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Shop, and missions

Re: Shops, and missions

Letting out another squeak as she was showered with another barrage of kisses and hugs, the petite girl cringed at Jeese's eccentricity, especially the part about "keeping her forever". For some reason, coming from this over affectionate woman, these words seemed to be more frightening than they would from another person. After another silent plea for help proved to be fruitless, the "child" resigned herself to be "adored" like a doll while waiting for another interval to pipe in.


"Um...I'm glad that you like me but... there's something I have to get ready for and... could you please let me go?..."

From the current flow of events, it seemed that Fleur would find herself kidnapped by Jesse before she even had a chance at Luna...
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse pulled away from her barrage, and smiled at Fleur.

"Oh, you needed rope. Did ya plan on tieing someone up?" Jesse winked at Fleur, "I can help with that!" she said with a mischievous grin, "If you let me in on it, I'll gladly lend ya some rope!"

Two guards, friends, stood in awe at what was transpiring.

One asked the other, "Is she... Honestly about to assist in bondage?"

The other one nodded, "Seems like it, but it's not like this is the worst Jesse's done..."

"Worse?" she blinked.

"Yeah... That nightstand, I think it's a gateway to hell, cuz she pulled all kinds of shit from there... She's like a fucking gadget woman."

The other guard stood silent for a second, "She fucked you to?" she asked, almost rhetorically.

"She's fucked just about everybody... She's a sadist..." she trailed off, as both guards went silent again to watch the show.
Re: Shops, and missions

(Rj inv check plahz)
Lin was gonna ask Jesse if she could have some 1st aid, but when she heard the comments by the guards and what is happening, she froze... and chuckled. It was funny how everyone was a bit of scared of Jesse but some people, like her, would never be scared of someone's fetishes, unless... she was dragged into the fetish. But she'll need to go there and helped the little girl anyway, since she, is also in need of something."

"Um... if you two could please excuse me..." Lin said, trying to catch the Shop keep's attention. "Can I have a 1st aid pack?"
Re: Shops, and missions

Keeping her attention on Fleur, Jesse pointed over to the first aid on the counter, returning her hand to wrap around Fleur's tiny body.
Re: Shops, and missions

Fleur's initial reaction to Jesse's offer was one of shock, much like that of the guards. Then one of amusement as ideas began to spin through her mind. While she couldn't afford to reveal the fact that she was kidnapping Luna and tying her up without consent, she could, at the very least, learn proper bondage skills in the meanwhile to make sure the brown haired vigilant wouldn't be able to one-up her and turn the tides around due to any screw ups. Fleur then spoke up, hoping to further her own ends.


"I'm sorry...it's really something just between my friend and me...although..."

Returning Jeese's smile, and acting as endearing as possibly can be, the petite girl made sure to make use of charisma built up from years of interacting with other people to her advantage when she continued.


"I wouldn't be opposed to learning new tricks in typing people up... It'd be great to surprise her with something even she wouldn't know."
Re: Shops, and missions

Lin took the 1st aid.
and walked away briskly, as if not to disturb them.
(Alright RJ, ready to go for the mission, AND inv check plz :\)
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse raises a finger,

"You let me in on it, and I'll teach you everything you need to know!" she offered, the sneaky grin on her face unmoving.
Re: Shops, and missions


"Well you see... there's a certain brown haired girl who managed to get the jump on me once... and she was oddly adept with a rope..."

Applying the same charm as earlier, Fleur continued her tale while leaving out choice words, telling the truth yet leaving out enough details. This time however, for dramatic effect, she included some mock tears at the end, as if she was upset from simply remember that "incident".


"And then we were in her room... and then... she...completely embarassed me for a good period of time..."

Pondering on whether or not she should come clean that her target was Luna and that she planned to knock her out with force, the childlike girl continued her explanations.


"Which is why I want to "punish" her somehow for what she did, and show her what it feels like...That and then have some fun with her of course. Of course if you really want to join I won't be too opposed... although I'll warn you that the way I plan to catch her isn't the nicest of ways."

Once again she was smiling as she spoke these words. If Jesse didn't mind a little "roughage", perhaps there was a way to include her in on the fun after all.
Re: Shops, and missions

(Intimidation check from Jesse)

Fleur found herself taking a step back in fear, as Jesse's face, and eyes seemed to turn demonic.

