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Slickis (shadearion)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
HP = 55, PP = 42, EP = 85, Status = Fine

Slickis had been away in the woods for, maybe at most six hours. She'd gone to consult a friend of hers, one of the fey, who might have known something about the one who had taken her daughter from her. The trip had been almost fruitless, as all Slickis could obtain from the gruff elder was that; "He is within human lands." Almost useless information, given that nearly everywhere in the world was human lands now. Or soon would be.

So, when Slickis broke through the tree line, and walked out onto the shore of the lake that bordered the hidden village, and looked up to find some horrid, gray monstrosity floating above her home, she was shocked. It was late in the day, and the sun was well on its way to setting, leaving the village cast in long shadows, such that Slickis could see a blue beam of light going up into the thing, with small objects floating slowly up toward its body within the blue beam. The creature, if it was a creature, was titanic, its mass easily covering the entirety of the small village and a good portion of the lake as well. It was gray and slimy, reflective in the setting sun, and all along its body were countless, massive tentacles that waved aimlessly through the air. She'd have to go around the lake to reach her home, a journey of at least half an hour walking, but she might be able to make it in ten minutes if she could sprint the whole way.
Re: Slickis (shadearion)

Slickis sighed, not looking forward to the extra trip length, wondering what the creature was. She begins to jog along the outer rim of the lake, heading home and hoping for a peaceful solution to the problem of the creature, rather than the fight she saw coming.
Re: Slickis (shadearion)

HP = 55, PP = 42, EP = 85, Status = Fine

Moving at a jog, it took Slickis a while, but eventually she found herself at the edge of the Hidden Village, and within it, she saw a scene of utter and complete chaos. Some of the inhabitants of the village were fighting desperately against a seemingly endless horde of monsters, but most were naked, and being molested by members of those attacking. Charred corpses of the invaders littered the area, attesting to the defenders power and determination, but it seemed that the tide of invaders was too great for the few inhabitants of the village to defeat, regardless of any supernatural power they possessed.

Some of the creatures were massive, faceless humanoids, easily twelve feet tall and heavily muscled. Some seemed to be formed of nothing more than gray slime, living puddles of ooze that grabbed mindlessly at their victims. Most, however, were seemingly smaller, landbound versions of the monster in the sky, balls of gray flesh covered in slime and with a dozen or so writhing tentacles sticking off of their headless bodies, and four spindly legs supporting them. The only unifying feature of the monsters were their simple gray color, and their apparent unwillingness to attack one another, as they swarmed over or raped the defenders. Some of them were also carrying limp bodies toward the center of the village, where the blue beam went between the floating thing and the ground.

As she approached, Slickis was spotted, as two of the tentacled creatures came toward her. They were about four feet tall, but made good speed despite their thin limps, and were already within fifty feet of her.
Re: Slickis (shadearion)

Slickis watches them approach, sighing and letting her energy build up, getting ready for a fight. "Today is just not my day," she muttered to herself, facing the abominations.
Re: Slickis (shadearion)

HP = 55, PP = 42, EP = 85, Status = Fine

The creatures shuffled toward her at surprising speeds, their thin spindly legs carrying them toward her with greater agility than Slickis would have imagined the creatures were capable of given their strange anatomy. They came to within ten feet of her, and looked as though they weren't going to stop and ask her for tea, as their tendrils started reaching out toward her. Unless she did something within the next few seconds, Slickis would be at risk of being grabbed by the foul, slimy things.
Re: Slickis (shadearion)

Slickis attempted to dodge, trying to move out of the way and preparing an energy blast, hoping the things didn't grab her before it was ready. Dodging as best she can, she unleashes the blast, channeling the spirit energy into her hands, blasting an area attack out.

Re: Slickis (shadearion)

HP = 55, PP = 42, EP = 85, Status = Grappled

Damage: 3 * 10 = 30 damage.

Attack: Hit.
Slickis has been grappled.
Aphrodisiac: Slickis is at 14/17 Resistance.

