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Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

It was a familiar ritual, even in unfamiliar settings. Kaitlyn's fingers dipped in a pussy she knew at least as well as her own. Masturbation didn't help in the slightest when she was in heat, but Alyssa's attentions did. At least a little. Never enough to sate her, but at least enough to think. And when they were both in heat, exploring each others bodies was much more rewarding than exploring their own.

The fingers didn't stay there long. Just enough to guide one head of the dildo into the dripping hole. Deep inside, as much as Alyssa could comfortably take. She pulled back slightly, and was treated to the sight of her sister with the dildo sticking out of her cunt. It almost looked like an oddly rubbery dick. Enough to get her heat-melted attention focused on it. The burning between her legs was a bonfire.

Kaitlyn pulled her sister to the ground, almost pushing her over, then grabbing the other end of the dildo and guiding it to her own needy cunt. It slid in easily, her own body more than happy to provide lubrication, and she gasped with unimaginable pleasure. The young su-ku-ta leaned forward, breasts rubbing against her twin's, kissing her again. She could feel her ears twitching, her tail thrashing. The feeling of the thick rubber inside her was better than being empty, but still not enough.
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Alyssa finally broke the kiss as Kaitlyn's fingers found their way into her pussy, even such brief stimulation enough to cause her to shudder and grip her sister tighter. The oh so satisfying sense of fullness that followed as the dildo was pushed inside of her was simultaneously exactly what her body craved yet not nearly enough to truly sate these urges. She moaned softly, losing herself for a moment as Kaitlyn pulled away.

It didn't last long however, they both had desires they needed to fulfil. It was beyond simple desires, it was a need strong enough to drive them to lose their senses entirely, and they had very nearly reached that point. They knew exactly what it was their bodies craved, and this was but an imitation. It wasn't enough, it was never enough... but it had always kept them from losing themselves completely. They had always had somewhere safe to retreat to though, somewhere they could lock themselves—or each other—away.

Here, they were denied that luxury, and it was all they could do to try to curb their desires in this way. Alyssa let herself be guided to the ground, treated briefly to the sight of her sister straddling her body, just above the other tip of the dildo for a moment before lowering herself onto it in one quick motion. Alyssa's hands once again found her sister's body, starting at her hips, just above where the toy connected them, and roamed upwards until they settled just beneath her arms, wrapping around the other su-ku-ta's back and drawing her in for another kiss, pressing their bodies together.

It wasn't enough though. The heat between her legs had abated briefly, but it had returned even stronger than before. Not loosening her grip on her sister, lips still locked together as she probed softly with her tongue, Alyssa began to roll her hips as much as she was able to from this position, thrusting the dildo up, even deeper into her sister even as the movements drew another moan of pleasure from her as well.
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn: HP = 54, PP = 26/52, EP = 42, Status = Horny, Clothes at 11/25 TP
Alyssa: HP = 54, PP = 26/52, EP = 42, Status = Horny, Clothes at 9/25 TP

The two had been forced to do this many, many times before. Having inherited the same propensity for going into heat, they had grown used to dealing with each others heats, and as they rarely hit their heat on the same day like they had today more often than not one could seclude the other and help assuage their urges. Today, however, it seemed that they weren't so lucky.

In the midst of their tryst, out in the open in the middle of the jungle, it seemed that some of the locals finally stumbled over them. No less than six men came out of the woods, already practically on top of them, carrying spears, knives, and hatchets but clad only in loin cloths and a few straps to help them carry their armaments. They were unlike any men that the pair had ever seen, however, resembling the werewolves of legend, possessed of the bestial faces of wolves, tails, fur coated bodies, and legs jointed like a wolf's rather than a man's. Most even sported claws, though not all, and as they stopped in shock to find the two feline siblings an argument broke out.

A wolfman with dark brown fur grunted something unintelligible, and a big burly black furred one responded in an unmistakable tone of derision. The brown one responded again, this time more hesitantly, but after a few more exchanges he was cowed into submission, and by that point the dark furred one was done untying his loincloth. Both siblings found themselves facing over nine inches of springy, red, veiny canine cock, the fleshy rod pulsating softly while a droplet of pre appeared from the hole capping its oddly angled tip. The mere sight of it devastated what little inhibitions the pair might have had left, and when the smell of his pheromones hit them their heat left the two practically mad with lust. The others were less sure of themselves, but the whole hunting party had exposed themselves within a few moments of the dark furred one, and as the pack closed in around them the pair were already seemingly out of options...
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn continued bucking her hips against her sister, holding her tight. She made strained moaning sounds, short and sharp, as the artificial dick brought her slowly but surely to an orgasm. She shuddered, and smiled at her sister, but didn't pull away. Her hips continued their rolling motion, slower. The heat was perhaps a little less, but nothing less than a creampie would really give relief, and Alyssa couldn't give her that. But a few more minutes of sex and they might at least be able to focus enough to find someplace a little more... secure. Or try to.

She'd started to pick up the pace a bit again when she suddenly caught the scent. Her nose wasn't especially well attuned most of the time, but the smell of masculine sweat cut through everything in her current state, and she looked up to see six men. One more stroke, a second, but already she was wetter than she'd been right after her orgasm.

Still, having already had sex a little, her rational mind had enough control to know this was bad. They weren't the sailors. They looked like... a mix of human and dog in the same way that a su-ku-ta was a mix of human and cat. Or what the su-ku-ta must have looked like before centuries of idealizing the less-feline features. More like wolf than dog, really, whereas she and her sister were closer to housecats than the great cats that legend said were in their ancestry. Even just humans would have been reason enough to flee. But wolf-men... that hit her instincts as well as her rational mind. Run. It was time to run, to hide. She managed to whisper it - "Run" - without taking her eyes from the men.

