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Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Not wanting to be outdone by her new ally, Sierra began struggling agains the Plant, hoping to break free!

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Sierra: 15 vs. Plant: 20.
Sierra: 28 vs. Plant: 23.

Sierra manages to free herself after a short struggle, thanks to the mantra giving her a second chance!

The Plant tries to grab her again, but Sierra manages to fire off a counter attack and spoil it's hopes of grabbing her, dealing 400 damage! The plant has 200 HP left.

Attack Rolls:

Destyni: 25 vs. Plant: 27 (Miss)
Destyni: 6 vs. Plant: 10 (Miss)

Destyni can't finish off the plant, leaving it back to Sierra!


1: Plant be Gone!

2: Other?


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Sierra would find herself able to move much faster now, probably because of the spell that Des had cast. Not initially able to get herself free, Sierra was able to get out from the tentacles that were starting to grapple with her. As the plant had attempted to entwine her again, Sierra was able to land an arrow that seemed to do a good bit of damage.

Now it felt like it would be a matter of time and almost a competition between the girls to see who exactly would be the one to destroy this second monster.

(1, fight to the finish no matter the cost [of mana that is])


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Attack Roll:

Sierra: 29, 14 vs. Plant: 14, 8 (No need to continue)

Sierra lands the first two shots of her Punishing Arrow Chain and kills the Plant, not even bothering with the third arrow.

Both women gain 600 XP!

Loot Phase:

Karsetti: NOTHING!

Plant: KL Lowering Potion for Destyni

As the plant dropped dead, Destyni walked over and picked up the potion, examining it.

"This could come in handy eventually. So, what's your name Mathosian friend?"

Two things might strike Sierra as odd, or interesting. First, what the hell was a Mathosian? Second, Destyni didn't seem to show any signs of having been attacked herself. Though, considering how easily she'd killed one enemy, maybe she'd just been damn lucky so far.


1: Move on and Talk.

2: Stand and Talk (chance to be caught).


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Sierra would let fly at the plant and finished it off. Des would find a KL lowering potion among the remains of it while Sierra found nothing within the remains of the exploded Karsetti. As they were finishing up their search of the remains, Des would strike the first blow and begin the conversation.

"Mathosian? What is a Mathosian?.. Anyway, my name is Sierra and I am human. What is your name? You look different, so are you a Mathosian or some other race that is not human either? I think we should keep moving though while we talk. Nothing good will come of us simply staying here."

(1, move on while talking)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

As they moved onward, Destyni gave her a puzzled look.

"You ... don't know what a Mathosian is? I thought you were one, but obviously if you don't recognize my species you aren't ..."

She trailed off for a moment, stunned beyond words. Finally when she spoke, it was a bit hesitant.

"My name ... Destyni Salto. As for my species, I'm an Elf. If you are not Mathosian, and not from Mathos ... then you're the first new species our people have encountered in nearly a thousand years. Tell me, have you heard of the Sylvari, or the Norn?"

As they moved along in the seemingly endless maze of woods and grasslands ...

... two enemies began bounding towards them!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 2 Demon Dog: Stamina: 160. Pleasure: 30. HP: 600. Weak vs. Fire.

Level 1 Slime Blob: Stamina: 95. Pleasure: 30. HP: 300. Weak to Lightning: Special Ability: Stuck on You.

Initiative Roll (Ok wow I have NEVER had ties on this before!):

Dog: 6 (tie breaker roll: 22) Last
Slime: 22 (tie breaker roll: 29) 1st
Destyni: 6 (tie breaker roll: 30) 3rd
Sierra: 22 (tie breaker roll: 16) 2nd

The Slime reacted first, lunging towards Sierra!

Grapple Attempt:

Slime Blob: 14 vs. Sierra: 13+3=16

Sierra dodges her foe, but barely!


1: Pick a target and attack it!

2: Something else?


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Sierra would return the puzzled look toward Des. Des would rattle off a few things that Sierra was totally unfamiliar with. Mentioning two other races that she was totally unfamiliar with after some awkward silence inbetween.

"I know almost nothing of these species you speak of. Then again I thought elves were nothing more than a fantasy race, so consider us both equally surprised.

Something is coming.."

