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Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Hit Chances

1: 5 + 18 - 15 = 8 // 12 + 33 = 45 ... failure
2: 8 + 15 - 15 = 8 // 14 + 33 = 47 ... failure
3: 7 + 37 - 15 = 29 // 1 + 33 = 34 ... failure
4: 40 + 25 - 15 = 50 // 5 + 33 = 38 ... success
5: 46 + 32 - 15 = 63 // 16 + 33 = 49 ... success

Damage Rolls (S6M1 - Full Auto - 6d10)

1: 2 + 9 + 9 + 8 + 1 + 5 = 34
2: 3 + 10 + 8 + 5 + 7 + 6 = 39

Total = 73/3 = 25 per monster

Suzy isn't so lucky this time, only her last six shots hit as she reacts to the two new spiders. Each spider is seriously hurt, but not enough to make a difference right now.

The two new spiders have 15 HP left, whereas the 3rd has 2 HP left

Hit Chances

1: 45 + 44 - 15 = 74 // 9 + 33 = 42 ... success
2: 33 + 23 - 15 = 41 // 2 + 33 = 35 ... success
3: 10 + 5 - 15 = 0 // 18 + 33 = 51 ... failure
4: 48 + 42 - 15 = 75 // 16 + 33 = 49 ... success
5: 50 + 49 - 15 = 84 // 12 + 33 = 45 ... success
6: 22 + 17 - 15 = 24 // 10 + 33 = 43 ... failure

Damage Rolls (S6M1 - Full Auto - 6d10)

1: 8 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 3 = 26
2: 2 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 9 = 17
3: 2 + 6 + 2 + 10 + 8 + 10 = 38
-----Monsters dead here-----

Alexis finishes the spiders off with full auto, as much as she wants to save the Privates right now, they won't be any help if they themselves are grappled.

Two more spiders plunge in, racing for Suzy and Alexis once more, but the noise from above, which has been near non-stop durring the spider attack, now begins to quiet down, there can't be many more.

The spiders attacking Malik both move in to penetrate her, but she starts thrashing about, and even in the submission hold she manages to block the attemps, though gets precum in her hair and bush for her troubles. A few meters away, Gray fails to escape, and the spider holding her manages to slide its cock in her mouth, starting furious thrusts.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy could do nothing but keep gunning down the new arrivals, grinning however at how she and Alexis were keeping them at bay. She didn't see the spider left on Gray start to force itself into her mouth, nor pay attention to the pairs struggles on the floor. She was aware, however, that the spiders would start raping them given the chance, but her training told her that running in to save them was a bad idea. Instead, she squeezed off another long burst, the barrel of the rifle starting to get rather warm now, and called to Alexis "How many of these things are there? We have to get to our girls!"

Maybe Gray would approve of her a bit more for having saved her decency. Mostly. If not, she could always leave her for a bit more humiliation. She was more concerned about proving her point to Malik.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Hit Chances

1: 39 + 13 - 15 = 37 // 1 + 33 = 34 ... success
2: 43 + 8 - 15 = 36 // 7 + 33 = 40 ... failure
3: 24 + 14 - 15 = 23 // 16 + 33 = 49 ... failure
4: 41 + 6 - 15 = 32 // 16 + 33 = 49 ... failure
5: 39 + 24 - 15 = 48 // 20 + 33 = 53 ... failure

Damage Rolls (S6M1 - Full Auto - 6d10)

10 + 5 + 3 + 7 + 6 + 2 = 33

33/2 = 17 per enemy

Suzy's attitude might be getting in the way, only her first three shots hit, causing decent damage, but not stopping the spiders. Each now has 23 HP

Hit Chances

1: 7 + 24 - 15 = 16 // 19 + 33 = 52 ... failure
2: 24 + 4 - 15 = 13 // 11 + 33 = 44 ... failure
3: 5 + 41 - 15 = 31 // 13 + 33 = 46 ... failure
4: 33 + 26 - 15 = 44 // 2 + 33 = 35 ... success

Damage Rolls (S6M1 - Full Auto - 6d10)

6 + 4 + 7 + 4 + 5 + 8 = 34

34/2 = 17

Alexis isn't used to a target rich enviroment. Ironic, despite her advice to Suzy moments earlier, she manages to only land the same ammount of bullets. Perhaps she's just more affected by the Private's screams. She manages to reload quickly.