Finally she realized that she was still on top of her sister, arms wrapped around her, the double-headed dildo in both their cunts so that their lower lips actually brushed against each other. She pulled off with a wet sound and scrambled to her feet, feeling several drips run down her bare thighs. More were forming. It was almost too late. Kaitlyn managed to rip her eyes away, pull magic to her, bending the light between her and the men, ignoring the unfamiliar sounds as the men seemed to argue.

At which point the apparent leader of the group pulled off his loincloth. Kaitlyn stopped turning, her eyes fixed on his pulsing rod, the magic slipping from her mind. She still made it one more step away before the smell hit her. Not just sweat, now. Cum. This rod could do for her what no number of dildos could. Her next step was towards it.

She was vaguely aware that the others were spreading out, surrounding her and her sister, and that they all had their cocks out now. She knew something about that was supposed to disturb her, but... her sister! She could still smell Alyssa's arousal, even if she couldn't turn to look at her. But there were six cocks, and she only had one hole that really needed filling. Plenty to share. Nothing to worry about.

Kaitlyn took a few more steps towards the dick, her hips swaying, her tail lashing back and forth. She licked her lips. She wanted simply to rush him, to mount him, to bear him to the ground and ride him. But... he was too tall for her to mount standing, too strong for her to overpower. And something else that she couldn't quite put into words. She kept moving, her eyes on the prize, until she was close enough to reach out and touch it. Closer, until it smeared cum onto her stomach. Then she finally managed to tear her eyes away for a moment while she turned around, bent over.

She looked back over her shoulder as best she could, faint sounds of need issuing from her lips, another bead of pure arousal running down her thigh from a pussy already literally dripping. Her hips rolled, just as they would if he penetrated her, but more slowly. Her lips formed the words that she couldn't manage to say, begging him to fuck her, to cum, to fill her to bursting, to give her kittens...
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

It didn't take long at all for Alyssa to lose herself in the sensations, pushing back rhythmically against the toy inside of her as she clutched her sister tighter. If she closed her eyes she could almost imagine it was the real thing, just enough to take the edge off of the desires that even now still threatened to overcome her entirely. She wasn't certain quite how long they went on for, too lost in satisfying her body's incessant cravings, at least a little.

What finally caught her notice wasn't the scent, the heavier, masculine pheromones overwhelming her sister's and driving her body even more wild with lust, it was only when Kaitlyn stopped to look at the source of the scent. Alyssa's more rational mind finally caught up with her only as her sister was in the process of disentangling herself from the tangle they'd become, though it was still mired in the seemingly endless sea of lust that came over her whenever she was in heat.

She blinked a few times, trying to focus on what was around her, and her eyes immediately went to the man across the clearing from them... or more specifically, to the cock he'd just exposed. She wasn't sure what he was, but the dog-like, or perhaps more accurately wolf-like appearance of him and his companions brought both an instinctive fear as well as unwanted memories to the surface... but even that fear warred with the overwhelming sense of need. While they toy she and her sister had been using certainly felt good, it couldn't truly satisfy her like this... but these men could.

Still, fear won out for a time at least, the su-ku-ta instinctively scrambling away from the threat, until she found her back pressed against a tree and her eyes once again drawn to the group of bestial men, all of whom had now exposed themselves... and her sister, slowly approaching them. She forced her eyes shut, unable to pull them away otherwise, but she found herself unable to move. She was caught between the desire to flee, to get as far away from here as possible, and the need to finally have her physical desires fulfilled.

If they did more than just stand there waiting, she didn't think she'd be able to resist them. She couldn't just leave her sister either though... and even if she'd wanted to, her legs refused to move. She couldn't run, as much as her instincts were screaming at her too, not with such fulfillment so close at hand...
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn: HP = 54, PP = 26/52, EP = 42, Status = Horny, Clothes at 11/25 TP
Alyssa: HP = 54, PP = 26/52, EP = 42, Status = Horny, Clothes at 9/25 TP

Alyssa: 10
Kaitlynn: 7 + 2 from IO

Creampies! Needing 9s by default, Kaitlynn currently 4s because of induce ovulation.
Alyssa: Big Grey Beta [13, 3, 2, 14, 3, 13, 19, 9, 15, 14]
Kaitlynn: Black Alpha (+1) [6, 3, 17, 2, 15, 5, 7, 7, 19]

With Alyssa frozen in place and desperately trying to keep her eyes closed, Kaitlyn found no resistance to her disentanglement from her sister, who felt one last small burst of pleasure as the toy slid out of both of them. Even at an initial distance, however, Alyssa couldn't miss the scent of male pheromones mixing with their own, lust surging in her so hard that in seconds her legs were practically shaking with arousal as she fought her internal battle between escape and giving in to her intense arousal. The lead wolf was head and shoulders taller than Kaitlyn, and as she closed in and his cock pressed against her belly she got a good idea of how well endowed he was as well. The tip pressed just above her belly button, leaving a drop of that intoxicatingly scented precum just over her womb.

Then she spun, bending over, offering herself, but that seemingly wasn't enough for him. Letting out a grunt, he pushed her down to her knees, bending her over, and in seconds Kaitlyn had his tip pressing against her outer lips and the crouching wolf man preparing to slam down into her. Alyssa, in the meantime, was not left alone for long. Their alpha laying claim to her sister and putting her on her knees, she was left to contend with the rest, and after a quick exchange of growls and grunts between the rest, a contest ended as one snapped his jaws at the others, Alyssa found herself lifted off of her feet. An immense gray furred wolf man had taken her up in his arms, leaving her faced with his heavy panting breaths splashing against her face and neck... And nearly ten inches of thick, pulsating cock briefly pressed against her stomach.

