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Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

Wait.. WAIT.. Who gave me the bad rep? D:

My life just died.
Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

Are you sure it's bad rep? If it's grey, it's blank rep, I've been getting a bunch of those recently.
Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

If it ain't green, it's bad. Apparently this blank rep's for.. er.. I seem to have offended someone because one of my posts apparently mocked the death of someone's chicken.
Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

how come i dont get a gold/copper whatever medal with a rat on it. im a genius. i dont see why i am the only one capable of comprehending this simple fact. and i must say DUSTY(hostility in voice, kinda like slightly evil and menacing) thou art a fitting rival for mine extraordinary self. This honour i bestow upon thee.

I can be just as good, i can be drunk and write some buggery too. just you wait, just you wait Link someday.....someday......(talks to myself for a while, also IM BACK MWAHAHAHA(due to my time away from here, whaaaat no one notcied aaaaaaaw :())

Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

hoes anyone have a link to this Hentacle i am new to this site so I have not yet found every little gold nugget it has to offer
Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

^^ Here's Hentacle's shitty .
Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

^^ Here's Hentacle's shitty .

. . . Is it bad that I know what that is without even having to click it?

EDIT: Is it bad that I clicked it anyways, because I needed a laugh?
Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

seriously should have seen that coming
Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

Some of the best moments at 80's night are found drunkenly dancing to Rick Astley.
Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

. . . Is it bad that I know what that is without even having to click it?

EDIT: Is it bad that I clicked it anyways, because I needed a laugh?

I'll only consider it bad if you think it's bad that I actually go around looking for those because I like the song.
Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

I personally was more a fan of "Together Forever" but then again, they're practically the same song anyway.
Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

I wasn't even BORN in the eighties:)
Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

I was born in September 29th, 1991. exactly five years before the 64 came out.
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Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!


I assure you that no members of this site were born after January 1992, exactly 18 years ago!
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Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!


I assure you that no members of this site were born after January 1992, exactly 18 years ago!

I hope he does jest, but in the mean time, do you mean that no onehere was born December 31 2010? Some age verification things allow that as an option.
Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!


I assure you that no members of this site were born after January 1992, exactly 18 years ago!

Indeed I am. And don't call me Surely.

I am aware of that by the way, so don't worry about it. I am old enough to be here.. er, physically speaking at least. I didn't even have much humor back when I was 14, nor did I spend much time on the internet making dick jokes. But I wasn't born in the 80's.

... so don't ban me or anything...

^ I have to say, that is of the stupid. They really should cut out some of the years.. I SERIOUSLY doubt someone who's not even an year old is allowed to join this sort of site - let alone manage a computer.. or move a fucking mouse.
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Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

You mean "someone who hasn't born yet".
Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

If it ain't green, it's bad. Apparently this blank rep's for.. er.. I seem to have offended someone because one of my posts apparently mocked the death of someone's chicken.

I got this exact neg rep....Oh well, must be a coincidence.
Re: Someone's ripping Hentacle off!!

>LineMarvel discussion board
>100% off topic posts
>several silly image macros
