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Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn bristled at the near-command, glancing at the little harmless-looking bird, and was about to comment on the sailor's cowardice when she remembered the other strange creature she'd seen. There was no proof it had killed whoever's body that had been on the beach, but she wouldn't care to put it to the test, not injured as she was.

Instead, she opted to ignore him. She turned back to her sister. "Maybe we should try to find some of the others, or some of the wreckage. There could be medical supplies..."

If Alyssa didn't disagree, she would happily head in whatever direction was indicated, still clinging to her identical sister so that they could help each other walking insofar as that was possible.
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Alyssa looked a bit more closely at the strange bird for the first time when Gavin drew her attention to it with his confused remark about it. It looked harmless, kind of cute even, but she'd never seen anything like it before. Just like that strange, and much deadlier-looking creature on the beach. She'd never even heard of anything like them, and that worried her. Who knew what else was lurking out there.

"There's a fairly large bit of wreckage where Gavin and I washed up, we should get you back there for now. You need to rest. The captain was also on his way there, maybe others as well." She glanced back to Gavin to ensure he was still listening to them as she continued, more for his benefit than Kaitlyn's, as her sister already knew what she was speaking of.

"Even if we don't find anything we can use there, I should be able to mix up something that can help. As long as the plants here are the same sort as back home, at least..." She sounded a little uncertain as she finished, as if she hadn't considered that fact until now. She didn't spare more than a cursory glance around her to see if she recognized any of the plants around them, being far more concerned with getting her sister somewhere safer. The two leaned on each other for support as they walked, hopefully managing a slightly faster pace than they would have alone. Alyssa did her best to take more of the weight on herself, as her injury was the less severe, but wasn't able to manage as well as she'd have liked, her injured ankle only seeming to hurt more the longer she spent on it.
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn: HP = 14/54, PP = 52, EP = 42, Status = Injured, Bleeding 1 HP/ 5 minutes, Weakened, Clothes at 11/25 TP
Alyssa: HP = 27/54, PP = 52, EP = 38/42, Status = Injured, Weakened, Clothes at 9/25 TP

Perception: ???

Kaitlynn's choice to ignore Gavin and suggest the same course of action that he had earned an annoyed scowl from the sailor, but he let it pass as Alyssa quickly noted that they'd already done what she suggested. "We came to in a piece of derelict, but there's another chunk farther off down the beach where I spotted some more people moving," Gavin explained, letting the two lean on each other for the moment. With both of them injured, the going would be very slow, but they at least weren't hurt in the same way. Unfortunately, by that point Kaitlynn's blood had soaked through her bandages and was running in small trails down her side, leaving her feeling very faint.

"Come on," he continued, leading the way but glancing back regularly to make sure they weren't falling too far behind. It was obvious enough that he had been luckier than they in the shipwreck and lacked any significant injuries, but he kept his pace to what they could keep up with while heading back towards the section of the hull that he'd spotted earlier, avoiding the beach in case the creature was still feasting on its prize. Along the way, Alyssa would have plenty of time to look over the foliage and would find that she recognized none of it.

Not just the smaller shrubs and fungi that might offer some use as herbs for mixing potions. Absolutely nothing was familiar beyond being decidedly plant-like. The trees were different, the shapes of the leaves and colors of the bark in combinations unlike anything she'd ever seen before. Even the grasses were off color and oddly wide bladed beyond their stems, unlike any variety she'd ever seen before. Her knowledge of herbology would be all but useless here until she had time to experiment a little, so unless she found something more familiar at the wreck she would need to rely on conventional medicine rather than alchemy in order to stem Kaitlynn's bleeding.

They would be stuck walking back for about a half hour, the fat little bird following for a while before eventually wandering off, before Gavin suddenly stopped and spun to the right, deeper into the woods. "Did you hear that?" he whispered urgently, starting at a bush that had been still as far as either of them could tell. He seemed certain that he'd detected something important and stood frozen in place, gazing at the bushes and listening intensely, but it was starting to get dark and they weren't even back to the wreck that he and Alyssa had woken up in.
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Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

While her sister examined the foliage for any trace of recognisable herbs and alchemical substances, Kaitlyn largely focused on continuing to walk. She was still bleeding through her bandages. She wouldn't trouble the others about it, though she was sure her sister would have noticed, but she was increasingly uncertain that she'd still be conscious by the time they got... wherever they were going.

