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Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The man was much stronger then Clara, and didn't have any trouble in overcoming her struggles even while managing to expose first her panties and then what lay underneath. There was a look of intense concentration on his face as the drunk man guided the tip of his cock to the madwoman's entrance, and he was just about to thrust in when the full force of her insanity enveloped his mind.

His eyes went wide as he saw the Truth with sudden, terrible clarity. He mumbled "how could I be so blind..?", then his grip on Clara loosened. For a moment she feared that he would penetrate her anyway as he fell, but now that he wasn't resisting it was easy enough to push him over. He stared unblinking and unmoving at the ceiling. He was still breathing shallowly, but it seemed that his mind wasn't strong enough to accept Sheogorath.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara lay on the bed for several long minutes, the exhilaration of almost being raped and invading her attempted rapists mind was almost too much for the mad devout. Once she had finally sat up Clara's eyes fell on the broken man, a look of annoyance on the young woman's face. "H-hello..?" Leaning forward, Clara knelt over the man and gently slapped his face, as if attempting to wake him. "Clara still needs your help... Hello?" Frowning at the unmoving man Clara attempted to delve into his mind now that he wasn't trying to attack her, to see if she could find any information left to aid her on her mission.

Mind Worm 8 EP to look for any information on the Patriarch.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara delved into the man's mind, and quickly saw that it was broken. She had acted in haste to get him off her, and pushed a little too hard. Most of his memories now seemed to be her Lord, laughing at the top of his voice. And it was spreading. In a few minutes there would be nothing left. As it was, what little remained was fractured and disjoint. But some of the more recent memories might still be useful, so she pushed on.

Some time the previous day the man had been standing guard over a meeting. A number of men stood around a table. Lord Winder was one of them. Faces flashed around, some faces switching positions, some staying in the same place. The man at the head of the table was a constant, and he wasn't Winder. He was laughing maniacally, and slowly the laughter spread over the rest of the table as faces began switching faster and faster, until the memory was like most of the rest of the Corporal's mind.

Clara continued skimming forward, but nothing related to any Patriarch showed up until he lead her up the stairs to a dark bedroom, and stood over her about to rape her. The man mumbled again, almost too low to hear. "The patriarch is my penis."

Then he was gone, his entire mind consumed by the madness of Sheogorath, an almost grotesquely happy smile on his face.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara clung tightly onto the broken man as she delved into his mind, desperately pushing further and further, gleaning as much information as possible before the madness completely overtook the corporal. Though as she came to the scene of the men at the table the madwoman froze in place, holding her breath as each face came into view, one by one until finally she came to the head of the table and the man that sat there.

Clara's eyes opened wide. Could this be the man she seeks? She knew it was a stretch, but he seemed important enough. Clara knew that only the most important people sit at the head of the table during meetings. Her dealings with the mayor of her own town proved that. But there was something oddly familiar about the man. Inviting...

As the memory ended it hit the mad devout. He was laughing. And not just a mirthful laugh. One that only the people with the clearest of minds can perform. Clara didn't know whether it was her own powers that had altered the memory or if the Patriarch truly revelled in the insanity of life, but one thing was for certain; she desperately needed to meet this man.

Though for now that had to wait. Clara had bigger problems on her hands right now. Namely the now broken corporal. Her shoulders sagging Clara let out a disgruntled sigh before standing back up, though as the young woman attempted to move she stumbled and fell forward, landing flat on her face. Grumbling some more as she stood back up Clara realised that she hadn't pulled her panties back up, which resulted in her sudden fall. Quickly pulling them up Clara turned her attention back to the man, wondering what she could do.

"Hmmm... Clara could look for an empty room..." The madwoman muttered to herself after several minutes of incoherent mumbling, and happy with that plan she left the room, checking the nearby rooms to see if they were unlocked and empty.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Muttering under her breath about the duplicity of undergarments, Clara went out into the hallway. It was empty. She tried the door opposite her own room, and found it locked. The second was locked as well. The third door opened at her touch, and showed a young couple doing something athletic in the bed. They didn't seem to notice Clara, but who could say when they would finish. The fourth door opened on a room empty of occupants, though the messed up bed and a few stray clothes suggested that it belonged to someone.

Before the devout could take advantage of the situation, though, a voice called out behind her. "Excuse me, Miss, that isn't your room." Clara turned around and saw a uniformed maid. "Oh, you're that messenger, aren't you? If that drunkard lead you in there then I'm not surprised he's done already. Your room is that one. Do I need to go in there and clean up a mess, or...?"