The creatures never even had a chance to try to dodge or attack her as her wave of energy pulsated out from her. From the orb that formed in her hands, it stretched out a seemingly impossible distance, and when the blinding flash cleared, Slickis found the two creatures still standing, though they seemed to have lost a few layers of flesh from the blast. Tentacles from one of the things reached out toward her, still secreting slime, and wrapped around her ankles and wrists, beginning to tug her closer. Wherever they touched her skin, a strange heat began to spread through her body, and within seconds Slickis felt unwanted arousal start to awaken within her.
Re: Slickis (shadearion)

Slickis cursed, feeling the heat go up and down her body, making it harder and harder to concentrate. Realizing her spirit attacks would be harder with her focus divided, she pulls out her longsword, trying to hack her way out of the probing tentacles, trying her best not to succumb to the lust coursing through her body.
Re: Slickis (shadearion)

HP = 55, PP = 42, EP = 85, Status = Grappled

Grapple: Enemy wins.
Aphrodisiac: Slickis is at 8/17 Resistance.
Slickis clothing has been removed.

Her hand got to her longsword, but Slickis wasn't even able to draw the blade, as the creature suddenly tugged her closer, as if it were reeling her in. The poison it was secreting continued seeping into her skin, wearing away at her mental fortitude as arousal continued to burn ever hotter through her body. Her hand was suddenly tugged away from her weapon and up, and her shirt was tugged over her head and sent spinning to the ground. The tentacles began worming under her pants as well, deftly unbuckling them and causing them to drop around her ankles. Anything she wore underneath soon followed, and Slickis was left totally nude in the things grasp, its slimy appendages already reaching toward her nethers, which were already damp with arousal from the aphrodisiacs. Her weapon was lying at her feet, still in its sheath. If only she could get to it.....
Re: Slickis (shadearion)

Realizing she has only one chance before her body gives in and is taken, Slickis moans, trying to give the appearance of giving in, and then making a sudden grab for her weapon, straining to reach it.
Re: Slickis (shadearion)

HP = 39/55, PP = 42, EP = 85, Status = Grappled, Double Penetrated, Filled up with cum, Stunned by Orgasm

Grapple: Enemy wins.
Slickis has been (double) penetrated.
Aphrodisiac: Slickis is at 5/17 Resistance.
Pleasure (Slickis) : 4 + 9 + 20 - 5 = 28 Pleasure.
Pleasure (Enemy) : 4 + 6 + 7 - 5 + 2 = 14 Pleasure.
Pleasure (Slickis) : 8 + 6 + 20 - 5 = 29 Pleasure = Orgasm.
Pleasure (Enemy) : 6 + 9 + 7 - 5 + 2 = 17 Pleasure = Orgasm.
Damage: 8 * 2 = 16 damage.
Slickis gains 67 corruption.

Tentacles slide against both of Slickis lower holes, their glistening slime lubricating and making her blood boil with need. She suddenly lunged for her weapon, but even as she did so both appendages surged up in into her body. Her fingers instantly lost all strength as pleasure flooded into her mind, and the dragoness couldn't help but shudder as the sensation of being so filled with writhing tentacles, combined with the slime-inspired lust being so effectively fulfilled, made her go into a helpless sexual frenzy.

The tendrils began pounding into her shuddering body, the one in her ass going up into her bowels, while the one in her pussy quickly pushed itself past her cervix to invade her womb. Both pushed and writhed and twisted, going deeper into her than anything else before, and touching places that she'd never thought she'd had. Pleasure, overwhelmingly powerful, shot up her spine with every thrust, and it only took a few moments before the dragoness came explosively, her juices squirting out of her pussy and her cock, while both of her holes tightened. The tentacles inside of her both erupted as she came, lengthening and empowering her climax as they pulsated within her and filled her insides with their cum.

When she came down from her climax, Slickis was already tiring, and her body twitched uncontrollably. The tentacles were beginning to writhe around inside of her again, and some of their cum leaked out of her along with their vile slime. Her will was quickly being eroded by the slime, and her climax had left her paralyzed, and helpless.

(Ye can't do much, and your next post is basically just reacting to her situation. My next will be more smut, and then Slickis waking up somewhere.)
Re: Slickis (shadearion)

Slickis moaned with pleasure, thoroughly giving in to the pleasure flooding her weakened body, at this point thoroughly enjoying the pleasure, all thoughts of revenge for her daughter gone as the rode the pleausre of the double penetration, loving the feeling of being filled so completely, moans turning into screams.