A sudden halt and hissed exclamation from the crewman forced her mind back into the real world. It seemed like he thought there was something in the bushes. Kaitlyn reached into her bag for her dagger. But no, she'd be useless in a fight like that. Better to stay back and try not to distract her allies. The second best bet was an illusion of a bush over the trio, or just going invisible herself. But even thinking about the spells required to do that hurt.

Instead, she bent the light around her to a lesser degree. It was almost a reflex for her, didn't require any drawing in of power, and nearly no concentration. It wasn't terribly useful itself, but it would make it easier to blend into the shadows if it came to that.

Distortion - Light Level 1
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Unfortunately, Alyssa didn't recognize any of the plants she was seeing as they walked. She wasn't familiar with every sort of plant around, of course, mainly just the ones that were useful in alchemy or medicine—and a few simply because they were particularly dangerous—but she should have found something she'd seen before. She didn't recognize the wildlife either, that strange creature on the beach or the equally odd, if harmless-looking bird that had been following them. Of course, she hadn't actually travelled much, and most of her knowledge of useful plants was based on what she'd seen in shops and gardens, not out in the wild, but... she couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong even beyond their immediate problems.

"I don't see anything here I recognize," she muttered under her breath after a few more minutes of looking as they walked, "Just where are we?"

She quickly fell silent as Gavin came to a sudden stop, turning and looking intently deeper into the woods, reacting to something he seemed convinced he'd heard. Alyssa frowned at that, she usually had better hearing than any human, and she hadn't heard anything, but she looked out warily into the forest anyway, scanning for any movement. Beginning to feel worried that they might be in danger, she quickly unslung her bow from her shoulder, readying an arrow but not drawing it back yet, eyes still scanning the forest and ears perking up atop her head as she scanned for any signs of something out there.
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn: HP = 7/54, PP = 52, EP = 42, Status = Badly Injured, Bleeding 1 HP/ 5 minutes, Weakened, Clothes at 11/25 TP, Distort (+5 Stealth/Dodge)
Alyssa: HP = 27/54, PP = 52, EP = 38/42, Status = Injured, Weakened, Clothes at 9/25 TP

Casting: Success.

Though she released her to walk on her own, Alyssa would still detect the effects of Kaitlynn's spell out of the corner of her eye, her sister's form becoming less distinct against the background. ""I know it was something," Gavin muttered under his breath, clenching his fists in front of him and watching the bush with narrow eyes. The sounds of the jungle remained the same as ever, still unrecognizable to anything that they knew, and for a moments the group stood stock still and.... Nothing happened. Their surroundings were still save for the effects of the breeze and the motion of the various birds and bugs, and after a few moments doubt began to appear on Gavin's face. He glanced to his side, then at them, and then back at the bush, but after another moment he lowered his hands.

"Must have been nothing... Come on," he said, though still he looked to the bush he'd been staring at. If the two continued to follow him, Gavin would lead the way for another half hour before Kaitlynn simply couldn't move under her own power any longer. They were just about to the section of hull that he and Alyssa had woken up in by that point, and as the bloodied woman collapsed Gavin simply scooped her up in his arms and hurried over to the wreck, laying Kaitlynn down in it out of sight while Alyssa would simply have to hurry to keep up. "You need to stay here... Watch her, see what you can do about the bleeding. Keep pressure on her side, she needs... Water at the very least, I'm going to run to the other wreck, see if I can bring anything back. I'll be back as soon as I can," he said tensely once Alyssa had joined them, the words spilling out of his mouth so quickly that they were almost stumbling out, and unless Alyssa acted fast to stop him he would turn and sprint out of the wreck, leaving the two of them alone while Kaitlynn seemed as if she was about to bleed out.
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

When after a few moments it became clear that there was nothing - or at least that whatever it was was going to leave them in peace - Kaitlyn dropped her spell, quietly becoming more concerned at how much effort it seemed to be to maintain even that simple bit of magic. Any thought of putting back up her disguise before they met the others fled, and in a few minutes it was all she could do to focus on continuing to walk.

They were in sight of what seemed to be some sort of shipwreck when even that became impossible, even with the help of her sister. She collapsed, and had only a vague impression of somehow continuing to move. Finally that stopped, and with a little effort she could make out the face of her sister above her, ears twitching with worry. She smiled faintly. "How's your leg?"
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Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Alyssa limped along behind Gavin as he lifted her sister to bring her the rest of the way back to the wreck, wincing in pain as she struggled to keep up but refusing to let that stop her. She'd almost protested when he'd grabbed Kaitlyn like that, but had held her tongue. Kaitlyn was losing too much blood, and they didn't have any proper medical supplies. At the very least she needed to rest, and he could get her somewhere safe faster than them limping together could.

