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Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The maids looked startled as Clara approached, but hardly frightened. One curtsied slightly and said "No, Miss." That one managed to keep a straight face, but the other one turned away and covered her mouth again. This close, the madwoman could see that it was a giggle she was hiding, not the fear or frown that might indicate that the dead soldier had been discovered. "Everything is well with your room?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara breathed a sigh of relief as it quickly became apparent that her little 'accident' hadn't been discovered yet, though the giggling of the other maid caught the mad woman's attention. "Is something... funny?" She asked slowly, curiosity in her voice as Clara wondered if them looking at her as she entered the tavern was just the maids checking to see who had entered while they were in the middle of a joke or funny anecdote.

"Are you telling a joke? Clara would like to hear it as well!" A wide smile stretched across the young woman's face as she waited expectantly at what she assumed to be the continuation of the two women's story.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Um... it wouldn't be..." the maid who had spoken looked pained.

The other maid cut in, grinning "There was was a man from -"

The first maid grabbed her by the elbow and started leading her away. "I'm sorry, Miss, but we're needed in the kitchen now. If there's a problem with your room any of the maids will help you."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara's head turned from one maid to the other as they spoke, an excited look to go along with her wide smile, though it quickly turned into a pout as the first maid seemed to have second thoughts about filling the young woman in on what she assumed to be 'juicy details'.

Disheartened, Clara watched the two maids head back to the kitchen, loitering around for several moments simply staring at where the women vanished from her sight before it suddenly hit her. There was a body that still needed to be tended to, as well as that business with the other maids knowing about her taking the corporal to her room.

With more haste than what would be considered appropriate for a crowded tavern Clara quickly scampered back to her room, hoping the crowds wouldn't be an issue.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara managed to get up to her room without further indecent, brushing past several other people who seemed to be headed for their own room. Inside, there was no sign that anyone else had been present, and when she checked she found the body exactly where she had left it.

The room's small window looked out over an alley and onto a solid brick wall. It was probably a good bet that other of the inn's room looked at the same alley, but it seemed otherwise deserted and well out of the lights on the main street. Certainly it was more likely to be empty then the hallway, unless Clara wanted to wait for the rest of the inn to go to sleep, and who knew how long that would take.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara, having managed to sneak off back to her room without being stopped by anyone along the way breathed a sigh of relief as she noticed her room hadn't been entered since she was last in there. She couldn't have someone discover her little accident and compromise her mission after all.

Sitting on the bed Clara pondered how best to dispose of the body. Waiting until the crowds had thinned out then marching the corporal out sounded like a good idea, but the mad devout had no idea when it would be safe enough to do that. She then thought about cutting it up and preparing the corpse into various meals, though Clara quickly shook that idea from her mind as it too would end up eating away most, if not all of her time.

Sighing, Clara turned to look at the window. "Maybe this is really the best way Clara can deal with it..." She muttered quietly to herself as the young woman stood up and walked to the window, her forehead resting against the pane. Looking over to where the corpse lay hidden Clara focused her energies once more, snaking dark ribbons of madness across the floor until they took hold of the corporal. Dragging him out of his hiding place once more Clara attempted to open the window, and once done she'd check to see if people were in the alley. If so she'd wait until they were gone before forcing the corporal to shimmy down the building if possible, and should she still hold control over the body Clara would make it walk until she could no longer control it.

Puppeteer 3 + x (1 EP), if unable to control the corporal with that once he's left the building Clara would switch to animate until there's too much distance between the two of them.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Reanimated under the necromatic control of Clara, the deceased corporal opened the window himself, and started climbing down the side of the building. Unfortunately, his death and 'rebirth' had hardly made him significantly more acrobatic, and he fell when he was about halfway down. It was impossible to know if anyone had heard the noise, but nobody came running, and before long the corporal was up and walking down the street. The corporal's body would come to rest somewhere in the city, and nobody would know that it had started in the madwoman's bedroom. There weren't even any blood stains to clean up.

Of course, there were still those who knew that he had left the common room of the inn with her, but at least something had finally gone right.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara watched the corporal's body make its way through the alley and back into the city itself, a sad expression on her face as her new 'friend' left her for good. Though she knew it was for the best, it would have only complicated her mission.

Once out of view Clara shut the window and turned back to the door, a smile on the madwoman's face now that one more problem was out of the way. Humming once more to herself Clara left her room and made her way back downstairs, planting herself on a stool at the bar once more before looking around for the large chested maid that had served her earlier.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

It almost seemed as if her Lord were actively intervening in things all of the sudden, or it might if Sheogorath's personal activities were ever straightforward and helpful even to his servants. Clara had hardly sat down at the bar when she saw the busty maid who had originally served her. She wasn't wearing her uniform, and she slipped out the front door before even noticing the madwoman at the bar.

It would be a simple matter to follow the woman out, though given the sorts Clara had seen on the streets before, the maid would have to be mad herself to put herself in a position where she could be easily cornered. Or even walk far alone, for that matter.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara stared at the maid, now devoid of her uniform and in regular clothes, puzzled for a moment as she recognised the woman but couldn't quite place where she had seen her.

"Oh!" Though it had quickly hit the young woman, and with a wide smile stretched across her face Clara physically hopped off her stool, teetering for a moment and threatening to fall into a passer by though righting herself at the last second. With feet firmly on the ground and her balance in check Clara pelted through the door of the tavern, chasing after the maid. And, if she's able to catch up to her Clara would latch onto the maids arm, the smile still firmly on her face. "Hey~"
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Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The maid pulled away quickly, breaking Clara's grip, before spinning to face her. "H- Oh. It's you." The off-duty maid's hands moved, and Clara saw the glint of a blade for a moment as the other woman put away a knife. "You shouldn't be wandering around at night, even here. Go bother one of the other maids, I'm off duty."