She had pointed towards the room that the drunken and deceased Corporal had lead her to. And more alarmingly, this wasn't the same maid that had watched Clara go upstairs with the man. It seemed that gossip spread quickly.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Muttering incoherently under her breath as the first two doors proved to be locked Clara gasped out in joy as the third door swung open, revealing a young couple going about their business with gusto. The mad devout stood there for several moments, her wide eyes transfixed on the two people interlocked with each other, a feeling welling up inside of the woman. One that she had often felt when she had caught people in the act, though one she had never really fully understood nor knew the name of.

Shaking her head to snap herself back to reality the young woman closed the door to give the couple some privacy, or perhaps simply because the room was currently occupied and served no use for her. Turning to the next door Clara giggled excitedly as it too opened at her touch, revealing a vacant room. The signs of it having been lived in recently did not deter the madwoman, though as she went to step further into the room Clara jumped with a fright as she was addressed.

Once more Clara's eyes opened wide as the maid had asked about entering her suite, though this time it was because of shock. Shock that she may be caught out. She hadn't meant to, but she killed that man. And it could get her into a lot of trouble. Trouble enough that it would endanger the success of her mission.

"Nonononono!" Clara blurted out suddenly, running up to the woman and putting her hands against the maid, physically trying to stop her from entering the mad devout's room. "Clara is fine. Really. She is. She doesn't need anyone in her room. That. That man. He left already. Yes. That's right. Clara's telling the truth, so there's no need to enter. The room is all tidy. Clara's a good girl. You... believe her, don't you..?" The words tumbling out of Clara's mouth before she even knew what she was saying, the young woman tried her best to turn the maid away, knowing what new trouble this woman could bring should she see the dead corporal's body.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The maid looked suddenly curious, but didn't try to force her way past. "Well if you don't want me to help then I'm not going to complain. But all the rooms get cleaned around lunchtime, so you'd best clean up your mess by then if you don't want me to see it." She frowned at Clara. "And if you know which room is yours, then you shouldn't be poking around other peoples' rooms. If you're thieving you'll be stuck in jail, messenger or not."

The maid continued further on down the hall, slipping into one of the other rooms. There were more footsteps on the stairs, suggesting that at least a few weary travelers were seeking out their rooms now that the sun had set. Dragging a body unseen to another room might still be possible, but it wouldn't be easy.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Thief? Clara is no thief," The girl replied, her brow furrowing in annoyance at the maid's accusation. "Clara was just looking fo- uh... Clara will be going now." Almost revealing why she had been looking through the rooms Clara cut herself off midsentence. This woman knew too much already, revealing what she had done would just mean Clara would have to add another body to the pile. One body is already proving difficult enough to hide, another one would just complicate matters even more. And patching the woman's memory to make her forget that the mad devout had gone with the corporal will prove difficult enough as it is.

The madwoman watched the maid walk off into another room, sighing in relief as she had gone along with Clara's lie and chose to leave the young woman alone. Though that still left Clara with the corporal's corpse, and the sound of footfalls coming from the stairs indicated that less and less rooms will be available for ditching the body in. Before anyone reached the top of the stairs Clara had dashed back into her room, closing the door with a bang, her back resting against it, panic beginning to set in once more as the young woman's eyes came to rest on her recent handiwork.

"May... maybe Clara doesn't need to hide him yet..." The mad devout finally spoke after several minutes silence, realisation dawning on the girl. Stepping away from the door Clara slowly moved towards the body, and once beside it she knelt down, hovering a hand just above the head of the corpse. Staring unblinkingly into its eyes Clara muttered a silent verse to herself, dark tendrils of madness slowly stretching and branching out from her fingertips, embedding themselves into the corpse, slowly infecting the body until she finally had complete control of its movements. Clara preferred this way of body control. She felt it was so much more intimate than just resurrecting the body. Forcing not only her lord's madness into the corpse but also her own will.

The corners of the madwoman's lips curled into the faintest of smiles as the corporal's body twitched with unnatural life, rising up onto its knees. With deliberate movement Clara rose a hand to the corporal's face, softly brushing the back of her hand against the man's cheek as she gazed lovingly into his eyes, a faint blush rising in the girl's cheeks as she remembered what the couple were up to when she had barged into their room. "Even though you were unfit for Sheogorath's love you have attained perfection in death..." Muttering quietly to herself Clara allowed herself to forget her current predicament as she recalled what this corporal tried to do to her before he had died. Remembering the size of his manhood Clara's eyes wandered down the corpse, stopping when her gaze fell to his pants. For a moment the madwoman faltered. With the man's death she'd have total control of how their little get together would unfold, though a pang of guilt quickly reminded Clara of her mission and how this corpse could, and may very well get her into a lot of trouble.