Once they reached the wreck, Alyssa immediately knelt next to her sister, examining her wound with some trepidation. "I-I'm fine. It's just a sprain, I think. Don't worry about me..." Her voice broke for a moment as she spoke, trying in vain to hide her worry and sound reassuring. She set her pack down, rummaging around inside for anything that might help. There was nothing though, besides the tattered remnants of her dress that might serve as bandages if she could find nothing else. "I'll... I'll be right back. Will you be okay? I need to see if I can find any supplies that might have survived."

With that she pushed herself back to her feet, still favouring her good leg as she limped around the wreck, looking for any crates or barrels that still looked sealed, and might have any supplies, especially medical supplies or even food or drinkable water, that might be of use. He injured ankle was only starting to hurt worse, forcing her to lean on the wreck for support at times as she searched, but she had to endure it, for Kaitlyn's sake. She needed to find something, anything, and quickly...
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn: HP = 6/54, PP = 52, EP = 42, Status = Badly Injured, Bleeding 1 HP/ 5 minutes, Weakened, Clothes at 11/25 TP
Alyssa: HP = 27/54, PP = 52, EP = 38/42, Status = Injured, Weakened, Clothes at 9/25 TP

Perception: ???

Random chance rolls....
Alyssa: 58
Gavin: 21

Hurrying off as fast as her injured leg could carry her, Alyssa would find the barrel of dried strips of salted pork she and Gavin had left behind, and on further inspection of the wreckage would discover something of a godsend. Vessels often employed mages, not only for their ability to manipulate the wind, but for their ability to conjure and purify water. As such, they only took small stores of water in case the ship's mage was lost for some reason, and she had managed to find one such store hidden in the wreckage in the form of a small keg. She discovered a bottle of rum, unopened, buried in the sand. In a crate, she found a few shirts and pairs of trousers, both the simple loose variety favored by sailors. She wasn't fortunate enough to find any medical supplies in her search, but in the crate of clothes she found a simple sewing kit with a needle and a line of thin white thread, and elsewhere she found a box of fishing poles with tackle, lures, and line included.
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

"Here, drink this." Alyssa knelt next to her sister once again, offering a simple mug she'd filled with water from the keg she'd discovered in the wreckage. To have found that was something of a small miracle itself, but it was still secondary in her mind to ensuring that Kaitlyn would recover. "No medical supplies, but I've found something that might be able to help, at least. I'll be right back."

This time, she returned with an armful of the cleanest clothes she could find in crate, along with the bottle of rum and sewing kit, though she wasn't confident in her ability to use the latter in this situation. She didn't want to risk making things worse with her clumsy attempts, but perhaps someone else could make better use of it than her. Still, she could at least clean the wound, and redo the bandages with cleaner material. Setting the clothes on the edge of a piece of the wreckage to keep them out of the sand, she grabbed one from the pile, using her knife to cut it into strips as well as she was able.

"Sorry, this will probably hurt a little..." Kneeling next to her sister once again, she carefully began to unwrap the bandages Kaitlyn had wrapped around herself. She took a moment to examine the wound before taking the bottle of alcohol and soaking one of the rags she's cut in it, dabbing at and around the wound in an attempt to clean it as much as she could before wiping the area down in another simply soaked in water. Once she'd done all she was able, she folded another alcohol-soaked cloth and pressed it against the wound.

"Can you hold it there for me?" She asked, giving her sister another worried look before collecting the cloth she'd cut into strips. She wrapped them as tightly as she dared, doing her best to keep pressure on the wound with her hands as well once she'd finished, anything she could to keep it from bleeding further. It was all she could do, she could only hope it would be enough. "I'm sorry, this is all I know how to do to help... Is... Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Even as she said it though, her thoughts were elsewhere. That wasn't entirely true, there was one more option she had. She wasn't certain she could even pull it off in her current state, and it was a somewhat unconventional use of what was otherwise an offensive spell, but she was fairly certain that she could take Kaitlyn's wounds onto herself. Her magic wasn't suited to healing, but if she was right, she just might still be able to save her if this didn't work.
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn sipped from the mug while her sister went back to the wreckage, grateful for the cool water, too distracted to wonder at how easily it had been found. "Hurry back..."