Before Sierra could finish her thought, and finish an obviously awkward moment. Two enemies would approach and one would lash out toward Sierra, a slime creature barely missed grabbing Sierra. As it overshot, Sierra would target the Demon Dog mostly out of spite from the last time she had seen one of these. Des could probably easily handle the slime if she had a clean shot at it, but any dead enemy was better than a live one.

(1, Make with the attacking)

With that Sierra would start her attack. (Is the mantra still active?)

IF mantra is still active: Paralyzing Arrow on slime then Punishing Arrow Chain on Demon Dog.

IF mantra is not active: Punishing Arrow Chain on Demon Dog.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

((Mantra is not active, it only becomes active when Destyni casts it, and she has to each time a battle starts.))

Attack Roll:

Sierra: 5 vs. Dog: 12.

The Dog easily ducks under Sierra's arrow, growling at her!

Destyni cast's her Mantra of Speed once more, and loses 25 MP. She has 95 Left.

Attack Rolls:

Destyni: 30 vs. Slime: 21 (waste of a 30)

Destyni lands her hit and vaporizes the Slime!

Destyni winds up and goes to send her second attack out, changing targets to the Dog, but it decides to shift it's attention to her suddenly. As Destyni comes forward to attack, the dog lunges at her, and counters her! Before Sierra could blink, the dog was on top of Destyni, and slipping it's cock inside of her untouched looking pussy! The scream that erupted from the lovely Elf was one of a mixture of pain, pleasure and disgust as the Dog began raping her hard and fast. As it did, Sierra might catch a small glimpse of blood trickling down to the ground from Destyni, and it would dawn on her why the scream of pain. The dog had just stolen her virginity!

Destyni suffers 30 Pleasure and gains 50 KP from her rape, which uses up the Dog's turn. Destyni has 150 Stamina left, while the Dog has 130.


1: Punt the Mutt off your friend.

2: Other?

((with two actions, if she gets her free in one, you can attack the Dog as well))


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

(I am an archer, do I not have Precision Strike?)

Sierra would see alot unfold right in front of her. Slightly distracted by the slime that had just lunged for her, she was unable to hit the dog that she was attempting to get after. Des seemed to cast the same mantra as the last battle, and Sierra could feel herself able to move a little faster again. Shortly after the chant was done, Des again exploded an enemy almost immediately.

What happened next was quite the sight. The dog should have been distracted by Sierra firing an arrow at it, but instead it somehow was able to react to Des attempting to hit it with her next spell. Taking Des to the ground, the dog was inside of her in a heartbeat and it seemed that Des would lose her virginity to a dog. Not dissimilar to Sierra in that respect.

Sierra would almost instinctively line up a shot on the dog to try to blast it away from Des.

(1. Attack with Precision Strike until the dog is off of Des. IF the first arrow hits, follow up with Paralyzing Arrow.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

((So you do. Thanks for pointing that out! Also, Destyni's mantra vanished once she started being raped, so only one turn right now.))

Precision Strike Attempt:

Sierra: 27 vs. Dog: 7 (Lands!)

Sierra wastes no time in plunking the Dog with an arrow that carried enough force to remove it from Destyni's body, sending it tumbling away.

Destyni stands up, body trembling slightly, but the look on her face was one of pure murderous intent. Screaming something in what had to be elven at the dog, she wove her spell again and opened fire! Destyni casts her speed mantra and loses 25 MP. She has 70 left.

Attack Rolls:

Destyni: 16 vs. Dog: 7 (Hit)

Destyni: 21 vs. Dog: 15 (Hit)

In a flurry of projectiles, Destyni obliterates the Dog that had raped her, and after doing so drops to one knee. As Sierra moves in to check for loot, she can hear Destyni mutter something about "eight damn months ... and a Dog gets it..."

Both women gain 300 XP.

Loot Phase:

Dog: KL Lowering Potion (Only Destyni can carry it unless Sierra drinks hers, and takes the other one).

Slime: MP Potion.


1: Grab and convince Destyni to go.

2: Loot and stay with her a moment (chance to be caught).


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Sierra would think back a few hours(random time somethings?) to when her virginity was taken. This was not a thing that could be undone. Out of nowhere, wham! Gone forever.

(2. Sit a bit and reflect on the situation before possibly moving on later if nothing comes by to visit)

Seeing what was on the ground, Sierra saw no need to take the MP potion for herself. Des was the one using magic, so it was only right that she would get to have it. The KL potion was a little more interesting however. Sierra wanted to get a little more play in before having to use it, but since it would not serve a benefit to leave the newfound KL potion behind there would be no reason not to consume it now.

