

She taps her foot impatiently, keeping her eyes resolutly on Sonja's face and not her exposed chest, waiting for an apology.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja would acquiesce to the demand of an apology rather than continue a fight she likely had already lost.

"I apologize for attempting to attack you like that."

Hoping that a simple apology would be enough to diffuse the situation, Sierra tried to open up a dialouge so that she could ascertain exactly why Jane was here.

"I was sent here to get information on people being kidnapped. When I ended up here and saw you, I immediately thought that you might have been here waiting to capture me, so I tried to catch you by surprise. That was a stupid decision, and again I apologize for trying to attack you."
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower grunts, then let's the flame in her hand go out, looking aside then looking back to the woman. "If you're playing me, I'll fry you, got me?"

She listens to Sonja's explanation and shrugs, "Same here really, well less get information, more solve the problem. Sadly the whole damn things stone or I'd solve it by scorching the whole thing to the ground. I had just gotten in when someone made a blunder and took a swipe at me."

Sunflower looks around again, then grimacing. "I don't got anything you can use a top. You brought spare clothes, yeah? Though maybe you can salvage some of that cloth as a wrap. Would suck if you need to run, bouncing everywhere. So, you see anything yet in here?"
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sierra would not really be bothered by the fact that she was topless.

"Consider it a trophy for the time being if you want. As I will consider it a reminder not to do anything stupid for a while if you dont mind. Though yes, I do have a few sets of clothing I could use, or a pretty torn up piece of cloth that was a shirt that I could use if you don't like what you see."

Sierra would go on to explain where she had been at this point.

"I can not be sure, since I was for lack of a better description was teleported back here as you saw just now. I had previously gone thorough the door here on the left and found a few fairly mundane rooms, though the closet at the end of those rooms caused me to get warped back here. If there are 2 wooden boxes, and one smashed wooden box along with an already opened treasure chest, then there would be nothing to see there, as I had time enough to fully explore that area before being sent here."

"If it is not the same room, then I am in a different maze entirely, and have no relevant information that I could give you. We would be both equally uninformed about where exactly we are. Since I so rudely attacked you before, I will let you make this choice as to where you want to go. We could confirm that I was already here by going through that closed door, or we could forego that entirely and just take the stairs that I have not explored yet. That is all I know of this area so far, if I know anything at all."
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower blinked at Sonja's rather lax feeling about exposure. She couldn't fathom what sort of mentality that would take. She shrugged with a grunt, "Trophies eh? Only need those if they ain't standin'. I think you recalling I tore you up some is plenty trophy for me. But it's your body, whatever."

She considered Sonja's words, and hummed a bit. "S' worth confirming. But this rooms pretty fancy, worth looking over. I'll check the doors after."

She started looking about, and checking behind the paintings and looking over the statues. "You're actually good with that blade right? It's not just some thing you picked up on the way in? Cus places like this ain't exactly the safest sorts for the green to cut their teeth, y'know. You'll get yourself hurt. But if you think you're able to do better than you did against me, I guess I could bring you along. What say you?," grunts Sunflower, glancing back at Sonja, looking slightly concerned.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

"I was a fencer in high school, so I know how to use this thing. The weight of the blade is a little off, but all in all it is certainly in a usable state. It was obviously my eyes going all crazy from the light that made me swing so clumsily before. Maybe I underestimated how this backpack would shift itself when I swung, but enough making excuses, what's done is done. It should not happen again, I just have to get accustomed to how my weight shifts wearing a backpack when I swing. When we would spar, we would usually undo the straps on our shirts, and thats how we kept score. So being left like this is not all that foreign to me."

Sierra continues on.

"There was this backpack that I currently have, that I found originally in this room. I think we might be where I started again, but without going through that door, I would not know for sure. Whichever way you want to go, I will agree with."
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