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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei smiled as Shiori gave her a quick kiss "Its a page on what looks like a Alraune" Kaei said, "Didnt really find much else..." she said, Shiori started to her a rustling in the nearby bushes, Kaei didnt hear it obviously so she looked up at the castle "This is where Tendril lives?" she asked.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Yep this is where she said she lives. I suppose we should just ask her what all happened here. What do you think hon?" Shiori replied to Kaei, then if Kaei was ready, they would head on up to the castle hand in hand and see if they could find Tendril. Along the way up though Shiori would take a look at the two papers and see what they said about the creatures in question.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei nodded, she decided to look through one more house while Shiori waited at the bridge leading to the castle, so Shiori waited...

[Awareness check failed]

[Awareness check failed]

[Awareness check failed]

[Awareness check failed]

Kaei seemed to have been in that house for atleast 10 minutes, which is a strangely long time, Shiori payed no mind to it for the first couple of minutes, although now she felt like something was off...
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

After they both decided to head on up to Tendril's castle, they started on. But before they got there Kaei said she wanted to check one last house, and so Shiori decided to wait for a couple of minutes while she did so. After nearly ten minutes of waiting Shiori decided to go find her lover, thinking she couldn't write it off any longer as Kaei having to go to the bathroom. She headed for the house Kaei was inside of with her weapon at the ready, rushing to it and calling out for her.

Kaei! Kaei are you alright in here? What's taking you so long sweetie?” Shiori called out to her beloved, ready to fight in case she needed to.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Going inside the house, Shiori heard what seemed like moans coming from Kaei, by time she got to the room she thought Kaei was in she found Kaei on the bed, however all of her clothes were casually tossed to the side and several bandages were wrapped around her body, nearly covering all of it except her mouth, one of her eyes, her hair, part of her belly which had a strange black tattoo on it now and one of her feet, Kaei was writhing about, then she noticed Shiori, panting and trying to control herself, she got up and mindlessely shambled over....

[Willpower check for Kaei passed]

She blinked and looked around, as if startled with what she was doing "W...what happened....?"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When Shiori went inside the house Kaei was in, she heard Kaei moaning, but by the time she got to the room she found her beloved laying on the bed,all of her clothes laying strewn about the floor. She noticed several bandages were wrapped around her beloved Kaei, covering nearly her entire body save for a small part of her. When Shiori noticed this she was about to immediately rush to her side before Kaei got herself up and started stumbling towards her.

"K-Kaei sweetie, what's the matter. It's me, it's your Shiori," Shiori said to Kaei, who then snapped out of whatever it was that had been wrong with her. As soon as Kaei blinked and asked what happened Shiori finally rushed over to her and hugged her tightly and kissed her on the lips, then began pulling the bandages off of her.

"I don't know what happened sweetie, I waited by the bridge like you said to for nearly ten minutes or so before I start getting worried. Then I rushed in here and found you wrapped in those weird bandages, speaking of which let's get those off of you. And oh my gosh what's that?" Shiori said in a worried tone, pulling the bandages off of Kaei, staring at the strange tattoo on her lovers belly and foot now.

After she had gotten all of the bandages off of Kaei, she'd pull her into another loving embrace again and kiss her, then even if she could walk on her own, Shiori would help her to her feet and help her walk towards Tendril's castle and wouldn't take no for an answer, saying to Kaei in a worried tone, "Okay now, no more going off alone when we don't know anything about where we're at. Okay. Now let's go on up to Tendril's castle now and see if she can tell us what those mean okay."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei was equally as surprised as Shiori kissed her on her lips, however her entire body shuddered as she let out a muffled cry of pleasure, Shiori found also that it was almost impossible to pull the bandages off, Shiori tried something again, once more hugging Kaei and kissing her which made her give off the same response as last time, moaning in pleasure as her entire body shook, "D-Dont do...that~" Kaei managed to get out, almost drooling from the pleasure she was somehow being given by Shiori.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori saw what was happening to Kaei and got very worried to even try anything else because it seemed to be causing Kaei intense pleasure, but she couldn't just leave those bandages on her without knowing what they were for. She also made sure not to kiss or hug her again as well, as that seemed to cause Kaei even more pleasure than trying to pull the bandages off.

K-Kaei... w-what's happened to you honey? Why won't these come off? What did this to you sweetie? Come on let's head on up to Tendril's castle okay, we'll ask her what happened,” Shiori asked her lover, an extremely worried look on her face. Shiori was a little scared to do so, but she went ahead and gave another tug on the bandages, this time much harder than she had at first, but if that didn't work she would just pick Kaei up and carry her up to Tendril's castle.

If Kaei started trying to get Shiori to have sex with her from how aroused she was getting or anything else that would hinder them leaving, then Shiori would try and calm her down with kind soothing words, whispering in her ear that she'd do whatever she wanted once they got to Tendril's castle and after she got the bandages off of her. Shiori wouldn't take no for an answer with this and if need be she'd sling Kaei over her shoulder and forcibly carry her that way.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"I-I Have no idea..." Kaei said, looking around, the two then made their way to tendrils castle, at the lobby floor there was a Status Checker, Avatar Editor and Elixir Slime Spring "T-This is one of those dungeons...." before Kaei could continue, Shiori was yanking on the bandages on her...

