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Sim Brothel

Re: Sim Brothel

yeah, but getting 8 girls to level 4 by day 60 is...
Re: Sim Brothel

I stopped at the mission where you had to get the palace before day... 180? But I did all of the missions before that.

Remember, ranking up makes you a lot more money! Rank up whenever you can and it'll pay itself very quickly.
Re: Sim Brothel

the missions dont really seem to do a whole lot though. like an extra joker and determine your ending... which doesn't seem to work anyway.
Re: Sim Brothel

is the most up to date conversation on the game.

He gives out the data files for the program, so if you know C++ you could edit it yourself. (I think that's what it's in now for the 2 beta). Anywho, been watching the conversation for a while now, the original artist has thrown his 50 cents in, and the new one has tossed around some ideas. But I doubt anything will happen to either of the versions ; ;
Re: Sim Brothel

yeah thats where i got my copy of number 2 from. I think i got the most recent version but unlike me they don't use version numbers.
Re: Sim Brothel

I actually palyed through to 300, and when you get a legendary (rank 8) girl, some (like Rikku) learn "excellent reputation". Basically, they always get max customers iwth this on. Set their price to as high as you want (tedious clicking +10 repeatedly) and watch as Rikku makes 35000 per day charging like 8500 per customer. Really, you can go as high as you want, but by then I bought all the girls and the game was more tedious that fun as you have to watch all their health, etc etc.
Re: Sim Brothel

if you could add or change something to these games, what would it be?
Re: Sim Brothel

I bought all the girls and the game was more tedious that fun as you have to watch all their health, etc etc.

Re: Sim Brothel

I bought all the girls and the game was more tedious that fun as you have to watch all their health, etc etc.

You know, I would love it if had a combination of both the original and the beta in this aspect. To be more precise, I would like to be able to see every girl working, ever day, instead of just the 'leader' and not have to worry about hp like in 2...
And I would like the abilities put back into 2... But I'm just going to wait till the 2 author does the changes he's currently working on, then I'll look into changing what he did. Since if he bitches that I edited it, F him because he didn't ask the previous author if he could edit his stuff : )

And that is one of the things I would change >.< Stupid 1 pic per house is bogus...
Re: Sim Brothel

Thanks for the post. I had not seen the beta before. There is another programmer who is fixing the bugs in the original game. Here is a link to his latest build.

Do you have a web link for the guy who did the beta ?



Last edited:
Re: Sim Brothel

There is an update out for the beta version with more girls/less glitches.
Re: Sim Brothel

Double post (It has been three weeks, though):

Newest version:

The forum sim brothel now operates out of:
Re: Sim Brothel

Ooo... A website named after the game.

Thanks for the update, Pheonix.