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Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Escape Rape Attempt (s):

Sierra: 14 vs. Harpy: 16 & Virago: 18

Sierra isn't going anywhere.

Pleasure Roll:

Harpy: 4 vs. Sierra: 3

Sierra can't stop the Harpy from continuing to ride her, suffering 40 pleasure and gaining 40 KP. Sierra has 10 Stamina left, while the Harpy has 60.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Destyni: 16 vs. Predator: 28

The Predator easily keeps Destyni pinned down!

Pleasure Roll:

Virago: 26 vs. Sierra: 8

Sierra can't stop the Virago from continuing to fuck her from behind, even as the Harpy rides her dick, and the double teaming finally proves too much for her to handle. Sierra suffers an orgasm from both her sex organs as she suffers 45 Pleasure, and she gains 95 KP. As Sierra empties her load into the Pussy of the Harpy, she is all too aware she has given up her seed and impregnated her foe! The Harpy is Pregnant, 20/20. Sierra has 100 Stamina, while the Virago has 45 left. Sierra is in the Adrenaline Boost State 8/8 turns.

Penetration Attempt:

Predator: 28 vs. Destyni: 26

Despite Destyni's best efforts in struggling, the sexy elf woman can't stop the Predator from finally plunging his cock into her tight pussy, and she cries out as once more she is violated! The Predator eagerly begins thrusting inside of Destyni, holding the woman down with little effort as it drills her. Destyni can only grit her teeth against the onslaught of pleasure, trying to find an opening to get free! Destyni suffers 35 pleasure and gains 55 KP, and is left with 110 Stamina. The Predator has 40 stamina left!


1: Try to struggle free now that you're adrenaline is flowing.

2: Succumb to being double team raped and enjoy it!


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Escape Rape Attempts:

Sierra: 11+10=21 vs. Harpy: 22 & Virago: 23

Sierra still can't get free even with her adrenaline!

Pleasure Roll:

Harpy: 29 vs. Sierra: 15+10=25

Sierra is again over powered and forcibly, hotly ridden by the Harpy, who evidently isn't satisfied with getting herself pregnant! The look in the creature's eyes suggests she has every intention of raping her prey until she gives birth! Sierra suffers 40 pleasure and gains 40 KP. She has 60 stamina left.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Destyni: 19 vs. Predator: 1

Destyni manages to toss off her rapist after finding an opening to do so!

Pleasure Roll:

Virago: 28 vs. Sierra: 6+10=16

The Virago continues to thrust away happily inside Sierra's pussy, continuing the double team rape! Before long, Sierra can feel the creature quicken, and deepen it's thrusts, knowing it's about to blow a load inside of her! Sierra is helpless to avoid it though, and soon enough the Virago pumps her pussy full of seed! Filled as she was, Sierra knew instantly she'd been impreganted! Sierra suffers 45 pleasure and gains 140 KP. She has only 15 stamina left until her adrenaline is raped out of her! Sierra is Pregnant, 20/20.

The Predator attempts to attack Destyni again, but this time the Elf woman is ready for it, and lands a counter attack with enough force to KILL the Predator! Turning to see Sierra's plight, she cries over to her, "Hang on! I'm on my way!"

Important Stats:

Sierra: 20/20 Pregnant.

Harpy: 19/20 Pregnant.


1: Continue to struggle!

2: Let Destyni do her thing and hope she is successful.

3: Succumb to your pleasure and be raped forever!


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Escape Rape Attempts:

Sierra: 8+10=18 vs. Harpy: 20 & Virago: 1

Sierra manages to toss off the Virago, but the Harpy continues to keep her pinned down for more fun!

Pleasure Roll:

Harpy: 12 vs. Sierra: 1+10=11

Sierra can't fight off the pleasure of being ridden, and finally succumbs to her fate! She suffers 80 pleasure as the Harpy climaxes in an orgasm around her, intensifying the sensation of the sex, and that in turn tips Sierra over the edge as she helplessly spurts another load inside her rapist's pussy! In fact, it literally feels like she is having her seed squeezed and milked out of her body with each thrusting motion! When it's all over, Sierra has gained 260 KP and is stunned for 4 rounds after having had the fight, and adrenaline raped out of her! Worse still, the Harpy seems invigorated now, as if she's literally taken Sierra's adrenaline for herself! Sierra has 70 Stamina left until she has another orgasm, and she is stunned for 4 rounds. Sierra is pregnant for 19 more rounds.

The Harpy has 12 turns of Adrenaline Boost!

Letting loose a curse, Destyni realizes she has to take out the Harpy before she can help Sierra! Casting her Mantra of Speed, she prepares to do battle once more! Destyni has 76 MP left!