She was starting to feel faint, tired. It would be so easy just to fall asleep. But she knew she couldn't do that. It felt like hours while her sister searched for supplies, but then Alyssa was back without warning. Her sister was pulling off the terrible makeshift bandage, which was sticky with blood. The wounded su-ku-ta let out a mewl of pain, biting down hard and squeezing a handful of sand to stop herself from pushing Alyssa away and making things worse.

Her sister said something, and it took Kaitlyn a few seconds to understand. She nodded mutely, and held the new, oddly wet cloth to the still-oozing wound while her sister secured bandages that looked at least a bit better than the ones she had done herself. At least these ones weren't soaked in blood. Yet.

She blinked at another question. What else could they do? "Maybe... one of the crew knows first aid?" For a moment she was presented with the image of a sailor looking at her wound, of how exposed she'd have to be. But it wasn't her that was embarrassed to be seen less than fully dressed, it was just the character she'd been playing. And it had been a fun one... but it was becoming more and more clear that Lady... whatever... had died in the shipwreck.
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn: HP = 5/54, PP = 52, EP = 42, Status = Badly Injured, Bleeding 1 HP/ 30 minutes, Weakened, Clothes at 11/25 TP
Alyssa: HP = 27/54, PP = 52, EP = 38/42, Status = Injured, Weakened, Clothes at 9/25 TP

First Aid untrained: 9, success. Alyssa slows the bleeding.

Performing what little she could with her limited skill at first aid, Alyssa managed to slow the flow of blood from her sister's side, but her rudimentary tactics couldn't staunch the flow entirely. She was left with the choice of whether she wanted to risk her magic in order to hopefully buy more time, which would likely leave both of them nearly helpless if another of the strange wild creatures came upon them, or if she wished to be ready to defend themselves in case of trouble while leaving Kaitlynn at risk of bleeding out. Darkness crept in on the other thief in the meantime, leaving her at risk of blacking out, a sleep that she might never awake from if she didn't receive some sort of help quickly.
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

"I hope so..." Alyssa replied with no small hint of worry. What she didn't voice was the concern over the time they had left. She'd been somewhat successful, at least in cleaning and rebinding the wound, but it was too serious for a simple bandage. Her thoughts returned to the sewing kit she'd found, and the possibility of using it to stitch the wound shut... but she had no idea where to start. She knew of the technique, but had no idea how to do it properly herself. She'd be more likely to do more damage than she fixed, or even cause an infection, either of which could be easily lethal.

Her thoughts turned to her magic once again. It was risky, and probably had as much chance of getting them both killed as it did actually saving Kaitlyn's life, but... the more she thought about it, the more she resolved herself to try if there was no other option. She could only hope Gavin returned soon, and hopefully with someone better at treating this sort of wound, but if he didn't she'd have no choice but to try. sitting behind the other su-ku-ta, Alyssa pulled her sister's head into her lap, idly petting her hair while she watched over her worriedly. "I won't lose you... We're supposed to look out for each other, right? I promise, I'll make sure you get through this..." She wasn't sure Kaitlyn could even hear her anymore, but she continued to speak her reassurances regardless.

If Gavin hadn't returned within roughly half an hour, Alyssa would finally resolve herself to go through with her plan. "This might hurt a little, but... you'll be fine." She quickly undid the laces on her top, pulling it off and setting it aside. This left her entirely nude from the waist up, having removed her gloves already to treat Kaitlyn's wound, but at this point that was the least of her concerns. Cutting another set of spare clothes into bandages, she took her time in wrapping them around her own midsection, trying to match them to where Kaitlyn's wound was. With the bandages tied off tightly, hopefully enough to mitigate the wound's bleeding somewhat, she knelt next to her sister, silently concentrating and trying to fight through her exhaustion to perform her magic.

If Gavin doesn't return within 30 minutes, or even if he does but doesn't have anyone/anything to help her, Alyssa is going to go ahead with casting Shortened Life Expectancy, after first bandaging herself preemptively. She may fail the casting, especially with the -5 from Weakened, but she'll just keep trying until she either gets it right or runs out of EP to try with.
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn nodded painfully. "You did great..." she glanced down at the bandages. It had already been a few minutes, and she couldn't see any blood. On some level she knew it was still coming out, but it must be slow, not to have shown through yet. The thoughts put some time to put together, but they were a comfort. The wound would clot on its own, if it had been slowed enough. Probably she would survive even without more aid. Unless there were an infection. Or another animal attack. Or... those were worries for later.

"Just wish I..." she suddenly noticed that her sister had her top off, the surprise delaying her slow drift into sleep. She sniffed delicately, but while she could smell her sister, the feminine scent didn't seem stronger than normal. Still, there didn't seem much more of an explanation. "Did you just go into heat? This doesn't seem like a good time..."

