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Shauna (Tenta)

Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Shauna would see the first room that was overrun by a merfolk taking advantage of a defenseless woman. Motioning to one of the guards to attempt a sneak attack, they would not quite be able to perform when it came time to get their hands dirty. At least this time it was one merfolk against 8 guns and the barrage that came after the guard was swatted aside was more than enough to kill the merfolk. A few of the refugees would assist in the extraction of the woman, though doing so would slow them down considerably as she was almost completely unable to walk on her own. Though for now it was an extra life that would be saved were they to make it to the extraction point unharmed.

The next merfolk they would come upon was successfully killed as well. A little too focused on reproducing, the merfolk simply did not notice the guard that came from behind and ended the merfolk. From the looks of it however this girl was either already pregnant or certainly going to be just from the amount of seed that the merfolk had let loose inside of her. She was sick but able to at least move slowly under her own power. Thus making the total two for the number of helpless women that Shauna was able to get free.

Now it came time for the first real decision. The first hallway was coming to an end. Turning left would take them to the supply room that was at the end of that hallway. Turning right would allow them to potentially liberate more survivors. With all of the doors mechanically opened, Shauna could see 12 doors to the right and 13 to the left. The extra door was the supply room, which was still closed. There were 6 rooms on each side of the hallway no matter which way she went.

6/10 guards remain
guard 1: 3/4 FP
Rizzo: 3/3 FP
Shauna: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP
20/20 civilians alive
2/2 survivors alive
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Shauna would down both the right and left hallways for a few moments, weighing her options. After a few moments of internal debate, she give the two freed women to Rizzo and his crew ordering them to take the survivors down the left hallway to the supply room while she and three of the six guards would check out the right room and look for any other survivors. "Take these women to the supply room. I'm going to check the other hallway for any other survivors, if I'm not back in 30 minutes to an hour, go ahead to the extraction point without me. Try to get as many people to safety as we possibly can." And with that, she and her crew of guards would cautiously make their way down the right hallway, keeping an eye out for mermen and other survivors.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Shauna would give her orders and the guards along with Rizzo would not question them. The guards could be seen throwing fingers out in an attempt to draw who was going which way. Rizzo and half the guards would escort the survivors straight to the supply room, not stopping to liberate anyone else.

Shauna and three guards would go in the opposite direction and start to clear down the hallway, the first seven doors they went thorugh were empty. The eighth door however would reveal another merman having its way with a helpless woman. The woman was clearly pregnant already and the merman was seemingly ready for them. Still, four guns against one merman was little more than a slaughter. The guards shot first and asked questions later, riddling the merman with bullets killing it fairly instantly.

The question they asked was what do they do with the survivor? Should they simply come back once they cleared the remaining four doors? Shauna was the one to do the thinking as the guards would seemingly do the acting. At least for now they seemed to have the upper hand in these situations as they were able to simply mow down the opposition of singular mermen. The real challenge would be what to do with the survivors they were to liberate.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Upon being asked what course of action they should take next, Shauna bit her lip in deep thought for a few silent moments before finally clearing her throat and turning to look at the guards, "Okay. Let's move on. We'll check these last few doors and then head back ASAP. If we happen to find a crowd, more than two or three of the fishmen, we close the door and back out as quietly as we can, or if that's not an option, haul ass back to the supply room, providing heavy suppression retreating fire. We'll try to help as many as we can without getting into unneeded battles, we simply can't handle that at the moment. Once we get back to the supply room, we'll check for any medical equipment we can help the survivors with. We can't do anymore than what we're physically able to do. Hopefully we can find a doctor. I don't think we can do much with anyone seriously impaired, we'd just be slowed down and then we'd all be fish food or knocked up. Everybody got all that? If so, let's keep going; then we can head back to the rendezvous point." she said before pressing on further down the hall.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Shauna would leave the survivor and instead choose to clear the rest of the hallway before proceeding back toward the rest of the group. Having already cleared two thirds of the hallway, Shauna would look back and see that Rizzo's group was starting to enter the Supply Room. Proceeding onward, Shauna's group would check the next door.

What they found was probably the one thing they did not want to see. A small group of 4 Mermen would be seen and Shauna would immediately shut the door in an attempt at trapping them on the other side. With the electronic locks non functional, it was a test of strength as it were between the Mermen on one side of the door and the three guards attempting to keep the door shut. With the first assault, the guards were able to hold the door closed. Shauna needed to think of something or find something fast, otherwise there would be a group of 4 mermen on the loose looking to claim their next prize.

It was certainly possible to bar the doors from opening, Shauna could hope the guards were able to hold the door shut while she investigated the remaining 3 rooms. Though if the guards failed in keeping the doors closed, that could be inconvenient.
Re: Shauna (Tenta)

Upon the seeing the group of mermen, Shauna would quickly and quietly make a motion of putting her hands together, silently telling her guards to shut the fucking door. If they managed to get the door shut, she would take her rifle and carefully aim it at the control console, effectively shutting the door for good; unless the mermen could spew fire or had a plasma torch or some such. Either way, for the time being the problem would be solved. Now she was left seriously debating whether checking the other doors would be a good idea or a stupid one, especially if they contained more fucking fish people. She would eventually decide to quickly scan each of the three remaining rooms. If the doors were cracked open slightly or had windows, she would peek in giving them quick cursory scans. If they were safe, she would order the troops to move in and check in detail, looking for any more survivors. She would then try to transport as many as she could back to the supply room to meet up with Rizzo before beginning to formulate a plan to reach the extraction point.