Sighing and pushing the thoughts of necrophilia to the back of her mind for now Clara rose to her feet once more, forcing the corpse to stand straight as well. Looking around the room for a moment the girl decided upon hiding the body under her bed and, happy with that plan, she controlled the body to do her bidding, forcing it to climb onto the floor and crawl under the bed ready for disposal later on in the night. With the evidence hidden for now Clara left the room, locking the room behind her and hoping that no one will decide to enter it given it being Lord Winder's personal guest room.

With one problem out of the way Clara turned her attention to one of the loose ends still left. "Miss Maid?" Clara called out as she walked the length of the corridor, first checking the room the maid had gone in and if she isn't to be found in there the mad devout would check the other rooms until she had been found.

1 EP for Puppeteer.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The corpse safely hidden under the bed, Clara went in search of the maid. She opened the door the maid had slipped into. There was a man standing at the foot of his bed, while the maid knelt before him, one of his hands resting lightly but authoritatively on the back of her head as it moved back and forth with wet noises. The maid was still wearing her full uniform, and the man still had on his shirt, his shoes, and technically his pants as well, so it took a moment for Clara to realize that she wasn't helping him reattach the button to his pants. Not with her mouth.

The man let out a soft moan, his eyes closed, just as the maid heard the door and clara's calls behind her. She pulled further back then before and let out a pained squeak. When she turned to face Clara, there was anger on her face, under a splattering of some white liquid. She was rubbing furiously at one eye. "You!"

She turned back to the man, who was looking disgruntled as he pulled his pants the rest of the way up. "Sorry, mi'lord, but my duties call. I'll come back in a few minutes and make it up to you." Her voice was diffident, practically simpering. Then she turned and stalked towards Clara, slamming the door closed behind her as she came out into the hallway. With visible effort, she composed her face, having wiped the last of the thick white cum off. "Yes. May I help you?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara simply stared at the maid as she finished blowing the man, humming an unfamiliar tune until the woman stepped outside the room. The madwoman didn't seem to notice, or didn't care that she had angered the maid, and when asked what did she want a thin smile spread across Clara's lips. "You will forget ever seeing that corporal accompanying Clara to her room," She began, tendrils rose from her young body once more to hold the maid in place as Clara started sifting through the servant's memories, intending on tracking down and altering the ones that not only included the corporal and Clara together but every memory that involved Clara and her unnamed would-be rapist. Not by choice of course, just a by-product of the mad devout's meddling.

Puppeteer: 3 + X (10) EP, Resistance: 50
Mind Worm: 8 EP, looking for and destroying any memories dealing with the corporal and Clara.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Stealth: Success!
Puppeteer: Success!
Mind Worm: Success!

Again images flashed through Clara's head as she probed the poor maid's mind. She could feel the maid trying to resist, and the damage that pushing through that resistance did, but it didn't matter.

Her memories of Clara were extremely brief. She had seen Clara walk in the door, seen her a few times at the bar, found her peeking into one of the rooms, and just now she'd seen Clara after giving a blow job. There were more memories of the copororal, but not many. She'd served him drinks a few times, but never spoken to him outside of that, and he'd only been coming to this bar for a few weeks.

But more troubling were the memories that were absent. In particular, either this made hadn't seen Clara walk upstairs with the Corporal, nor had she been the one to serve Clara's drinks. In fact, on closer inspection, this made seemed slightly less busty then the other. Probing more deeply, Clara heard another maid whispering to this one and yet a third about Clara going to fuck the Corporal, and how he might get in trouble for doing that while in uniform.

Finished with the relatively painless - at least to her - purging of memories, Clara pulled back and let the maid free. She blinked slightly, but Clara was already behind her and walking towards her room, while the maid went back into the room where she had been giving a blowjob. After all, she didn't remember finishing it, now.

The madwoman was startled to see an older couple reach the top of the stairs as soon as she turned away from the maid, but they seemed not to have noticed anything amiss. That left two maids who knew Clara had been with the Corporal, if they hadn't told anyone else. Of course, if Clara started leaving big holes in all the maids' memories, then sooner or later someone would notice that. And time was ticking away.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara idly glanced through the memories she had found of the corporal and herself, the content didn't matter to the young woman she just needed to be rid of them. Though Clara's brow furrowed in annoyance as the two other maids appeared in this maids memories. These weren't the memories the madwoman was looking for, so why were they appearing..? Though as the women spoke with each other it quickly became clear to her, Clara now had two more people to 'correct', including the busty maid. A smile formed on Clara's face as she thought of a way to get that maid alone. But duty came before pleasure.