Good luck!
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn: HP = 54, PP = 52, EP = 42, Status = Aroused, 7/10 Willpower, Clothes at 11/25 TP
Alyssa: HP = 54, PP = 52, EP = 42, Status = Aroused, 7/10 Willpower, Clothes at 9/25 TP

Casting: Fails twice, succeeds the 3rd time. Alyssa gets 4 HP and starts bleeding, Kaitlynn has a broken ankle. Kaitlynn won't bleed to death, but Alyssa might....

Gavin vs ??? goes to...
First attempt to grapple is failed because Gavin rolled a 69 on 8 dice.
Gavin draws and choppy chops, deals a bit of damage.
??? goes for the grab again, Gavin only has 36 Dodge this time despite having more dice from Duelist, it grabs him.
First grapple, it wins and shreds his clothes.
Second grapple, it wins and he rolls an automatic failure on the base dice. Someone gets stabbed.
Third grapple, Gavin proves that he is not suited for grappling and fails again, rolling incredibly poorly. The stabbening continues, and both parties suddenly get inexplicably tired and pass their next turns. 23, 31, 28, 25, 15 ends the roll spree.
Gavin loses again. Then gives up, essentially. 13. 19. 22. 19. 18.
So endeth the rollspree. Gavin manages to stagger back to the girls and shove healing potions down their throats, who wake up alive.... And in heat. They take 2d6 on smelling him before waking up. Then another 2d6 on the "turn" that they rouse. They take 13 willpower damage each, becoming Aroused and going to 7/10 willpower.

Perception: ??

Alyssa's spell failed... At first. The magic swirled, dark necromantic energies used for an unusually benign purpose and refusing too cooperate. Then they failed again as she tried again, her pain and exhaustion making her too woozy to concentrate properly. Taking a moment to clear her head, Alyssa finally managed to seize control of the unruly magic and bend it to her will, her body and Kaitlynn's briefly mirroring one another as their injuries swapped. A wave of pain surged up Kaitlynn's leg, briefly rousing her as the fresh agony of her ankle bones breaking sending a spike of adrenaline that left her briefly aware as she watched the bandages that Alyssa wrapped around herself soaked themselves with blood as her side opened. Weakness suddenly surged through Alyssa, leaving her feeling weak, but the magic didn't account for blood already lost, leaving her with at least a fighting chance.

The two sisters were both far too weak to do anything further about their situation, and Alyssa was now the first to pass out as her body began to bleed out. She had at least bought Kaitlynn some time, however, and having prebandaged herself while waiting for Gavin to return she had ensured that the blood loss would be as slow as possible. That left Kaitlynn, still weak from her own blood loss, waiting as the sun slowly sunk towards the ocean. As she was just barely hovering on the verge of unconsciousness, her ears picked up grunting from nearby, two different voices of the opposite gender making fairly familiar noises and rising towards a crescendo...


Hurrying back as quickly as he could, a pack laden with food, water, and the two carefully cushioned glass bottles containing what would hopefully save the two women he had left behind in the cover of the wreckage of the Cryelaneia. He had started off from the rest of the group at a sprint, but quickly realized that he couldn't have made the four mile journey without collapsing. He had slowed to a quick jog, and even with that he was breathing heavily, cursing under his breath with every step at the cowardice of his comrades. No one save the captain had wanted to go with him at all, preferring to try and protect the wounded than to go and pick up two more, especially strangers who had evidently lied to them all about their identities. Gavin had insisted that Corbin remain behind, however, knowing that his word would be needed to keep that lot in order, and had gone out alone intending to deliver the healing potions he'd been given by the now crippled ship's sorcerer.

He was almost there, could see the wreckage lying on the beach in the distance. Just a few more minutes... The distraction of having his thoughts settle on the two injured women that he'd left behind almost cost him as something lunged at him from out of the bushes next to the beach. He saw it in time to react, however, stopping short and dropping the pack, wincing as he heard the clink of the bottles inside but unable to worry too much about it as he dove to avoid the dark blur. He rose quickly, panting heavily as he drew the cutlass hanging at his side and swiped at the thing, and heard a feminine gasp of pain.