"I can only start to think how you feel right now, but I know a dog got me not too far away here too. If you need some time, then I completely understand. I just wish I could be able to do more to help you through this."

Sierra felt slightly awkward saying this. Never really being one for social environments in the past. Hopefully it would get Des to not just sink into a pit of despair. At that point she would just be a liability. When or if Des was ready, the pair would look to move onward assuming nothing spoils their awkward moment together.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Destyni looked up at her and half shrugged.

"I just figured after all this time, if and when it ever happened it'd be something with tentacles, or some sort of humanoid thing. But to have it be a lowly DOG of all things ... just infuriates me. I mean, I knew this day might come despite my best efforts but ... I just never though it would be to something less intelligent than ... You know, us. I'm sorry about what happened to you ... I guess we both have some revenge to extract on the bastard that put us in this position, huh?"

After a few moments, she stood, nodding to Sierra to let her know she was ready.

"Just having another person again after all this time is help enough. It's been a long time since I saw another true living person."

Moving along, they found themselves in an open field with a few small trees growing. As they passed through it ....

Trap Evasion Roll:

Destyni: 27 vs. Trap ???: 7

Sierra: 23 vs. Trap ???: 16.

... Destyni would suddenly reach out and grab Sierra, yanking her back! As the woman opened her mouth to respond to this sudden aggressive behavior, Destyni would just point down to the ground by the two trees in front of them.

"Trip wire, those two trees are connected to some kind of trap. You almost walked right into it."

Sure enough, if Sierra looked carefully, she'd spot the almost invisible trip wire. How Destyni had seen it as far away as she had was a mystery, but then again, if she'd been out here for 8 months already, she'd probably learned what to look for by now.


1: Go Around the Trap.

2: Other?


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Sierra would listen to Des, and start to feel for her. Truthfully the feeling was mutual as their motivation was restored to simply get out of this place. The duo started to walk along and as they went through a bunch of trees, Sierra was yanked backward pretty violently by Des. Was it some kind of trap that got her, Sierra had going through her mind as she turned to see why Des had done that. A few moments later, Sierra saw exactly why as Des spotted a trap that Sierra was almost ready to walk right into.

Not entirely interested in figuring out just how malicious these traps could be, it was decided that it would be best to simply avoid them.

(1, move on)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Moving onward, the women found themselves in an open field where there were pent of plants, and lots of grass. As they moved through it Destyni suddenly stopped, something catching her eye.

As she bent down to pick whatever she'd spotted up, Sierra saw an almost wicked grin reach her lips. Holding up a small device, she handed one to Sierra.

One Use item Found: Neural Impactor - Fits onto your hand and when used smacks your enemy for 120 shadow damage by causing their nerves to misfire. Allows you to escape a grapple instantly. Can only be used when you are grappled. Doesn't work on most traps.

"It's like a stun device in a way. Causes whatever attacks you to get hurt and convulse for a short period of time. I've seen a couple of them before, used them. Good to have if you get cornered and can't dodge everything. Wouldn't mind using one on the next mutt I see, I have to admit. Hey, whats say we make a pact, any dogs we encounter on this planet from here on out, we tag team the fucker and end it's life first, huh?"


1: Take the device, talk and move on.

2: Take the device, talk and stay a moment (chance to be caught)


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Sierra would notice Des' facial expression change. Almost like she was thinking of something. Almost starting to worry about it for a second, like she was going to do something to Sierra. That fear was allayed as Des bent down and picked something up off the ground. She found something, and by the looks of the grin on her face she knew exactly what it was.

"I guess you have seen one of these before? Seems like it would be useful given what we have been up against so far."

Sierra would slip the device onto her wrist as she considered what Des had to say about the dogs.

"Sounds like a plan to me. I will shoot at any dog I see first from now on."

Sierra would nod her head in agreement to the request that Des had made.

(1, continue on)

Sierra would start to move on again. Then a question would pop into her head about the device she was just given.

"How many times can this thing be used?"

Obviously trying to learn about the thing a little more if she could. It would be a shame if she wasted it on the first thing she saw when it could potentially only have one charge in it.

(Obviously its a one use item, but in game Sierra does not realize that just yet.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

((Just an FYI, usually one use items are auto used. Suppose we could try to work something out with that, but it may devolve into my having to PM you before every update on your threads.))

