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Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night


Dec 14, 2008
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Alrighty, I've had an itch to play a World of Darkness campaign for quite some time now, and since there isn't one going on here, I'm going to run one instead :3

I want some feedback from those who are interested, but I'm thinking of doing it almost entirely freeform, and only resorting to something involving random chance when/if PvP comes into play. I am basing this quite heavily off of Mind's Eye Theater in terms of the Clans, Disciplines, and Setting, so it may be handy to have the main book for that, which I just so happen to have uploaded for easy perusal, here you all go:

Feel free to ignore pretty much everything in there, or to not even download it at all, as the characters will still be fresh to the afterlife, So they will be learning pretty much everything they need as they go along.

Speaking of which, I am planning to run everybody's Introduction in separate threads, starting them off as mortals and having them Embraced shortly before everyone starts playing together. Depending on the number of players and their preference, I am willing to play any of the three factions among the kindred (Camarilla, Sabbat, and Anarch), or even all three, playing against each other to achieve their goals, which in my personal experience, works amazingly well if done properly.

Now lets see, what else... Ah yes, characters. Like I said, I plan on having everyone do a quick solo introduction as a mortal. I would like to see some depth of character, the more detailed you are, the better informed I am as to how to incorporate them into the story. Your background and how you play during your intro also determine what Clan you end up being embraced as. That's right, You don't get to choose your clan outright, though your opinion does get weight. Basically, I'll take a look at your character and how you play them, and I'll decide which clans are likely to embrace you. I'll be making a paper sheet for everybody in case it's needed, but apart from what supernatural abilities your character is capable of, it will have no effect on most of the game.

Alrighty, I might as well stick this up now. I won't be starting it for a couple weeks at least, but that gives plenty of time for questions and interest to build While I am off on vacation :3 So, questions, concerns, no matter how small, post 'em, I'll answer as fast as I am able. I know a lot of this probably doesn't make sense to someone that doesn't know what I'm talking about, but don't let that scare you off!
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Will this game be closer to something like Last Resort or Scourge of the Silver Marches? As in, does freeform mean there is practically no GM or that it will be simply like a D&D game without a system?
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Scourge has a system :/

I will be GMing this, so by freeform I mean that it isnt going to end up as rigidly structured as Scourge is, unless there ends up being PvP combat, and even that wont need it if the players can decide who would win without stats. Did that answer your question?
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Interest shown.
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Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Scourge has a system :/

I will be GMing this, so by freeform I mean that it isnt going to end up as rigidly structured as Scourge is, unless there ends up being PvP combat, and even that wont need it if the players can decide who would win without stats. Did that answer your question?

I was simply using scourge as an example of a GM led game, but as long as it is more of the feeling that the GM leads and dictates the results of actions instead of the GM plays and the players decide if what they do succeeds then that does work.
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Ah, i see. I thought you were lumping the two together in the same boat, silly me. Yeah, It will definitely be GM-led, though Intrigue is a major part as well, so feel free to run off on a tangent if you can think of one ;) another character giving you a hard time? use your police influence to search their house during the daylight hours!
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Don't really know much about WoD, but I would be possibly interested. Wod is the stuff by White Wolf right?
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Yes indeed. And it may be an advantage to be new to the system, as everyone is basically taking a tutorial level first, so you and your character can learn as they go.
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Excellent, don't really have the time and or I'm too lazy to download and read everything anyways. The only thing I really know about it is what I learned in a game demo for Vampire:Masquerade-Bloodlines. In other words the only thing that I understandor rememer so far is embrace and Camarilla, and some of the clan names. Is this set in the modern world, or what because the game actually went through the dark ages and the modern world?
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Modern. and Yeah, I have Bloodlines, it's fun. If the demo is what I think it is, the creepy looking vamps that the gorilla man with the massive sword dusted are mindless Sabbat members, they're kind of the bad guys, but its philosophical difference, not actually good-evil, if that makes any sense.
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Yeah I would imagine good and evil doesn't mean as much when you're both vampires. At least not from a human perspective that is.

All I really remember from the game is the guy with the big axe who was a Gangrel I think.
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Hmm, not the part I was thinking of then. I have the no-cd crack for bloodlines, maybe I'll actually upload it some day, sounds like it'd get a couple takers.
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Ah now I see why it's not familiar I was thinking of Vampire:Masquerade-Redemption, not Bloodlines. You play as a French crusader who gets embraced and then play through dark age prague and Vienna before moving on to modern London and New York. I remember the game was really bug-ridden, but what else would you get from Troika.
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Ah, okay. Yeah I've played Redemption, Bloodlines was Troika as well. There was a bug in character creation that lets you start with nearly everything maxed :3

Anywaya, back to the game: You in?
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Yeah I'm in, unless I get struck by two buses and lightning while crossing a salt water stream that runs east to west while going to work tommorrow.
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

well, even if you do, you'll have a week or two to recover, starting tomorrow i'm moving and taking a vacation, so i wont have time to run it until i get back ;)
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Good becuase the way my work weeks been going it may happen though I don't know where I'll find a salt water stream at.
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

*raises a hand*
If this is anything like VtM: Bloodlines count me in. Not sure about the "not getting to pick your clan" stuff because I like Malkavians and their contagious crazy. But I guess I'll be fine with whatever, even Nosferatu.
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

I'm rather hesitant about Malkavians, just because nearly everybody makes then silly and fun, not dark and crazy. Like I said, I'll keep that in mind for you, see if you can catch me on chat, we'll chat and I'll see if I think you have what it takes ;)

Oh yeah, and the good old Nos. They have more going for them than anybody thinks...
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Would we need any books aside from the core WoD rulebook?