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Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
Gonna make an attempt at hosting some gayms again. Only thing available is Slave Hunt 3E though. LUCKILY enough, it's a game with moderately customizabillity. If that's now a word.

However, there are some points that might put people off:
1) I'll be needing a poke now and then if you want regular replies from me(or sessions, depending on if it's Forum-Based or Chat-Based).

2) There is a chance, that I one day, simply fall in an RP-Low and wither away, and poking me for Replies/Sessions will just make me run off.

3) It's me being the GM. You know the drill, keep the lifeboats ready and such.

4) Almost forgot. Slave Hunt is for the "Dom"-Group of players. No, you can't play as a Slave, and yes, the game is, pretty much, shoehorning the player into just doing that. Fetching Slaves and screwing them silly, or such.

5) I'm a cunt, and as thus, I ain't particularly much into a fair few fetishes of the "Worse" sorts, Gore, Watersports, and a bit too descriptive scenes of violence/torture might make me cringe too.

Anyways. I am willing to host Slave Hunt for... we'll start with -3- people. More under certain circumstances.
These "Circumstances" are the following: That number of 3? That means 3 -Slavers-, Or "Main Characters". Other players can join as slaves, right away at the start, or take on a suitable slave mid-game if the Slaver-Player approves of it.

For making a character, go Here, and post the character topic There, However, do not make a character before you've been accepted by me to play Slave Hunt 3rd Edition(TM).

As I stated. Only 3 Main Chars at most, and I ain't sure how many Slave-Players I will allow either... Also, I can already feel a few friends of mine looming over me, wanting to devour me for doing this thing. ;-;

Anyways. Generic Slave Hunt Discussan, Public Informationan and Questionan.
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Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

I am willing to host

*Dashes in*

I heard my name! WHAT'RE YOU SAYING ABOUT ME!?


...RK, we've only got one race to pick from! And I don't want to play no steenkin humie. -_- I hope we can make our own using the race creator? I plan to do so anyway...

I'll play... though is the player distribution going to be three-in-one-game, or three-games-with-one-each? I prefer the first and if it is, I'm also willing to GM when you're without motivation, assuming I don't have too much crap to do. I say forum based, I'm bad enough at ero as is, without making me feel the need to make a reply quickly.
Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

*Dashes in*

I heard my name! WHAT'RE YOU SAYING ABOUT ME!?



...RK, we've only got one race to pick from! And I don't want to play no steenkin humie. -_- I hope we can make our own using the race creator? I plan to do so anyway...

Obviously, players will have to make what races they want in their game, which can be anything from one to three or dozens upon dozens. Go ahead, KNOCK YOURSELF BLOODY!

I'll play... though is the player distribution going to be three-in-one-game, or three-games-with-one-each?

Three-games-with-one-Slaver(MainChar)-Each. I think I said it? Guess I didn't say it good enuff. O,o

I prefer the first

Tough. *Mauled*

and if it is, I'm also willing to GM when you're without motivation,

If you want to GM Slave Hunt for others, then I'd be happy to work something out with you. I'd love to see my stupid game get some more attention, and -help- in running it, since I am epitome of failing failures.

assuming I don't have too much crap to do.

Bloody Real Life. ;_;

I say forum based, I'm bad enough at ero as is, without making me feel the need to make a reply quickly.

It'd be Forum -or- Chat based, depending on the agreement between Player/GM. No doubt most of the games will be forum based, but the option is there if someone would prefer to play in a chat instead.
Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

*Posts interest*
Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

*would like to play as well*

Now, for some questions.

Would we be able to "make our own world" as it were? Choose what kind of things there are to enslave, where everything takes place, etc? Or would everything just be a grab bag provided by the GM?

If the player "loses" while trying to enslave something, is that a game over and someone else can play, or do they "respawn"?
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Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

im interested although might be busy but who knows
Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

Alright, Update here. In Order of those that have gotten a spot:

1: Host
2: XSI
3: Ryu

And if I ever get a new slot open, Garfield will get it unless he's vanished magically or been replaced somehow.

Would we be able to "make our own world" as it were? Choose what kind of things there are to enslave, where everything takes place, etc? Or would everything just be a grab bag provided by the GM?

The Players themselves, as always in Slave Hunt, get to make their own world, with whatever creatures they want in different areas to hunt and enslave.

If the player "loses" while trying to enslave something, is that a game over and someone else can play, or do they "respawn"?

Wether 0HP or 0SP, both results in being knocked out, and the player will wake up some time periods later, that is all that currently happens.

PS, There's still a chance for others to join right away, just try to make up something with the current players, if anything, they might let you play as a Slave of theirs.
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Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

Double Postan. Anyways, I am raising the Player count by -2-, for a total of -5-, if Garfield is still interested, he have first dibs on one of those two spots.

HOWEVER, Something that prospective players will have to keep in mind; Unless they are perfectly fine with only playing around with Humans, they will have to make every single race they want in the game.

Please, do go visit the race creation system in the Slave Hunt 3E Section for info about what you will get yourself into, before deciding you want to play.

Obviously, I will offer some help with making races, but I won't do them for you. Good day.
Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

As long as it can still be forum based instead of chat based, I would be up for it... as soon as I figure out the meaning to your plethora of stats.
Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

"it can still be"

Yes it can if you prefer that.

"as soon as I figure out the meaning to your plethora of stats."

HP = Hit Points
MP = Mana Points
SP = Stamina Points
DR = Damage Reduction
MR = Magic Resistance
XR = Elemental Resistance(1 out of 8 Types)
PHC = Physical Hit Chance
MHC = Magical Hit Chance
DC = Dodge Chance
CH = Charm
PC = Pleasure Chance
PT = Pleasure Threshold

Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

I'll see about coming up with a small menagerie of creatures before the night is out then.
Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

*Shrugs* Make enough races to fill the City and 1 Area you "Hunt" in. You can always make more races for new areas later on.
Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

There don't seem to be any greater unholy spells?

(Also, is pregnancy determined by a d20 + modifiers roll and if the male wins the female becomes pregnant? I can't find it listed anywhere?)
Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

There are a lot of things that aren't yet completed. :\

And the Preg thing is 1d20+Fertility VS 1d20+Fertility, Males benefit from High positive fertility when it comes to impregnating, and Females benefit from having a high negative fertility if they want to get preggers lots.

Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

If two creatures of different races conceive, which race is the child?
Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

Random Roll unless you have done a "Half-" Race for that specific couple. <,<

That is, random roll per concieved child to determine what race they end up as.

So a Bunny Furry getting pregnant with a Wolf Furry will birth a mix of Wuffs and Bunnies. :B
Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

Could a race have a sort of recessive or dominant trait that influences the number of offspring of that type in a mixed birth?
Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

If you want such custom rules, make them. =p Slave Hunt is made to be customizeable, if you want your own spells to play with, items, etc, make it so.
Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

I only have one thing to say about this:

Re: Slave Hunt Hosting(Or: RK's Going to Hell)

Wat @ Shrike7

10Wats @ Shrike7