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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When Shiori got no response to her words at all, she kicked the walls of the cage again to no effect at all. Moments later, the floor fell out from underneath them both as they fell through. They fell into another area, with Shiori shaking her head and giving a little groan of pain as she got up. Around them she saw it was a mountainous area that had several caves and that they were sitting on a nest of sorts.

"GODDAMMIT YOU BITCH! YOU'RE A FUCKING PETTY THIEF AND NOTHING MORE THAN THAT. YOU HEAR ME YOU FUCKING BITCH? WHEN I SEE YOU AGAIN AND AFTER I GET MY MARK AS ALPHA BACK I'M NOT GOING TO STOP FUCKING YOU UNTIL YOU CAN'T MOVE AND ARE BEGGING ME TO KEEP GOING! WHEN I'M THROUGH WITH YOU YOU'LL BE BEGGING TO BECOME MY BITCH!" Shiori screamed back up at the dark elf, furious that she'd lost her mark as alpha. She might as well have been killed rather than lose that, because now she was so furious that she could barely think straight. If she did indeed find that fucking dark elf again, she might not even bother forcing her to become her lowest mate and may just kill her and tear her apart, then shit on her corpse.

After a minute of ranting, screaming obscenities, and kicking parts of the nest they were in, Shiori finally calmed down enough to look around a little more. Shiori counted to ten, then back down to try and calm herself down some more, but when she closed her eyes, all she saw was the fucking dark elf girl and it only served to piss her off again.

"Where the fuck are we at? Goddammit this pisses me off... she might as well have just fucking killed me so I didn't have to live with the shame of losing my status as alpha... goddammit. When we see her again, she's going to pay... I might just not even bother holding her down and making her my bitch, I might just tear her arms off and beat her to death with them," Shiori said, her calming technique not helping in the least bit as she ranted some more, her anger likely scaring Kaei a bit as she'd never seen Shiori quite this angry before.

Finally after another minute or two of ranting and screaming at the dark elf, cursing her and swearing on her very soul she'd make her pay for this, Shiori finally stopped suddenly. She then fell to her hands and knees, where she burst into tears, which quickly turned into sobs of anguish.

"God fucking dammit... why? Why did she have to take my honor? She could have taken anything else from me, but no she took what made me... well me. I'm not saying that I wanted her to do anything to you Kaei. But goddammit why did it have to be my honor and status as alpha? I'm nothing without it now... I can't have you as my mate... I can't have any other mates like we talked about with you being the leader of them and my fellow alpha," Shiori said in between her sobs mixed with anger, anguish, sadness, and depression all in one.

"If I can't get my status back Kaei... then we'll have to part ways... because we can't be together without it. I'm sorry, but I wouldn't or rather don't feel right without it. When my people find out what's happened to me, about how I gained status as an alpha, and then lost it like I did. Then I shall be exiled to the far wilderness, where we send exiles who have no honor left. I might as well just start heading back to face being an exile instead of letting you see my shame," Shiori added bitterly after a few more quick sobs, her face stained with tears now so much that her vision was blurry. She tried to wipe them away, but every time she did so they were merely replaced with fresh tears, looking like she had lost all hope of getting her status back and had resigned herself to being exiled far away from Kaei.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei flinched and almost curled up into a tiny ball as Shiori started to go into a almost insane screaming fit, threatening the dark elf that had left the two like this with death or worse before retreating back to a very depressed sounding statement towards Kaei, Kaei was crying both out of fear and sadness, Kaei flinched as Shiori approached her, she was too stunned to even speak, "S-Shiori....c-can i...." Kaei swallowed as she meekly asked "Show you something?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"W-What is it Kaei? Of course you can show me something. I'm sorry about sounding the way I do, but it's just... (sighs sadly)... I really will have to leave you unless I can get my status back, soon. I have to reclaim my honor that was stolen from me or we can't be together. I'm sorry for scaring you sweetie, please forgive me, you mean everything to me, and I wouldn't want you to be scared of me," Shiori said to Kaei, still sniffling but sounding much less angry than earlier, and merely sounding depressed at this point.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei took out a small vial filled with a purple liquid and handed it to her "S-She thought i was still under h-hypnosis, she s-said i should g-give this to you a-after we were done....a-apparently it reverts the effects of m-me taking your mark", Kaei hesitantly handed it to Shiori hoping that the liquid would actually work.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori had started sniffling again before Kaei spoke, and was starting to cry some more when Kaei told her what had happened and showed the vial of strange liquid to her. Shiori stopped crying for the most part and laughed bitterly, not believing the dark elf would have given something that would allow her to regain her honor that easily. It had to be a trick of some sort, especially since she didn't know where they were and that they didn't know how to get to Tendril now like she'd promised she would do. She now doubted if they would ever get there, because she couldn't see the castle anymore from where they were at.

