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Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara's call for people to listen to her preaching drew more shouts of derision from Jane and the others in her cell. One man in another cell yelled "Piss off, ya' cunt!", and received a few murmurs of agreement. Most of the prisoners didn't respond at all, and while none responded in the affirmative a few did turn to look at her.

Two in particular drew her eye. One was a wildly unkempt man with two black eyes, giving her an intent stare while his cellmate slept. The other was so far uninjured man alone in his cell, wearing what seemed to be some sort of robe. He sat looking at the wall, throwing occasional glances in Clara's direction.

The guards didn't seem to be sticking around, and once they left it was clear that the prisoners responded to their presence by more than doubling their volume. They probably wouldn't be sneaking up on her. She had a few minutes to say her piece, then.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara seemingly ignored the rather abusive responses from some of the inmates as she watched the guards leave one by one, though noticing two of the men seem to have taken an interest in what she had to say. As the last guard left the holding area Clara cleared her throat before addressing the room.

"Clara came to Lockacre today, with a message from her lord for your ruler. The orcs that once threatened your livelihood are no longer a threat to Lockacre and its people. Lord Sheogorath's men have put an end to them, and wished to let your leader know of that, and as such sent Clara as a messenger with the leaders axe."

"Unfortunately, Clara was only allowed to see lord Winder, who said they would need to have a meeting before taking the matter to the Patrician. Clara believes this is because they do not trust her. Why? She cannot say. However, earlier in the night it appears that one of the members of the city guard was murdered, and for some reason the blame is being placed on Clara. Now, Clara will admit she had met the man in question earlier, but she did not spend too much time with him. And when she returned to her room he was gone. The only other suspect right now is in that cell with the rest of you. The one screaming obscenities at Clara."

"Anyway, Clare believes that the council of Lockacre, and possibly the Patrician himself wishes to keep the populace under their thumb with the constant threat of an orc invasion. Why else would they wish to sentence Clara to death, when she knows the orcs are no longer a threat? Clara would like you all to know that you would receive no such treatment by her lord Sheogorath, and that He doesn't care if you've committed crimes. Everyone, including all of you, would be welcome in His warm embrace should you decide you want nothing more with Lockacre and its oppression. And especially those that the leaders of Lockacre deem to be 'witches'." Clara paused to let her speech sink in. The mad devout smiled softly, pleased that she had started on the right path of completing her most noble of quests.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

If Clara hoped that Lockacre's treatment of 'witches' was going to rally the prisoners to her cause, she would quickly find this belief to be mistaken. There had been a few appreciative nods and angry grunts about her story of being ignored by the nobility and framed for a crime, and even a few of the previously-hostile prisoners had looked interested at an offer of amnesty, but she lost much of that with her final comment. People started ignoring her, and one man somewhere in one of the group cells started yelling about 'burning all witches' and 'too good for them'.

The unkempt man was still paying rapt attention, almost appearing to be mouthing some of Clara's own words under his breath, but the robed man just looked curious. He spoke up, still not moving. "Are you a witch, then? Is that why you're here?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara looked pleased with herself as she finished her little speech, expecting the prisoners to rally to her cause. Though their reaction was anything but what she had expected. "'Witches' are not inherently bad," Clara huffed, frowning as the majority of the prisoners heckled her. The mad devout turned away from the bars, feeling dejected as her audience turned against her. Though as the robed man spoke to Clara she turned around, a surprised look on her gaunt face.

"Clara is not a witch," The woman said, agitated by the man's apparent accusation. "Clara's powers were gifted to her by her lord Sheogorath. Witch is a label closed-minded people attach to those that have powers they don't understand. Your leaders are such people, and Clara wishes to save the people of Lockacre from their narrow minded ways. But for some reason these people won't listen to Clara. She doesn't mean them any harm."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"So you deny only the label. What powers has your Lord granted you, then? If he is so powerful that he can grant his followers unnatural abilities, maybe he is worth following. We all have enemies..."

