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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei didnt respond for a few minutes, but eventually she coughed repeadetely and woke up, confused and weak, she looked around then up at Shiori "D....Did we win...?" she asked, fearing for what could have happened if they lost.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori held Kaei close until she woke up, not willing to let her go just quite yet. “Yeah sweetie, we won, I took care of everything so don't worry okay, just rest right there for now,” Shiori said to Kaei in a very soothing manner, caressing her cheek and brushing her hair out of her eyes.

As soon as Kaei had recovered her strength enough, Shiori would help her to her feet very gently so they could move onward to the next floor, with Shiori keeping Kaei close so she could make sure she stayed safe.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

After the two had recovered from the previous battle they continued up the stairs to [Floor 2], once they had made their way up there it felt strange, the room was unnaturally warm and had a nice atmosphere about it, it seemed to be a wash room as there was a pool of water in the corner of the room and tables in the center.

[2 Encounter rolls failed out of 4]
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Once Kaei was able to move again and everything, Shiori helped her to her feet and then they began moving on again. Once upstairs Shiori could tell the room was strangely warm and saw that it seemed to be a washroom of some sort. She glanced at Kaei and went over to the pool of water and looked closely at it, but if nothing seemed to happen then she would tell Kaei to come on and they would move on up to the next floor after checking the rest of the room for anything useful.

"Stay close Kaei, I don't want you to get hurt again like earlier," Shiori said to Kaei as they explored the new room.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Looking closely at the water, Shiori could see nothing wrong with it, Kaei was still tired slightly from the fight from before hand "Cant we just wait a bit longer...? Im tired....and maybe we could wash here for a bit..." she said, looking at towels near the pool of water, she yawned and took her hat off as her wolf ears twitched.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Y-Yeah I suppose we could stop and rest here for now, besides I haven't had a decent bath since... I don't know when. It'd be nice to get cleaned up some I guess,” Shiori replied to Kaei, stretching a little and then she went over and grabbed a few of the towels and handed a couple to Kaei, then she'd take Kaei's hand as they stepped into the bath after getting undressed.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Doing the same, Kaei undressed and set her clothing next to Shioris as she went into the pool of water with Shiori, letting out a small moan of joy as the two immersed themselves in the warm water, Kaei nuzzled up against Shiori as her own wolf ears twitched, enjoying the warmth they found themselves immersed in.

[Three willpower checks failed out of five]

The warmth was quite pleasing to Shiori, almost pleasurable, she started going into a almost lusty haze as did Kaei as she felt her member become visible and stiff, Kaei hadnt noticed as she was panting "Warm baths are always nice...the worst part is getting out, right Shiori?" she said, looking at her and smiling.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Once Shiori and Kaei were both in the water, Shiori let out a pleasant sigh of her own as she sunk down to her neck in the water. After getting her body good and warm, she sat back up and leaned against the side of the pool of water as Kaei nuzzled up against her, giggling softly as she did so, her own wolf ears twitching slightly along with Kaei's as they relaxed in the water.

Shiori felt herself starting to feel a bit horny as the pleasing warmth of the water made her start going into a bit of a haze of lust, she gasped slightly when she felt her member appear already stiff and ready for action. Shiori saw Kaei hadn't seemed to have noticed this and almost heaved a sigh of relief, but caught herself.

Yeah... they are always nice, and always hard to get out of once you get relaxed in them. But we do need to try and get on out soon Kaei, so we can keep moving,” Shiori said, panting ever so slightly, she wasn't sure if Kaei was able to hear the lust in her voice when she spoke or if she hadn't heard it. But she did know they should get going soon... but this warm water just felt so good that she didn't want to leave. She was pretty much having to will herself not to go to sleep sitting here with Kaei, and after another minute in the pool she tried to stand up or at least pull herself up to sit on the side of the pool where she could pull Kaei up with her.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Three willpower checks failed out of five]

Despite wanting to get out the bath, Shiori just couldnt bring herself to do so, as its warm embrace was too good to waste now, she thought to herself just a few more minutes, although she could feel her own lust build up now, before she knew it she was sitting Kaei on her lap and rubbing her stiff member against her, making Kaei blush as her own wolf ears drooped, while this was happening SHiori felt something else also take place in both of them, they felt somewhat rejuvenated, even stronger in natural strength.