Each monster now has 6 HP, they stumble, but launch at the girls in fury.

Grapple Attempt

13+43 = 56 vs 58 = 20+38

One spider flies at Suzy, but she manges to dodge by a hair, literally. The spider slices off a few strands with a sharp leg.

Grapple Attempt

20+43 = 63 vs 40 = 10+30

Alexis isn't so lucky. While busy reloading the spider grabs her and pushes her up against a wall.

Back up front, two more spiders drop in, but these seem to be the last, as the noise from up top stops. As a spider tries to enter Malik's mouth, she manages to break the hold and start flailing around, still screaming. The other spider can't subdue her, just yet. Gray manages to spit out her spider's cock, along with a load of pre-cum.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

"Malik! Shut the fuck up! Alexis!" Suzy yelled, irritated with the Private's screams. At least Gray was in control of herself. She gasped as the spider streaked past her, a few strands of hair floating away, and a very fine, shallow wound opening up on her cheek. Unconcerned with that, Suzy was far more bothered with Alexis, who was now trapped against the wall. With a sinking feeling in her heart, Suzy started firing into the two new comers, stopping after a much shorter burst, and turned to Alexis, holding onto the rifle with one hand as she flicked her knife out, throwing a slash across as many of the revolting creatures eyes as she could. They were nearly done, but then another wave might come. Who knew. But she would protect Alexis. She was more important to Suzy than her own safety.

((If it's allowed, some auto fire, don't know how much will be allowed, then a slashing knife attack on the spider grappling Alexis.))
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Hit Chances

1: 45 + 24 - 15 = 54 // 1 + 33 = 34 ... success
2: 39 + 43 - 15 = 67 // 5 + 33 = 38 ... success
3: 4 + 21 - 15 = 10 // 6 + 33 = 39 ... failure

Damage Rolls (S6M1 - Full Auto - 6d10)

1: 4 + 10 + 1 + 7 + 3 + 10 = 35
2: 10 + 10 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 31

66/2 = 33

Suzy's half burst leaves only 6 rounds left, but it was worth it. The majority of her bullets hit, causing the beasts serious pain. They stumble, the attack spurns them on, and they don't fall for good.

Hit Chance

10+38 = 48 vs 46 = 13+33

Damage (d10 knife, slash)

(4+25)/3 = 10

Suzy's fury is really paying off. Her slashes kill the beast holding Alexis against the wall. The girl almost gives Suzy a smile, but is much too involved in combat to dwell on it for long, now freed to act once more.

Hit Chances

1: 22 + 37 = 59 // 16 + 33 = 49 ... success
2: 43 + 10 = 53 // 16 + 33 = 49 ... success
3: 40 + 29 = 69 // 19 + 33 = 52 ... success

Damage (Carletto 9, simi, 2d4)

1: 4 + 1 = 5
2: 4 + 2 = 6
-----monster dead-----

Once free, Alexis first brings up the pistol in her left hand, firing two shots into the spider behind Suzy's back. This shot is really too close for confort, passing within two centimeters of Suzy's right ear, though not even casuing any shockwave damage

Hit Chances

1: 27 + 10 - 15 = 22 // 20 + 33 = 53 ... failure
2: 30 + 9 - 15 = 24 // 8 + 33 = 41 ... failure
3: 25 + 12 - 15 = 22 // 12 + 33 = 45 ... failure

Suzy safe, Alexis whips back around, dropping the pistol on the ground and bringing the rifle up in one movement. However, her sudden burst of movie style fighting gives out, she misses all targets.


3+43 = 46 vs 45 = 7+38

The seriously injured spiders continue the attack. One jumps and grabs Suzy, pinning her against a vending machine.


11+43 = 54 vs 30 = 3+30

Alexis is one again pinned to the wall by a spider, but on the bright side, the spiders didn't drop reinforcements this time, just these last two. to take care of before the duo can save the privates.