Once having wiped the maids memories Clara released the woman from her control, and turning around she let out a small gasp as an elderly couple came to the top of the stairs. The madwoman walked slowly to her room, staring unblinkingly at the coffin dodgers, though as they didn't show any sign of seeing what Clara had been doing she sighed with relief. "Clara bids you good evening," She said quickly before heading back to her room to formulate a plan. Something the mad devout wasn't very good at.

Once inside Clara sat onto the bed and flopped backwards and began to think. With the images of the two other maids in her mind Clara could track them down first, make sure they didn't tell anyone else or check her room to see where the corporal had gotten to. Though, that would obviously take more time away from fixing Clara's screw up but it would mean less chance of trouble for the young woman. And then there was the problem of fixing up the screw up. Clara had no idea where to begin even if she did have a kind of location and face for the Patriarch. It's not like she could just ask the guards to take her to him. Or... could she?

Clara shot up suddenly as the thought came to her, wondering whether it would truly be a good idea to control the guards to take her to the Patriarch. They didn't seem to trust her already, going so far as to put up a barrier in her meeting with Lord Winder to make it harder for Clara to use her gifts. The madwoman didn't want to give everyone a reason to distrust her even more. Though, what was the chance of there not being a barrier being put in place should the Patriarch want to speak with Clara? The young woman thought there would be a pretty high chance of one, and if there was she'd have less chance of 'persuading' the Patriarch into siding with her.

Yes, Clara thought as she climbed off the bed, she would have to try and track down the Patriarch tonight. Perhaps once it became darker. For now she'd look around the town, perhaps read a few minds. Maybe even 'convince' some of the refugees to head northward.

With her plans set Clara left her room, locking it behind her and made her way out of the inn, humming a cheerful sounding tune.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara left the inn without incident, not noticing either of the two remaining maids who certainly knew about her and the Corporal. Outside, the moon was just rising, slightly past full, and it was full dark. There were still people on the streets, but nothing like the numbers there had been before, and they were quickly thining further. It wasn't far to the gate she had entered by and the refugee camps outside... but the gate was closed, with guards posted on the inside as well as, presumably, the outside.

That rather limited Clara's options. She could talk to the gate guards, or she could try her luck at Lord Winder's house and the guards she would surely find there. She didn't know exactly where the Patrician's house would be located, but she could wander around looking for other lordly manors. She could always try another gate, or she could talk with the common people. Some of the people still about looked little better then those huddled outside the walls, others were surely merchants or craftsmen, or perhaps Clara would have better luck with one of the little knots of children, though these were vanishing faster then anyone else.

You can talk (or 'talk') to several people before time advances, assuming nothing gets in the way.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Despite the darkening of the sky and the rising of the moon Clara's cheerful disposition would not budge. Clara believed she could do this. Clara could find and convince the Patriarch. Looking around the street Clara spotted a variety of people, mostly guards and other adults though there were small gatherings of children, though they were disappearing back into their homes as night came.

"Hello children!" Clara called out after several minutes watching the passing groups of kids, running up to one group with a smile on her pale face. "Clara was wondering..." The mad devout paused for a moment, wondering how best to word her question without having the children become suspicious of her. "Um... Clara was wondering what this 'Patriarch' is like. She has heard about him today, and he sounds like a wonderful person."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Perception: 27 -> Failure

The group, 5 or 6 kids who look a bit too skinny to be entirely healthy, stops, and the largest kid takes a step forward. "Are you stupid, lady? The patrician would throw you ina dungeon for calling him 'patriarch'. You see his house?" The kid pointed across the city, in the direction of one particularly large building. 'House' wasn't really an applicable word. "Palace" or "several city blocks inside an ornate wall" might work better.

While Clara looked, the kids started walking again, pushing their way past her. The speaker stopped again once they were past, and turned back to her. "The dungeons under it are twice as big as the house you can see, and he throws people in there for lookin' at 'im funny."

The darling children went around a corner and vanished. They hadn't seemed suspicious of her so much as contemptuous. But at least they had told her something. And, she realized several minutes later, one of her coin purses had gone missing, along with 20 denarii.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Oh, um... Clara is sorry for the error," The madwoman stammered, flustered over using the wrong title. Though as the kid pointed in the direction of the Patrician's house Clara's face lit up once more. Now knowing where he can be found, and what he looked like, Clara believed that her mission had suddenly become a lot easier. Or at least the path to correcting it had become easier at least.

