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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Damn! Permanent tattoo and serial number!? *pant *pant
I feel like ILL's my clone because we have almost the same taste! (except for futa)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Can you at least tell what kind of Demo it will be?
Will it take place after the first one?
Is it the same but with more Interactions?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Permanent tattoo's/piercings are so much better then stuff you can equip/un-equip at will.
Looking forward to the release even more now :p (which isnt a good thing since i know it's still gonna take a while -_-)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Can you at least tell what kind of Demo it will be?
Will it take place after the first one?
Is it the same but with more Interactions?

I think, no more additional area in Demo version.
but if I need more test, I may add more test area.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Can you at least tell what kind of Demo it will be?
Will it take place after the first one?
Is it the same but with more Interactions?

Next demo will be testing babies from the last post ill made mentioning what will be in the demo.

As for other things, unsure! (think he will be putting in the high quality miene and lynn in there too!)

Just have to wait and see
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Since we're on the topic, I prefer shaven for the looks ... but definitely not for the feel ... When my girlfriend shaves, not even a day later that area pretty much turns into 10 grit sandpaper. Any grinding action results in a lot of pain.

This is why you wax. Not shave.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Honestly, I prefer trimmed...what can I say, I like running my hands through it. *shrugs* Anyways, glad there will be an option...shaved makes me cringe. XD
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

As a side question to any girls reading this forum Ill and myself have a something to ask you if you would be so kind as to PM me. :)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

As a side question to any girls reading this forum Ill and myself have a something to ask you if you would be so kind as to PM me. :)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

As a side question to any girls reading this forum Ill and myself have a something to ask you if you would be so kind as to PM me. :)

Something to ask about a...work to game. maybe. Also girl, if you doesn't shave, I'm so glad.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

This is why you wax. Not shave.

You know, I never actually asked why she doesn't wax that area.. She waxes her legs.

Honestly, I prefer trimmed...what can I say, I like running my hands through it. *shrugs* Anyways, glad there will be an option...shaved makes me cringe. XD

I prefer something like Nanako from VH ... (inb4shes15) ... My point is that she has something, but not a bush.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

You know, I never actually asked why she doesn't wax that area.. She waxes her legs.

That one is easy. Wax small spot on your leg. Then wax small spot on your public hair. You will know why ;)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Haha, yes, you'll know why very quickly ^.^

Also, like was said above, shaving is an ALL or nothing business. You have to do it regularly, if not every day, otherwise you obtain the opposite effect from the one desired. As a male that has to shave every day before heading to work, with all the risks implied (cutting oneself, if sleepy or if using a poor blade), I feel it as a *chore*, so I can imagine a girl to feel the same.

Finally, I am not convinced that it really has an impact on pleasure for the woman. My girl doesn't do it, well except her legs and armpits, and I don't see myself forcing her to do it, if I refuse to do it myself (shaving my pubic hair, lol?) and she feels nothing special extra. Anyway, stopping with thread derailing here.

I have a question for ILL: will Miene accept to do "dirty" stuff by herself, like prostituting herself ? You may already have answered that one, and if so, sorry.

I have to admit that whenever I see that in a H-game, heroines easily accepting to whore themselves out, like if it was a mundane task, I don't particularly enjoy it. I prefer it when they resist till the very last moment, or being conducted to do it (captured, blackmailed, mind broken, etc.), more or less against their will (and why not enjoying themselves at the end too, of course).
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Also, like was said above, shaving is an ALL or nothing business. You have to do it regularly, if not every day, otherwise you obtain the opposite effect from the one desired. As a male that has to shave every day before heading to work, with all the risks implied (cutting oneself, if sleepy or if using a poor blade), I feel it as a *chore*, so I can imagine a girl to feel the same.

Shaving usually is more of a hygiene thing.

I mean, even without shaving outright, at least trimming your hairs (any, arm, leg, chest, armpit, etc) would reduce the amount of stuffs that might ends up stuck on them, as well as the chance of them getting stuck on something.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I have a question for ILL: will Miene accept to do "dirty" stuff by herself, like prostituting herself ? You may already have answered that one, and if so, sorry.

Oh. I want more pubic hair talk. also no pubic stubble on pics. damn.
For question. Yes, she do standing prostitute. but it include in first release is...doubtful.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Shaving usually is more of a hygiene thing.

I mean, even without shaving outright, at least trimming your hairs (any, arm, leg, chest, armpit, etc) would reduce the amount of stuffs that might ends up stuck on them, as well as the chance of them getting stuck on something.

Well, you are of course absolutely right, but if my girl wasn't clean (and she is *much* more cleaner than I am, someone who praises himself with perfect hygiene), I'd be much more worried about she not washing her genitalia, neglecting her feet (especially in between the toes!) or not brushing her teeth before even talking about pubic hair. Pubic hair to me is just that, hair, and provided it's washed I don't consider getting some of it in my mouth when giving her a cunny more "dirty" than getting some of her hair in my nose when dropping a kiss in her neck. Not to mention that she has a good chance of "catching" some while giving me a BJ, which she does without complaining.

Since I think we can agree that it's a cultural thing, and also that hygiene is of utmost importance in the trust between sexual partners, the core of this fantasy remains, uh, a personal preference. I would even go as far as saying that a female with a shaven pussy is somewhat repulsive to me, since :

1/ in my culture, a hairless sex would be the symbol of a girl that hasn't hit puberty yet. I will refrain from entering that discussion though, since I'll get angry people hitting me with a hailstorm of negative rep.

2/ I love the smell of a woman after having sex with her, and the natural "perfume" of her body concentrates most wherever she has some plushy remains of hair. So if she is "totally" shaven... yeah, well.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Oh. I want more pubic hair talk. also no pubic stubble on pics. damn.
For question. Yes, she do standing prostitute. but it include in first release is...doubtful.

Would she prostitute herself without a second thought though ?

I mean, let's say she lacks money to upgrade her weapon. Will she spontaneously think of prostituting herself to get that money, or will she think of it as something she'd rather not do ?

Otherwise said, will the player immediately get the option to head to the "slum" and have Miene do a quickie for money, or will bandits have to "break" her first, or other "unfortunate" events have to happen to her first ?

If I, as a player, decide to preserve Miene's virginity (for Lynn for example ^.^), win the fights that I need to win (bandits), refuse the events of the game to "corrupt" her (with easy money or other "gifts"), will my Miene still have a "prostitute yourself" dialog option somewhere ?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

High desire or many amount of sex experience need for prostitution.
Even if she need money quickly, she never do prostitution with pure heart.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

High desire or many amount of sex experience need for prostitution.
Even if she need money quickly, she never do prostitution with pure heart.


In full game, will meine desire raise slower? In current game, you can raise it very fast even without love potion. With love potion or injection, she will become a sex slave in several min.

Hoping she will become "corrupted" a bit slower, to enjoy... "breaking meine's mind" to sex slowly in full game! (´¬`)