Destyni didn't bother turning to reply as they continued on, her eyes focused on something off in the distance.

"Just one charge unfortunately. Very limited, but highly effective."

Before Sierra could ask what had caught her friends attention, they were nearing it. It appeared to be some kind of shrine!

Once more Cassidy appeared to them.

"This is a shrine of accuracy. When activated, you will be more accurate with your physical attacks for a period of time, able to land them more often. If you want this shrine, you must defeat Flesh Teaser and her Supreme Succubus ally. If you don't wish to risk it, then you should go now before they become aware of you."

She vanished as quickly as she'd appeared, and right after she was gone, Destyni shuddered slightly.

"A succubus? I've heard a lot of rumors about their kind, and none of them are good. Though ... this shrine sounds like it would help you out, at least for a while. I'll go for it with you if you want."


1: Let's take the shrine.

2: Nope, fuck that.


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

(If that is how they work, then that is how they work I guess. I was kinda making the assumption that I would use the thing to escape instead of actually taking an action to roll for escaping? That being said I will NEVER attempt a shrine/whatever that has an enemy that will futa my character.)

Sierra would look at this shrine and think that even with Des around, the shrine was simply still not worth it.

"These things don't seem like they are worth it. Rather just move on and get to the end."

(2. Moving on)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

((They don't cost your turn, they act like a counter attack, only they don't do as much damage obviously.))

Destyni simply shrugged, not seeming to care one way or another. As they walked along, they found themselves in a small wooded area. As they began to walk through it ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Destyni: 13 vs. Trap ???: 5

Sierra: 8 vs. Trap ???: 11.

Destyni suddenly stopped, but didn't have time to warn Sierra, who was watching the trees for those tentacle things. As a result, Sierra bumped into Destyni, and they both fell into what at first seemed like some kind of mud. At first, nothing seemed to happen, and Destyni started to apologize, when things went to shit.

Suddenly, both women felt a strange sensation coming from their nether regions, and when they looked down, they might both be shocked to discover they each had a rather impressive looking, erect dick! A warning went off in their minds about having been infected with some kind of parasite! Before either woman could react to this latest development, they felt the parasite's exert their influence!

Destyni's Condition: 17: Causes you to become so sensitive to sex that you orgasm every time you have sex for five straight turns.

Sierra's Condition: 3: Forces whoever is infected to attempt to grapple and rape their ally for five straight turns (if you grapple you will instantly try to penetrate and rape, differing from normal enemies.) If you were alone for some reason, you'll willingly toss yourself at the closest enemy and have sex with it, or jerk yourself off. (It will auto penetrate you in this case and can't be removed during this).

((Auto run time))

Round 1:

Suddenly Sierra couldn't think about anything but hot sexy her new friend looked, and how good it would feel to plunge her new cock inside the tight depths of the lovely elf woman. A wicked grin crossed her face as the parasite hijacked control of her mind, and she suddenly moved on Destyni with a purpose.

Destyni for her part groaned as the parasite's affliction took hold of her, and didn't see Sierra coming for her until the woman was almost on top of her. She started to ask what was wrong with her, when suddenly Sierra lunged for her!

Grapple Attempt 1:

Sierra: 23 vs. Destyni: 14.

Sierra grabs, and wrestles Destyni to the ground!

Penetration Attempt 1:

Sierra: 22 vs. Destyni: 1.

Easily holding down the struggling elf, Sierra plunges her cock inside of her TIGHT Elven pussy! Destyni cries out in stunned pleasure, trembling beneath Sierra's thrusting body. Something was wrong with her, with both of them, and Destyni knew it. Sierra shouldn't be acting like this, and why did this suddenly feel so damn good. In moments, Destyni realized her stamina for sex was almost non existent somehow, and with a wild scream of pleasure, she orgasmed around Sierra's cock!

Destyni suffers 180 Pleasure and has a powerful orgasm! She gains 250 KP! She is under the effects of the Adrenaline Boost!

Sierra experiences 120 pleasure as the sensation of Destyni's orgasm nearly causes her to climax already! She gains 140 KP and has 15 Stamina left.

Round 2:

Escape Rape Attempt:

Destyni: 1+5=6 vs. Sierra: 29.

Destyni can't break free!

Pleasure Roll:

Sierra: 24 vs. Destyni: 12+5=17.

