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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei shrugged, helping Shiori rummage around in her backpack they did find two vials of elixer slime, "Huh, we havent used them, oh well" she said, standing up and leaning against the wall, Kaei waited until Shiori was ready to go up to the next floor.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Well in that case sweetie, we'll leave this here in case we need to come back for some healing,” Shiori said to Kaei after seeing they still had a couple of bottles of the slime, ready to head out when she was. Shiori would wrap an arm around Kaei as they went on to the next floor, her naginata ready for battle just in case.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Going up to the next floor, Shiori could see the room was wide and open, there was a pool of water in the center, there was a glass walkway leading to the middle of the pool, there was a open black bud in the middle of it, its vines stretching out into the water and beneath the floor, Shiori could hear a voice start speaking to her "Shiori...young wolf, you have only started your journey and you are weak...for now, i shall be able to show you even more power....if you and your mate step into this bud" it finished, Kaei couldnt hear it and she was curious, she went over to the bud and poked it "Moody flower." she said, her wolf ears twitching.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Once they were up to the next floor, Shiori let go of Kaei as they saw a pool of water in the center of the large room they entered. She noticed the glass walkway leading to the center of the pool where there was a plant of some sort with vines leading down into the water and further. When Shiori heard the voice speaking to her she gasped lightly, at first not knowing where it came from, but she was able to determine that it was the plant speaking to her.

"K-Kaei... did you hear that? It was a voice talking to me... I think... I think it was the plant there. And what's a Moody Flower by the way?" Shiori asked Kaei, her own wolf ears twitching some along with Kaei's as she went over next to Kaei just in case something happened.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Its a moody flower, they do things when you get inside them, depending on their colour it changes, i havent seen a black one yet..." she said, kaei shook her head "No i didnt hear any voices...are you okay shiori?" she asked, slightly concerned, the voice spoke to shiori again "Climb in...it`ll only take a second...", peering inside Shiori could see what looked like a little pink circle on the floor of the bud, presumably where she would stand if she climbed in.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori listened to Kaei explain about the moody flowers, as she peered inside to see what all was inside of the one they were looking at. When she heard the voice again after Kaei telling her no she hadn't heard it, Shiori shook her head a little before looking back over at Kaei.

K-Kaei... I think the flower there is talking to me... it's trying to get us both to go inside of it. But... I don't think we should... I'm afraid something would happen to us, I'm afraid it might hurt you... and me. So unless I knew what exactly a black one would do to us, I'm not going in and I won't let you go in either,” Shiori told her mate, grabbing Kaei's hand and backing away from the thing slowly.

Shiori wondered exactly what the thing would do to them if they did go ahead and enter it, but at the same time she wasn't sure if she wanted to know. In the end she decided that they shouldn't go into the plant, and tried to pull Kaei away so they could continue onwards, fearing what might happen if they did. Maybe they could talk to Tendril about it later when they finally found her, and if it turned out that it would have been better for them, then they could come back on their way out and go on into the thing and find out what it would do for them.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Looking back at the plant, Kaei nodded "If you say so", as they tried to leave the room they realised the door was locked, as was the one leading to the floor below them "Um, Shiori...?" Kaei asked, they could feel rumbling coming from the ground as the plant from before fell apart, the water was now turning into a black sticky slime and Kaei had a worried look on her face "I Just realised what that plant was" she said, the plant was replaced with a gigantic tree trunk, branches came off of it with several goopy sacs containing black balls of slime in them, parts of the trunk became dark grey and fleshy and detached, becoming writhing tentacles "I Think this is called a king corruption seeder..." she finished, turning around with Shiori she nonchalantly said "Oh guess i was right"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As they started walking away, Shiori was glad when Kaei decided to follow her and leave the room. When they got to the door and found it locked, Shiori's heart all but stopped when they heard the rumbling sound behind them. Shiori turned around as Kaei did while her mate explained that she knew what kind of a plant they were in the room with, with Shiori trembling slightly in the process.

