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Shalen (lurker)

Re: Shalen (lurker)

Shalen covers herself up, half to keep the wind off, half to perverse whatever modesty she had left. Luckily for her, she managed to find some clothes, two changes of them, in the wreak of the ship. The game quickly explained to her how clothes could be changed to look how she'd like, though once she settled on an appearance for an outfit, it couldn't change.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Shalen almost squeed in happyness at the information for changing her attire, and quickly messed around with the apearence of the clothing, soon returning it to her heroine's leapord skin look. Sliding into them quickly, she then dashed for the jungle, ready to explore proper, and at least conforted she could cover herself again if any more, er, acidents happened.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Shalen enters the jungle, bushing past the dense leaves and listening to the jungle sounds. She wanders for a while, starting to get disappointed at the lack of interesting events, until she finds herself hanging upside down from a snare, both her legs grabbed as she drops her spear in surprise, it landing just out of reach.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

"Dammit, nothing fun ever happens when I want it- AAAAH!" she squealed as the snare dragged her up, dangling the redhead above her weapon, though it didn't stop her from trying to grab it a few times. Still, now stuck, she flipped her upper body upwards to see if she could deal with the snare.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Shalen just manages to get herself pulled up enough so that she can undo the snare, legging herself free and landing in with an undignified 'thump' on the ground, in a very erotic position, no less.

Of course, she doesn't realize for for a while that her noise has attracted a bunch of tentacles from around. Not until they're already grabbed her, dragging her back into the air and whipping her ass, the slime on the things starting to dissolve the lower potion of her clothes, just as she manages to grab her spear.

Tentacles 4/4 HP
Shalen 3/5 FP 0/10 AP (Grabbed)
Re: Shalen (lurker)

"Oh come on..." she whimpered, squirming and kicking in the tendril's grip as she once again turned her spear into a cub, trying to bat at the tentacles surrounding her body.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

1 vs 22 counter
18 vs 19

As she tries to twap the tentacles, another one whips her breasts as grabs her arms, stunning her for a second at the nerve of them. She manages to squirm her way out of the way of the next strike however, though she's started to feel aroused and doesn't know how much longer she can dodge, all tangled like this.

Tentacles 4/4 HP
Shalen 2/5 FP 1/10 AP (Still Grabbed)
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Whimpering a bit, she continued to squirm, more out of habit then anything, trying to get her spear to do a bit more damage even as the tentacles began twisting around it.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

15 vs 8
21 vs 2 crit

Shalen managed to hit the tentacles again, getting them to drop her. She started to scramble up when she felt one of the tentacles whip her again, right on the crotch, it was extremely hard and the shock made her gasp, dropping her spear out of reach as the tentacles wrapped themselves around her.

She felt as if all her strength to fight was gone, the tentacles weren't about to lose their grip.
Tentacles 3/4 HP
Shalen 0/5 FP 1/10 AP (Still Grabbed)
Re: Shalen (lurker)

"N-not again..." she whimpered, still twitching in the tentacle's grip as she whined softly to herself.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Shalen was hoisted up into the air by the tentacles, the ground falling away as they worked to remove her clothes, fairly gently, compared to the slime which had just eaten them.

The tentacles have a very rough texture, which becomes very noticeable when the first two jam themselves in her pussy and ass. She cries out at the intrusion, only to be silenced by another one entering her mouth, as the two in her lower holes start to time their thrusts so they both enter and withdraw at the same time, the tough textures on them rubbing against each other inside of her through the thin piece of skin.

She's fucked up in the trees for what feels like hours, the tentacles pumping their see into her many times, until she blacks out.

Though she's now a limp fuck doll, the tentacles hold her to the tree when she's done, spraying their gunk over her and waiting for it to harden, until she's sort of plastered to the trunk.

When she wakes up, she feels something off in her belly, as it feels like the cum that was inside never left, her face still dripping with the tentacles spunk, as she finds herself totally unable to move, stuck to the tree.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

"Urgh..." Shalen murmered, blinking a bit. She still wasn't entirely with it, and thus hasn't quite noticed her stuck position, even though she was comicly stuck upside-down. "I need to lay off of tempting fate a liittle..." she murmered.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Shalen is there for a few more minutes before she feels as though something is moving inside her. Given her recent rape by tentacles and the settings of afore, she thinks she may be able to guess that the tentacles seed may have been a bit fertile, and remembering how much it came, there's little doubt in her mind that she'll be having baby tentacles soon.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Shalen groaned a bit. "Great. Barely getting started and my game's allready getting raped.... literally..." she muttered. Glancing at the gunk holding her up, Shalen experimentally tried to force herself out of it, though was qute dubious how effective she'd be at getting free.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

The hard plaster like cum didn't move at all, it looked like she wasn't about to get out anytime soon.

Still a while later, she could feel as if there were now tentacles inside her womb, working themselves over each other.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Shalen whimpered a bit, squirming with the writhing and twisting in her belly, face flushed and not looking forward to when the tendrils will start to work thier way free...
Re: Shalen (lurker)

It's not too much longer until the tentacles work themselves out, exiting her, luckily for her, it's not quite as painful as she might have imagined it, but it still quite the odd feeling. After the tentacles work themselves out, they start to fuck the poor girl again, two of them twisting around each other and pounding her pussy, the third one deeply pounding her ass, as if they were feeding from this.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Shalen's muttered thanks at thier escaping was swiftly broken by shrieks as they started to drill into her. Her body would twitch and writhe at the sudden inpalements, whimpering and whining through the pleasure-pants as she wondered if they'd continue like thier parents or find somewhere to hide besides her....
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Eventually the casing cracks and Sahlen finds herself on the ground as she falls from the comical position. The tentacles, now realizing the shelter is gone, finish with Shalen and decide to move on. Though the one that was pounding her ass continues, it seems content, especially when it wraps it's other end around to enter her womanhood as well, gently entering both holes in an alternating fashion.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

"A-aaah!" Shalen squealed, falling to the ground hard as her body twitched some more, the remaining tendril causing her limbs to twiitch and back to arch as her inner walls start to clamp rythmicly.