[Strength check passed]

[Strength check failed]

[Strength check passed]

[Strength check passed]

With hard enough yanks, Shiori could feel the bandages on kaei start to unravel, the black tattoo on kaeis stomach and foot seemed to just vanish as kaei was free, Kaei preserved her modesty by covering her nipples with her arm "C-Can you go get my clothes....please...?" she asked, blushing and stuttering.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

(Honestly I figured it was an assumed thing that she'd get her clothing, cause she's not letting Kaei out of her sight again anytime soon. But Shiori will do this instead so don't worry about it.)

"One of what dungeons? Like that arena back in the desert? Or is it more like that cavern I was in that I told you about before we met?" Shiori asked Kaei, unsure of which she could compare it to.

After Kaei answered Shiori's questions, she would help her to sit down after getting the bandages off so she could rest, she was thankful that she was able to get those strange bandages off of Kaei and decided to hold onto them by putting them into her pack so she could ask Tendril about them once they found her.

"Honestly sweetie, I don't want to leave you again okay. Bad things seem to happen to you when I leave you alone, so I'm not going to this time around. Come on I'll carry you," Shiori said to Kaei after she was asked to go get her clothing. Then she lifted Kaei up in her strong arms and carried her back to the house and got her clothing, then helped her get them on and headed back to the castle. This probably took a little longer than they'd like, but she wasn't about to risk something happening to her beloved Kaei again when she could help it. Once back to lobby of the castle she'd talk to Kaei about what she thought they should do from here on out.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Well...this castle here looks pretty big" Kaei said, looking into the lobby "I Can see a staircase going down and a staircase going up" she said again, adjusting her hat "Tendrils probably on one of the higher floors right?" she asked.

[Dungeons can now be accessed, Ascending the dungeon will randomly make you fight 1 to 3 monsters on one floor, floors that are multiples of 5 will be boss floors, but the floor before that will be a rest floor to help you heal up, Descending the dungeon will throw in more effects such as starting at one orgasm, choosing your attacks via face down cards or possibly losing your partner, floors that descend only have bosses on floors that are multiples of 10, but every floor thats a multiple of 5 is a break room]
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Yeah it does look awful big doesn't it. And I don't really know sweetie, if I had to guess I'd say she's probably on one of the higher floors, I should have asked her about it when I saw her,” Shiori replied to Kaei's question.

Shiori stood there for a moment thinking about it, looking at both paths and weighing their options. She had promised Tendril that she'd bring Kaei and come see her, and she figured if she really was still here she'd probably be higher up rather than below. Though she may very well be below, it was hard to tell honestly and she couldn't be certain which they should take.

I think we should go up sweetie, I think Tendril would be up there rather than down there,” Shiori said to Kaei after a minute or so of thinking it over, deciding to go with her gut which said up.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei looked at Shiori and nodded, agreeing with her as they ascended up the first staircase to [Floor 1], the first floor was a relatively simple lay out, it was a wide open area with the door to the next floor at the end of the room, however...

[2 Encounter rolls failed, 1 passed, encounters are done both at once]

As they moved through the room they could hear a subtle beeping sound, as they looked around, Shiori saw what looked like a puddle of slime on the ground, this grew in size until it was what looked like a writhing pool of black slime on the ground, from the slime rose what looked like a woman with a lower body of a snake, although her upper body was completely naked, her d cup breasts exposed for Shiori and Kaei to see, her hair was short and black and her eyes were red, the worrying thing about her was the black tentacles wrapped around her stomach and her face, obscuring one of her eyes, she spoke "Oh my...two more little seedlings for corruption? A Little wolf girl couple?....How cute~" the lamia licked her lips as she slithered off the slime and over to Kaei, who was just standing there entranced, the lamia stroked Kaeis cheek "But you`ll look so much cuter when your both in the throes of passion...." without hesistance, the slime on the ground tried attacking Shiori while the lamia coiled around the charmed Kaei.

[Corrupted Lamia ?/? HP ?/? AP]

[Shadow Slime ?/? HP ?/? AP]
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Once Shiori and Kaei went up the steps, they saw the large room with the door on the far side of it. Nodding to Kaei they started across the room cautiously, but as they moved through they heard a soft beeping sound of some sort and Shiori turned to where she heard it coming from and saw a puddle of blackish slim that grew in size to that of a small pool, while at the same time a woman rose from its depths, or rather what first appeared to be a woman at least, for she had a woman's upper body and a snakes lower body, and Shiori knew she was a lamia from myth.

The lamia slithered over to Kaei who just stood there entranced by the snake woman, who caressed Kaei's cheek as she coiled her tail around her before she could snap out of her daze.