Attack Rolls:

Destyni: 14 vs. Virago: 28
Destyni: 20 vs. Virago: 17

Destyni lands only one hit for 300 damage, and the Virago has 300 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Virago: 24 vs. Destyni: 6

Destyni gets taken down!

Round 1 of Stun:

Sierra is stunned for this turn and three others, and can't fight her rape.

The Harpy continues to ride Sierra mercilessly, dealing another 40 Pleasure to her. Sierra gains 40 KP and has 30 Stamina left! The Harpy has 80 Stamina.

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Destyni: 6 vs. Virago: 9
Destyni: 8 vs. Virago: 5

Destyni manages to toss off the Virago.

Grapple Attempt:

Virago: 3 vs. Destyni: 27

Destyni dodges!

Round 2 of Stun:

Sierra is stunned for this turn and two more, unable to fight her rape.

The Harpy continues to ride Sierra, and it's too much for her to handle. Once more Sierra wildly spurts in an orgasm, unable to contain the sexual pleasure. Still stunned, she now has fallen victim to a SEXUAL FRENZY, for the next 5 rounds! Sierra experiences 40 pleasure and gains 90 KP. She has 125 Stamina left.

Attack Rolls:

Destyni: 19 vs. Virago: 26
Destyni: 25 vs. Virago: 21

Destyni fries the Virago finally!

Round 3 of Stun, Round 1 of Sexual Frenzy:

Sierra is enjoying herself for 5 rounds.

The Harpy continues it's ride of Sierra's captured, throbbing girl cock, continuing to pleasure her helpless victim. Sierra experiences 40 pleasure and gains 40 KP as her rape continues, and she has 85 Stamina left. The Harpy has 40 Stamina left!

Free Sierra Attempts:

Destyni: 20 vs. Harpy: 29
Destyni: 20 vs. Harpy: 21

Destyni can't free Sierra!

Round 4 of Stun (Final), Round 2 of Sexual Frenzy:

The Harpy continues to ride Sierra, and this time hits every one of her vulnerable spots! To make it worse, as Sierra peaks from her orgasm with this critical assault, the Harpy climaxes around her as well, intensifying the pleasure even further! Sierra suffers 160 Pleasure and gains 420 KP. She has 60 Stamina left.

Free Sierra Attempts:

Destyni: 25 vs. Harpy: 23

Destyni shoves the Harpy off of Sierra, unaware that Sierra is in a frenzy, and will be moving soon ....

Attack Roll:

Destyni: 27 vs. Harpy: 8

Destyni lashes out a holy blast into the Harpy, leaving it with 300 HP!

Round 3 of Sexual Frenzy:

Grapple Attempt:

Sierra: 19 vs. Destyni: 26
Sierra: 10 vs. Destyni: 11

Sierra tries to grab Destyni, but misses as the Elf woman suddenly realizes something is VERY wrong!

Grapple Attempt:

Harpy: 25+10=35 vs. Destyni: 12

The Harpy, fueled by the Adrenaline Buff she stole from Sierra, easily manages to grab Destyni, who walked into the attack trying to avoid Sierra!

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Destyni: 16 vs. Harpy: 20+10=30
Destyni: 4 vs. Harpy: 10+10=20

Destyni can't break free!

Round 4 of Sexual Frenzy:

Grapple Attempt:

Sierra: 6 vs. Destyni: 1

With Destyni trying to avoid being taken down by the Harpy, Sierra manages to grab her friend from behind and finally the two of them bring Destyni down!

Penetration Attempt:

Harpy: 4+10=14 vs. Destyni: 3

Destyni cries out as the Harpy makes her a futa girl and easily grips her inside of the tight avian pussy! Destyni shudders as she is quickly ridden, all the while feeling Sierra behind and under her getting ready to penetrate her too!

Destyni suffers 40 Pleasure and gains 60 KP from her rape! She has 124 Stamina left! Destyni loses her enchantment buff!

Escape Rape/Grapple Attempt:

Destyni: 7 vs. Harpy: 13+10=23 & Sierra: 20

Destyni can't get away!

Round 5 of Sexual Frenzy (FINAL):

Penetration Attempt:

Sierra: 21 vs. Destyni: 3

Destyni can't stop Sierra from pushing her own futa cock inside of Destyni's tight pussy, and beginning to thrust away! Destyni suffers 40 pleasure and gains 60 KP from the rape, while Sierra gains 60 KP and suffers 40 Pleasure!

Destyni has 84 Stamina left while Sierra has only 20!

Pleasure Roll:

Harpy: 10+10=20 vs. Destyni: 29

Somehow Destyni resists!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Destyni: 17 vs. Harpy: 25+10=35 & Sierra: 24

Destyni can't break free!

((Note: Pleasure done by Sierra in this case is equal to the amount of pleasure that the enemy who brought her to the sexual frenzy would have done. That is how this system will work.))