Speaking of which, Malik gets free briefly, but the two spiders with her team tackle her back to the ground, face down this time. Pain is now mixed in with her scream. To her right, Gray's victory is short lived, as the spider shoves its cock down her throat again.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

The full fury of a small ginger woman is not to be underestimated, apparently. Suzy growled in rage as she rained lead into the incoming spiders, and slashed dead the one on Alexis. A brief smile crossed her face too as their eyes met, but she too returned to the combat, flinching as the bullets whizzed past her ear, whipcrack hurting slightly from being so close. She'd have to talk about that later. And the poor shooting that followed, she could have a good tease about that.

Suzy was a little distracted by her longing looks at Alexis, and yelped in surprise as she was suddenly tackled into a nearby vending machine, assault rifle clattering to the floor, but her knife still tightly gripped. And so Suzy reached for somewhere to grab on the thing, and plunged the knife into its disgusting face, not stopping until it had fallen to the ground, or she could no longer attack. She was going to be doing some heroics this time. Not just Alexis. The other poor girls were going to get out of this unscathed. Of course, Suzy still hadn't seen the spider raping Gray's mouth yet. Though Malik's screams were really pissing her off now.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Hit Chance

17+38 = 55 vs 61 = 18+43

The spider had seen what happened to its comrades, and dodged Suzy's knife blow.

Hit Chance

4+50 = 54 vs 59 = 16+43

The other spider was just as smart, avoiding a similer swipe by Alexis.

Submission Hold

11+43 = 54 vs 42 = 4+38

Suzy's spider manages to hold her arms close to her side, preventing another swipe.

15+43 = 58 vs 50 = 10+50

Alexis is too strong for the other spider, however, and manages to remain fighting.

A little bit of good news, Malik flinches out of the way of a spider bite. When the other spider tries to enter, she flinches again, causing it miss, though pre-cum lands down her crack, brining a loud whimper instead of a scream. Bad news for Gray, however, as she almost manages to get the spider's cock out of her again, only for it to slam down with a mighty thrust that almost chokes her.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy growled in frustration as the spider avoided her attack by pinning her again. This was one enemy she wasn't prepared to bite in order to get away from, and was pretty sure she'd vomit if she tried. Instead, she would have to settle for the age old tactic of struggling, and wriggling out of its grasp. No way was she going to let Alexis save her again. She'd just been on a good streak as well! Nope. Not happening. Zombies, I can live with. Squids, unpleasant. Spiders? Fuck no. Now get the fuck off. she said calmly inside her head, confidence rising for once. They had almost won.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Escape Hold

6+38 = 44 vs 56 = 13+43

Suzy can't get any leverage, and fails to escape the spider's deathgrip.

Hit Chance

4+50 = 54 vs 58 = 15+43

Alexis misses again with her knife.

Clothes Rip

2+43 = 45 vs 54 = 16+38

Suzy is fighting too hard for the spider to spare any time to rip her new uniform.

Submission Hold

4+43 = 47 vs 64 = 14+50

The same holds true for Alexis

Back with the privates, Malik once again breaks free, runs a few steps, and gets tackled by both spiders again, slamming her face into the tiled flooring once moor, bringing a moan of pain. Gray once again spits out the spider cock, gagging on pre-cum.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy's struggles intensify as the grip around her tightens. She wouldn't allow this to happen. Not with the two privates there as well. She didn't let up with her struggles, fighting viciously against the grip of the spider, looking for any chance to break its hold and slip her knife into it. Still, she was aware of how close she had just come to losing Malik's uniform, and was convinced that she wouldn't lose face in front of the two Privates.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Escape Hold

9+38 = 47 vs 57 = 14+43

Suzy can't get out of the spider's grip. It seems to be powered by a desire to avenge the fallen spiders.

Hit Chances (You know, Alexis really only needed one x.x, good thing characters stop firing when the kill the enemy)

1: 17 + 38 - 12 = 43 // 6 + 33 = 39 ... success
2: 42 + 10 - 12 = 40 // 7 + 33 = 40 ... success
3: 34 + 19 - 12 = 41 // 10 + 33 = 43 ... failure


8 + 1 + 3 + 9 + 2 + 10 = 33

Alexis, tired of missing with her knife, brings her rifle up in the struggle, pressing it right to the spiders "face", before letting loose with three rounds, uttery killing the beast.