I hope it works and does that for us... but knowing my luck it makes the change permanent, so that she can laugh at my misfortune and then I'll be totally shamed. If it does take away my status permanently Kaei, I don't... I don't know what I'll do. Some of my people commit suicide when they've lost their honor and status, especially when it forces them to lose their mates. Some bear the shame and live on with it, while some others just leave, never to be seen by anyone again,” Shiori said, staring at the vial Kaei handed her for a moment.

She sat there contemplating whether or not to drink it for a few moments, wondering if it would do as Kaei said. Even if it did though, they would now have to find their way back to the castle so they could find Tendril to talk with her about whatever it was she'd wanted to speak with Shiori about, and to get the gift promised by her as well. Shiori also intended on dominating that dark elf and making her a mate as well, assuming she got her status back of course, because she needed to show her who was boss, and it wasn't her... it was Shiori. With that in mind, she downed the substance, hoping it would work and change her back into the alpha, not able to bear the thought of not being the alpha.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Coughing, Shiori felt the drug start to take effect, moaning slightly, she felt her clit move and start to receive almost painful sensations, the same was happening to Kaei, however the tattoos on Kaeis body were disappearing and her dick was...shrinking, the opposite was happening to Shiori, she felt her clit grow and mold into a dick as the markings left by the plant appeared on her skin again, this went on until Kaei and Shiori practically looked just how they did before meeting the dark elf, panting and tired from the pain given to them by that drug.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As she downed the last of the liquid in the vial, she broke into a small coughing fit and couldn't stop for a minute or two. Shortly after drinking it down, she couldn't suppress a soft moan as she felt whatever the drug was taking effect. She felt something happening to her clit and looked down at it was she felt some pain coursing through her little love button, but nothing she couldn't handle.

She watched as Kaei was apparently going through the same slight bit of pain as she was and saw the tattoos disappearing from her mate and reappearing on her own body, her clit growing larger until it reshaped itself into her large thick member from before, while Kaei's member receded back into her body, leaving them both as they had been before the dark elven bitch did that to them. As soon as it was over, Shiori was panting and quite exhausted from the exertion of it all, her tongue slightly hanging out as she panted.

"I... guess I owe her an apology and a thanks... but I'm still... going to kick her ass and make her my mate after making me go through that... after stealing my honor, even if I managed to get it back thanks to her," Shiori panted out loud, not really speaking to Kaei at all, but merely speaking her mind about the situation.

After that, Shiori would lay back and rest for a little while, recovering until she had the strength to move, pulling Kaei close and holding her tightly in her loving embrace while they rested as if she would lose her if she didn't. When she had finally recovered her strength, Shiori would look around, glancing up to see if she could reach the trap door they fell through, because she didn't want to have to make the trek all the way back up that fucking castle tower again just to make it to Tendril, that would just be annoying as hell. She also looked around for their weapons, hoping that she at least still had those with which to fight, even if they didn't have any clothing to cover themselves with.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

The trapdoor had shut, and the mountainous region seemed to be simulated as they could see a door nearby, however looking around, they started to see what looked like pairs of red eyes look out at them from the caves, worrying Kaei and Shiori slightly as they realised they must be the things that made the nests...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Unfortunately Shiori saw the trapdoor had shut after they fell, but she could see a door near where they were sitting in the nest of sorts they'd fallen into. As she looked around though, she noticed several pairs of eyes staring out of the caves at them, which scared Shiori a bit. "I wonder what those things are exactly? Probably whatever made these nests if I had to guess," Shiori asked, not really expecting an answer from her mate.

"Okay Kaei, do you have your weapon by any chance? Because I don't know where mine is," Shiori asked, looking around for her naginata, hoping it fell into wherever they were with her as she rather needed it at the moment.

If neither of them had their weapons however, Shiori would just get up and pull Kaei with her, then she'd tell her to just take it easy as she gently pulled on Kaei's arm, leading her towards the door she saw that hopefully led out. If they did manage to find their weapons, then Shiori would do the same thing, telling Kaei she didn't think they could fight that many of whatever these things were.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Ultimately, they didnt have time to find their weapons as whatever was in the caves bounded out towards them, what looked like two massive dogs, taller than they were, they had completely black fur and deep red eyes, they let their tongues hang as they rushed towards the two naked girls, trying to react in time, Kaei pushed Shiori out of the way as she was grabbed by one of the dogs and pinned, its tongue starting to lick away at her pussy, moaning and struggling, the other dog held Kaeis hands down and started licking her breasts, Shiori had the time to try and find her weapon, it must have gotten lost in one of the four nests...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Before they could find their weapons unfortunately, whatever was in the caves bounded out after the two of them. Shiori yelped as she was pushed out of the way by Kaei as the two massive dogs knocked Kaei to the ground and began licking away at her body. Shiori made a spit second decision and rushed to try and find hers and Kaei's weapons, so they could better fight their opponents.