Finally free of the Sexual Frenzy, Sierra almost 'wakes up' to discover herself thrusting inside of Destyni's TIGHT Elven Pussy!


1: Pull out of her pussy and try to help her!

2: Enjoy fucking her pussy until she can get free of the two of you, or she throws you off. It's just so tight and feels so good!


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

(What the fuck?)



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

With a little bit of effort, Sierra manages to pull herself out of Destyni's tight pussy, though there is a brief moment where it almost feels like the Elf's pussy is trying to suck her back inside! Once free, Sierra realizes she HAS to help her friend!

Free Destyni Attempt:

Sierra: 24 vs. Harpy: 23+10=33

Sierra gets swatted away!

Pleasure Roll:

Harpy: 9+10=19 vs. Destyni: 28

Destyni manages to resist now that Sierra has disrupted the Harpy's momentum just slightly.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Destyni: 15 vs. Harpy: 28+10=38

Destyni is easily held down though, and kept restrained!


1: Try again before you watch Destyni get ridden to an orgasm in front of you.

2: Watch the show.

3: Get back in on the action and take that sexy little elf yourself!


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

4. Make the first meaningful choice in a month and shoot this bitch with Precise Strike


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Sierra unleashes her Precision Strike, dealing 55 damage and knocking the Harpy off of Destyni!

Grapple Attempt:

Harpy: 6+10=16 vs. Sierra: 5+3=8

The Harpy rebounds quickly, flying through the air and tackling Sierra to the ground!

Destyni pauses to cast her Mantra of Speed and has 81 MP.

Free Sierra Attempts:

Destyni: 16 vs. Harpy: 13+10=23
Destyni: 28 vs. Harpy: 11+10=21

Destyni manages to free Sierra on her second try!


1: Try to kill the bitch before she can rape one of you, or give birth.

2: Other?


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

(If Des is "occupied" and Sierra is not, Precision Strike first and ask questions later. That is the only standing "order" Sierra has.)

1. Kill it sooner rather than later

Sierra after liberating Des from the Harpy would in turn need to be freed as the Harpy turned to attempt to regain control of her. Now that she was finally free and able to attack for the first time in what felt like forever, she wanted to make sure this shot counted. Sierra knew that if she could at least stop the thing, Des was more than capable of finishing it off.

(Order of attacks: Paralyzing Arrow, Punishing Arrow Chain, Arrow Deluge Chain)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Attack Rolls:

Sierra: 6 vs. Harpy: 4+14=18
Sierra: 11 vs. Harpy: 19+10=29

Sierra MISSES both attempts!

Grapple Attempt:

Harpy: 10+10=20 vs. Sierra: 9+3=12

The Harpy darts in expertly and takes Sierra down to the ground again!

Free Sierra Attempts:

Destyni: 5 vs. Harpy: 15+10=25
Destyni: 27 vs. Harpy: 28+10=38

Destyni can't help Sierra this time!


1: Try to struggle free from the still super charged Harpy.

2: Let her keep you pinned down, but try to avoid being raped until her super charge is gone.

3: Let the Harpy enjoy your body until the super charge is gone, and then PAYBACK!

((I feel like this Harpy right now ought to be saying "Resistance is Futile!" to them both...))


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

1, Because being pinned down is pretty much the worst place to be.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Sierra: 1 vs. Harpy: 20+10=30
Sierra: 18 vs. Harpy: 16+10=26

The Harpy manages to keep Sierra pinned down, but has to work for it this time.

Penetration Attempt:

Harpy: 14+10=24 vs. Sierra: 4

Once more the Harpy makes Sierra have a dick, and sheathes her inside of her tight avian pussy! Soon enough Sierra finds herself being ridden once more! Sierra suffers 40 pleasure and gains 110 KP from her rape as she can't handle the pleasure and pops in an orgasm! Sierra has 121 stamina left!

Free Sierra Attempts:

Destyni: 26 vs. Harpy: 20+10=30
Destyni: 13 vs. Harpy: 8+10=18

Destyni isn't able to free Sierra this time, but she's getting close, and the Harpy is near the end of it's super charged state.


1: Keep Trying, her super charge is almost done.

2: One more ride and then you die.

3: Other?


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

1, because for fucks sake this battle needs to drag out for a whole month.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Escape Rape Attempts:

Sierra: 6 vs. Harpy: 20+10=30
Sierra: 27 vs. Harpy: 6+10=16

Sierra FINALLY manages to free herself!

Grapple Attempt:

Harpy: 1+10=11 vs. Sierra: 9+3=12

Sierra manages to dodge, but only just, as the Harpy's Adrenaline Boost ends mid attack!

Attack Rolls:

Destyni: 27 vs. Harpy: 22

Destyni manages to catch the Harpy with her shot now that the Harpy isn't super charged, blasting her into oblivion!