Um... Kaei... what exactly do these plants do to people if they go inside of them? Or if they get a hold of people rather?” Shiori asked Kaei in a shaky voice as they saw the plant changing before their eyes.

As soon as the plant was through changing in front of them, Shiori would step in front of Kaei in a defensive stance to protect her mate, the only thought going through her mind being to do just that no matter what happened to her. Shiori was waiting for Kaei to answer before attacking, and to see if the thing's tentacles could reach from where they were at.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Ill think of a idea tomorrow since ive not RP`d for a while
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Clue is in the name" Kaei non subtly said, obviously this meant Shiori might get her mind melded a bit if she lost, "Although...they usually leave those already corrupted alone....I-I mean if you want to we can...." Kaeis voice was shaky...

[Boss 1: King Corruption Seeder 10/10 HP, 7/7 AP]

[Corruption Chance: Surrendering will increase corruption]

The idea of a corruption seeder made Shiori slightly curious about the seeding process, would it give her anything? would it make her stronger? The clear answer though is that the battle would be skipped easily, but at what cost?
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori listened to Kaei's response and nodded in understanding about the situation. She knew though that there was no way she was going to allow anything to corrupt her, and especially not her mate. Her instincts were to protect Kaei at any cost as she readied her naginata to fight the thing, growling her anger at it.

Sorry, but nobody will corrupt my mate and I. Not unless we'd get something very very good out of it in the end, which when it comes to corruption, you don't get anything good. So no, we aren't going to let it take us Kaei. If you just let us go on through, then I promise we won't bother you again, but try and touch me and my mate and I'll make you wish you hadn't,” Shiori growled at the plant thing, barring her teeth in a real wolf like growl, her tail and ears doing just what one would do as well when it comes to a fight to protect their mate.

Shiori would cautiously move in to attack, taking her time about it enough so that she didn't get grabbed in the process and using whatever she could find in the room to give her even a miniscule advantage against this thing as she attempted to slice and stab the thing into a salad. Shiori still wondered what would happen should it manage to seed them though, however she decided that the risk was too great and that she might lose Kaei, or she herself could be lost to the corruption in the process, so it wasn't worth the risk.

(Welcome back ;))
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Shiori fails to hit, Kaei gets a normal crit, K. C. Seeder gets a normal hit on Kaei]

[Shiori and Kaei fail to hit, K.C Seeder gets a arousal crit on Shiori!]

[Shiori fails to hit, Kaei gets a normal hit, K.C Seeder gets a normal hit on Kaei]

Shiori 7/7 HP, 4/7 AP, Constricted, -3 to attacks.

Kaei 4/6 HP, 6/6 AP, Binded, -2 to attacks.

K.C Seeder 6/10 HP, 7/7 AP

It seemed like the massive tree wasnt going to listen to Shiori as its tentacles started to lash out, the first one missed Shiori but another one grabbed Kaei by her ankles, making her yelp in surprise as she stabbed her rapier down into it to try and get it off, while shiori was distracted trying to help her mate a tentacle took advantage of it and suddenely wrapped around Shioris arms, making it very hard to attack as the head of the tentacle forced itself into her mouth as well, Shiori couldnt speak and only make swallowing sounds as the tentacle started sliding in and out her throat, making her wolf ears droop and her face turn red as she became aroused, Kaei didnt have much luck either as the tentacles yanked on her ankles and made her land on her back as another tentacle latched around Kaeis left wrist.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori watched as the tentacles lashed out at her and Kaei, with Shiori able to dodge the first one that came at her, though Kaei had another wrap around her ankles. Kaei stabbed her rapier into the tentacle holding her as Shiori rushed to her aid, trying to get the thing off of her mate. When Shiori moved to help Kaei though, another tentacle managed to wrap around her arm, where the head of it pushed into her mouth as she let out a surprised yelp.

D-Dammit... I can't let this thing... beat us... who knows what it'll do to us... to Kaei,” Shiori thought to herself as she was forced to swallow the tentacle repeatedly, her ears drooping slightly in arousal. She tried to shake her head to force the arousal back down for now, not willing to give in to this thing and let it have its way with them.