Kaei! Come on wake up Kaei don't let her get you that easy, don't leave me to fight alone... FIGHT!” Shiori shouted at her lover as she started battling with the slime that was coming at her, thrusting her spear at the most vital point she could find so she could go to Kaei's aid.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Shiori gets a normal hit on Corrupted Slime, Kaei struggles free, Corrupted Slime fails to hit, Corrupted Lamia gets a normal crit on Kaei!]

[Shiori gets a normal crit on Corrupted Slime, Kaei fails to hit, Corrupted Slime fails to hit, Corrupted Lamia fails to hit]

[Shiori and Kaei fail to hit, Corrupted Slime fails to hit, Corrupted Lamia gets a normal hit on Shiori]

C. Slime ?/? HP ?/? AP

Shiori 5/6 HP, 6/6 AP

Kaei 1/4 HP, 4/4 AP, Lamia Coil, -3 to attacks.

Kaei thankfully seemed to snap out of it was Shiori started to attack the slime, Shiori managed to strike one of the slimes tentacles down but the lamia seemed to have noticed Kaeis rebelleion, she tightly squeezed Kaei in her coil making Kaei cry out in pain as she tried to struggle free, Shiori managed to get a strong hit on the slimes weak point, making it visibly quiver as it took the damage, when SHiori tried to get close to help Kaei however the lamia briefly let go of Shiori and smacked her at her legs with her tail, making her nearly fall over, before the lamia went back and coiled tightly around Kaei again who was whimpering in pain.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori saw that her words snapped Kaei out of her daze thankfully as she slashed at the slime and cut one of its slimy tendrils off as it came at her. She vaguely heard Kaei's cry of pain as she slashed the slime a second time and jumped back after her attack and glanced over to see Kaei wrapped tightly in the coils of the lamia's tail. The lamia let go of Kaei for a moment as she swung her tail around at Shiori's legs and nearly toppled her over, but the young wolf girl was able to catch herself before she hit the floor, though not before she scrapped her knee on the floor.

What the lamia was doing to Kaei enraged Shiori to the point that she wanted to mutilate the lamia. She dove at it, driving her naginata straight at the lamia's chest in an effort to either kill her or at least force her to let Kaei go, screaming, “LET GO OF KAEI YOU BITCH! SHE'S MY MATE, NOT YOURS!
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Shiori, Kaei and Corrupted Slime fails to hit, Corrupted Lamia gets a normal hit on Kaei, taking her out the fight]

[Shiori and Corrupted Slime fails to hit, Corrupted Lamia gets a normal crit on Shiori!]

[Shiori gets a normal hit on Corrupted Slime, taking it out the battle, Corrupted Lamia fails to hit]

Shiori 2/6 HP, 6/6 AP

Shiori was flying into a rage at what the lamia was doing with Kaei, this was only raised to a higher level as the lamia squeezed tighter on Kaei, making her yelp and cry in pain as Shiori could almost see the oxygen leaving her body, the lamia didnt stop squeezing until the last minute, making Kaei pant and wheeze to try and catch her breath, then the lamia empoyed a dirty trick, to make sure Shiori couldnt hit her, she used Kaei and put her infront of her so Shiori couldnt hit the lamia without hitting Kaei, she took out her frustration on the slime, cleaving it perfectly in half and making it dissolve.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori's rage burned even brighter in her as the lamia squeezed Kaei even tighter. She could tell Kaei was in pain, but the lamia held her in front of her like a shield, which prevented Shiori from being able to save her before she fainted. This enraged Shiori even further as the slime tried to slip in behind her a she swung her naginata around and cleaved it in two, killing it.

Shiori now looked straight at the lamia with an angry look on her face, absolutely livid about her hurting Kaei and using her as a shield. "I'm going to make you pay for hurting her you fucking bitch. Prepare yourself unless you're a coward," Shiori said to the lamia, not caring how badly hurt she ended up getting, she intended on killing this lamia for hurting Kaei.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Shiori gets a normal crit, C. Lamia fails to hit]

[Shiori gets a normal crit, ending the fight]

The sheer rage seeping throughout Shioris body was what powered her to try and save Kaei, it took a while, but after some pacing and picking out what the lamia would try to stop Shiori, she simply leaped at the lamia, who couldnt raise Kaei high enough to take the blow in time, and Shiori simply stabbed the blade right into the lamias forehead, the lamia went limp and dropped the unconscious Kaei on the floor...
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori's rage seemed to have helped quite a bit, as it was what kept her adrenaline pumping enough to fight for Kaei's sake. She paced around the lamia for a minute or two, looking for the best angle with which to attack her, then she dove at her before she could use Kaei a a shield again, landing more than close enough to ram her naginata right through the lamia's forehead.

Once the lamia fell to the floor dead, Shiori rushed to Kaei's side and cradled her, brushing her hair out of her eyes and kissing her on the cheek. “Kaei... sweetie are you alright? Come on talk to me Kaei, oh please be alright. I'm sorry I couldn't stop her from hurting you,” Shiori said to Kaei, gently shaking her to try and wake her up and see if she was okay.