Hit Chance

16 + 30 = 46 // 11 + 33 = 44 ... success

Damage (knife, d10, slash)

(7+40)/3 = 16

Then Alexis, in a move similer to Suzy's earlier trick, slices the monster holding her companion. The slice chops off one of its skinny pencil legs, but that's all it takes, the monster dies.

Now only three spiders, all raping the privates. One from Malik breaks off to attack the snipers. The one spider remaining with her has trouble trying to hold her alone, but manages. However, it fails to penetrate, leaving a line of pre-cum down the girls back, some getting in her long blonde hair. Gray can't get away from her spider, but it misses her mouth as it desperately tries to climax.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy was getting as irritated with the spiders unwillingness to give up as she had been with Malik's screaming earlier, at least that had stopped for now. She simply couldn't angle her knife up enough to stop it from holding her, though this perhaps, wasn't such a problem, as Alexis slashed its leg off, causing it to keel over backwards, clearly dead.

Offering another smile to Alexis, Suzy stepped away from the corpse, noticing that one of Malik's would-be rapists has broken off to attack them, and so she grabbed her rifle from the floor, and levelled it at the beast, squeezing off the last 6 bullets in her magazine, grimacing as she heard the click signalling the rifle was empty, and stepped back, reaching for her last magazine. "Last mag!" she called to Alexis as she repeated the procedure of reloading, the empty magazine tumbling to the floor again. She didn't want to fire at the ones holding the Privates. She'd never live it down if she caused not-so-friendly fire. There was always Alexis' discarded pistol, and whatever the Privates had when the two snipers had run out.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Hit Chances

1: 18 + 32 - 17 = 33 // 19 + 33 = 52 ... failure
2: 3 + 40 - 17 = 26 // 9 + 33 = 42 ... failure

Suzy misses both vollies. When there's just one its harder to hit. She does manage to reload without trouble, however.

Hit Chances

1: 4 + 36 - 17 = 23 // 14 + 33 = 47 ... failure
2: 50 + 23 - 17 = 56 // 17 + 33 = 50 ... success
3: 13 + 21 - 17 = 17 // 3 + 33 = 36 ... failure
4: 35 + 23 - 17 = 41 // 4 + 33 = 37 ... success
5: 46 + 18 - 17 = 47 // 1 + 33 = 34 ... success
6: 3 + 46 - 17 = 32 // 1 + 33 = 34 ... failure

Damage Rolls (S6M1 - Full Auto - 6d10)

1: 10 + 6 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 4 = 28
2: 9 + 5 + 6 + 2 + 10 + 7 = 39
-----spider killed here-----

Alexis manages to kill the spider with 6 rounds to spare.

Malik's "luck" runs out. She is unable to slip free this time. Instead, the spider rams its cock into her ass with no warning. There is nothing to aid its movement, and Malik is clearly an anal virgin, at the very least, and lets out a piercing scream. Gray continues to grapple with her opponate and avoids taking any more blows to her body or self esteem, for the moment.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

The final aggressor dead, Suzy turned to the captured Privates, about to yell at Malik again, when she saw why, her angry, open mouthed face softening to one of disgust, and pity. Ah. Well... Still... Ok, I can forgive her for that... she muttered embarrassedly at herself, uncomfortable for having yelled at the woman to quieten down earlier. She hadn't of course seen that the penetration had only just happened. She wasn't comfortable with shooting the spider either, in the tangle of legs she could easily hit Malik. Instead, she called out to Alexis Alexis! I'll help Malik!, running towards the spider raping Malik's ass, and whipping out her knife again as she went. She'd still have to tease Malik for being so loud later, obviously, but not in a harsh way any more, having experienced something just as bad only yesterday. Sounded like she was a virgin as well, at least in that hole. Good job Gray was still holding herself together.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

The two girls ran at the spiders, these didn't seem like they wanted to let up on the downed soldiers. Suzy reached Malik as the spider began long slow pounds, making Malik arch her back, her cries starting to show a hint of pleasure.

Hit Chance

11+38 = 49 vs 45 = 12+33

Damage (knife, d10, slashing)

(6+25)/3 = 11

Suzy's knife connects right in the beast's midsection, it lets loose a howl of pain and pulls out of Malik to face its attacker.

