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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As she stayed with the group, Shiori noticed a few things stalking them, preparing to ambush, yet never going through with an attack, deciding to stay stalking for a now it seemed. They soon found themselves in some caves of some sort, that were fairly warm, that were near some stones of some sort that radiated heat for them to warm themselves with. Shiori watched as Kaei was set down and hugged by the fairy crusher that carried her before starting over towards her and Karen. Shiori went over after what Karen said, taking a moment before they went on to give the fairy crusher a pet on the head and whispering a thanks to it before going on to follow Karen and Kaei up to the shrine.

"I hope nothing tries to attack us this close to the shrine, that'd be pretty shitty," Shiori said as she got back over to Karen after petting the fairy crusher, readying her naginata just in case they needed to fight.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei drew her rapier as well to make sure that the two were properly armed to fight any would be ambushers, huddling close to Karen to remain warm the group made their way to what looked like a cathedral, however the tides of time and nature had seemingly claimed it as snow had covered most of it and the entrance was the only thing not covered in snow, walking in, they could see the cathedral was almost entirely made out of ice, the benches, floor, statue, even ladders and books...
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori glanced over to see Kaei drawing her rapier so she was ready to fight in case they had to as they traveled onward, the two staying as close to Karen as possible for warmth. Soon they found their way to what resembled a cathedral of some sort, though it was very old looking from the looks of the stone and the fact it was completely covered in snow. They made their way through the entrance and inside, where they saw it was made almost totally of ice, nearly everything was.

"Um... Karen, why is everything made of ice? I mean even the books are. And where's the shrine or altar or whatever? So we can hurry and get out of this place, I'm freezing," Shiori asked as they went through the place, staying close to the others and keeping ready to fight.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Karen blinked and looked around, confused, saying "It....wasnt like this before..." in a slightly curious but annoyed tone, Kaei groaned and cuddled with Shiori saying "Its freezing!" and shivering as she tried to almost literally hug the warmth out of Shiori, Karen looking at them and saying "It should be in the basement, unless that has frozen over too..." as she started to walk down the aisle to the basement which was a clearly marked door, the sign barely readable.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori didn't like the looks of the place, especially after seeing that Karen was confused about why it was frozen as much as it was. When Kaei cuddled up to her, Shiori put her left arm around her while still holding her naginata in her right hand, pulling Kaei close to keep her as warm as she could possibly keep her. When Karen stated the shrine should be in the basement unless it'd frozen over as well, Shiori nodded and glanced over to Kaei and gave her a nod, then nodded over to the basement door as she followed Karen.

"Better head on down and see what's what, that way we can hurry up and get out of here. I don't like this place at all, too cold, and too... eerie. It's really starting to scare me a little, I just got a bad feeling for some reason," Shiori said, shivering a little at the cold as well as the eeriness of the place. Something, which she just couldn't seem to place, didn't set well with her any. So as they started down the steps leading to the basement, she grew ever more cautious, glancing around at the slightest noise to see what it was, ready to fight at a moments notice to protect her mate, and possible future mate.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, Kaei and Shiori followed Karen to the basement door, which was kicked down by Karen as they descended down a staircase, thankfully the cold was replaced with subtle warmth as the group descended into a ice laden cave, the same orange crystals from before dotted about as kaei and karen took the time to warm themselves up.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori watched Karen kick the door leading to the basement off its hinges, where they then went on down the stairs. Not long after starting down the steps, Shiori felt the air getting warmer as they did, though when they got to the bottom they found themselves in an icy cave, which confused her a little. When she noticed the orange crystals like before when they'd first arrived, her confusion vanished completely as she followed the two over to get warmed up a bit before moving onward some more.

"At least these are here, didn't expect to see any more of them to be honest, at least not until we'd come back out and all," Shiori said as she warmed herself up, keeping ready to fight just in case. Once they had warmed themselves enough, Shiori would urge them onwards, wanting to hurry and get rid of the corruption so they could get the hell out of this cold place.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Coughing from the cold, Kaei asked "Do you think we should just rest for a moment?" Karen nodded and said "Yes, we are all quite cold..." sitting down beside Kaei and motioning for Shiori to do the same.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori heard Kaei coughing from how cold it was and after glancing back over at her and Karen when they both stated they should stay there and get warm first. Shiori had to admit that she was quite cold, but she also knew that the sooner they got out of there the sooner they could get warmer again. She dd as they asked though and sat down with the two, getting in between them both and pulling them close to keep them warm, though she never stopped looking around for trouble.