This idea seemed to resonate with the unkempt man, and even a few of the other prisoners turned to listen again, though just as many started heckling her more intensely. A fistfight started in one of the cells, the two or three people who had perked up at the sound of people granting powers getting a few new bruises from the anti-witch majority.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Powers?" Clara's face lit up at the question, eager to share with the man what powers her great Lord had bestowed upon her. "Well, Clara can give people a glimpse into her Lord Sheogorath's mind by linking them with hers. It won't bestow any Gifts upon them, but it will give them a glimpse at the inner peace one will receive once they enter into Lord Sheogorath's flock. Though Clara can also use it to overwhelm someone's mind should they wish her harm or she deems them unfit for her Lord. Clara can also control the living and the dead, much like she did when she first arrived here." The madwoman smiled widely during her brief explanation of some of the powers she had access to.

Though as fighting broke out in the other cells her smile quickly turned to a frown. "Is it always like this in Lockacre?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Most of the prisoners that were still listening seemed confused by the powers Clara described, but the robed man took them in stride. "In Lockacre? Heavens no. That sort of thing would get you thrown in prison! In Lockacre's prisons... the guards don't really seem to care. I haven't been here enough to know if this is normal." His gaze was down towards the communal cells for a moment, first on the one with the fistfight, then on the women's cell.

He paused for a moment, thinking. "Interesting. Very interesting. If I had... done something terrible... could you make me forget it?" He shrugged slightly, indicating the fact that he was in a cell.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"These people really need to be saved from their government then," Clara mused, gazing over at the prisoners as they continued to attack those that were branded as 'witches'. "They've been brainwashed to believe people like Clara are the enemy, when we really are not."

"If you had done something terrible?" Clara repeated as she turned her attention to the unkempt man, a curious expression appearing on her gaunt face. "Clara is... unsure if it's entirely possible for her to do something like that. Clara guesses it's not completely outside of her capabilities, but... she's not as gifted as her lord, so there's no telling what kind of damage she could do to you. Though, why would you want to forget such a thing anyway? They are the most important memories that help shape an individual! They let you know who you really are, and what you're capable of."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"You are of course right that we are shaped by our memories, but that doesn't mean that we like what shape we've become." The man glanced down towards Jane's cell again. "And yes, I suppose there could be... side effects. Particularly if this isn't something you've done before." He turned and considered Clara more closely, considerable weight behind his gaze. "That you remember."

He immediately changed the subject. "Your lord. Sheogorath? Where are his lands? And what did he send you here for, without any sort of escort?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Well, Clara likes what Clara has become!" The mad devout exclaimed cheerfully, a wide smile spread across her face. Though when the unkempt man mentioned her perhaps not remembering having performed such an act before Clara stared at him, a mix of curiosity and suspicion in her expression.

But as the discussion changed, the man asking about the lands held by Sheogorath and why he would send her alone Clara's brow furrowed in confusion. "Lands...? Clara's lord Sheogorath doesn't own any lands as far as she knows. Or if he does she hasn't been to them. Admittedly Clara has only seen him a handful of times, but she can feel Him with her, watching her on her journeys."

"No. Lord Sheogorath doesn't require any lands, just that people follow Him and His ways. And Clara can handle herself pretty well should trouble arise, she's His most devout follower after all!"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Some sort of new god then? Really I'm sure we have quite enough..." He seemed to consider this for a moment. "Why are you in Lockacre in particular, though? You don't seem to have known anything about our government or our treatment of witches before you arrived, so it can't be that... something about a message?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"A... god?" Clara looked confused for a moment, wondering what the man had meant. She'd heard talk about gods and higher beings before though she had never stopped to think whether Sheogorath would be considered one of them. Though she didn't linger on that thought for long, he was her lord and that's all that mattered.