Both siblings could see one another, Alyssa being hefted into the air only a few feet in front of Kaitlynn and the leader about to take Kaitlynn from behind just to Alyssa's left. It was Kaitlynn who was penetrated first, the black furred alpha spending no time teasing her once he was properly lined up. If she was looking at her sister at the time, Alyssa would see her sister's expression flash to ecstasy as Kaitlynn's inner walls were parted by the wolfman's cock. Kaitlynn was absolutely filled, her folds stretched by thick, veiny, pulsating cock that pressed a drop of precum against her cervix. Pleasure and satisfaction so potent that it was nearly agonizing surged through her, her heated body going wild as the promise of fulfillment of its raging desire to be bred plowed into her.

Alyssa wasn't to remain empty for long herself, the wolf man holding her shifting enough that his manhood slid down along her belly and began to flop away, but a well timed shift brought her down and his hips up. Glorious pleasure roared through her as her folds parted and stretched, and her cervix got the same lewd kiss from the strange humanoid's immense rod that her sister's had received only seconds prior. That stimulation caused a wave of pleasure surged through her and left the last of her thoughts totally scrambled, any will to escape crumbled to dust and leaving only mindless lust in its place.

There was no protection to be had here, no condom that might keep their potent seed at bay, no potion to quaff at the end. They couldn't even hope to make one in time for it to matter, the area's plants unfamiliar and thus useless for the purpose of mixing potions until they could identify their properties. There was only raw flesh grinding against raw flesh, the wild beastmen hitting the pair's most intense sweet spots by way of sheer girth as they'd parted the thief sister's inner walls and promising to hit them again and again and again once they got up to speed. Neither wolf wasted time with teasing, grunting softly after their initial penetration and waiting only a few seconds before they pulled back to start their second thrust, the one taking Kaitlynn from behind holding her hips securely in place to ensure that she made no attempt at escape and the one lifting Alyssa both thrusting and shifting his shoulders to at once fuck her and pump her onto his rod.

Both built their pace at an almost frightening rate, and neither of them had much stamina left. Their arousal overwhelming and the hard fucking provided by both offering more than enough stimulation to send both hurtling into orgasm within minutes. Neither spilled their seed into the helpless su-ku-ta as they were both simultaneously wracked with orgasm, but as the others moved around them the beastmen shifted slightly. The black furred one hammering into Kaitlynn from behind rose up slightly and shifted forward, leaning over her and squatting behind her to continue his thrusts, not only increasing his pace but grinding his shaft against her g-spot with every thrust. The one holding Alyssa, in the meantime, lowered his stance as another came up behind her, a shorter brown furred wolfman rubbing up against her back and lining up his canine cock against her rear entrance.

For the suspended sister, there was no hope of escape, of resistance, or even of deciding anything about the wild rut that the muscular beastman giving her pussy one of the best poundings it had ever received seemed content to continue. The one moving in behind Alyssa quickly lined up his tip against her ass, but the rapid pumps from her first partner had her whole body shaking so much that he couldn't find a moment in which he could actually thrust into her. The one trying to claim her ass let out a few growls and grunts, and the one hammering into her pussy slowed and reoriented a little, his head going from pointing down at her chest to up and away, his mouth hanging open and tongue lolling out as he panted heavily. The other took advantage of his slowed pace to begin pushing into her ass, stretching her lower hole even through he was significantly smaller than the one who was still giving her cervix steady taps. There wasn't even a hint of pain though, her raging lust ensuring that every nerve ending only sung in pleasure the deeper he plunged into her ass.

The pair quickly set up alternating thrusts in a steady rhythm, their members filling her gloriously and the extra pressure caused by the double stuffing only increasing her pleasure. Mere moments later Alyssa found the knot of pressure tearing itself apart as pure bliss rolled over her once more, a second orgasm looking like it would chain into a third, and then so many more as the pair ravaged her.

Kaitlynn, in the meantime, would see her sister getting her ass stuffed while the pack leader kept on giving her the fucking of her life, every stroke of his thick rod hitting her g-spot hard enough to make her whole body shake with sensation before the tap of his tip kissing her inner gateway brought her crashing back to reality. The hard, thick, canine rod plunging into her depths was pulsing with life, and she could feel her partner's balls smacking against her clitoris each time he bottomed out. Already the base was starting to swell, the wolfman giving slightly shallower thrusts while the expanding bulge pressed harder than ever against her most sensitive point. Another orgasm was rising, and even though it was currently her sister getting double penetrated instead of her, it was clear that the whole pack would take their pleasure from the pair at one point or another. A whole slew of eager and willing men were going to take her, fuck her, and ultimately cum inside her, but for now their leader was taking his turn on her and snapping his jaws at any others who came too close.

That didn't dissuade them entirely, however, as one moved in front of her and grabbed her by the hair, and shoved a second canine cock into her face, causing it to glance across her cheek and leaving a smear of precum on her skin before reorienting to aim itself at her lips. If she opted to suck the thing of her own volition she would be able to set the pace, but if she didn't or couldn't then she would end up having her mouth fucked while he kept his hand on the top of her head, the taste and scent of the wolfman's masculine pheromones filling her already overwhelmed senses even further. Another stood nearby, the grey one who had seemed to protest taking advantage of the twin's situation waiting in the periphery of Kaitlynn's vision and within comfortable reach, his own members exposed and fully erect as he now seemingly opted to go with the rest of his far less hesitant group.

With both siblings getting exactly what their bodies needed when they were so deep in their heat, things progressed in a fairly predictable manner from that point on. Kaitlynn was getting the fucking of her life, every thrust giving her g-spot a firm grind and pounding deep enough to press harshly against her cervix. The base of the black wolfman's cock began to swell, and as it became harder to pump it into her tight folds he started making his thrusts deeper, thrashing instead of pumping and stretching her more than ever before. The one using her mouth was throbbing, his own knot swelling just past her lips as he humped her face and flooded her olfactory senses with his masculine flavor and making her heat burn all the brighter, and both were panting as they pushed closer and closer to their inevitable release. Alyssa, in the meantime, was getting similar treatment, though in her case instead of her mouth it was her ass that had a second cock plowing into it, leaving her suffering double the stimulation that her sister was made to endure. Both cocks inside of her were throbbing, pre smearing against her inner walls as the pair began to work themselves toward orgasm, though neither had a knot to swell inside of her.