Destyni is helpless to stop Sierra from continuing to rape her, and before long she's screaming in pleasure as another orgasm rips through her, stealing her adrenaline away! Destyni suffers 180 pleasure, and suffers another orgasm.

Unfortunately, Sierra also orgasms, and fills her pussy with seed! Destyni gains 450 KP, and is impregnated! 20/20 pregnant.

Sierra happily thrusts away, enjoying the sensation of Destyni's orgasming, clenching pussy literally milking her cock of her seed. Sierra fills Destyni, flooding her with seed and impregnating her! Sierra experiences 120 pleasure, and gains 490 KP. She has 30 stamina left. Sierra has an adrenaline boost!

Round 3:

Escape Rape Attempt:

Destyni: 3 vs. Sierra: 22+5=27.

Destyni's weak struggles aren't even remotely close enough to free her.

Pleasure Roll:

Sierra: 15+5=20 vs. Destyni: 8.

Destyni can only offer weak resistance as Sierra continues to overpower her, forcefully fucking her! Before long Destyni is screaming as yet another orgasm rips through her, causing her to violently shudder, her eyes rolling into the back of her head! By now the lovely Elf is gasping for air, unable to handle such a pleasurable onslaught. Destyni suffers 180 pleasure, and another orgasm. She gains 460 KP as she is filled again! 19/20 pregnant.

Sierra continues to fuck the hell out of Destyni, oblivious to the fact that the sexy Elf is fighting it, and failing to do so. Sierra experiences 120 pleasure as once more Destyni orgasms around her cock, causing her to flood her pussy with more seed. Sierra gains 340 KP, and has 45 stamina left. She loses her adrenaline!

Round 4:

Escape Rape Attempt:

Destyni: 23 vs. Sierra: 27.

Destyni still can't get free!

Pleasure Roll:

Sierra: 22 vs. Destyni: 21.

Once more Destyni is overpowered by Sierra, no longer trying to silence her moans and screams of pleasure as she's raped. Helplessly, she writhes in pleasure underneath Sierra's thrusting form, tears forming in her eyes. Destyni suffers 180 pleasure, and screams loudly as a fourth orgasm rips through her! Destyni can only accept Sierra's constant spurt of seed filling her, helpless to stop it! Destyni gains 460 KP again. 18/20 pregnant.

Sierra experiences 120 pleasure as she continues raping Destyni, and enjoying the feeling of her tight pussy climaxing around her! Sierra gains 340 KP and has 60 stamina left.

Round 5:

Escape Rape Attempt:

Destyni: 23 vs. Sierra: 12.

Destyni finally breaks free!

Grapple Attempt:

Sierra: 7 vs. Destyni: 28.

Destyni dodges her, and the parasites finally change! Destyni is pregnant, 17/20

Destyni: 3: Forces whoever is infected to attempt to grapple and rape their ally for five straight turns (if you grapple you will instantly try to penetrate and rape, differing from normal enemies.) If you were alone for some reason, you'll willingly toss yourself at the closest enemy and have sex with it, or jerk yourself off. (It will auto penetrate you in this case and can't be removed during this).

Sierra: 15: Causes you to become obsessed with an enemy currently on the field of play that is free, and you'll let it rape you (instant penetration) for five straight turns. If there was no enemy, you'll become obsessed with having an orgasm somehow, and either rape your companion, or jerk yourself off. (In this case, she won't fight Destyni off!)

Sierra's mind continued to be clouded by the parasite, only this time it was Destyni who suddenly became the aggressor!

Destyni was just about to try and knock some sense into Sierra, when suddenly her mind was filled with the thought of revenge rape. Oh how good it would feel to fuck that tight pussy of Sierra's for a change, to flood her with HER seed instead! Grinning wickedly, and noticing the Amazon was distracted, Destyni lunged for her, and took her down without a fight. One look into Sierra's eyes told her she wanted it, and without any hesitation, Destyni slid her cock deep inside Sierra's tight pussy and began to fuck her hard!

(Auto run all 5 rounds)

Destyni experiences 420 pleasure and gains 880 KP. Destyni fills Sierra with her seed twice, the second time impregnating her! Destyni is pregnant, 12/20

Sierra experiences 300 pleasure and gains 580 KP. Sierra orgasms twice around Destyni's cock, causing her to cry out in pleasure, and thrust wildly as she fills her twice, and one of those times is as Sierra orgasms around her, literally milking her cock! Sierra is impregnated! 20/20 pregnant.