"Clara said before, she's here to bring a message to the people of Lockacre that they no longer have to fear the orcs that once threatened to terrorise them. Her lord Sheogorath now has them in his fold, or what's left of their numbers at least. And he wishes for you all to join Him and live with Him in peace. Though Clara can see now why she was really sent here. It is to liberate the people of Lockacre from their tyrannical rulers, from those that would use a false threat of orcs and witches to keep their citizens in line."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Okay, that is quite enough." The robed man rose to his feet and raised his voice. "Guards! We're done here!"

He turned to Clara, a look of almost pity in his eyes. "The anti-mage cells aren't much fun, but it's clear to me that you're a danger to yourself and others, quite aside from a murderer. Consider yourself under arrest for Sedition, Murder, and the practice of Necromancy and other Unnatural Arts."

A pair of guards Clara hadn't seen before came walking down towards her cell. One had a ring of keys in his hand, the other a band of bright metal in the shape of a collar.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Wh-what's happening?" Clara asked, panic in her voice as the ragged man rose and called out to the guards. As he continued to speak the madwoman's expression turned from fear to confusion to shock, and then finally to rage.

"You! You! You lied to Clara!" She screamed at the man, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "You acted as if you cared for the plight of these people, got Clara to open up to you! But you only cared about the continued oppression of the people of Lockacre! You will not stop Clara from finishing the mission given to her by her Lord!"

Glaring at the guards that had just entered the mad devout gathered all of her energies, focusing her current emotions on them. Shadowy tendrils begun to sprout from the tips of the woman's fingers, slowly growing, and doing nothing with them until the men got close enough. Once near her cell Clara would lash the dark strings out, attempting to ensnare one of the guards with her attack and turn him against his fellow.

Puppeteer; 3 + 10 EP on one of the guards once they've neared Clara.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Resistance check: Clara wins

The guards paused a little ways away from Clara's cell. One addressed the robed man. "She looks kinda... strange. And you said she's a witch. Should we, ah, maybe wait for the inquisitor?" The other quickly piped up, adding "No offense."

"Nonsense! Just collar her and she'll be helpless."

One of the guards unlocked the man's cell while the one with the collar moved towards Clara. "Now... you just come over here so I can put this on, and things won't have to get ugly..." He stood near the bars, collar held out in front of him. Black tendrils shot out from the mad witch's hands and through the guard's eyes. His mind wasn't weak as far as these things went, but Clara's talents pushed through like the proper owner wasn't there. One of her hands twitched, and she saw the man's arm move in response. He was under her control.

The robed man looked up, suddenly concerned. "Be careful, she has... done something."

Clara: 41 HP, 38 PP, 70/83 SP; Puppeteer (Can take no actions except to control the guard until puppeteer is released).

Guard1: Fine
Guard2: Fine, puppet

Robed Guy: Fine

Clara is due 2 Wielder Attributes, added since she was created.
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Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

A faint smile spread across the madwoman's gaunt features as her dark tendrils took root inside the man, her will flooding into the guards mind as his mental resistance failed him. Silently, she commanded her prisoner to turn around, cast away the collar and draw his weapon.

"You will let Clara leave this prison, and free the so-called accused 'witches' along with her," Clara instructed the prison guards. "These people have done nothing wrong but have powers you simpleminded fools know nothing about, and Clara has a mission to carry out. No one will stop her from finishing it." Silently, Clara instructed her puppet to attack her guards partner should they refuse her request.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Attack (Guard2 v Guard1): Miss
Greater Dispel (Robed Man): 43+8 = 51 v 47 = 3+44 -> Success!
-> Puppeteer is broken

The concern on the robed man's face passed to fear, then determination, as he watched one of the guards turn on the other. "Defend yourself! His mind is not his own!"

The unpuppeted guard looked confused, but took a step back from his fellow's naked blade, drawing his own in a defensive stance."John? What are.." he stopped, face suddenly pale, narrowly avoiding a sword to his chest. "She really is a witch! Fuck! We should have waited for the inquisitor!"