That stopped him short, left him frozen in place long enough for the feminine creature to lung at him, bearing him to the ground with its weight and pinning his sword arm against the ground. He immediately lifted his other hand to protect his face as he saw claws heading toward him, but the sailor misjudged the creature's intent as its claws tore down his front, ripping through the fabric of his shirt from his collar to his waist. It shredded his pants too, and as he looked up in the dim light cast by the setting sun he realized that what was attacking him was woman, her skin a dark reddish brown and tufts of fur covering her. He felt something soft and fluffy brushing against his now bare thighs, and an intake of breath suddenly left him dizzy as the pheromones emanating from her left his heart racing in a whole new manner.

The strange woman grasped his hardening manhood and paused, seemingly confused by its shape, but a few strokes aided it to its full glory and she aligned it with her womanhood anyway. He couldn't suppress the groan that escaped his lips as glorious warm wetness enveloped him, the familiar sensation one he hadn't known for months after being at sea for so long. He felt his rod tear the barrier signifying his partner's purity, but if the woman was in pain he couldn't tell, the howling cry she unleashed could easily have been interpreted either way. If the way that she started hammering herself onto him and how soaking wet she was were any indication, however, it probably hadn't hurt that much.

Gavin tried to twist away, tried to get free of her even as the sensation of her inner walls stroking him left him dizzy with pleasure, his swollen balls eager to empty their contents and uncaring of the circumstances of how they were made to do so. Every twist only caused her to ride him harder, his every effort to free himself only getting him a rougher ride. It was too much. His struggles only got weaker, his efforts more half hearted, and after a few minutes of the most furious sex of his life the sailor's body seized as he subconsciously pushed upwards. The woman atop him seized with the first explosion of his potent cream into her depths, her body drinking in every drop and drawing it into her aching womb, and they came together so hard that neither of them could contain the sounds of their pleasure.

Luckily they weren't disturbed, and even though the need created by heat in her belly had been quenched by his seed the dark skinned woman continued to pound herself onto him as soon as she was able. The effect of her pheromones and his own pent up state left his refractory period incredibly short, and after one last half-heart struggle he planted his hand on her hip and began to meet her thrusts with his own. A second dose of his sperm into her fertile womb soon followed, and as she panted in ecstasy in mutual afterglow she felt him begin to grind. He flipped her over, but despite finally being in control he didn't pull out, didn't pull away, but began to pound down into her. His attacker - now partner - howled into his ear, wrapped her legs around his back, and rose her hips so that when he came it could only go deep down inside of her. Burying himself into her neck, Gavin and his mysterious attacker rutted like wild animals on the beach, all other things forgotten in the height of pheromone induced passion. They came again and again and again, whichever went over the precipice first drawing the other into mutual bliss, until finally their exhausted bodies could take no more.

He kissed her when they had finally finished, and though she was surprised at the traditional intimate gesture she responded, and after a few moments her folds released their death grip on his manhood, leaving a trail of his seed slowly dribbling out of her and down the crack of her ass, though deep inside of her it had already done its work and given the strange native girl a litter of children. Exhausted, she slowly drifted off to sleep beneath him, but Gavin's brain got back in control and reminded him of his purpose, and he almost panicked. He disentangled himself, but looking down on her realized that he couldn't leave the girl just lying out on the beach. With a sigh, the sailor tied together the ruins of his clothes into a makeshift loincloth, hefted his pack, and lifted his strange attacker in arms that barely had the strength to carry her...


Kaitlynn and Alyssa awoke together, side by side, and found themselves in perhaps surprising circumstances. Neither of them were in pain, or at least not comparable to what they'd been in before. Alyssa's side had healed, and Kaitlynn's ankle had seemingly healed entirely save for a bit of swelling. Beside them lay a pair of glass bottles, empty but still smelling of a pungent substance that they could still taste in the corners of their mouths. More oddly they could both feel warmth rising in their bellies, an all too familiar need to satiate their more primal urges, and a more appealing scent than the potions that had saved their lives drew their gazes to Gavin, who was lying on the opposite side of the wreck's hull from the prone pair. His clothes were shredded, the majority of what was left crafted into a primitive loincloth that didn't quite hide a growing erection from the pheromones that they were releasing, and they could both plainly see scratch marks running down his muscular chest.