Hit Chance

6+30 = 36 vs 51 = 18+33

Alexis tries to save Gray the same way, but trips on the corpse of one of the other spiders, falling face down for the moment.


18+43 = 61 vs 40 = 2+38

The spider Suzy slashed knocks her over and jumps on top, confident its former prey will not be in any shape to stop it.

The other spider, seeing that it'll be outnumbered soon, gets the energy to jam its cock down Gray's throat one last time. This is enough for it to orgasm, it sends a massive load down her throat. She manages to not swallow some, but most is forced down.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy grimaced at the sight of the spider beginning to thrust into Malik. She knew what the poor girl was going through, but at least she could save her the embarrassment that Suzy herself had been forced through. A look of satisfaction crossed her face at the spiders display of pain, and growled as fearsomely as she could as the spider jumped on her, determined to put on her own show of intimidation, if only to inspire Malik to help. To this end, she snarled out "Malik! I don't care if it hurts! Get up and help me here!", as she span her knife about to jam it into the spiders head, carefully avoiding its dripping mandibles. She didn't see Gray's humiliation become complete, nor Alexis' stumble, or she would have said something, instead concentrating on the spider desperate to sex her up, and driving her knife onwards.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Hit chance

6+38 = 44 vs 50 = 7+43

Suzy misses with the knife, this spider is quite experienced from its struggles with Malik.

Hit Chance

9+30 = 39 vs 40 = 7+33

Alexis tries to stab Gray's spider, but the two roll away just as she's trying to strike, casuing her fall again, almost landing on the two.

Hit Chance

15+35 = 50 vs 49 = 16+33

Damage (Knife, d10, pierce)

(7+30)/4 = 7

Malik is sobbing and crawling around on all fours, but she happens upon her own combat knife on the floor. She grabs it and sticks it into the spider, casuing it yell and lash out, letting go of Suzy.

The spider now has 21 HP


13+43 = 56 vs 53 = 10+43

The spider dives on Malik again, she lands on her back and they skid across the floor a short way.

Gray uses Alexis fall to break out of the spider's strangle hold, but it reingages just as quick.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Suzy swears under her breath as the awkward positioning prevents her from stabbing the abomination, and was getting ready to stop it from tearing into her clothes when it screeches in pain once more, and leaves her for the sobbing and screaming Malik. Suzy blinked, and let out a gasp of relief, she had been too prepared to fight of the spider herself, assuming Malik wouldn't do anything, maybe she wasn't as useless as Suzy had first thought. Still, it would try and rape her again if Suzy didn't stop it, so she flicked the knife to a forward hold, and jumped on the spiders back, grabbing it round the throat, and trying to pull it away from the naked girl. "Come on, Malik, let's do this together!" she snarled, her normally cute face contorted in a combat high. If they could hold it down together, killing it would be a simple task.

((Team grapple the spider with Malik))
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Team Grapple

5+8+43+38 = 94 vs 45 = 2+43

With Suzy's help, Malik easily throws the spider off. She rolls and Suzy pushes, the spider flying off.

Team Grapple

5+2+40+50 = 97 vs 44 = 1+43

Alexis breaks Gray free, though the spider is still latched on, but only by the slightest margin.


20+43 = 63 vs 53 = 10+43

The spider manages to roll itself back and grapple Malik again.

Bite Attempt

4+43 = 47 vs 47 = 7+40

Gray's spider tries to bite her in anger, but fails, though it does nick her slightly.
Re: Small Girl, Big Gun (Hero-in-the-dark)

Apparently two small women aren't strong enough to stop a giant spider, and Suzy was thrown off as it rolled back onto Malik, grunting in pain as she slammed into the floor. Growling in anger, Suzy called out "Come on Malik, it's alright! Almost done!", trying to keep the blonde's spirit up, and keep her from breaking down right now, she would have plenty of time to cry later, but it was true, they had almost won, at least, Suzy thought they had. It depended on how the rest of the men were doing. For now though, Suzy settled for jumping back to the spider, bringing her arm down to slash across the spiders head. 'It'll die soon. It has too... she told herself, keeping her lips shut.