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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

After getting up, Shiori looked around in her's and Kaei's packs for some of their foods rations stuffed down in them and together they ate a little something while waiting for Gina and Karen to awaken. Also while they were waiting for the two to wake up, and after they had eaten something, Sakura stirred in her sleep and woke up as well, and when Shiori saw her reaching for her she smiled and took her little one from her mother where she then began cuddling and playing with her for a few minutes while she waited for the others to awaken.

"Hey there sweetie pie. How you doing huh? Your papa here is going to teach you all sorts of things when you grow up. I'm going to teach you how to fight and take care of yourself, how to hunt and clean kills, and that kind of thing," Shiori said to her child while holding her, tickling her gently.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Sakura giggled at all of what Shiori said, looking a little bit excited as Kaei stood up and yawned loudly, doing a few stretches to get herself awake, peering over at Gina and Karen, Shiori could see that they had gotten into a awkward position, Gina was resting on her back while Karen clung to her front and cuddled with her, fidgeting in her sleep and saying "Shiori when...did you get so big..." while she continued to snore, Gina still having not noticed, Kaei smiled and asked "So...what now Shiori? When we get back to Tendrils place i mean."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori smiled as Sakura giggled at her tickling, feeling a little excited herself about holding her child while Kaei did a few stretches to get her blood pumping after waking up. While holding Sakura, Shiori glanced over at Karen and Gina to see the strange position the two had gotten themselves into, with Karen laying on top of Gina who was laying on her back. Smiling at Karen when she mumbled in her sleep, Shiori glanced back over at Kaei when she spoke again, asking what they were going to do now.

"Well, I guess we'll get back to Tendril's place and stay there for a little while. I didn't really think too far ahead of us having a baby to be honest," Shiori said, feeling a little dumb now for focusing only on being able to have a child, and not thinking far enough ahead to figure out what the two of them could do afterwards. "I guess we could always find more mates for me so our pack would be bigger, maybe go back and make that dark elf be my mate after what she did to us a few days ago. Or we could try and make our way back to my homeland, it's past the swamps to the south of here if I remember correctly," Shiori added after a few moments, just tossing out an idea or two to see what her mate thought.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori hadnt really thought past what was going to happen once she finally had her baby, she tossed out a few ideas for Kaei to chew on while keeping a eye on Sakura and the two monster girls cuddling, Kaei shrugged and said "Do you want to give that arena another go?", the arena did interest Shiori slightly and she was curious on how the arena popped up in the first place "We can always explore this place, we havent explored these mountains in detail and a demonic incursion is happening on the next full moon!" the words demonic and incursion didnt strike Shiori as good news.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Yeah that arena could be fun, and exploring this place could be interesting to do, but I don't think I like the sounds of a demonic incursion around here, especially not with Sakura still with us at the moment. I'd rather leave her somewhere safe before going to explore and possibly fight anything," Shiori replied, not looking as if she liked the idea of the demons any at all, but looking very interested in the arena thought. "But I wouldn't mind maybe finding us a cute succubus to add into the pack sometime soon though," Shiori added after a few moments, giving Kaei a knowing wink.

With that, Shiori would pull Kaei close and kiss her on the cheek, telling her that first they needed to get back to Tendril's tower where they could make sure Sakura would have a safe place to live, at least with Tendril and or Karen she knew that her child would be safe while she and possibly Kaei went out and explored the areas around there for more people to make their pack bigger.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

A few minutes later, Gina and Karen had awoken, Karen was still half asleep judging how she wasnt reacting in surprise with Gina suddenely there, she got up and walked over to Shiori, weakly patting her on the head and saying "Zzrgh..shiori...lets go..." before falling asleep standing up and leaning on Shioris shoulder.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When Gina and Karen had finally started waking up, Shiori saw that Karen didn't seem to notice Gina much, likely still being half asleep as she got up and came over to Shiori. Shiori smiled a little when Karen patted her on the head and mumbled as she fell back to sleep while leaning on Shiori's shoulder. "Hey Karen, come on and wake up, I have a couple of people I want you to meet okay. One of them is a good friend we made before coming back, and the other is... well she's the most precious thing in my life right now," Shiori said to Karen, shaking her a little to wake her up so she could hear her.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Karen needed a little shake to wake her up again, gazing sleepily at Sakuri, she said "oh my god shiori...why are you suddenely a baby...z..." before falling back to sleep once more, Kaei giggling at her half asleep plight, Gina had woken up however, she was rubbing her eyes and getting herself wide awake before rolling onto her front and standing, saying "Morning..."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As soon as Karen said what she did about Shiori suddenly being a baby, Shiori burst out laughing at her fellow okami as Karen fell back to sleep on her shoulder. When Gina woke and told her good morning as she rubbed her eyes, Shiori waved over at her. "Morning Gina. How are you?" Shiori replied to the spider woman, then she shook Karen again, saying, "And wake up Karen, I want you to see mine and Kaei's baby here, Sakura."