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SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Okay, before anything else, this wont be started until at least in the new year. I'm posting it up now because 1) to see who's actually interested in it, 2) somewhere to put all this stuff just in case my comp goes poof 3)...I dont have a three >_>;;

This is open to anyone so long as you have a vague grasp of the English language. Anyway, for this I'm also looking for GM's as this will be too big of a project for me to undertake on my own. Of course I'll deal with everything outside of combat but I will most likely need helpers when it comes to combat. This game will also most likely be on it's own forum because there'll be a lot of different threads and such I'll need to create. Anyway, on with the info. Information is subject to change if I think it needs to be altered, tweaked, changed etc... to make it better.

The world of Everett, where man has fought beast for as long as anyone can remember. It had always been like this, the more savage animals and monsters attacking villages and settlements though never daring to attack the large cities. Though in the last decade the creatures had become more savage, more feral and appeared to be smarter to the point that humanity was on the verge of destruction.

It had happened so suddenly, an army of beasts struck at cities, though the first few waves were pushed back and defeated it didn’t take long for them to overwhelm the defences the humans had set up and decimate their armies. Over the years entire kingdoms rose and fell in a matter of days as people tried to reclaim area’s taken over by the monsters only to fail and be slaughtered. During that period any survivors would flee to other kingdoms in the hopes that their armies could defeat the beasts. Any survivors that stayed in their kingdoms took shelter in caves and underground in the hopes that the monsters would not find them though ultimately they were hunted down and killed.

As many of the continents were ‘claimed’ by the monsters rumours were going around that something or someone was behind the monsters apparent evolution. Though many floated around no one could be sure if any of the rumours were true. In the end one continent was left standing, having not been a target for the monsters as of yet they started moving across the sea to attack. By now factions had started getting together, groups of likeminded individuals banding together for whatever reasons known to them, be that to push back the oncoming monsters, help a certain kingdom claim the ruined world for themselves or some other goal. These factions now hold the fate of Everett in their hands.


This game plays similarly to tactical role playing games such as the Final Fantasy Tactics series and Disgaea or most other Nippon Ichi games. The basis around the game is that each players character will train up in a variety of different job classes to become strong enough to defeat the monsters and possibly each other in combat to eventually get to the ‘end game’ boss. As well as that there’ll also be a large variety of job classes to be unlocked, various ways to expand your faction and options offered to it as well as other things. (in other words stuff I need to come up with >_>;;) Now that introductions are out of the way, on with the meat of this RP/PbP.


Factions and their use
Factions are little more than a group of likeminded individuals out to succeed in their common goals. Factions, even if their goals aren’t linked with a kingdom, serve under a particular kingdom, it is from these kingdoms that factions gain the benefits that those who aren’t in factions have.

At the start there are only a few options open to factions; a weapon and armour shop, an item shop and faction council. However as the factions progress various other options will be available for them to buy with their Faction Points (FP).

Factions can also claim regions for their kingdom. This benefit’s the factions in a few ways; a faction with more than one region under their control can switch between regions for their headquarters. The region that is the headquarters of a faction cannot be claimed by another faction. There are also some regions that sell items at a lower price because ingredients/materials to make a particular item are in plentiful supply. A few regions in each kingdom are home to auction houses, these allow factions to auction off any items they don’t need to other factions who haven’t bought the necessary upgrade for their shops yet. Also, this is the only way to sell off/trade any special items.

As mentioned, factions can purchase faction-specific items from the faction council. These items range from shop level increases, faction abilities, factions rooms and even a few job classes. Shop levels determine how powerful a piece of equipment or restorative item a faction can buy. The higher the level of the shop the more powerful items you can buy. Faction abilities give a faction some added support both in battle and out of battle. There are various faction abilities that do a range of things, from giving an increase in unit stats at level up to allowing the faction access to certain abilities they would otherwise not be able to use. Naturally because faction abilities give such an advantage to a faction who uses them they do cost quite a bit of FP, though the benefits are worth the cost. Faction rooms give extra options to the faction to do outside of battle. From the start there is only one extra room available, the ‘Workshop’. This room allows you to combine items together to try and make new items. Though later on there will be other rooms, mainly ones specifically for certain job classes. And finally, some job classes are only accessible for a certain period of time, while some are unlocked automatically during that time, some have to be bought with FP.

