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Sign-up and OOC

Re: Sign-up and OOC

That's really up to you Pbird, I'll be sorry to see you go but I understand it is a lot slower in ths format. Just let me know for sure so we can take care of adding and removing characters and what not.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

I'm good for the other's to arrive. Also, Copper: you haven't explicitly asked for its name.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Then I guess the others can show up at the inn whenever they want. Also waiting to see if Pbird really wants out or was just thinking about it.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Oh, I know about the name. I'm just sort of waiting for a moment to either let it come up naturally in conversation or pull a "And, just what *is* your name anyway?" moment. Xi's just sort of happened. I hate trying to force conversations. Doesn't seem right.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Watch us get almost halfway through the campaign before someone asks what its name is.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Yeah - this is honestly just too slow a format for my tastes. The campaign seems well thought out, but PbP is just too slow.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Alrighty then, I understand completely. I'm used to the slowness of PBP after doing so many, but it's not everyone's favorite. Nice to have you in the game even if it was only a short time.

Since Pbird's stepping out Shrike can make a character while I figure out how to add her. Just remember 32 point-buy, non-evil, try to stick with the base races, set in Greyhawk. Any other questions just ask.

Also I've seen that happen before Phoenix.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Alrighty, time for character stuff!

Edit: moved character to character thread, should i just walk her into the Blue Dargon?
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Re: Sign-up and OOC

Sorry, I took so long. Too much work this week. The only thing I noticed on the sheet is that your ability scores add up to 36, not 32. Also I think your reflex save should be 7 not 6. Finally studded leather has a +3 armor bonus, +5 max dex, not a +4, +4. Though your actual armor class was right. You also spelled piercing wrong, but that's just me being an ass.

For introducing your charrie we're going to suspend belief a little and say you've been here the whole time with the group not the best intro I know. I would just rather get it moving quickly again. As you've been there the whole time you get 285 XP, and a suit of masterwork studded leather, 1 CLW potion, 65 GP 4 SP.

Why does everyone keep picking the gods I know almost nothing about, aaaaaarghhgglllll.....plop. Sorry my head fell off again. So you, Ryu, and Tassadar can show up at any time at the inn now. Any questions from anyone?
Re: Sign-up and OOC

The tarrasque ate it, but it should be ready in a few days. I would suggest cleaning it before you put it on.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Okay, while we are suspending reality for ease of play, we might as well go and say that MW leather is Small size, right?
and i think my stats are right, before the halfling modifiers they sit at:

that adds up to 32 to me, so I'll keep em that way for now, if I'm missing something, let me know. Other than that, all fixed. Also, don't feel bad about the obscure god, never heard of him before this campaign myself, he seems really obscure
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Ah I see what happened, I forgot you were a halfling and didn't add your bonuses, and of course the armor is small sized or it wouldn't be much use. That's everything then, you're now good to go.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Aaaarggh, post people. If not I guess I'll just move it along on my own. Just remember no complaining if you get ambushed by the devils.

EDIT: Ooh post 666 how eerily timed
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Re: Sign-up and OOC

I would, but Xaren isn't formally in the group yet and probably wouldn't be part of the decision making process. (Although if they leave it, Xaren would probably follow them out of 'boredom')
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Sorry, I've been majorly distracted as of late and haven't had much time to poke around the forums all that much. Should be better now, but with the way my attention span is getting lately...

Should be able to throw something up a time or two, at least. Like now.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Real Life's been kicking me in the ass. Sorry I'm not more active, Ronny.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Yeah it's okay. I've just been oddly impatient lately guys and/or gals, so I decided to give you a little boost in th right direction.
Re: Sign-up and OOC

Well, dammit, man, cut it out or we'll kick your ass!

Though I can understand how RL will sometimes bleed into typing. Hopefully we're getting going. Need to check the game thread. And yes, definitely "and" girls *peeks down shirt* *Pats the girls*