"Hang on Kaei, we need our weapons or we'll never make it out of here, blast them with your magic or something, just hold on until I get back and keep them distracted. Don't give in and let them win," Shiori called out to her mate, making a mad dash for one of the nests. If it looked like Kaei was starting to lose though, Shiori would charge at her enemies and tackle the one holding Kaei's upper body down, biting, clawing, kicking, punching, anything she could to kill whatever it was and get it away from her beloved Kaei. Because Kaei was Her mate, and she would be damned if she would let something have its way with Her mate.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Five nests to choose from, Kaeis weapon and Shioris weapon are in different nests, mess up two times and Kaei will not be in this fight]

Kaei panted and moaned as the dogs continued to pleasure her body, her nipples becoming erect and her face becoming flushed with arousal as kaei moaned out "Hhnh~! I-I cant...! the dog licking her pussy started to stick its tongue inside as it spread her legs and penetrated her with its large tongue.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

(Uh... you said in the update before this there were 4 nests. :confused:)

Shiori saw five different nests to choose from, she rushed over to the second one and rummaged around in it as fast as her legs would take her, moving to the fifth one after that, regardless of whether or not she found her's or Kaei's weapon in the first one she checked.

"Yes you can Kaei, fight it. kick them, bite them, do whatever you have to to keep them from winning," Shiori shouted at Kaei, hoping her mate could hold out long enough for her to find their weapons.

If she made the wrong choice on the first one, then on her way over to her second choice of nests, she would turn and fire some of her new magic at the beast holding Kaei's upper body down, hoping to knock it off of Kaei to give herself some more time.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

-Oh sorry, im being a derp again, there are five nests-

[Shiori finds nothing in the two nests, however her magic attempt hits perfectly, giving her one more turn to find either Kaei or her own weapons]

Kaei could barely struggle under the weight of these massive dogs as they continued pleasuring her, in the first nest Shiori found nothing, same for the second, however she managed to cast her magic sucessfully, blasting both of the dogs with bolts of darkness, knocking them off the aroused Kaei for a second, however they seemed to have become sufficiently aroused themselves, as Shiori could see they had grown massive throbbing dicks, worrying Shiori, she could only look through one more nest as the first dog picked up Kaei and spread her legs, the two dogs standing on their hind legs as they grinned maliciously at the vulnerable Kaei.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

(It's alright, just wondering if it was supposed to be 4 or 5, though it apparently doesn't matter which it is considering Shiori found neither on both checks. :rolleyes: I'm assuming though that she did some damage to them when and if she finds the weaponry.)

Shioi rushed from the first nest to the second one, not finding either of their weapons in the two nests she chose. "Really? Goddamn it all to hell, I just can't win for losing. I finally get my status back and then these fucking things try and take my mate and knock her up. Not on my watch," Shiori mumbled to herself as she cast her magic and knocked them off of Kaei, who was looking quite aroused after the licking.

She watched the first of the two dog things lifting Kaei up spreading her mate's legs, and noticed they had both grown massive cocks from between their legs, about to take Kaei with them. Shiori saw their cocks were pretty large and knew she had to hurry. Because what if Kaei enjoyed theirs more than her own? She was not about to let that happen to her mate, she was her mate and no one else's, and she wasn't going to let Kaei go through this, not after she'd given her that potion to change them back to normal.

With tears in her eyes again, she jumped out of the fifth nest and rushed over to the first one, hoping to at least find Kaei's weapon. If she found either of their weapons, then she would charge at the dogs and stab the one about to shove its massive prick into her mate's pussy. If she didn't find either weapon though, then she would just use her fists and tackle the thing off of Kaei, using her magic on the other one as she rushed them regardless of whether or not she had a weapon.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

In the first nest she found her own weapon thankfully, and with quick reaction times she set herself upon the two dogs, knocking them off of Kaei, however she was aroused and tired from all that had happened and shuffled off to the remaining nest, grabbing her weapon but needing to rest for a moment or two before attacking.