Players and their units
The players’ characters are the backbone of the factions, these characters are defined as units for the sake of combat. Characters are defined primarily by the job class they are currently equipped with, though that isn’t the only thing that determines their stats. Each character has their own stat pool, called Character Points (CP). CP are the characters natural abilities, these stats only increase in one of three ways;

1) at the start of character creation, the player is given 10CP to put into the characters stats
2) If the faction the character belongs to has their active faction ability as an ability that increases a characters CP upon level up
3) If the character changes job classes then the level the character reached in his or her previous job class is changed into CP for the player to spend on character points.

Job classes have their own base stats, which when character points and any stat point increase/decrease that their equipment gives are added make up their overall stats. Upon level up the character stats go up by half their job class base stats, if the stats would be taken into a fraction then the fraction is carried over to the next level and added then. As well as that, when a character levels up he or she is given 5 Stat Points (SP) to add to their overall stats.

Each job class has access to a variety of abilities broken down into three categories; Action abilities(A-abilities), Reaction abilities (R-abilities) and Passive abilities (P-abilities). A-abilities are the skills a character uses in combat. These range from physical attacks that do additional damage/lower stats/inflict a status affect to magic attacks and curative magic as well as a whole host of other battle abilities. R-abilities allow characters to react in a specific way in combat, be that counter attacking a character that attacked him or her, absorbing MP based on the amount the spell cost that was cast on them or even increasing a certain stat once the characters hit points have reached a specified amount. P-abilities are abilities that work in the background. They are the abilities that allow a job class to equip weapons and armour they wouldn’t normally be able to equip, allow characters to wield more than one weapon and even increase the amount a restorative item heals. Naturally these abilities are not unlocked as soon as a character changes job class, they have to be bought with Job Points (JP). JP is gained in battle in various ways, though the most common way is to perform an action in combat, be that attacking, using an item or using an ability.

Submission Character Sheet
Gender: (there is going to be a few classes that are gender specific, so choose carefully because you’ll not be able to change once the game begins.)
Race: (this is only cosmetic so long as the race is humanoid, bipedal and cannot fly then I’ll most likely allow it.)


AP: 0/100

Breakdown of stats and other terms
Hit Points (HP) - Hit points determine the amount of damage a character can take before he or she is knocked unconscious. Naturally the higher your characters HP the better chance it has of surviving an attack. Luckily there’s a variety of ways to restore lost HP. ((Str+End)*2)

Mana Points (MP) - Mana points is what is used to use some class action abilities as well as casting magic. Naturally the more MP a character has the more times he or she can cast magic or use abilities. Luckily there’s a few ways that MP is restored. ((Mgc+Res)*2)

Strength (Str) - Strength determines how strong certain types of weapons a character can wield. As well as that it also determines how much HP a character has. And for every 10 points of Str a character has he or she deals 1 extra damage with weapons that use Str as their stat.

Endurance (End) - Endurance determines how powerful a piece of armour he or she can wear. As well as that it also determines how much HP a character had. And for every 10 points of End a character has he or she can shrug off 1 point of physical damage.

Magic (Mgc) - Magic determines how much MP a character has as well as for every 10 points of Magic he or she can deal 1 point of damage extra with magic and other magic-like abilities.

Resistance (Res) - Resistance determines how much MP a character has as well as determining how powerful a piece of clothing or robe a character can wear. As well as that it also determines how resistant a character is to status affects ((status affect’s base accuracy - Res/3)though accuracy cannot fall below 1% unless the character is already immune to a status affect), how hard it is for others to resist their status affect spells ((status affect’s base accuracy + Res/3)), increases the rate of HP healed by restorative spells by 1 point for every 10 points in Res and allows the character to shrug off 1 point of magical damage for every 10 points in Res.

Speed (Spd) - Speed determines which side acts first after each units speed on either side is added up, the side’s then take their turns based on the highest Speed rating to the lowest. Speed also determines how powerful certain types of weapons a unit can wield, and for every ten points of Speed the unit deals 1 extra point of damage that uses Speed as their stat.