The raw animalistic bliss overwhelming them seemed to make the sisters descend into a state of near constant orgasm, a constant explosion of pleasure that left their minds shattered and their bodies shaking in the grip of their instinct driven rut. Both could feel their bodies waiting, however, for the life giving seed that the wolfmen were sure to plan inside of them, and it was Kaitlynn who got a taste first. Even if she had split her attention between the two vying for her mouth, the one who had picked her mouth first suddenly let out a low howl, and without warning cum started flooding her mouth, either down her throat or into her mouth depending on how she'd responded to his actions. Spurt after spurt of warm, thick cream poured out of the pulsating cock, the salty pungent taste ambrosia to her while she was captivated in her heat, but it wasn't to be the last.

The wolf leader's ferocious pounding soon finally came to its logical conclusion, and as she felt his cock pulsating inside of her and his balls pressing against her clitoris Kaitlynn's body prepared for the most intense orgasm yet. By that point her first partner's knot was swollen such that he couldn't have pulled out even if he'd wanted to, and the last few thrusts came with rushed desperation and lasted just long enough to build her anticipation before he suddenly stopped moving and gave a howl of satisfaction similar to the one unleashed by the one who was just finishing up cumming into her mouth. One heartbeat, then two, and then three were felt through her sensitive folds as her body was left on the cusp of release, anticipation making that final wait agonizing until, finally, she felt it. One particularly powerful throb sent a spurt of hot, thick semen shooting against her cervix that finally released her from anticipation and allowed her to sink back into numbing bliss, but it was far from the last in the chieftain's insistent bid for fatherhood as he blasted wave after wave of potent baby batter into the su-ku-ta's unprotected, fertile womb, with every shot only enhancing her explosive orgasm further.

Alyssa, in the meantime, was not left to lag behind her sister for long once again. The two wolfmen's increasingly desperate thrusts had reached a fevered pitch, their panting breaths coming quicker to keep pace with their wild bucking. She too was left waiting for a subjective eternity as the pulsating rods pounding into her ass and pussy prepared to unleash their seed into her. It was a hard race to see which of the two would cum first, but after a few moments the one who had first claimed her pussy bottomed out one last time and began to give short, quick thrusts as his manhood throbbed. Only a few seconds later the suspended su-ku-ta felt the first explosion of warm goo into her sex, a deluge of sperm rich semen pouring into her and sending her whole body wild with pleasure as he took the first shot at impregnating her. The one in her ass soon followed, only further enhancing an already explosive orgasm as her ass was flooded uselessly but still pleasurably with spurt after spurt of hot seed.

Both wolfmen holding Alyssa thrust through their orgasms and then some, pumping into her until they were sated and then slowly pulled out. Kaitlynn, in the meantime, would have the wolf leader stuck inside of her for several long moments. He snapped angrily at anyone who came near while his knot kept his cock inside of her, plugging her pussy up and giving his sperm ample time to claim as many of her eggs as possible. Alyssa would ultimately be set down, however, and as the two who had taken the first turn on her stumbled away the lead wolf grinned and forcefully pulled his cock out of Kaitlynn. His cum began oozing out of her gaping folds, but the leader gave her no more head as he advanced on Alyssa, his knot finally fully deflating as he drew near and snapped at those moving in on her. It seemed that, though he had been denied the first chance at impregnating her, he intended to at the very least take the second as he grabbed her by the legs and pushed her onto her back, pinning her knees against her shoulders as he squatted over her, cock still damp with Kaitlynn's honey aiming at her own soaked folds.

Kaitlynn, in the meantime, was getting surrounded by the rest, the first and closest the one who had been most hesitant, though several of the other wolfmen were larger and looked like they would no longer be patient with her. They didn't seem to be terribly eager to lie down on their backs, the inhuman jointing making such positions naturally difficult to assume and more difficult to get out of for them, but if she got one onto its back and mounted it they would seem to understand her intent. Regardless, however, she had a few seconds to try and pick her own position before the wolves descended on her, as many as could fit around her aiming to take her in whatever hole they could reach.
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Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

The wolf-man was tall, strong, and already hard. Kaitlyn was sopping wet, and if she could have drawn the drop of precum through her belly to where it belonged, she would have. But she couldn't.

Instead she bent over, hoping against hope that he would take her. She dropped to her knees at his slightest touch. She wanted to mount him more than she had ever wanted anything else, but at the same time she knew it wasn't up to her. After an eternity she felt the Cock against her outer lips. Warm and wet, and everything her toy had pretended to be but could never match.

The anticipation was too much. She pressed her face to the ground, hands twisting in the grass, and leaned back. And felt him fill her. She let out a scream of pleasure and need. Not an orgasm - just having a cock in her wasn't enough, her heat demanded more. But still far better than the orgasm she'd had a minute before. Her hips moved on their own, helplessly churning in a slow rhythm. Given the choice she would have gone faster, moved straight towards what her body needed. But the pack's leader's hands held her hips, too strong to deny.

She didn't have to wait long. In only seconds he was going as fast as she could have wanted, and even harder. Each thrust drew a grunt from her, pleasure so intense it was almost pain. And then she felt her body convulse, cunt clamping down as her first real orgasm in ages rippled through her. She would have fallen to the ground if her 'partner' hadn't been holding her so tightly. As it was her hips stilled for thrust after thrust, until the orgasm faded.

And with it, a little of the pink mist, the undeniable need to breed. It was still there, and from experience she knew it would be back in seconds. But for a moment she could think clearly. She was bent over in the middle of the forest, being fucked bareback by a stranger. Not just a stranger, some sort of wolf-man. Either a very odd mutant human or su-ku-ta, or some race she'd never even heard of. And there were a lot of them.