At the very end, as Destyni empties her second load into Sierra, she moans "oh god ... so good ..."

Finally, the parasites change again ....

Destyni: 1: Instant 60 pleasure gain for five straight turns + whatever you'd get normally.

Sierra: 10: Causes you to become less durable for five straight turns, halving your stamina, thus making it easier to bring you to an orgasm.

Notes: Each woman is pregnant, and when they give birth a randomly generated enemy will be spawned! These enemies WILL have to be fought, as the parasite has warped each woman enough to give birth to ready to rape demon babies.


1: Try to remove the parasites (chance to be caught).

2: Move onward and try to ignore the parasites.


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

(What was the total KP gain, as in did the KP level go up for either/both of them?)

Des stopped again, probably noticing a trap. Sierra however was oblivious to the whole thing this time as when Des reached over to stop Sierra it was already too late. Looking at the trees to see if anything was going to reach out for them, she bumped into Des and they both fell into a mud pit.

What happened next could only be described as mass hysteria. Having both been infected with a parasite of some kind, Sierra uncontrollably raped Des into oblivion for a few minutes. Des seemed to have about the longest orgasm ever as she was in a constant state of orgasmic bliss while Sierra mindlessly raped her. Des became pregnant at some point in that, was able to break herself free, and the parasites shifted. Sierra was about to get some payback it would seem.

Now Des was the aggressor, and Sierra was just as powerless to stop the rape as the submissive as she was the dominant one previously. Des came inside Sierra twice, and the second time Sierra felt something different. She was definately pregnant. It seemed that the parasites wanted to have these two get it on for while, and really why not just ask nicely?

None the less, Sierra and Des were finished raping each other, and they have both impregnated the other on top of that. Who knows what these parasites have done to them, but it certainly cannot be anything good.

Trying to not focus on what just happened, Sierra would start on trying to get rid of the parasites. Sierra knew it was the parasites to blame, or probably her for causing the problem in the first place not being aware of the trap. Either way, nothing good could come of these things being there.

(1. Get these things off, take infinite numbers of turns to do so)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

((Destyni: 2,500 KP Gained, Sierra: 1,890 KP Gained. NO Level Gained.))

Parasite Rmoval Attempts:

Destyni: 14 vs. Trap: 1.

Sierra: 28 vs. Trap: 8.

Both women manage to remove the parasites! However, while they were distracted in removing them ...

Enemy Spawn:

Level 2 Karsetti: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600. Damage: 8. Weak vs. Physical Attacks. Special Ability: Super Tentacle Bind. Anger Slots: 3/3.

Level 2 Humanoid Plant: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 40. HP: 600. Weak to Fire. Special Ability: Tentacle Bind (Physical).

Level 2 Slime Blob: Stamina: 95. Pleasure: 30. HP: 300. Weak to Lightning: Special Ability: Stuck on You.

Level 3 Possessed Human: Stamina: 175. Pleasure: 30. HP: 700.

Initiative Rolls:

Karsetti: 6 (Last)
Plant: 21 (3rd)
Blob: 30 (1st)
Human: 18 (4th)
Sierra: 28 (2nd)
Destyni: 13 (5th)

... four enemies had moved in, and one of them lunged for Sierra!

Blob: 25 vs. Sierra: 7+3=10.

Sierra is tackled by the Blob before she can even react to it being there!


1: Get off me you pile of ooze!

2: Other?


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

(Lol at KP level 0 should it not be a given that she is going to simply try to escape?)

Sierra was quite pleased that she had removed that thing from her body that caused the last episode between Des and her. As she destroyed the parasite, she looked over to see that Des was doing the same. Rather awkward though realizing that they were both pregnant, and that things were about to get worse.

FOUR enemies were on their way now. Nevermind that if this fight took too long that whatever was brewing inside of the two of them was also going to be part of the equation. This fight would either go really well really fast, or go really horribly really long.

No sooner than Sierra stops to contemplate things, she is already tackled by a slime bob. She was about to draw back her bow to attack something, but the slime creature seemingly was bent on going for Sierra, and had gotten her down before Sierra could do anything about it. Not wanting to have another episode of getting raped senselessly, Sierra would try to go down fighting at least.

(1, get free)