She noticed Kaei having a bit of a hard time with the tentacles now as well, as one wrapped around her wrist after the one holding her ankle tripped her to the ground. When she saw this, Shiori began fighting with all her strength to break free, angry that this thing hurt her mate. She was going to destroy it for hurting Kaei, she began pulling and tugging against the thing to break free, where she would then stab her naginata into the heart of the plant... or at least where she thought the heart of I was anyway.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Shiori fails to struggle, Kaei fails to hit, K.C Seeder gets a arousal crit on Kaei]

[Shiori sucessfully struggles, Kaei gets a normal hit, K.C Seeder gets a normal hit on Shiori]

[Shiori fails to hit, Kaei fails to hit, K.C Seeder gets a normal crit on Shiori!]

Shiori 3/7 HP, 4/7 AP, Binded, -2 to attacks.

Kaei 4/6 HP, 3/6 AP, Unbreakable Hold, -5 to attacks.

K.C Seeder 5/10 HP, 7/7 AP

Struggling again Shiori couldnt get herself out of the hold the tentacles had put her in, Kaei didnt have much luck either as she was dragged up suddenely, hanging upside down as tentacles removed her shorts and tore her panties away, more tentacles converged keeping a hold of her wrists as two tentacles thrust themselves into Kaeis pussy, she struggled but another tentacle entered her mouth, making her give out muffled moans of pleasure as tentacles started to rub her body all over, Shiori didnt have much luck either as she felt a tentacle constrict around her waist and squeeze the air out of her.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori managed to loosen the tentacles hold on her, though she wasn't able to fully break free from them. Then she watched in horror as Kaei was grabbed and hauled into the air upside down as the tentacles pulled her shorts off, then tore her panties away as they bound her up within their grasp. She was utterly horrified when she saw not one but two tentacle thrust deep into Kaei's pussy as they began raping her.

Shiori felt the tentacles holding her squeeze as hard as they could to force the air out of her lungs. She coughed a bit as they constricted her body, trying to catch her breath and break free. She was furious, she wanted to utterly destroy this thing for violating her mate. Shiori began biting, kicking, punching, pulling, scratching, whatever she had to do to break free so she could kill this thing. Because she refused to give in and allow it to have its way with not only her, but definitely not her mate.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Shiori fails to hit, Kaei struggles sucessfully, K.C Seeder gets a normal hit on Kaei]

[Shiori fails to hit, Kaei gets a normal crit on K.C Seeder, K.C Seeder gets a normal crit on Shiori, taking her out of the fight]

[Kaei gets a normal crit, winning the fight!]

The fight continued on, Shioris rampant form of attacking didnt even phase the large tree, but Kaei managed to release a quick burst of fire to singe the tentacles on her, enough to get them to let go, Shiori was quick to dive and catch Kaei, even as a tentacle hit her in mid-air to try and wind her, putting her back on the ground, Kaei drew her rapier and slashed repeadetely at the tree, ending with a stab, this did quite a bit of damage as the trees tentacles all seized up for a second to quiver in pain, however Shiori didnt notice a tentacle coming up behind her, before she could react, it suddenely dug into panties and forced itself into her ass, making Shiori give out a startled cry of pleasure, a tentacle winded her again and this was enough to make her resistance fade away, Shiori was suddenely dragged up, still penetrated as tentacles wrapped around her arms and legs, all of them started to ravage her body, rapidly tearing off her clothing and rubbing her body all over, she could only let herself be lost in the pleasure as the tentacles all turned a sinister black colour, another tentacle rammed itself into her wet pussy as her wrists were tied behind her back, two more tentacles shoved themselves roughly into her lower lips, making her belly bulge slightly, two tinier tentacles with what looked like needles coming out of them approached Shiori.