The robed man thrust his hand at the dominated soldier, and Clara felt a wave of narrowly focused magic washing towards her. It wasn't impressive in strength, but the efficiency and focus was impressive. Her will pressed against it, but came up short. Her control of the guard snapped and he dropped to one knee, clutching his head with an anguished cry. "See? Nothing to worry about. Now... hand me the keys." There was a trickle of blood running out of one of the guard's ears, and he left the metal collar on the floor as he got unsteadily back to his feet. "Once I have contained her magic, you can put the collar on. This should be more than enough evidence to execute her. Maybe even enough to end that fool's resistance..."

Clara: 41 HP, 38 PP, 70/83 SP; fine

Guard1: Fine
Guard2: Fine, shaken

Robed Guy: Fine
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara growled through gritted teeth as the robed man forcefully severed her connection to the guard she had bound to her will with his own powers. "You hypocrite!" The madwoman spat at the deceitful man, her attention brought to him. "You brand Clara and the others witches when you yourself openly use powers to subjugate us! Clara didn't want to kill you, but you've left her no choice." Despite the woman's claims the maddening expression on her face said otherwise. Glaring at the robed man Clara lifted her hands up in front of her, her fingers spread wide as she began to scream, a shrill cry as she directed her chaotic energies at the man that she had thought sympathised with her and her cause.

Finally added those two Aptitudes Clara gained, Potent Spirit and Deathspeaker.

Attack (Robed Man); Mind Worm (complete mind wipe)
4 + 11 EP + (8 DC from Potent Spirit) = 63 DC
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Mind worm: 45+15 = 60 v 63 -> Clara wins

Clara launched her familiar mental attack. And once again the strength of the other man's will was impressive, her mind slamming into a wall where it usually just plowed through cobwebs. She pushed harder and felt it slowly begin to give, but it wasn't at all clear that success was assured. Seconds passed, and she saw sweat suddenly forming on the robed man's face. A look of determination grew more solid, and for a moment it seemed that he would endure. Then all at once the man's obviously-trained mental defenses snapped all at once, allowing the madwoman's will through in a rush. Unfortunately the sudden release left her unable to shade or shape the effects, or even get a clear impression of the mind as she destroyed it.

Flashes of life flared up. Childhood. School. Love. A family. A place working for a powerful lord. Each one burned out before it could be closely examined, and in a fraction of a second the man's mind was gone. He stared blankly at the keys one of the guards was proffering, then collapsed bonelessly.

The guards paused for a moment, glanced at each other, then at Clara, and started sprinting away as quickly as they could, the keys clanging against the wall when one stumbled for a moment. In a few seconds they would be out of sight.

Clara: 41 HP, 38 PP, 55/83 SP; fine

Guard1: Fine, fleeing
Guard2: Fine, fleeing

Robed Guy: Dead
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Just. Give. Up. Already!" Clara growled at the man as her mental will smashed against his own, and as she struggled against him it looked for a moment if he was to fight the madwoman off. But soon enough her lips spread into a thin smile once more as the mad devout felt the resistance of the robed man's mind give way, his mental barrier cracking and allowing her tendrils of madness to slip in. And as her influence broke through Clara felt his mind finally give way all at once, his memories rushing by in a fraction of a second, too fast to really examine the contents of his mind and instead giving the woman brief images of the man's life.

As the man's lifeless body fell to the floor Clara dropped her arms to her sides and breathed in deeply, the struggle against the robed man's will left her quite exhausted. She hadn't faced off against someone quite like him in a long while. Though she didn't have time to recover from her mental tug of war as the two guards ran from the holding area, clearly scared beyond all measure of the madwoman. Frowning in annoyance Clara directed her attention to the fleeing guard that held the keys to the cells. Sure, she knew the other guard would alert the rest of the guards to what had just happened, but hopefully she would be finished with this by the time they came to apprehend her.

Rising her hands Clara once more directed her will into thin strands of chaos, sending the strings out to the key bearer to the hopes of gaining control of him once more.

Puppeteer; 3 + 10 EP on the key bearing guard.