(I figured, hahaha. But thanks for letting me know for sure, it's good to know.)
Re: Slickis (shadearion)

HP = 55, PP = 42, EP = 85, Status = Pregnant

(Gain 3 mutations and reset corruption to 0.)

After Slickis surrendered to the pleasure, the last of her willing crumbling away seconds later anyway, the monster holding her gleefully continued to pound into her holes. She orgasmed again and again due to its ministrations, the dragoness shuddering in pleasure with every thrust, and her body was swiftly bloated with the semen that it just kept flooding into her body. Her bowels and womb were filled to capacity with it, and yet it just kept going, until she finally passed out after one last climax.

Slickis awoke in extreme discomfort, the darkness around her not changing as she opened her eyes. She felt bloated and heavy, but she still had her clothing partially on even though she vividly remembered being raped. It was pitch black all around her, and she could feel the hilt of her sword under her hand. After a moment of feeling nothing but pain, her body spasmed, and feeling returned to her limbs only for more pain to arch through her body. She also felt that patter of rain as it began to fall lightly onto her, the combination of her half-nudity, the cool spring night air and the wetness made her cold along with achy.

She seemed to have been left where she'd been raped, and the half-moon was barely visible past the dark clouds covering the sky. She could feel something writhing inside of her, and Slickis doubted that she would have long before whatever was growing inside of her came out to play. She could see lightning off in the distance, and could hear rain pattering against the ground all around her. She was near the village, but there were no lights on there, and Slickis had no idea if there was anyone left to find there. The forest was also right behind her, but in her condition, hiking in the middle of a rainy night didn't seem like much of a great idea either.
Re: Slickis (shadearion)

((Okay. My new mutations are: Second Tight, Strange face (Dragon), and Night Eyes.))
Slickis groaned, fighting through the pain to force herself to take shelter, heading for the nearby village. Her body felt used, weak and painful, and she cursed whatever was growing inside her. Grabbing her sword and replacing it in the sheath, she stubbornly walked, grimacing as every step sent fresh pains through her body. "Next time I shall mind my business and AVOID trouble," she muttered, knowing that it was inevitable that she would find herself back in it one way or another. As she walked, her exhaustion and pain were catching up with her, and she forced her weary mind to focus, willing herself to shove down the horror of being raped, refusing to let her mind break down, despite her body's continued weakness. She would remain strong even if it killed her, and one day, she would get her revenge on those monsters. If she was good at one thing, it was using her mind and analyzing the situation, searching for possible weaknesses. Despite the trauma, she would go over it again and again in her mind, using the anger to keep moving, and remembering the tentacles seemingly overpowering lust, figuring out ways to use that against them.
Re: Slickis (shadearion)

HP = 55, PP = 42, EP = 85, Status = Pregnant

(Okie dokie. They have already manifested, as they would have come in while she slept, so Slickis has them now. Also, since she now has a total of 6 mutations, she gets the Warped Special Mutation, though that doesn't really have much effect on anything.)

As she rose, Slickis noticed that, even though it was dark out, she could see better than could have been expected, and also that her jaw felt... Different, as she groaned in pain. Even as she stumbled toward the village, all sorts of aches and pains shooting through her tired body, the dragonkin went over the battle in her head. The mistake she'd made, she realized, was to let them get too close. She'd seen them from a good ways off, and she probably could have dealt with them from a distance using her powers before they even got close, but instead she'd tried to fight them in close range, where their multiple slimy limbs could grab onto and hold her far better than she could hope to easily resist, and that had allowed their aphrodisiac slime to take its effect before she could kill them.

As she trudged toward the village, it's abandonment became clearer and clearer with every step forward. The first building she passed was intact on the side facing out, but one of the walls facing into the village had been smashed in, which she only noticed as she passed it by. She entered the village to find it devoid of life, and without movement save for the occasional shift of some debris, or the rustling of the wind against the few trees and bushes that were allowed to grow within the village. She was near to the covered area where they often held village functions, as it lay on South-East side of the village, just past a pair of buildings that obstructed her view of it. She could see a flickering light far up ahead, probably some sort of fire, which was probably somewhere near the center of the village. A lot of the buildings had been destroyed or damaged, but a small cabin, likely where someone had once lived, was nearby, it's door closed.