He had probably saved their lives by getting back to them before anything else stumbled across them and getting the potions that had healed their wounds. Even their blood loss had been mostly nullified, and the night of rest had left them as refreshed as two women who had just been through a shipwreck could expect. The battered sailor seemed to be rousing as well, but not as quickly as they had, likely not affected by the same inborn urge that was rising simultaneously in the two young sisters, spurred all the harder by his intoxicating scent that had left the two of them all but dripping with arousal by the time they were awake enough to realize what was going on. If they didn't get away from him soon, the desire to go over and "thank" the sailor for his valiant rescue would turn into a need, but the two sisters could flee the wreck and go out onto the beach before that would happen if they so chose. The sun had risen high by the time they'd awakened, leaving the area around the wreck brightly lit and seemingly devoid of any further danger.
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Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn gasped as pain suddenly surged through her ankle, sitting up. She grabbed her side... and realized that it didn't hurt. The young su-ku-ta wasn't stupid enough to pull of the bandages and check, but a gentle poke didn't hurt either. And a harder poke proved her side wasn't numb, but still doesn't cause the incredible pain it should have.

Before she could really think through this, though - or why her sister suddenly seemed to be collapsing down beside her - before she sank back to the sand herself, still too weak and exhausted to really think things through. Darkness continued to rise, and her ears perked up at the sudden sounds of distant sex just as consciousness slipped out of her grasp.


The illusionist woke horny. Her mind immediately flashed to the remembered sounds of sex as a possible explanation. Which made her hornier. She couldn't remember any erotic dreams - or any dreams at all - but even as Kaitlyn finally opened her eyes, she became uncomfortably aware that the tattered remains of her panties had already been soaked through. If she'd sat pretending to sleep much longer, she'd have left a puddle.

The next thing she noticed was her sister. Right next to her. She fought off the urge to rip off her clothes and press her aching cunt to Alyssa's mouth, with difficulty. And realized that her sister was also waking up, and given what remained of her clothes, the signs of her arousal were clear. And she smelled *wonderful*. Kaitlyn's mouth started to water, the taste of her sister's sweetness filling her memory. But something else smelled even better.

Her eyes flashed around, and she found some sort of primitive loincloth, obviously hiding an erection. Though the cloth hid it, she could still see what was below, in her imagination. He was rock hard, veins throbbing, with a bead of clear pre-cum on the tip, about to soak through the improvised cloth... She was on her feet before she realized it, and had taken half a dozen steps towards it, eyes eager, before she realized that it was attached to Gavin.

Finally her desperate mind put two and two together, conjuring memories of an aborted dinner, where she'd gone into heat around him. She was in heat. Again. And this time without a convenient cabin to retreat to. The su-ku-ta backed away anyway, hand groping for her bag. And then for her sister. Possibly Alyssa was in heat as well, or possibly she was just reacting to Kaitlyn's own heat, but either way she would need help relieving the urges without running to the nearest man.

After a few seconds, she realized she was still staring at the tented loincloth, unable to tear her eyes away from the source of the scent that was driving her mad. And realized that it had been years since she had been this close to losing control. She hissed quietly, "Come on. Run."

Kaitlyn immediately suited actions to words, taking a few steps sideways, until some debris cut off her view of the thing she really wanted. At which point she turned and fled directly away from Gavin, heedless of where she was going.

Trying to drag her bag and Alyssa with her, if she was able to find either.
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

It took her three tries, but finally she felt her magic working. The pain in her ankle faded, quickly being replaced by a sharp pain in her side as her flesh tore itself open. The bandages she'd wrapped around herself rapidly began to soak up blood from the fresh wound. Still she had blood left to lose. Her last thought as her consciousness began to fade was that at least Kaitlyn would survive...

She awoke some time later, and immediately knew something wasn't right. There was no pain, which was a welcome change, but there was... something else. Something was off. She felt... oddly hot, agitated, and there was some kind of scent on the air, something her drowsy mind couldn't quite place, but that was so enticing...

Blinking, the world coming into better focus around her, Alyssa realized with a sinking feeling just what the achingly familiar sensation was. She was going into heat. Raising her hear slightly and pushing herself up onto her elbows, she managed to make out a second scent. There was her sister's of course, Alyssa's sensitive easily picking out those familiar pheromones, but there was another, more masculine scent as well. One she quickly identified as belonging to Gavin once her roaming eyes found him... and quickly found their way to the very obvious erection only barely hidden by the scraps of his clothes.

It wasn't until she saw Kaitlyn suddenly jerk away from him that her lust-addled mind managed to put together just what kind of situation she was in. She needed to get away from here, or she was going to lose control very soon. It seemed her sister had the same idea, feeling Kaitlyn's hand on her arm as she scrambled to scoop up her pack and discarded armour, stumbling too her feet and beginning to run down the beach, trying to put the wreckage between themselves and Gavin.