[Kaei and Shiori gain +1 HP]
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori simply couldn't will herself out of the bath despite trying so hard to do so, the warm water just felt too good to her. Every minute longer she stayed in the water, the more her lust was building and she knew that if they stayed in there much longer she wouldn't be able to hold herself back any more and would throw herself on Kaei and take her right there. To make matters worse for Shiori's concentration, Kaei moved over and sat in her lap before she could say or do anything to stop her, and began rubbing Shiori's stiff penis against herself, making it even stiffer as she did so, and Shiori also noticed Kaei's ears drooping down.

Shiori suddenly felt her strength returning to her and then some, she felt even stronger than before in some ways. She wasn't sure what had caused this, but thought it probably had something to do with the pool they were in.

"Wow, Kaei do you feel that? I feel... stronger, like I could lift a ton. But maybe I'll just start with you okay sweetie," Shiori said to Kaei after the burst of new strength hit her. Shiori then attempted to scoop Kaei up in her strong arms and stand up with Kaei in her arms, where she would then lean in and kiss her passionately, though she would break the kiss before it got the two of them too riled up again.

I'm assuming that they don't have to make any more will checks in this, but in case they do I wrote it appropriately.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori used her newfound strength to easily carry Kaei as if she was nothing almost, Kaei was slightly surprised by this, more so when she leant in and kissed her, but she happily kissed her back in response, after this had finished...

[Three willpower checks failed out of five]

Shiori just couldnt pull herself away from the hot water, sitting beside Kaei she almost felt herself going into heat, Kaei started panting from the same effects and letting her tongue lull as they almost returned to primal instincts, with Shiori now instinctively nibbling on Kaeis ear as she rubbed her stiff shaft against Kaeis slit.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When Kaei kissed Shiori back, Shiori felt her willpower fade away as her lust grew out of control. She felt herself overcome by her lust and sat back down into the water and placed Kaei in her lap as she went into heat right along with Kaei. Shiori began nibbling on Kaei's ear as she rubbed her length along Kaei's soft tight folds, ready to mate with her right there as she was too overcome by her desires now to stop herself.

Shiori lifted Kaei up gently and then aimed her member at Kaei's lower lips and lowered her down over her throbbing cock, which only throbbed more when she felt herself hilt inside of Kaei's twitching folds. When Kaei gave Shiori a pleasured cry upon hilting herself inside of her mate, Shiori would need no more urging than that to begin bouncing her up and down over her hot hard dick. She would keep going at a feverish pace without stopping, her sweat glistening off of her sexy body as she bounced Kaei over her member. Shiori's saliva began drooling down her chin from the pleasure she was feeling as she felt her peak nearing.

After only three or four minutes into their hot passionate sex, Shiori could hold out no longer and felt her climax shoot through her like lightning, going all the way from her head to her feet and then back up to the only head that mattered at the moment... the one buried inside of her beloved Kaei.

"Oh Kaei... I... I love you... I love you so much... KAEI!" Shiori panted out to her mate, screaming Kaei's name as her climax hit her very hard, causing her to go limp in the pool and lean back against the side with Kaei still in her arms.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Panting, Kaei wasnt surprised when Shiori decided to have some with her in the warm bath, lifted up Kaei was penetrated on Shioris member, making her cry out in pleasure as she felt Shioris familiar shaft inside her, needing no more encouragement, Shiori started to thrust into her as Kaei cried out in pleasure repeadetely, simply relishing in the moment with Shiori as she continued to thrust harder and faster, eventually reaching her climax as she spurted her seed into Kaeis womb, panting and recovering, Kaei turned around and penetrated herself again so she was facing Shiori, she hugged her and pulled her into a deep kiss, occasionally squirming as Shiori still occasionally thrust into her.