Experience Points (XP) - Experience points is what a character uses to level up once he or she has enough to level up. As well as that they can be used in place of Job Points to buy job class abilities at the rate of one Job Point per two Experience Points. A player doesn’t have to spend his or her Experience Points straight away, instead he or she can save them up until they have enough to level up their character at once. They can also be kept until a character changes jobs to increase the level of the character in its new job. Experience points are earned at the end of battle. Depending on how many people attacked a monster determines how much XP a character receives. For example, if 2 characters attacked a Lv1 monster they would both receive 5XP each (a monster/character gives XP based on its level*10) but if one of the two characters delivered the killing blow he or she would receive 10% extra meaning one character would gain 5XP and the other would gain 6XP. As the number of characters attacking one monster increases the amount of XP given to each of them decreases.

Job Points (JP)
- Job Points are what characters earn for performing actions in battle. Job Points are earned as followed;
Basic Attack - 2JP
Class Specific Ability - 5JP
Using An Item - 3JP
Reaction Command - 5JP
There are other ways to earn JP though that is for the player to find out.

Stat Points (SP) - Stat Points are given to character that have levelled up. For every level gained the character gets 5 SP to add to his or her stats. Naturally if the character levels up a few levels in one go then he or she receives 5SP*how many levels he or she went up. Stat Points can be put into Str, End, Mgc, Res and Spd. HP and MP is only increased through the job class by increasing Str, End and Mgc, Res respectively.

Character Points (CP) - Character Points is what defines the characters natural experience and his or her experience in various classes. The most common way to receive CP is by changing class. Each class change drops the character back down to level 1, but for every level after level 1 the character went up in its previous class the character receives 1CP.

Previous Lv/CP given at job change
6/5 etc...

These CP are then added to any of the characters stats including HP and MP. HP and MP though are calculated differently when it comes to CP; for every 1CP that is put into the characters HP and MP he or she gains 5 extra HP/MP.

Faction Points (FP) - Faction Points are awarded at the end of battle. These points can then be spent on various faction improvements from the faction council. ((Overall enemy Lv*5))

Adrenaline Points (AP) - Adrenaline Points is something that is not dependant on job class nor can it be spent on increasing stats, buying abilities or used to level up. Adrenaline points allows characters to use abilities and magic they’d otherwise be unable to use because of a lack of MP. The cost of using AP in place of MP is double the usual cost for the spell/ability. As well as that, once AP has reached 50 the characters HP is fully restored and once it reaches 100 the characters HP and MP is fully restored and any status affects are removed.

How to gain AP;
1AP is gained per turn
2AP is gained for a basic attack
5AP is gained for a class specific ability and magic
3AP is gained for using an item
2AP is gained for being attacked
-10AP for not performing an action other than a movement action on that turn

As you can see there are various ways to gain AP, though there is a high penalty for not using an action other than moving. As well as the above mentioned benefits there is also one other benefit to gaining 100AP. AP also resets after each battle.

Action Abilities (A-abilities) - Action Abilities are the attack commands for each class.

Reaction Abilities (R-Abilities) - Reaction Abilities are abilities that kick into effect once the enemy has attacked you.

Passive Abilities (P-Abilities) - Passive Abilities are abilities that work in the background, be that allowing your character to equip weapons that its class wouldn’t normally be able to equip, give your character an increase in a certain stat or even allow your character to double the effectiveness of restorative items.

Job Classes
(These are unfinished, as I tweak more of them I’ll post them. At the moment this is the only ‘perfect’ class and it’s the optional training class. Okay, once I work out how to do good looking tables this‘ll have to do for class layout‘s for now.)

Class: Cadet
Base Stats
Str: 5
End: 5
Mgc: 5
Movement: 3
Jump: 2
Action | Cost
First Aid 35JP
-Range: Self
-Restores the users HP by 10 and removes the status effect ‘Poison’

Throw Stone 35JP
-Range: 4
-Deals 1d3+(users lv.) IGNORES DEFENCE

Rush 35JP
-Range: 1
-Deals 1(2*)d4+(spd/2)
-The unit tackles the enemy and knocks it back, if the enemy would end up pushed up against another unit or a wall the dice roll is doubled.

Magic Jolt 35JP
-Range: 1(hits all surrounding units)
-Deals 1d3+(current MP/2) Depletes remaining MP
-Units surrounding the unit using this ability is hit by a jolt of magical energy that fully depletes the users remaining MP.