If she'd been on her feet and not panting from orgasm, she would have run. But she wasn't. She was bent over, held tightly, and in a few seconds she'd be willingly participating again. Plus, she vaguely remembered that she was supposed to be distracting the things so Alyssa could...

She saw her sister held off her feet, riding another of the wolf-men. And a second coming up from behind, shifting her tail so that he could press a cock against her rear entrance. Apparently the plan hadn't worked.

Every second that passed the scent was only growing stronger. Partly that would be because she was now pressed hip to hip with the major source, bits of his heavenly-smelling precum undoubtedly dripping directly into her. And partly it was the growing erections of all the others around her. Whatever the source, the scent was intoxicating. Overpowering. And one orgasm hadn't sated her in the slightest. The overwhelmed su-ku-ta started gyrating her hips again, giving a high cry as 'her' wolf-man shifted slightly and found her g-spot. Any thought of her sister, or running away, or the fact that there was going to be no potion, preventative or counteractive, faded away.

What didn't fade was her awareness of her sex, of the rod thrusting in and out with amazing strength and precision. Every thrust ended with a whimper of pleasure now, just as something slapped against her clit. And the base of the shaft seemed to be growing now. But while that was odd, it wasn't really relevant.

Something grabbed her, lifting her head by her hair. The pain shocked her into opening her eyes. And there was a second cock. That was nice, but not really relevant. What she wanted and needed was already happening, behind her. The cock's owner didn't seem to care, though, and she found herself with a mouth full of penis, the taste of precum. And a nose full of that intoxicating masculine scent. She felt him start to fuck her face, but didn't really care. Her eyes rolled back as the smell wiped the last thoughts from her head. Her lips and tongue joined her hips, automatically running over the cock, and she relaxed her throat, moaning around the second member. A second orgasm hit her, and this time it didn't seem to fade out like it should.

The next thing she knew was a thrust particularly deep into her throat. She let out a whimper of pain that went unnoticed with all the other muffled sounds she'd been making, and felt a torrent of cum pour straight into her throat. This cock too seemed to have swollen, a knot that forced her jaws achingly apart.

But before she could worry about how she was going to get the cock out of her mouth, she felt the one in her pussy thrust in, pushing up against her cervix and staying there. His base was painfully thick, to the point where the re-emerging rational part of her brain wondered if she could have pulled off even if he hadn't been holding on. He howled. And she felt cum shoot straight against her innermost depths.

Wave after wave of cum, and she whimpered again. This time with entirely rational fear. Her heat had gotten what it wanted, and she could think again. And what it wanted was as much baby batter as possible in her womb. It wasn't the first time it had happened, but always before she'd taken precautions, and if nothing else there were always the potions hidden under the bed. Only the bed was hundreds of miles and an ocean away, and Alyssa hadn't recognized the plants here. She knew how fertile her mother had been. And while she'd never had children herself, she had no doubt she was just as likely to get pregnant on the first try. Now she wasn't just lost in an unfamiliar land, she was lost and pregnant in an unfamiliar land. Probably.

She tried to pull off, hoping at least some of the cum would run out of her before it got to her womb. But the wolf-man was having none of it, even if she'd been able to struggle off the swollen knot. A few snarls and a tight grip ensured that she stayed sealed up tight for a few more thrusts, until he decided to pull out, with an audible 'pop' and a steady stream of cum.

Panting with the exertion, Kaitlyn slumped forward, then forced herself to rise to her knees. This wasn't over. She'd been fucked once, but there had been a bunch more of the wolf-men, and there was still a chance she wasn't pregnant. As long as she got away before...

The cum-dripping su-ku-ta looked around, rubbing at her aching jaw, feeling cum dribble down one thigh. She was surrounded. By wolf-men. All looking at her. All with their cocks out. All smelling... really good. She felt her will to resist fading again, her heat guarding against the same chance she still hoped for, that the first one hadn't struck true. She raised a half-hearted hand to fend off the first to reach her, and found herself holding his member. Stroking it. And it wasn't just semen running down her thigh now. She rose to her feet. Every one of the wolf-men was significantly taller than her, though not as by as large a margin as the first. She couldn't fight. But they looked perfectly happy to fuck her, and wasn't that what she really wanted?
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

What little resistance Alyssa had left in her melted away as soon as she felt the strong hands gripping her. She finally let her eyes crack open, first taking in the large, bestial man who'd lifted her off the ground, and the downwards to the thick cock now pressed against her. She knew what was coming, knew somewhere in the back of her mind that she should be afraid, that she should be trying to get away from these men... but her body wanted this too much to be denied.

There was nowhere to hide this time, and with both her and Kaitlyn going into heat at the same time there was nobody to help either of them control it either. All they could do was submit to it. Alyssa managed to tear her eyes away from the bestial cock that she knew she would soon be growing much more intimately familiar with for a moment when she heard her sister cry out, greeted by the sight of Kaitlyn down on all fours, the largest of the pack already buried deep within her.

The thoughts that sight aroused in her would have been shameful if she still had the presence of mind to feel shame, but her heat and the proximity of what she needed to truly sate it for the first time in months was slowly eroding everything but the desire to feel that thick shaft inside of her, rather than teasingly pressed against her. She didn't have to wait long, as it seemed none of these wolf-men had any love for foreplay. She let out a cry of sheer pleasure loud enough she half-expected them to be able to hear it back at the beach as he finally penetrated her, gravity doing whatever work his own movements hadn't to bring his tip all the way to the entrance of her womb in a single thrust.