After getting the lust out of their system the two finally managed to pull themselves out the bath and reclothe themselves, the room was still partially unexplored as there was steam coming out of another doorway nearby.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori kissed and hugged Kaei back when she turned around in Shiori's lap and lowered herself back down onto Shiori's stiff member, then began thrusting into her once more. After Shiori brought them both to another swift climax, they finally managed to get the lust out of their systems enough to stop. Once they finally disentangled themselves from each other and washed up again, they dried off, got their clothing back on and decided to explore the rest of the room.

Let's check and see what's over there sweetie,” Shiori said to Kaei, giving her a peck on the cheek while pointing at the door with the steam coming out. If nothing of any interest was inside however then they would continue on upstairs.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Opening the door, they were immediately confronted with a wave of steam pouring out of the door and extreme heat as well, they could tell this room was a sauna and there were two figures sitting side by side inside, Kaei had to take her hat off and fan her face with it from the heat coming from the sauna "Sh-should we go in?" she asked.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When they opened the door a large wave of hot steam rushed out to meet them and Shiori could easily tell it was a sauna. She could also make out a couple of figures sitting next to each other through the steam as well. She glanced over at Kaei while she fanned her face with her hat and spoke.

Might as well see if they're friendly or not. Hello, who's in here?” Shiori called out into the sauna room as she cautiously stepped inside, taking care not to slip on the floor as she did so.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Stepping inside...

[Perception check passed]

Shiori could make out the figures now, they were both around 18 looking women, one had long shoulder length blonde hair and red eyes, the other had short black hair and the same eye colour, however they also possessed horns and tails with heart shaped tips, the blonde one also appeared to have a erect dick much like Shiori, cluing the two in that these were succubi, they hadnt spotted her yet...

[Stealth check passed]

And thankfully it remained that way, Kaei looked at Shiori and asked quietely "Who is it?"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As they stepped inside, Shiori could make out the figures inside and saw two young women, one blonde and one raven haired beauty, the blonde she saw was a futanari like herself, and the other was not, though they both had horns, a tail with the heart tips on them. All of this indicated to Shiori they were looking at two succubi. It didn't look like the two had spotted them yet despite Shiori's calling out into the room, and Shiori wasn't sure if that was good, bad, or neither, as they didn't look truly evil sitting there. In fact they merely looked like they were relaxing themselves.

"They're succubi from the looks of them sweetie. But they don't look hostile or anything, in fact they actually look kind of... well maybe not good, but not evil. I think they're just relaxing. You think we could risk going over and saying hi to them hon? They might be nice and tell us where to go to find Tendril in this place," Shiori whispered to Kaei, though Shiori had another idea that just came to her while looking at them, maybe they could help her find some way to be able to get Kaei pregnant with her... member.

If Kaei agreed, then Shiori would step a little closer and call out a little louder to the two succubi in an attempt to peacefully introduce herself and Kaei, and maybe engage in conversation. If Kaei didn't like the idea though, Shiori wouldn't attempt this and would instead choose to leave.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei shrugged and agreed to the idea, following Shioris lead, she went into the spa with her, as Shiori called out, she could now see the two succubi look at them...

[Hostility roll passed]

The blonde one smiled and waved at Shiori, the black haired one did the same but seemed a lot more shy "Hey there wolfie" the blonde succubus said, her voice relaxed and not even tinged with lust as if she was just a human with very extravagant clothing "What brings you and your friend here today?" she asked.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When the blonde succubus smiled and waved at Shiori, she waved back in a friendly manner and walked over with Kaei and sat down beside where the two succubi were sitting. Apparently Shiori had been right in that they weren't hostile and decided that they could risk sitting here with them for a while and relax along with them, as the sauna was rather relaxing.

Hello there, we were adventuring out towards the desert quite a while ago and we were at this arena where I... well I had to fight Tendril and she told me to come here to this castle where she lived so we could talk more and so she could give me something, I don't know what exactly. But for now we'd like to relax in here with the two of you if that's okay. I'm Shiori, and this is my mate Kaei. May I ask what you two are doing here, and what your names are?” Shiori said to the two succubi, explaining what they were doing there to the two and asking them their names after introducing herself and Kaei, leaning over and sensually kissing Kaei on the neck when she mentioned Kaei being her mate to them.