"Come closer you two, I'll keep you as warm as I can. But remember that the quicker we hurry on and get this done, the quicker we can get the hell out of here," Shiori said to them both as she pulled them closer.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

The group had to huddle together near one of the crystals to ensure maximum warmth, Karen looked at Shiori and asked her "Shiori, how did you end up getting corrupted? Im just curious" she asked, shivering slightly as the group warmed up.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

While they warmed themselves up, Shiori listened to Karen ask how she managed to get corrupted and decided to pass the time by answering. "Well it was this tree plant thing lower down in Tendril's tower. It grabbed me while I protected Kaei from getting grabbed, and ended up corrupting me. I can't remember what Kaei called it exactly," Shiori replied as they warmed up, pulling both closer until she had Kaei's and Karen's heads on either shoulder.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"King Corruption Seeder." Kaei helped Shiori remember the name of the beast that had attacked them, Karen nodded and looked concerned "You`re lucky you werent treating Kaei more like a pet than a mate, ive seen some people completely snap after meeting one of those...things" she said, making Kaei shiver and gulp, "Your just lucky you didnt go completely mad with lust and corruption."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"I know, it's the main reason I'm so concerned with ridding myself of this damn corruption, because my mind is slowly wanting to treat Kaei that way, no matter how much I try to prevent it from doing so. It's been getting harder and harder as time goes on, just this morning I couldn't stop myself and now Kaei's starting to be corrupted herself. I hate that I'm so weak that I can't fight it,," Shiori replied, closing her eyes so that neither of them saw the tears forming in them and thought her weak.

Shiori then told them that she was ready whenever they were, wanting to hurry, but not trying to rush the two as they needed to stay warm if they wanted to be able to make it through this place without freezing to death first.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, Karen stood up as she motioned for the others to follow, Kaei promptly followed Karen as did Shiori, continuing on the ice had seemingly not spread as far as they had thought, as they found a small room with what looked like a glowing white obelisk in the center of it, Karen looked at Shiori with a look that basically screamed "This is obviously the shrine"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

After getting back up, the three moved on, with Shiori bringing up the rear and letting Kaei stay in the middle for now, so she was the most protected of the group. Further in they found a room with no ice or snow inside and it had instead a obelisk of some sort glowing with a radiant light. When Karen gave Shiori a look that told her this was the shrine, Shiori nodded back and cautiously went over to the thing to inspect it closer and make sure nothing was in the room before praying to any of the gods that would hear her plea to cleanse her and Kaei of corruption.

"Come on Kaei, let's get this done so we can get out of here before we freeze solid. I'd hate for us to get cleansed only for us to freeze to death before we can try and have a baby together," Shiori said, motioning Kaei over to the shrine, assuming she found no threats or anything suspicious about the thing.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, Kaei followed and did the same as Shiori, kneeling and clasping her hands together to pray, uttering the same words as Shiori, a quick check before this ensured the room was completely empty, after their prayer, Shiori and Kaei would open their eyes a minute later to see the pillar had lost its glow and fallen to pieces, Shioris mind felt a lot less heavy though, and the tattoos on herself and kaei had vanished.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Together, Shiori and kaei knelt and prayed at the obelisk to any of the gods that would hear their plea, whispering the same prayers. Once they were through with their prayers, Shiori opened her eyes after a few moments to see the obelisk had lost its radiance and fallen apart. She felt as if a weight had been lifted from her though, and when she looked down she saw the tattoos on her and Kaei both were completely gone. She couldn't help herself and burst into tears of joy as she pulled Kaei into a fierce hug and kissed her on the lips.

"Oh Kaei I'm so happy. I can't believe that we're finally free of that dreadful corruption. I gods I love you so much. And now we can finally have our baby sometime soon without worrying so much," Shiori said to Kaei as she hugged her and in between kissing her.

After a minute or two of kissing and hugging Kaei, Shiori would turn to Karen and do the same to her, pulling her into a tight hug and kissing her deeply. "Thank you Karen... for everything. When we get back to Tendril's tower, or wherever you planned on going now, I must reward you," Shiori said, giving Karen a naughty wink after breaking their kiss, giving Karen's ass a squeeze while grinding herself against her fellow okami a little bit.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Cuddling with Kaei, she smiled and returned the kiss, going back over to Karen, Shiori was slightly surprised when Karen pushed her away and said "Its fine...you dont need to repay me"/COLOR], she smiled and said "Do you want to go back to tendrils tower now?" at this point Kaei and Shiori simply wanted to return to normal warmth.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When Karen pushed Shiori away, telling her she didn't need to repay her at all, Shiori merely smiled back at her friend and nodded. "Yeah, let's get out of here before we freeze, but I truly don't mind repaying you Karen. Keep it in mind," Shiori replied to Karen, gesturing to Kaei and then following Karen out, with Shiori still keeping at the ready for any signs of danger.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, the group rapidly made their way out of the frozen cathedral and back into the warm embrace of the cave as quickly as possible, sitting again, Karen asked "Do you want to explore for a bit? Id happily come with you and apparently theres some books of magic buried in the snow around here"