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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

What is C86?

Comiket 86. Basically a bigass convention where doujin makers ply their wares for general consumption. And fappery.

Its not just for porn though. There's also a big part of Comiket that sells limited edition anime/anime-related video game stuff. Imagine a Comic Convention in America, only bigger. Much bigger.

Oh, and this is the 86th time they've done this, hence the number.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Comiket 86. Basically a bigass convention where doujin makers ply their wares for general consumption. And fappery.

Its not just for porn though. There's also a big part of Comiket that sells limited edition anime/anime-related video game stuff. Imagine a Comic Convention in America, only bigger. Much bigger.

Oh, and this is the 86th time they've done this, hence the number.

It happens twice a year. Once in the winter and once in the summer. The next one should be in late August.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I may be a little slow, but are you by chance ill ILL? If so, I wish you good health and hope you get well
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I may be a little slow, but are you by chance ill ILL? If so, I wish you good health and hope you get well

Do you mean recently or in general? He's got eczema/psoriasis and is a heavy smoker so he's not really in the best of health.

Summer especially is an unpleasant time to have eczema. Kickstarter to get ILL an air-conditioner anyone?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Do you mean recently or in general? He's got eczema/psoriasis and is a heavy smoker so he's not really in the best of health.

Summer especially is an unpleasant time to have eczema. Kickstarter to get ILL an air-conditioner anyone?

Pretty sure he just wanted to say ill ILL.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Yeah. That was pretty nasty word play. You should never make fun of sickness and missfortune.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I was being fucking honest:D
I read his last tweet and thought something happend because he was in the hospital or something

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Yeah. That was pretty nasty word play. You should never make fun of sickness and missfortune.

Although Miss Fortune only appears if you use V.A.T.S. ... :rolleyes:

Sorry, playing Fallout again. Could not resist. :p
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Although Miss Fortune only appears if you use V.A.T.S. ... :rolleyes:

People actualy used that perk? :eek:
(I tend to be a melee/stealth type myself ;) )

I realise it's been out a while but the latest demo crashes after the bonfire dinner after retreving the dragons egg.

the error log is in the spoiler for it's lenth
◆ 2014-06-13T23:48:19
■ エラーの種類 :

■ メッセージ :
disposed sprite

■ バックトレース :
Sprite_SrpgCharacter(57):in `x='
Sprite_SrpgCharacter(57):in `update_pos'
Scene_Srpg(75):in `bt_log_start'
Scene_Srpg(74):in `each'
Scene_Srpg(74):in `bt_log_start'
戦闘ログ(485):in `ms_scene_map_start'
■ミニステータス(455):in `start_KGC_HelpExtension'
KGC_ヘルプウィンドウ機能拡張(352):in `start'
Scene_Base(12):in `main'

■ Party
001: [001: Miene]
HP: 11 / 22
MP: 16 / 16
States: []
002: [002: Lynn]
HP: 169 / 169
MP: 40 / 40
States: []

■ Active_Unit:
Turn: 24
Active_Unit_Name: Miene
Action: スキル: [002:Activate Object]
■ Map_Units:
004: [004: Kobold]
States: []
005: [005: Kobold]
States: []
006: [006: Kobold]
States: []
007: [007: Kobold]
States: []
008: [008: Kobold]
States: []
009: [009: Kobold]
States: []
017: [017: Kobold]
States: []
032: [032: Kobold]
States: []
033: [033: Kobold]
States: []
034: [034: Kobold]
States: []
035: [035: Kobold]
States: []
036: [036: Kobold]
States: []
037: [037: Kobold]
States: []
038: [038: Kobold]
States: []
039: [039: Kobold]
States: []

■ Map:
Player_Unit_XY: [15, 23]
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I was being fucking honest:D
I read his last tweet and thought something happend because he was in the hospital or something


I think he goes every once in awhile for checkup? and or medication to help relieve the pain he's in from his condition(s). Although he usually says what they give him isn't good enough! haha
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Although Miss Fortune only appears if you use V.A.T.S. ... :rolleyes:

Sorry, playing Fallout again. Could not resist. :p

(sings) When the Devil is too busy
And Death's a bit too much.
They call on me by name you see,
For my special touch
To the gentlemens I'm Miss Fortune,
to the ladies I'm Sir Prize.
But call me by any name,
any ways it's all the saaaaaaaame (sing)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Although he usually says what they give him isn't good enough! haha

Wonder what they give him. I've got easy access to corticosteroids and they cost me barely anything.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Wonder what they give him. I've got easy access to corticosteroids and they cost me barely anything.

It all depends on the severity/cause of the symptons. I suffered from something similar (in my case, allergy based), and steriod creams were largely ineffective (at least at doses which are medically advisable).
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I've heard hyperbaric oxygen treatment can help eczema in rare cases, but fuck if I know medicine.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

And on another note... how often does this topic go off-topic? I know everyones bored waiting for news etc. but it does get a bit ridiculous. In any case, I'm sure the doctors treating ILL know (at least roughly) what they're doing, so let's leave it at that and hope for the best.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Honestly, please just don't be that guy. The last thing someone with a chronic condition tends to want is someone trying to be "helpful" and giving them false hope.

Hell, I've been diabetic since I was 6 and people kept telling me how it wouldn't be long until a cure, how things would be better if I did x or y, and while people trying to help is a nice sentiment, it's actually really horrible when you're at a point where you're desperate enough to believe it.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. ;/
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I come to this thread a couple times a week to see how the translation is going, but all people ever want to talk about is hyperbaric oxygen chambers.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Whole of dialogue text in previous demo was translated by Monkeyman.
Good work and thanks.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I hate to again be the one who ask this iritating and rude question... When will we be able to see this fully treaslated demo?

I know you posted a planing seeth but since then we dont know how much you progressed.
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