"Clara thanks you for all your help!" She called happily after the children as they scurried off, either having ignored their talk of the Patrician throwing people in dungeons or just deemed it as irrelevant. Looking back up at the massive home with a wide smile spread across her face Clara begun to hum to herself once more as she made her way there, a slight skip in the young woman's step, the missing money unimportant to her.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara walked without care towards the Patrician's compound. Fortunately, it seemed that there was a fairly direct path along main streets, allowing her to avoid the back allies and the dangers within them. Common thieves held little fear, but it would mean more delay, and possibly more bodies. As she walked, Clara noticed the streets starting to thin out. By the time she arrived at the main entrance to the palace, there were no more children to be seen. Fewer of the refugees and commoners, but still some of each along with an increasing number of shadows lurking at the mouths of alleyways.

The wall around the compound was formidable. It wasn't as tall or as thick or as populated with guards as the wall of the city itself, but it was nevertheless formidable. There were no marks of siege, but it was all of the same dark stone, fitted so well that it was difficult to spot the seams. There were no buildings in the wall's immediate shadow either, and those closest to it were all no more then one story tall. It was built to be both intimidating and effective. The gate was similar, a foot thick of blackened oak that would be difficult enough to destroy or force open even without defenders.

So it was somewhat surprising that the gate stood open and unguarded. There were lights on in what appeared to be a guardhouse just inside the wall, but Clara could see through the gate to the doors of the main building, and though all was dark there were no obviously visible guards.

She was about three feet away from where the gate would be if it were closed when she felt the spells. Dozens of them, layered in a pattern that had the feeling of long practice, so close together that Clara couldn't make out what any individual one did but never overlapping. The overall impression was that of a wall even more solid and intimidating then the physical one.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara stopped as she came up to the Patrician's sizeable home, staring in amazement at the immaculate, foreboding wall. Though the young woman's gaze quickly fell to the gate, her expression changing to mild confusion. Surely this place should've had guards? Or at the very least have the gate closed? This wasn't how Clara had expected the Patriarch's manor to be protected, all left open and unguarded like this. Shrugging, Clara took a step forward. And that's when it hit her.

Clara fell backwards and crawled back several feet, fear in her face as she felt the barrier of spells hit her. This was completely unlike the one during her audience with Lord Winder, its power was immense, something Clara knew instinctively that she should fear. And fear it she did. Clara sat there for several minutes, unsure what to do. She couldn't go through the front door now, maybe not into the building at all, that barrier would definitely give her away. And who knows what it would do to the young woman should she use her powers inside it. This meant changing the Patriarch's mind had suddenly become a lot more difficult.

Frowning, Clara stood back up and retreated to the shadows, her eyes fixed unblinkingly on the Patriarch's manor, wondering what she could do. Maybe she could give up this idea for now? That certainly seemed like the safest option. She could always tag along or ambush the scouts tomorrow, change their minds so they convince the Patriarch. And then there is that body problem to deal with along with the remaining maids that know about the corporal and her.

So many problems, so little time... The mad devout thought to herself as she wondered if she could actually finish this mission. Taking one last glance at the building Clara decided to make her way back to the inn. Perhaps a better idea will come to her after a bit of rest and hiding a body.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The streets continued to thin out as the mad devout made her way back across the city. By the time she reached the inn the most of the people left looked shifty and watched Clara until she was out of sight. One small group of men in an alleyway almost looked like they were going to come over to her despite staying to the lantern-lit street, but a guardsman appeared walking down the street and they faded back into the shadows.

Stepping into the inn, the madwoman saw that it wasn't quite as empty as the streets. There were still quite a few guards and soldiers drinking, though less then half the number that had been there before. The maids didn't seem quite so overworked, and one pair suddenly turned away when Clara walked through the door, one covering her mouth with a hand. She didn't recognize either, and she was painfully aware of the passing time.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara, still shook up over the immense power that emanated from the barrier over the Patrician's mansion quickly made her way through the city, ignoring any glances that she may have gotten and the overall shiftiness of the people that littered the streets.

It wasn't until the mad devout had entered the tavern once more did she pay attention to the people around her, the place being quite crowded compared to the streets outside. It was only by chance that Clara had caught the reactions of the two maids, wondering why two people that she had never interacted with before acted as if she had wronged them in some way. Of course the fact that a dead body currently resides in her room had completely slipped the madwoman's mind.

"Is... is something wrong..?" Clara asked the two maids slowly after pushing her way through the crowds to the women, a look of confusion on her face. Time was quickly running out for Clara and she wanted to make this go as quick as possible.