There was no comparison to the toy she and her sister had been using only moments prior, it was nothing compared to the feeling of such an immense, real cock within her. Even his powerful thrusts, each stroke managing to hit just the right spots to push her closer and closer to orgasm by the moment, didn't truly scratch the itch within her though. Only one thing would, and she knew it was coming. This mating was too primal, too bestial for anything else. Alyssa wrapped her arms around the beastman holding her, clutching tighter as the first of what promised to be many orgasms rocked her body, crying out in mindless ecstasy.

By the time she felt a second pair of hands on her body, a second cock pressing at her from behind, she was far beyond the point of being able to muster even a shred of resistance. She could only feel the pleasure of both of her holes being so thoroughly filled as she bounced helplessly between the two, eyes rolling back in her head briefly as her second orgasm hit, the feeling so intense that she thought she might pass out. Even though she had already had two, and a third felt like it wasn't far off, the men sandwiching her between them hadn't yet, hadn't filled her eager womb with their seed...

Their thrusts were coming even faster and more desperately now, the sensations of them thrusting together inside of her almost too much to bear. It felt like an eternity, every thrust seeming to take a torturously long time to strike home, only to pull back again and deny her what she was craving. She was only just coming down from her last orgasm, and already she could feel another building, like she was balanced on a narrow precipice but couldn't quite get the push she needed to make it over. That push finally came as the one in front of her finally bottomed out deep inside of her pussy again, this time remaining there as he finally unloaded inside of her, filling her with a flood of warm seed.

That feeling finally sent her over the edge again, the mindless bliss of finally having this craving fulfilled. She didn't care that she was all but certainly going to get pregnant from this, that they were far from anywhere she could get her hands on something to prevent that. She wanted it, in her lust-addled mind, she wanted these men to impregnate her, to keep filling her up like this until she just couldn't take any more...

The beastman behind her wasn't far behind the first, the feeling of his seed spilling into her ass only serving to make her own orgasm all the more intense, even if it wasn't the same as having her womb filled. Alyssa was left a dazed, panting mess as she was finally set down, cum oozing from both of her holes and onto the ground beneath her. She'd been released for the moment, if she was going to do anything this would be the time... but all she could do was lie there and await whoever would take her next.

She gazed up through half-lidded eyes as an especially large wolf-man approached, taking a moment to recognize him as what seemed to be the leader, the same one who'd been mounting Kaitlyn only moments before... his cock still slick with a combination of his own cum and her sister's juices. She didn't even put up a token struggle this time, a small, blissful smile on her face as he grabbed her legs and rolled her onto her back, pushing them until her knees pressed against her shoulders, raising her exposed sex into the air slightly. A moan that sounded almost like a purr escaped her lips as she felt his cock pressing against her waiting folds, promising to fill her up even more thoroughly than the last had...
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn: HP = 54, PP = 26/52, EP = 42, Status = Horny, Clothes at 11/25 TP
Alyssa: HP = 54, PP = 26/52, EP = 42, Status = Horny, Clothes at 9/25 TP

Alyssa: 10 + 2 from IO
Kaitlynn: 7 + 2 from IO

Creampies! Both currently needing 4s because of induce ovulation.
Alyssa: Big Grey Beta [13, 3, 2, 14, 3, 13, 19, 9, 15, 14, 0, 0] Black Alpha (+1) [1, 2, 8, 20, 9, 9, 10, 1, 5, 18, 8, 19]

Kaitlynn: Black Alpha (+1) [6, 3, 17, 2, 15, 5, 7, 7, 19] Brown Gamma [15, 13, 19, 13, 5, 10, 11, 14, 12]

Waiting for their turn to bid for fatherhood: Grey Omega, Dark Gray Gamma

Pinned on her back on the ground, Alyssa had to wait only a few moments before her desires were once more partially sated. The great black furred alpha ran his red shaft between her petals once before shifting, aiming, and filling the pinned catgirl with a single thrust that he accompanied with a low grunt. The thick coating of Kaitlynn's arousal, his own cum, her own copious honey and the leftovers from her last partner made it easy for her to take every inch of the wolfman's massive cock, and he slipped into her to the hilt and gave her cervix a firm push on the first thrust.

Kaitlynn, in the meantime, had stood and invited several of the strange humanoids to enjoy her at once in the process, and she had only to stroke his canine cock for a few moments before the brown furred wolfman simply lifted her like the big gray one had lifted her sister and dropped her down onto his cock, impaling her just as easily. as his kin had done to Alyssa. This time, however, the wolfman didn't move immediately, seemingly less steady than his larger gray counterpart. Another set of clawed hands soon found her taught rear, those of the dark grey wolf, helping with some of the weight while he lined up with her ass and joined his companion in finding satisfaction from one of Kaitlynn's eager holes. Being stuffed from both ends only served to awaken her primal kink - to have multiple males using her at once, each vying for the right to sire her children - and even as the two merely started getting into their wild rhythm her body was singing.

As their respective partners rose to the task of sating the insatiable lust burning in the two catgirls, neither could deny the effects of the sensations being inflicted upon them. Alyssa was hopelessly dominated, any efforts to free herself totally vain, the wolfman atop her dominating her lithe frame with ease. Even if she was of a sound mind rather than deep in her heat and actively having that insatiable itch satisfied, the bestial man hammering into her had a secure grip on her thighs as he pinned them against her shoulders, weight and muscle outdoing any efforts she might have made to break free. Kaitlynn, in the meantime, was the center of a hearty competition between the two wolfmen who were holding her. Even if the one pumping into her ass wouldn't be breeding her, the feel of two males vying to make her light frame shudder the hardest as they took their own pleasure from her tight holes, each making her tighten even further as they pumped into her, was more than enough to trigger her inherent kink.