"Hee, hee, hee!" she cackled a laugh, "Oh, you won't have to be rough, sweetie. With my little tricks, anyone I desire is rendered helpless, kneeling to my will at the snap of my fingers..."

And from the impression Fleur was getting, that sounded like a believable story.
Re: Shops, and missions

Fleur squirmed uncomfortably the tone of voice attributed to Jesse's story, causing her to shift back subconsciously. The manner in which the statement was given was highly convincing, the blonde girl had no doubt that such an effect could be established on a normal girl. But Luna... was a different story. Still, the way the taller woman had said it only caused the "child" to become curious as she inquired further.


"Anyone?...Even a person as cold as ice?....Say..Luna?..."

She could not disguise a bit of hopefulness in her voice as she asked her question. If Jesse really could do such a thing... it would save her a lot of effort.
Re: Shops, and missions

A peak of curiosity arises from Jesse's face,

"Ah..." she sounded like a scientist, examining it's specimen, "A fine subject. She's lost touch with her feelings, which can be awakened the long, tedious, hard way..." the mischievous smile came back, "Or my way, which is what I prefer."

Jesse nodded at Fleur, "I suppose I could agree to this task, under one condition..." her face turned dead serious, "You will not question, hinder, nor interrupt my work, under any circumstance, lest you ruin everything, and she gets free."

Jesse thinks to herself, "Luna... Why this girl would want to harm her...

"I see the good in the girl, but I think I now know her distress... Never the less, I'm not going to hurt the poor thing. I might get her off like a rocket into space, but I won't allow this girl to harm her..."
Re: Shops, and missions

Returning Jesse's smile, Fleur agreed to the proposal and extended her hand.


"It's a deal then! Shake?"

Behind the outer appearance however, the blond girl was planning ahead, already plotting how to make "optimal use" of the circumstances presented to her.

Just because I'm not allowed to do anything while she's working her magic, doesn't mean I can't do anything after... And if she doesn't have her sword or gun with her, I'm confident that I won't lose to her. She'll be tied up anyway, what reason do I have to worry?...

(And thus here's a foreshadowing of Fleur's fail. There's a good reason Luna went into ropework and the " art of bondage" after all... That and... Luna is weaker towards people acting "nice" to her (she's unsure of how to respond) than when people try to subdue her with force or intimidation)
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Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse smiled, shaking Fleur's hand,

"Alright, then! In the mean time..." Jesse suddenly leaned back in to squeeze the little blond, lifting her into the air once more as Jesse began to carry her through the lounge, and out into the lobby, "I want to play with you a bit!" she claimed in a mischievous tone, eyes set on victimizing the little girl.
Re: Shops, and missions



Letting out a squeak as she was carried out into the lobby, it appeared that her worst fears had come to pass as Jesse intended to hold true to her word. This time however, it appeared that there would be no escape, seeing as one of the passerbys even snuck in a salute as the blonde girl was carried off...

(Jesse should teach Fleur that karma is very real, especially when you're plotting bad things :p)
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse carried a thrashing Fleur into her room, and shut the door behind her as she easily held the small girl with one arm to use the other to open the door and shut it behind her...

(Fleur is now in Jesse's room...)
Re: Shops, and missions

Lin heard the meep, and the squeels of the girl as she was carried off.
She smiled at the wall she's been facing.

"People nowadays are so forceful aren't they?" Lin muttered to her self, "Maybe it's the monsters, they are forceful so the people learned it off of them."
Re: Shops, and missions


"Hey Jesse! I need new clo-... nevermind." Selena looks around and sees Jesse running by her. She shrugs and grabs her rifle again and starts heading out, planning on going for another looting run.
Re: Shops, and missions

After about an hour, Jesse wiped off her tears, and returned to her shop, hoping to talk to other people to get her mind off of the girl she felt betrayed by.
Re: Shops, and missions

Selena runs down into the shop, carrying Kitty,

"Jesse! There you are! I was looking for you!"
Re: Shops, and missions

Not paying any mind to Kitty, she nods glumly at Selena.

"Oh... Hello," she greeted Selena in a depressed tone, "what do you need?"