The tentacles in Shioris holes started to pound her relentlessely, pistoning and making her body buck and bounce as she could only scream in pleasure repeadetely, the tinier tentacles jabbed their needles into her breasts, starting to make her uncontrollably lactate, the needles were jabbed into her neck as well, making her feel even more lustful and feral than before, after this the tinier tentacles retreated as Shiori was fucked in both her holes repeadetely, as this was happening her mind was melded and her body started to change, the tentacles in her lower lips retreated, the tentacles sopping wet from her juices as she had already reached orgasm twice, she felt her lower lips shift into her hard erect dick like normal as she reached another mind blowing orgasm, blowing her load onto the ground beneath her, her body changed, her eyes turned into a golden and somewhat mesmerising colour, she could see strange markings on her stomach that were sort of like black flame tattoos, she would also get the same marks on her face, only on her cheeks though, she felt her dick change as well, she realised that her dick would now not appear when aroused, it was there all the time with her pussy beneath it.

Kaei was not watching in horror however, down below she was rapidly attacking the tree, trying to get it to let go of Shiori, in a few sudden blows, the tree quivered and stopped, dropping Shiori it started to disintegrate into black wisps which promptly became invisible, banishing the monster, Kaei catched Shiori thankfully, but Shiori still couldnt stop thinking about sex, her feral instincts once more taking over, smiling, she looked at her concerned mate, her own thoughts were telling her to fuck her brains out...
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori wasn't able to really deal any more damage to the tree, though thanks to Kaei's quick thinking with blasting some of her fire magic at it, she was able to force it to drop them. Shiori dove and caught Kaei before she landed, even as she was hit again in mid air by the tree's tentacles. Kaei slashed and stabbed at the tree, taking out a few of its tentacles in the process.

Shiori was suddenly taken by surprise as she felt a tentacle force its way right into her tight little asshole, forcing a cry of pleasure from her lips as another tentacle wound around her again and squeezed her. This resulted in the end of her struggles as her body was too battered to continue fighting, though she wanted to protect her mate she simply hadn't the strength left to do so. She felt herself being hauled into the air like Kaei had been earlier where the tentacles bound her wrists were bound behind her back as a tentacle, followed soon by two more all thrust themselves into her lower lips, while a pair of smaller tentacles with needles coming out of the tips of them came over as well. After that it was like a blur to Shiori as she felt her pussy penetrated by all three of the tentacles over and over, causing her belly to bulge slightly from being overfilled with so much. Shiori could really only cry out in pleasure as she was totally ravaged by tentacles, even crying out in pleasure as the two needles stabbed into her breasts.

When her breasts began lactating, Shiori stared down at them for a moment, then let out a soft groan of pain as the needles stabbed into her neck as well. She could only think they were injecting stuff to make her more aroused, because as soon as they pulled out of her neck she felt incredibly horny to the point that she was enjoying her rape by this thing. After two powerful orgasms and after what seemed like an eternity, Shiori finally felt the tentacles in her pussy retreat from her body, the appendages sopping wet with her juices. As she came a third time, Shiori's mind was almost totally baked from the pleasure she'd received thus far, so she barely even noticed the tattoo's forming on her body and her eye color changing. However Shiori was still aware enough to notice that this time after her orgasm had subsided that her cock didn't vanish back like it normally did, this time it stayed there with her womanly parts just past that.

When Kaei finally cut her free of the hold the tentacles had upon her and freed her, Shiori felt Kaei catch her as she fell, not even noticing that Kaei had completely killed the thing that had raped her moments ago. All Shiori could really think about was Kaei's beautiful body and how good it would feel to slide her new full appendage into Kaei's pussy and fuck her long and hard until both of them were raw.

"K-Kaei... I need... you... now... I can't take this any longer... I need to fuck please," Shiori whimpered out to her mate, unable to think of anything but sex at the moment.