The glade was filled with deep, heavy canine panting, the wet smacks of flesh meeting flesh, the soft squelching of the fluids already filling them being jostled by the wolves thrusting into them, and most of all the lewd moans being drawn from their throats as both sisters were rutted. Neither woman could deny the pleasure inflicted upon her, the instinctive urge to mate completely dominating their every thought and the pure visceral satisfaction of it impossible to resist. Neither Alyssa nor Kaitlynn could withstand how badly a part of each of them desired this, and as both of them had a second cock pounding ruthlessly into their folds and a fresh dose of semen in their wombs there was one other thing that neither could deny: these men, if it was at all within their power, were going to get them pregnant. There would be no pulling out here, no efforts to prevent planting their seed into either girl, and without a potion to prevent it between them or any knowledge of local flora or fauna it was unlikely that they would be able to do anything but carry the litters being planted inside of them to term.

For Alyssa, the certainty that she would leave the glade with child was only verified as, like her sister before her, she felt her body react to the chemistry present in the wolf alpha's pre and the physical shape of his cock. Painful twinges that she just barely felt occurred, one after another, from each side of her womb as her body was made to release more eggs into the relentless swarm broiling in her room, the sperm-rich liquid sloshing about inside of her from the repeated impacts that were causing her body to quake. The wolf above her cared not that she had already taken another man's cum inside, however, his only concern to deliver his own liquid gift into her fertile depths and ensure that he passed on his own genes through her, as he had already done to her sister.

The alpha panted over her, his breath heaving against her and his tongue rolling out of his canine mouth, exertion and pleasure obvious even on his inhuman face. His pace was relentless, his rod spreading her inner walls wide each time he slammed home and managing to do so at such a rate that she was hardly empty for more than a heartbeat before he was diving back into her. The wild rut did have its interruptions, mostly in the form of the beastman's semi regular changes in rhythm, when he would remain inside of her to the hilt while he stirred into her in circular motions, his tip pressed into her cervix and the whole act making her hunger to feel his seed painting her insides white. Each was immediately followed by a more ferocious round of pounding that left ripples traveling across her skin, each stronger and harder than the last. Orgasms hammered through her, first one and then another, each coming and going in a brief burst of more intense sensation, of deeper satisfaction, but it didn't fill the need.

As the rut progressed towards its end, towards the true satiation that she needed, Alyssa found the wolf alpha giving a particularly vigorous round of those circular motions. She felt him swelling, all over at first but then particularly near the base. He was so deep inside of her, filled her completely and then some, but the most important sensation, beyond all of it, was the moment when she felt the heavy balls that had been resting against her ass contract. The alpha held her down, his grip tightening, knot swelling and tying them together, his panting growing deeper as the mere anticipation triggered yer another orgasm that ripped through her only to redouble as soon as she felt the first wave of potent puppy batter blasting deep inside of her. She felt every rope like it was coming in slow motion, the gaps between explosions of liquid heat that remained locked in her deepest depths by gravity and the canine knot swollen at the base of his cock. Her sister had taken the first dose of this wolfman's seed, the older sperm unleashed into her as the first volley meant to claim Kaitlynn's eggs, and though his volume might not be quite as much Alyssa got the fresher swimmers, the more virile ones that quickly zeroed in on her own reproductive cells.

The wolfman left her utterly full, impossibly fulfilled, and though her heat might have been partially sated it wasn't done yet. She had fallen too deep in now, her body too swamped in arousal, and even what debauchery she had already endured would not be enough... Much like it was for her sister.

Kaitlynn's rut was more or less a mirror of what her sister had suffered only a few minutes prior. While the other wolves were crowding around her, leaving her sister to the alpha, only the two who had claimed her holes took a turn on her for now. That was more than enough stimulation to leave Kaitlynn as little more than a helpless shuddering mess, however, every moment hitting her a flood of ecstasy as the nerves in one hole or another were stimulated. Whether she liked it in her ass or not, Kaitlynn was made to enjoy it now, the simple act of penetration enough to make it pleasant in the height of her heat and the way it pressed into her perineal sponge and forced her womanhood to tighten.

One thrust in, and the other pulled back, her slim frame made to jiggle and shake as the two wolfmen holding her left her full in one end but empty in the other, an endless cycle of need and satisfaction that was both intensely gratifying and unbelievably insufficient. The one behind her bit her on the back of the neck, not hard enough to break the skin but enough to make his presence, his dominance over her felt. The double set of rhythmic claps built in tempo, soon driving the suspended catgirl into another explosive orgasm that was both incredibly gratifying but also distinctly unsatisfying.

Another soon followed it, stronger but no more satisfying than the last, like her climaxes were only a prelude, and she knew to what. The one pumping into her pussy began to groan, his thrusts coming shallower, quicker, breaking the earlier tempo as he proceeded towards the end of his rut. She could feel him swelling, a knot growing, tying him to her, and even if she wanted him to finish elsewhere, it was too late now. He was going to cum inside of her, add his own burst of potent seed to her unshielded depths, and no matter what she did now, no matter how much she begged and pleased, it was too late. A few moments later the first bursts of virile cream fired off into her, the ropes shot directly against her cervix and soon sucked up into her womb, joining the alpha's seed in the wild bid to claim her eggs. His sperm surrounded her weakened cells, swarmed across them and batting aside her previous partner's own contenders for fatherhood in many cases.

The orgasm that ensued as her pussy was filled was exactly the titanic level of satisfaction that she needed, that she craved, and it only ramped up as he continued to coat her insides white with his seed. The one behind her soon added his own seed into her, spewing rope after rope of cum deep into her ass, but he kept on thrusting while he came, ensuring that every drop was poured into her as he panted in relief. It was a wonder that they didn't drop her, but their strength held, and she was rocked continually between them until their orgasms and her own had played out.

When their most recent partners pulled out as their knots deflated, both Kaitlynn and Alyssa might have hoped that they were free, at least on some level. Exhaustion tugged at them, the string of climaxes inspired by the marathon breeding session draining on their stamina, but it wasn't over yet. Both were dragged up onto their knees, bent over, and another wolfman slid behind each of them. There were many around them, the black alpha, the grey omega who had been shunned away, the brown gamma male who had up until that point only enjoyed Alyssa's rear hole but had also added his seed to the battle for Kaitlynn's eggs, the big grey beta who had first laid claim to Alyssa, and the dark grey gamma who had fucked Kaitlynn's face earlier.