She turned away from the madwoman and started walking at a brisk pace again. The maid didn't seem overtly hostile once she realized Clara wasn't a mugger, but she also didn't seem quite so helpful now that she wasn't working. A quick look around the street revealed only one pair of guards, who were currently walking away from the pair of women, and would soon be around a corner. In this part of the city more would likely be around soon, but the few other visible people didn't look like the sort to jump in and prevent a crime.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara followed behind the maid, keeping several paces between the two of them. "But Clara isn't interested in any of the other maids!" She exclaimed, a cheerful tone in her voice. "You don't have to worry about Clara, she won't hurt you. All she wants to do is spend some time with you!"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Yes, well, I'm back on duty tomorrow afternoon. I'd be happy to talk to you then. But now it's been a long day and now I'm just going to sleep. Thank you." The maid didn't seem to be slowing down, and while she also wasn't running it didn't seem likely that Clara would be able to convince her to stop without a compelling reason.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"B-but, Clara... Clara likes you!" The madwoman suddenly burst out saying, surprising herself in the process as she brought her hands up to her mouth to cover it. She knew her outburst wasn't strictly false, but Clara knew it wasn't the same kind of feelings she had for the Madgod. How could they be? But... Clara had been mesmerised by this maid's chest, and her obvious display from earlier had enchanted the young woman. And then there was the fact that she had to erase this woman's mind of Clara's dealings with the Corporal.

"W-wouldn't it be nice... to have some company..?" Clara asked tentatively, not wanting to scare off the maid any more than she had done already. "C-Clara's new to this city... and you seemed like a friendly face earlier... Clara thought..." The madwoman trailed off, not exactly sure how to continue so she let the silence finish her sentence for her. Clara looked up from the ground slightly, pleading in her eyes, to see if the maid had anything to say.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Look, I'm sure you're a nice person but I told you: I'm going straight to bed when -" she cut off, blinked, and suddenly looked nervous. "Um... I suppose we could have a cup of tea or something before I have to go to sleep?"

Several streets away, in the direction of one of the gates, there was a shout followed by the clang of metal on metal. It cut off suddenly and there were more loud voices, though not with the same tone of panic that the first one had. It didn't seem to surprise the maid. "It isn't really safe on the streets at night for a woman alone anyway. It's just another block or two."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

A wide smile stretched across Clara's face as the maid had finally agreed to allow the madwoman to accompany her back to her home. "Don't worry, you'll be safe with Clara~" The young woman exclaimed in a sing-song tone as she slipped her hand into the maids hand.

As the two make their way Clara let out a gasp. "Oh, Clara's so foolish! She hasn't even asked you your name!" The mad devout flushed red in embarrassment at her realisation, and stammered for a moment. "Um... So... What is your name?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Oh! Didn't I say? Sorry, I'm Jane. I mean, I'm not sorry that I am Jane, I'm sorry that... oh, nevermind."

Presently, they arrived at the maid's lodgings. She led Clara up a set of rickety stairs to a small apartment set above a small shop, and left her in a room with a few chairs. "I'll just go make that tea... make yourself comfortable."

Jane walked into the next room and somewhat exaggeratedly started making tea. She came back in holding two cups. Her shirt, hardly revealing to begin with, seemed to have had it's top few buttons come undone, and the off-duty maid looked somewhat flustered. "So, um..." she proffered one cup.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara happily took a seat and began to hum to herself as Jane set about brewing up a pot of tea, oblivious to the loud sounds coming from the kitchen. Once Jane had come back Clara's face lit up, a beaming smile spread across her face. She took, and thanked Jane for the tea before looking at the woman expectantly, unable to stop her eyes from wandering down to Jane's exposed cleavage.

"...Yes?" She asked once it was clear the older woman was at a loss of what to say, wondering what was on Jane's mind.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"You, ah, didn't strike me as... you know. I mean, with the Corporal and all. I guess some people like both? Not that there's anything wrong with that! It's just that the people here are so conventional that it's really rubbing off on me." She took a deep drink of her tea, hiding her face from view for a moment.

After a moment Jane moved the cup, then suddenly set it down next to her. She shifted uncomfortably on her seat, for no obvious reason, though her oh-so-interesting chest was suddenly making it very clear that there was nothing under her dress, at least on top. "Do you want to go to the bedroom, or -" she licked her lips "- do it here?" Her hands gripped the hem of her dress, almost as if she was ready to pull it off and trying hard not to.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara looked at Jane with slight confusion, wondering what the woman was talking about. A few seconds later it hit her. "Oh um... Clara, doesn't really... Uh... That is, um, Clara... Clara didn't do anything with the Corporal," The young woman stammered out, her face burning a deep red as she became flustered and embarrassed. "He... He left, after Clara explained it was all a misunderstanding." Clara took a long sip from her cup as she lied, the young woman's eyes quite obviously flicking to and from Jane's face and chest.

Clara had been watching Jane intently over the rim of her mug, watching the woman's every movement, and once she had asked her that all important question it was as if Clara had been blessed by Sheogorath himself. Again.

Roughly putting the cup down Clara leant over to Jane, and leaning close to the woman Clara pressed her lips against the maid's in an awkward, inexperienced kiss. The kiss only lasted for a few brief minutes before the madwoman parted from Jane, her face red once more though this time from lust. "C-Clara would like to s-see your bedroom, please," The mad devout stammers out, biting her lower lip.