Without even waiting for an answer, Shiori reached up and began trying to undress Kaei so that she could have sex with her. Though it was up to Kaei of course if she wished to stop Shiori in some way. However if she decided to take pity and help her mate out, then Shiori would finish stripping Kaei and pull her down into her lap, right onto her massive erection, where she would then begin bouncing Kaei up and down onto her until she came as much as she needed to bring her mind back to normal, moaning and screaming her pleasure and love for Kaei all the while.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Shiori gets a arousal crit, Kaei fails to hit]

[Shiori gets a arousal crit, Kaei fails to hit]

[Shiori gets a arousal crit, defeating Kaei]

Kaei had already noticed what was happening to Shiori and tried to stop her from attacking her, she was unable to however as Shiori rapidly tore Kaeis clothing off, yelping in surprise Kaei tried to run but couldnt as Shiori tugged on her she managed to say "K-Kaei let go-" before being suddenely pulled down onto Shioris raging erection, giving out a cry of pleasure, Shiori grinned as she started to fuck Kaei relentlessely, making her body bounce and buck as Shiori kept a firm grip on Kaeis hands to prevent her from running, eventually Kaei too gave into the pleasure as she let her tongue hang from her open mouth as Shiori reached a explosive orgasm, shooting her seed into Kaeis lower lips, panting Shiori still wasnt satisfied, looking over at some left over implements, she found a collar and some rope, with new knowledge in her mind, Shiori pulled out and picked them up, she immediately clamped the collar around the drooling Kaei and started to tie up her wrists so they were behind her back.

Kneeling on the ground, Shiori caressed Kaeis supple body and groped her breasts roughly, as if possessed she stated that she was the dominant alpha, suddenely pulling on Kaeis tail, Kaei gave out a surprised moan as Shiori then slid her member into Kaeis tight pucker, tying a leash to Kaeis collar as well she pulled on it as she roughly thrusted in and out of Kaei repeadetely, bringing the two to higher states of pleasure as Shiori started to assert dominance over Kaei, eventually the two reached another orgasm as Shiori blew her load into Kaei once more, pulling out again Shiori turned Kaei around, caressing her breasts again, Shiori grinned at the drooling and panting Kaei, rubbing her thick member against Kaeis stomach, shiori pulled her into a french kiss, letting go of the leash to caress Kaeis sides as she inserted her dick into Kaeis sopping wet pussy again.

This continued for a hour or two as Shiori fucked Kaei relentlessely in a corrupted frenzy, many positions were tried and repeated as Shiori could barely sate herself, sitting on a chair and with her hand on the back of Kaeis head, Shiori forced Kaei to suck her throbbing member repeadetely until she came several times, forcing Kaei to swallow Shioris cum repeadetely, even as they finished, Shiori pulled her dick out and untied Kaeis wrists, Kaeis stomach was bloated from the huge volume of cum in her womb and stomach and her skin was coated with cum all over, even her hair, lying on her side, Shiori forced Kaei to lie with her as she thrust her member into Kaeis cum filled inner walls again, Kaei was also in a somewhat feral state, only panting and letting her tongue hang like a dog, tilting Kaeis head so she was looking at Shiori, she pulled her into another kiss, her corrupted mind started to wind down a bit as the door to the next floor opened, whether they continued however was up to Shiori.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

(I gotta say, not what I originally had in mind for Shiori to do, but I like it.)

Shiori wasn't in control of her body's actions as she pulled Kaei down and forced her mate into her lap, tearing Kaei's clothing off and keeping her from getting away. Shiori let out a cry of pleasure right along with Kaei as her member was swallowed up by her mate's pussy. Shiori grinned a Kaei seemed to give in to the pleasure her body was receiving from her, having just enough of her mind left that she was able to entwine her fingers with Kaei's as she held her down. Soon enough, Shiori felt her first of many orgasms building closer, and suddenly she couldn't hold it back any longer as it exploded out of her, filling Kaei's pussy with every single drop. This though wasn't enough for Shiori as she found herself glancing over at the stuff that seemed to have been left over, some toys.