"D-don't follow us, please!" She managed to stutter out, shuddering at the feeling on the stiff leather in her arms as it rubbed against her still bare chest, teasing her overly sensitive nipples. She continued to call back to him though, fearing that he might follow them, and she was already dangerously close to losing control of herself. She needed a chance to calm down, and Kaitlyn didn't look any better. Had she gone into heat a well? Was their luck that bad? "We can... explain later! J-just keep your distance, please!"
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn: HP = 54, PP = 52, EP = 42, Status = Aroused, 3/10 Willpower, Clothes at 11/25 TP
Alyssa: HP = 54, PP = 52, EP = 42, Status = Aroused, 3/10 Willpower, Clothes at 9/25 TP

Gavin stirred and snapped his eyes open as the pair scrambled out, but had only just stumbled to his feet by the time they were out of the wreck. He stopped as Alyssa shouted back to him, however, keeping from following the pair as they hurriedly burst into the jungle. The brush thickened as they hurried farther and farther away from the beach. The trees were getting taller, the vines and underbrush more dense, but after a few moments the pair stepped into a clearing and could stop, if they so chose.

Gavin hadn't followed them, at least not at a pace that allowed him to catch up to them quickly, but the last few whiffs of his scent had only made the lust in their bodies burn more intensely. They weren't beyond control, not yet, but being next to each other wasn't exactly helping that. Even though their pheromones didn't affect one another as strongly as Gavin's had - they couldn't sate the urge that had prompted their heat to begin with after all - they were both intimately familiar with what those scents meant in one another, and at that point their arousal was intense enough that even just any source of stimulation would be sufficient... For a start, at least.
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

Kaitlyn stopped as they reached a clearing. She was panting, the heat and exhaustion of running through the jungle only adding to the urges that were getting harder and harder to ignore. The young su-ku-ta was beyond the point where she was going to look around at the clearing. The second she felt reasonably sure that Gavin wasn't stomping through the forest after them, she tugged her ragged clothes from her body and dropped them carelessly on the floor. She spread her legs, and one hand went between them, three fingers slipping between lips swollen and dripping with lust. It wasn't until she'd had her first orgasm that she could even focus on her sister.

Who was in a similar state. Arousal running down her legs. And while the scent wasn't as strong as Gavin's, it was enough to reinforce her own lust, and show that they were both definitely affected. Kaitlyn desperately wanted to bend over, and take the tool she knew Alyssa had in her bag. It wasn't as good as a real dick, but if she closed her eyes and didn't think about it, it was close. But if they were both in heat... she pulled the thick, translucent, double-ended dildo from her own bag, holding it tightly in one hand as she pulled her sister into a tight hug.

Almost immediately, she started rubbing herself against Alyssa's thigh, making small, desperate sounds, her tail lashing back and forth. Kaitlyn pulled her sister to her knees, and the hand holding the dildo moved down, until one end of it was slipping down between Alyssa's cheeks.
Re: Shrouded Prey (thetwo and Knephi)

It wasn't until her sister stopped that Alyssa realized how far they had run in their panicked flight from the beach, and the man whose pheromones had almost managed to overwhelm her senses—and her sister's as well from her behaviour. They shouldn't have run so far into the jungle, she knew that. They had no idea what was out here, and she was keenly aware that their natural pheromones, which were enough of an issue normally when they tried to sneak past animals with good noses, were much stronger right now.

None of that seemed to matter though, the last of her rational mind slipping away under the tide of lust, the primal need that her body was slowly overpowering her will with. The sight of her sister shedding what remained of her tattered clothes was enough to finally push her over the edge, the promise of having this relentless desire sated, at least temporarily. Alyssa unceremoniously dropped the bundle in her arms on the ground, fingers fumbling with the laces and struggling to strip off the tight leather of the pants of her armour.

Already having removed her top earlier and never having put it back on, it didn't take her long to strip down completely despite her fumbling, just in time to catch Kaitlyn in her arms. Her hands slid upwards, fingers tracing along the other Su-ku-ta's back until they reached her neck, then entangled themselves in her hair, dragging her head forward until her lips met Alyssa's own, tongue immediately trying to tease its way between them. She let out a soft moan as she felt the dildo rubbing against her skin, tail swishing excitedly and her grip tightened, pulling Kaitlyn closer until their bodies were pressed firmly together, never breaking her kiss, at least until her sister finally decided to put that dildo to use.

It wasn't what her body truly wanted, but it was enough to sate her physical desires. This would not be the first time it had been used for this very purpose, though the first in such dangerous surroundings.