Both women gain 900 XP.

Loot Phase:

Harpy: HP Potion.
Virago: MP Potion.
Predator: HP Potion.
Bug: Nothing!

Sifting for loot, they find 2 HP Potions for each person, and an MP Potion as well for each.


1: Move Along.

2: Rest to Full Stats (Can't be caught) and then Move On.


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

(2. Time to hit the bench)

The last battle was a bit of a interesting one as Sierra was raped so much she ended up succumbing to her inner desires and uncontrollably wanting to be fucked by anything. She needed a little time before this would all sink in and process, nevermind the damage done during the battle itself.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

((So I forgot that Sierra was pregnant from the Virago. So I'm going to guess you'd want her to wait til she gave birth, since that'd be only a few more turns. Can't be caught anyway, so may as well.))

Both women sat down to rest, which turned out to be a good thing. Shortly after both of them reached full power, Sierra felt something kicking inside of her, and was reminded that the Virago had impregnated her earlier in the fight!

Soon enough, 'junior' was being born into the world, strangely an orgasmic birthing experience rather than painful. Almost instantly upon birth, the baby Virago took flight and vanished, neither of them having had a chance to do anything to kill it before it was gone. In hindsight though, at least it hadn't tried to attack them like the last time they'd given birth to something. The question was, why was this time different? That question seemed it might not have an answer any time soon, and with nothing left to do but move onward, that's what the pair did.

Moving onward, they found themselves in an area with many more grave markers than they had previously seen. As they moved through this new area ...

Destyni suddenly spotted what looked to be a map piece laying on the ground! Pointing over to it, she would call out to Sierra.

"Hey, is that what I think it is? Shall we snatch it?"


1: Let's see what happens if we touch it.

2: It's gotta be a trap, ignore it and move on.


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

(I am going to hate myself for this..)

Sierra in all the commotion of the last battle really never had much time to realize that she was pregnant as she was constantly ravaged throughout the battle. Having taken the time to rest, Sierra would feel another monster kicking around inside of her. The Virago had gotten her pregnant and she would soon hatch another one into the world. The feeling was nothing like what a normal pregnancy would feel like and it was almost pleasurable as the egg left her body.

Before the girls could really do anything, the Virago would grow into its adult form and simply fly away. It was rather uneventful, but considering how much trouble the pair would find themselves from the last time either gave birth to one of these foul creatures Sierra and Des simply tried to move on. Maybe there was something up with this place that was different from the last area they were in since the monster did not attack once it was birthed? Could it have just been a fluke of some kind and the Virago was going to make another appearance later on? Taking some notice of the direction the Virago flew off in would further confuse the issue as it did not seem to have any destination in mind.. it just flew off in a random direction it would seem.

(1, check it out)

This time there was another map piece on the ground as the girls would move on from their latest encounter. Looking at each other, Sierra readied her bow as Des went forward to investigate the map piece. If something were to happen, Sierra would already have an arrow knocked and ready to fly.

(If a trap, shoot it!)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

((Can't shoot most traps, but I get your meaning :p ))

Perhaps to both of their surprises, Destyni's hands closed around a real map piece! A moment later, Cassidy appeared to them again, looking worried.

"Congratulations on finding another map piece. However, this time as you may note, the path indicates an area that you must go to, that doesn't seem to have a way out. Unfortunately, you must defeat the leader of all patrols in this area, Blood Raven. She has three Possessed Apes for pets as well, and this fight will be a true challenge. Blood Raven has far more durability than anything you've encountered so far. When you are ready, proceed along the path indicated on the map. Good luck to you, I am ... hoping for your continued survival."

A moment later, she vanished, the look of concern still on her features even as she vanished without a trace.

Destyni for her part looked back to Sierra and shrugged.

"So .... a type of boss creature hmm? I'm thinking we should take out her support first, then focus on her. But wait ... don't you have some kind of paralyze skill? If you could hit Blood Raven with that, then I think we'd have at least a little bit to take down her minions without her getting in our way?"


1: Move on and follow Destyni's advice, Paralyze super Bitch if you can, then kill her friends.

2: Move on and do your own thing.

3: Let's wait a moment and get on the same page before we attack (can't be caught).


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Apes immune to physical? This should be not fun..)

Sierra would nod her head as Des asked if she had the ability to paralyze someone. The only problem was that she had previously missed every attempt when using it. She was having issues as it were since she was doing little aside fromcallowing an enemy to ravage her over and over.

Sierra would want to still take a minute to think about things. She knew that they were walking into a 4 vs 2 so they would be outnumbered. It would make sense for Des to cast her speed mantra now perhaps so that they might well be able to ambush the Blood Raven and hopefully even the playing field first.