Seeing the toys, Shiori lifted Kaei off of her lap and went over and grabbed a collar and some rope. She placed the collar on Kaei while her mate was drooling from the pleasure she'd received from Shiori, then she tied Kaei's wrists behind her back. Shiori was a little horrified at herself as she watched on, almost as if her body were on autopilot and she merely a spectator to it all... though she inwardly thought to herself that this was one way for her to let Kaei know who was the alpha wolf here and the leader of their small pack as she positioned Kaei into a kneeling position with her butt sticking up into the air for Shiori's pleasure.

Shiori began quite roughly groping Kaei's breasts and then pulled on her tail as she thrust her cock into Kaei's tight little pucker, using some more of the rope she had to make a leash that she tied around Kaei's collar which she began pulling on as she rammed her cock in and out of Kaei's ass. After a short time, Shiori felt another orgasm building and soon enough she exploded again, this time into Kaei's asshole. When Shiori was through cumming again, she pulled out of Kaei and turned her mate around, groping her breasts more gently than she did last time, grinning at how Kaei was drooling and panting as she rubbed her thick and still erect member against Kaei's stomach, marking Kaei as her mate and part of her pack as she pulled Kaei into a deep kiss. She let the leash fall from her hands as she gently caressed Kaei's sides, tickling her slightly as she lined herself back up with Kaei's moist folds and thrust back inside of her beloved mate.

Shiori lost all track of time as she continued taking Kaei in many different positions, trying all she could think of and doing the ones she already had again, and doing some of the others again for good measure. Then once she'd tired of fucking Kaei's pussy and ass, she sat in a chair in the room and forced Kaei to suck her off time and time again, forcing her to swallow down every drop her cock would pump out. Shiori pulled out of Kaei's mouth as she untied her wrists. Shiori saw that Kaei's belly was bulging from the sheer amount she'd either pumped into her stomach, or her pussy, and she saw that Kaei was totally drenched in her spunk.

She laid Kaei down beside her and thrust into her pussy once again, unable to help herself, delighting in the sight of Kaei in much the same state she herself was in and unable to contain her lust as her tongue lolled out while she panted, looking like a wolf in heat. Shiori turned Kaei's head to face her, where she pulled her into another deep kiss, her mind finally coming back to her enough that she had control over her body again even as the door leading up opened for her. When she finally got full control of her body back, which wasn't before she had one final orgasm and splattered her jizz into Kaei's womb again, Shiori was horrified at the sight of Kaei, at what she'd done to her in her lust. She was ashamed of herself, and most of all terrified that Kaei would hate her. She immediately took the leash off of her, then the collar, and then she laid Kaei's head in her lap as she gently pushed down on her mate's belly to force her seed out of Kaei's womb as much as she could.

"K-Kaei... sweetie are you okay? Oh gods Kaei, please forgive me... I... I couldn't stop myself. My body... it was like someone else was controlling it and all I could do was watch. I'm so sorry Kaei, I love you and would never have done that willingly, please believe me," Shiori cried out to her mate, her tears falling and dripping down onto Kaei's face as she tried to snap Kaei out of her own lust.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei coughed somewhat as Shiori helped drain her mates womb of her spunk, her dick became flaccid as she winded down from her arousal, noticing Shiori was crying, Kaei sat up, her stomach still partially bloated and hugged the crying Shiori, rubbing her back, looking at Shiori she said "I know you didnt do that willingly...its not like you" she said, her wolf ears twitching and perking as she smiled "Besides i enjoyed it anyway~" she said, she seemed quite happy for someone who was literally drenched in cum, Shiori helped Kaei drain the last of the seed from her womb, as the two stood up and held each others hands "You know..." Kaei held Shioris other hand and stared lovingly into her mates eyes as her tail twitched "I Couldnt care less what happened to us, as long as im with you" she said in the most sincere tone Shiori had heard her speak in, looking over at her torn clothing, Kaei shrugged and looked back at Shiori "Was getting uncomfortable anyway, its most liberating to be like this~" she said, giggling "Can you tell me more about how your kinds mating works?" she asked, her wolf ears twitching again.