Reaction | Cost
Passive | Cost
JP+ 200JP
-The unit receives double JP
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

Reminds me of Tactics and Tactics advanced. March ftw
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

Yeah, I took inspiration from FFTA and A2. Also, its Marshe xD God I loved that villain.
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

Nah, Llednar Twem FTW. And this looks very good. I would be interested in joining up.
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

Never actually played either game, though I always wanted to. Either way it looks interesting, and I would play. I would be willing to help roll for combat, too.
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

If you haven't played Disgaea, you should be beaten. With a burlap sack. Filled with bricks.
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

I kid, I kid. But still, it's a very good game. I got it 2 or 3 years ago, and I'm still working on seeing everything. And everything is definitely worth seeing.

EDIT: What happened to your post?

EDIT EDIT: The posts have shifted!
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Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

I don't have the money to spend on every cool looking game that comes out.

Edit: I don't know what happened to my post, that was weird.
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Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

Awesome, I has a new roller! Anyway, more info will most likely be posted up either during the week or next weekend. I'll be posting info on elements and elemental resistance, an example battle map and hopefully an example combat.
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

All righty then I'll be sure to keep an eye out then.
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

Oh yeah, I'm also taking suggestions for job classes, skills, weapons etc... if anyone wants to submit anything.
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

I can't think of anything new for classes or skills, other than what I remember from FFT. Though I would suggest something like a red mage which I don't remember seeing in FFT. I have a thing for red mages as well.
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

Lol Red Mages FTW!

And on classes, the classes I've got at the moment are a mixture of the FFT/A/A2 classes, so the Knight class will be similar to the Knight class in FFT though it'll have a few different abilities. I'm also doing a job tree, classes start off as a basic class (eg. Soldier->Knight->Paladin) though you dont have to reset your level to change to that class, all you have to do is master the class that's before the next one and then spend 100JP to upgrade as it were. Also the Soldier class has two branches it can go up, the one mentioned above and Soldier->Fighter->Gladiator. As well as job tree's certain classes are only unlocked once other classes have been mastered and/or unlocked. For example, the Defender class is unlocked by mastering both the Knight and the Fighter class.
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

*slaps a sticker with a gremlin face on the thread and turns away*

Yes interest is shown.
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

These are the classes from FFT the oly one I've played, and I never got a chance to play much of it so I don't remember how they linked up. It may help you may not, either way I thought I would put it here.

Level One Classes (Squire, Chemist)

Level Two Classes (Knight, Archer, Priest, Wizard)

Level Three Classes (Monk, Thief, Time Mage, Oracle)
Time Mage

Level Four Classes (Geomancer, Lancer, Mediator, Summoner)

Combination Classes (Samurai, Ninja, Calculator, Dancer, Bard, Mime)
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

Thanks, though I've been playing FFT obsessively for the PSP since I got it xD

Anyway, here's the job class tree in text form that I've come up with so far. There are a few jobs that I dont have a name for yet though.


Cleric-----Priest-----High Priest
Mage-----Wizard----(unnamed class)


Rogue----Thief-----(unnamed class)


Monk (needs to be unlocked)

Sorceror (unlocked automatically)

*- once the Defender class is mastered the Dragoon class is unlocked.
X- Both Priests and Wizards can upgrade to Necromancers, and to fully master the Necromancer class you need to take both Priest and Wizard paths.

I have plans for the chemist class from FFT, though its not going to be quite the same as it. It's a class called Merchant, though I'll say no more than that other than it's unlocked by other means than mastering/unlocking classes.
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

For the 2 unnamed classes archmage may work for the final mage class. For the final rogue class, maybe assassin though it has a bad connotation it may work. If that doesn't seem appropriate maybe spymaster. I might have some other ideas for job trees, but I have to think about them, first.
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

Interest is shown through the raising of an eyebrow with a smile upon my face.
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

ARCHMAGE! That's an awesome name. I think I'll use it. And I was planning on making an Assassin class, maybe as an offshoot of the Ninja class. And I've hit a stump at the moment, I'm not sure what to do with magic at the moment, the way I was going to do it would eventually be overpowered by weapons and physical skills. Anyone have any idea how it could work? Basically what I was planning was making spells of varying levels and increasing the dice roll so that they'd do more damage. Now though I have realised that it wouldnt work all too well.

And welcome aboard Tomoe, though the raised eyebrow? Emotions on the net are kind of lost on me xD

Oh and I need a name for the game, I'm pretty shit at coming up with names and I need something to motivate me to type up everything xD
Re: SirOni's as of yet unnamed TRPG

So I guess this game is one of castles and the like?