[Shiori gets a normal hit, Fairy Crushers get a arousal crit and normal hit]

[Shiori gets a normal hit, Fairy Crushers fail to hit]

[Shiori fails to hit, Fairy Crushers get a arousal hit, Kaei joins the battle on the next turn]

Fairy Crushers 6/8 HP

Shiori 6/7 HP, 3/7 AP

Attacking the large dogs, Shiori managed to get a slash off on one before one of them grabbed a hold of her, jumping surprisingly hard into the air it crashed into the ground with her, winding her as she impacted the ground, the large dog then rammed its massive dick into her pussy, making her lower body scream as it tried to accept the foreign invader, the pure size of it making her stomach bulge, drooling on the dazed Shioris breasts, she managed to slash the same dog in its face, making it woof in pain slightly before it thrust into Shioris pussy, almost hitting her cervix.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

(Wow, the fairy crashers huh. A neat enemy to encounter here.)

Luckily for her, Shiori managed to find her own weapon in the next she chose. She'd actually figured that it would be empty as well, but thankfully she'd found her's. As soon as she had her weapon in hand, she charged straight at the two dog looking creatures. She slammed into them both, knocking them off of her mate in her rage.

"Get off of my mate you bastards! You want to fight someone come on and attack me. You want find me so easy a target as my mate was," Shiori shouts at the two dog things while Kaei pulled herself over to one of the nests, going slowly after what all had happened to her before Shiori had gotten over to her.

Shiori managed to get another slash on one of the things before one grabbed her, then jumped into the air and slammed her into the ground, knocking the air out of her. She let out a lewd moan as the dog thing slammed its massive cock into her tight little cunny, a slight bit of pain shooting through her as her body tried to accommodate the huge thing, the sheer size causing her belly to bulge outwards. The huge cock slightly dazed her as it raged inside of her, though she was still able to slash its face, causing it to cry out in pain from her attack. It recovered quickly though and thrust into her, stretching her lower lips wide to accept it again. She glanced over to see Kaei trying to catch her breath as she found her rapier, and knew that she had to hold out until Kaei recovered enough to come to her aid.

"Oh god... so fucking big. G-Get off, you big lug," Shiori said to the thing having its way with her, taking her spear and stabbing it at the thing's chest where she would then use her weapon to push the thing off of her.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Shiori gets a normal crit, Kaei fails to hit, Fairy Crushers get a normal crit on Kaei]

[Shiori gets a normal hit, Kaei gets a normal crit, ending the fight]

Kaei eventually managed to join Shiori, making her entrance by slashing at the other dog trying to go after her, Shiori herself managed to get a very well done hit off by stabbing her naginta into where she assumed was the vitals for the dog penetrating her, whimpering the dog dropped her and retreated to the cave where more red eyes looked at Shiori, now looking quite angry, Kaei also managed to stab her rapier into the last remaining dog, sending it running towards the cave as well, panting, Kaei flicked the blood off of her rapier, the two could see the now angry eyes were starting to calm down, they could hear a voice coming from the cave, it wasnt the dark elves voice, but it was a rather calm and sympathetic sounding voice "Shh shh...its okay...ill go talk to them....", slightly curious, Kaei walked over to Shiori but kept her rapier ready "Who do you think was that?" she asked, looking back at the cave suspiciously as all the eyes vanished...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

While Shiori struggled with her foe, she noticed out of the corner of her eye Kaei jumping into the fray and attacking the other dog thing. Shiori managed to get free enough to stab her weapon into the thing on top of her, driving it off of her where it retreated back into the cave away from them. Kaei was able to do the same to the other dog thing, forcing it away from them too and back into the cave. Shiori could see from where she was laying the two dog things staring daggers at them from the cave.

When they heard the voice in the cave, Shiori knew that it didn't belong the dark elf from before. She raised up as Kaei asked her question of who Shiori thought it was, staring intently at the cave to see if she could place the voice any, because she wasn't remembering it.

"I don't know Kaei, but apparently we're about to find out. I hope whoever it is isn't hostile or anything," Shiori said, readying herself to fight again just in case, but not taking on a hostile look herself.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Eventually someone came out of the cave, it was....a woman, she was around 18 looking, she had short messy black hair and deep red eyes, much like the strange dogs from before, she was wearing a black hoodie that covered most of her top half, the hood itself had red eyes on it again like those weird dogs, she was also wearing jet black shorts as well with black stockings and no shoes, her breasts were ample at c-cup size, her face had a scar on her right cheek "Hello..." she said, her voice slightly intimidated "Were you dropped in by a dark elf...?" she asked, for a moment, Shiori found herself looking at the girl, dressed like the dogs, she was slightly puzzled, then she looked down and noticed a slight bulge in the girls shorts, making her curiosity spike somewhat, the girl then said "Im sorry my friends tried to rape you...they get a bit out of hand during mating season..."