They were side by side at that point, within arms reach of one another, but any physical contact was cut short as the alpha pulled both of their heads up to his crotch, to his cock as it glistened with both of their honey and the leftovers of his latest load. Both had felt it inside of them, and now it was time to taste it, though with the other so near it might be time for a bit of possibly missed intimacy. In the meantime, the dark grey wolf who had as yet not added his genes into the mix slid up behind Alyssa, eager to remedy that issue, and none made any effort to stop him as he squatted behind the catgirl and pressed his cock to her folds.

The grey omega who had tried to stop all this had seemingly finally given in to the pack's decision, but it seemed that that was too little too late. The light grey hunter moved behind Kaitlynn, obviously meaning to take a turn, but he was roughly jostled aside and thrown to the ground by the biggest of the lot, the grey beta male who growled at him until he hung his head and crawled away. It was he who moved behind Kaitlynn, smacking her ass and then lightly dragging his nails across it as he shifted his grip to one of her hips, holding her in place as he lined up.

All too soon Kaitlynn felt the biggest cock yet sliding into her soaked folds, stretching her like few had ever before. Alyssa, while not taking the biggest of the bunch this time, was still left in the throes of utter bliss as another cock was pushed into her fertile depths, eager to add its own dose of sperm into her. Both girls had their lips dragged to the alpha's cock, one on either side, and the scent of it was intoxicating all its own while the alpha's demand was obvious.
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Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn touched the wolf-man's cock, hand almost trembling with rapidly increasing desire. It wasn't the biggest she'd ever seen, even today, but it was plenty big enough, rock hard, already beading with precum, and most importantly right in front of her. She gave it a firm stroke, fingers wrapped around it. The only problem was that it was too high for her to easily...

She gave a surprised cry as the stranger lifted her easily, then a delighted one as she realized that not only was the point of her interest no longer too high, but that the wolfman seemed to have the same thing in mind as she did. She felt the cock rub against her thighs once before finding the right spot, and then she was lowered onto the erect member, mewling with pleasure. She wrapped her arms around her new partner, and felt clawed hands pawing at her butt.

That was less ideal, but at least he was in the right spot. Anal was all well and good, but it was her pussy that ached with the need to be filled. And it was. And then came a cry of surprise as something shoved itself into her ass. Uncomfortably large, and not in a place she really liked it. But the feeling of two men at once taking her... even if she didn't want it, she knew they'd force themselves on her. They were willing and able, and she was desired enough that they weren't willing to take turns.

All her buttons were being pushed at once, and she felt herself cum again even before either of them started thrusting. Only a little orgasm, but once the pair started fucking her for all they were worth, it grew, extending, never-ending. She could feel herself drooling, feeling the previous man's seed and her own arousal dripping freely down her thighs, could feel herself crying out in pleasure whenever she had enough breath. The only thing that would make it better would be if the other men just hanging around watching would stop that and start fucking her. Or maybe it would be better if some waited, so that when these finished more would be ready.

They were working her over like she couldn't believe. Alternating thrusts so that there was always a cock pushing into her body. In seconds she stopped caring about the other wolves. What she wanted and needed was for the current ones to finish. The sex felt good, but what she needed was the feeling of seed spilling deep inside her.

And she didn't have to wait long. She felt the one in her pussy speed up, push in as deep as he could. And then spurt after spurt of hot cum, directly against her cervix. His kittens would be good. Strong and virile, like their father. She orgasmed again, and unlike the previous ones this one fulfilled her.

When the catgirl returned to conscious thought, she could feel cum dripping out her ass as well as her pussy, the two wolfmen taking a few more thrusts before their cocks finally deflated enough that they could pull out of her. Kaitlyn immediately collapsed to the ground. Kittens. The thought floated through her mind. And she realized that at this point there wasn't any real hope she wasn't pregnant, or going to end up that way. Even if she got up and ran now, they'd chase her, and continue fucking her. And she wouldn't run. The smell of sex and cum and arousal already filled her nose, and the feeling between her legs was quickly changing from fulfillment to emptiness. The need to be filled.

Still. She gritted her teeth and tried to rise. Felt hands on her hips, helping her rise. Or, well, partly. Her hips went up, were yanked up, even, but when she tried to raise her head as well, someone pushed her down. She opened her mouth to protest. And stopped, mouth hanging open, as a cock was suddenly right in front of her. It looked amazing. Big. Hard. Glistening with a mixture of cum and what she recognized as her sister's scent. She needed that cock. Inside her. Now. Some part of her thought she could smell herself on it as well, but that didn't matter. It was hard again, and she could take it, fuck it until it filled her with kittens.

Before she could act on those thoughts, though, she felt something else push into her cunt and start fucking. Well. That was okay, too. She wasn't sure her current suitor was as big and strong as the one she'd had her eyes on, but he felt well enough. Still. She couldn't let this one get away. She had to keep him interested enough to fuck her next. The catgirl opened her mouth, ready to take it between her lips, and leaned forward.

And knocked her head against something hard. She glanced out of the corner of her eye. Alyssa! She smiled. Then frowned. Alyssa didn't always like it when she fucked everyone. Something about... kittens... but no matter. The way her sister was panting and drooling this wasn't one of those times when the other girl was worried about sex. But... that might mean Allyson would want to be the one this cock fucked. No. From the smell she'd *just* had this one. It was only fair that Kaitlyn get it next. Still. Sharing with her sister was second nature. So she moved her head to one side, and extended her tongue to the cock instead of trying to take it all into her mouth. She'd lick along its length a few times, then maybe take a turn with her lips if Alyson hadn't gotten there first...