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Shalen (lurker)


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Name: Shalen Kiritan
Age: 23
Level 0 Trait: Spear Expertise
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): A tad smallish, with fiery red hair. She's a talented artist and spends her time- whenever she's not gaming in one form or another- doing art and stories. It's just focusing on a task at hand that's partly her problem.

Shalen is almost in love with the Leage of Legends character, Nidalee. Very often she plays her with a customized skin and is in process of writing up a small story focused on her. Thus, Nidalee has been on her mind quite extensively as of late, thus her mental image taking form of the champion- of course, the catchanging part of her favorite champion probably won't transfer along....

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Headstrong and often trying to make sence of things she runs into, Shalen tries to evaluate all the outcomes before going into a situation, though every so often she'll jump the gun and go ahead into the fray without calcuating her odds. She's also friendly with those that seem friendly enough, but if ya act hostile to her, she'll act cold, annoyed, and even angry.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): Shalen's attended a few fantasy fairs in her time, with her preference in the real world extending to javelins, spears, and dagger combat training, though not steel-to-steel, unless you call nerf-foam steel... Also, she's a small understudy in herbalism and can identify plants- unless the game world differs too much from the real world that is.
Shalen was all excited when she heard about how the EGG would be able to let her play in a variety of ways, and that it would be very easy to end up looking like her character she liked so much. After being assisted to the chamber room by a guy in a lab coat, he explained to her how to properly sit in the machine and how one of the project heads would be waiting for her when she finished, to answer any questions she had.

Wishing her a good time, he left as Shalen settled herself inside, it was pretty comfy, honestly. The device closed as the first screen popped up, asking her to fill in the settings.

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): This is left vague on purpose, a number can't properly convey this setting.

After she filled out that set, she was prompted to choose a difficulty setting:

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

After selecting that, she was presented with a list of options for gameplay type and location. There are two types, though the first is grayed out. Offensive and Defensive.

Offensive Levels(?)

Defensive Levels(?)
Jungle Beach(?)
Island Tower(?)
Vine Swamps(?)
________(?) (Enter your own level preference)
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Inside her head, Shalen was squeeling to herself in glee. She finally got in! She couldn't believe her luck, being included in this testing. She wasn't sure how well they'd take to her more liscened-obsessed mind, but either way she hoped it'd be fun.

After getting the first promt screen, she carefully considered her options, debating how best to awnser them to fit her own preferences...

Humans: Y, 3
Male/Female: Y, 4
Female/Female: Y, 3
Pregnancy: Y, 3
Birthing: Y, 2
Non Consent Sex: Y, 4
BDSM: Y, 4
Slavery: Y, 4
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y, 5
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): Rough dependant on how fierice the fight. Stronger the resistance, the more angry they are at the victim

Seeing the difficulty multiplier, she thought for a moment before selecting 'Hard'. She wanted a challenge, and even a few epic encounters if she was lucky, but didn't want to be left entirely out in the open like over Hard may do...

Reaching the level selects, she raised her eyebrow a bit. Quietly she poked the various question marks near the names, seeing if they gave any information of the areas involved....
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Level Details
The type of scenery in a level is usually easily guessed by the level's name, therefore, such information is left out of level descriptions, focusing more on the story of each level.

-Jungle Beach-
Washed up on a shore, only ocean to your back, you must find your way to safety, though what will be waiting for you when you get there?

-Island Tower-
In the middle of the vast ocean, there lies an island with only one defining feature, a large tower built there years ago. Said to be infested by monsters, many suspect that a large treasure awaits at the top. Though what is found, may surprise some.

-Vine Swamps-
In the middle of the swamps, one must always be on watch. Many are said to have disappeared in this swampland, so named for the vines that seem to cover every part of it, none are quite sure what lies in the center.

Feel free to enter the name of any level you know, or guess at a type of level. There are hundreds of levels, and the game is very efficient at parsing new ideas into a coherent game world.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Shalen had come to a decision, quickly tapping the 'Jungle Beach' and then awaiting what would happen. She was hoping after all this malarky for some fun to happen...
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Shalen watches as the world fades to dark around her, all senses disappearing as she becomes weightless. She finds herself intrigued after the flash of light and watches as the world forms around her.

She realizes she's basically at a beach, laying almost face down in the beach, sitting up she realizes she's wearing clothes much like she was, although tattered. She sports a nearby spear on the ground, crude looking, but better than nothing.

A small moment of broken immersion when the game has a pop up for her; "Game Start!" but after that, she's on her way.

Oh, and it looks like a ship wreaked itself on the shore nearby.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Pulling herself up and dusting herself off, Shalen looked around at her surroundings. "Wow... it's soo pretty," she replied, almost to herself. It was hard to believe it was a imaginary world, she thought, taking the spear from the ground and then moving onwards to that broken ship on the sands. She could search that for supplies before checking deeper into the forests...
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Shalen walks down the shore, taking look at the wreak, not paying attention to the bit of water that seems off color, after determining that she's unlike to get anything useful from the wreak, she turns around to look at the forest, when she all of a sudden feels something large and wet land on her back.

7 vs 14
Quickly turning and whipping the thing off, it looks like a large slime like creature, slightly translucent, and almost impossible to spot compared to the water around it.
Slime (Lvl. 2) 5/5
Shalen 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Jumping back a bit in surprise, Shalen blinked a bit at the creature. Well at least they were starting small, she thought, spinning the point of her spear forward as she tried to stab the slime- though a part of her wasn't expecting it to be super effective.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

13 vs 6
5 vs 9

Shalen lands a solid stab to the inside of the slime, hurting it, she can tell. The slime tries to move forward to engulf her, but fails utterly as she keeps it at bay with the pointy stick.

Slime (Lvl. 2) 4/5
Shalen 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Shalen (lurker)

A bit surprised at causing damage to the blob, Shalen strikes again, going to beat it down again. "Come on..."
Re: Shalen (lurker)

4 vs 10
5 vs 21 counter

Shalen fails to stab the creature as it slides out of the way, though she manages to draw her weapon back in time before it leaps towards her, getting the chance to strike it in the air when it's hard for it to dodge, another solid blow landed.

Slime (Lvl. 2) 3/5
Shalen 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Shalen (lurker)

"I was sure I didn't hit easy here," Shalen said with a small grin, giving a shot at the slime again with the spear.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

2 vs 16
23 vs 6 crit

Shalen fails her next attack, almost tripping over herself, which the slime takes good advantage of, jumping forward and slamming into her, engulfing her legs in it.

Slime (Lvl. 2) 3/5
Shalen 3/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Shalen (lurker)

"H-hey! I take that back! Get off!!!" Shalen stuttered in surprise, grabbing the back end of her spear and smacking at the goo pinning her down.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

10 vs 6
21 vs 19

Shalen manages to whack the slime well enough so that it retreats for the moment, looking harmed, but it's not long before it regains itself, splitting into two as it engulfs Shalen from the sides. Shalen feels as it sort of presses against her, trying to make her legs weak.

Slime (Lvl. 2) 2/5
Shalen 2/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Shalen (lurker)

"D-down! down!" she hisses, smacking at the slime some more with her staff as she growls slightly, trying to stagger a bit closer to the sandy shore to get a bit firmer a location to work on.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

10 vs 14
24 vs 2 crit

Shalen's words have little effect, much like her escape efforts. She feels the thing become a paddle, and slap her ass a few times, as she feels tired, dropping her spear from the shock, as the thing moves up and engulfs her entire body.

Oddly, she finds she can breath inside the slime, as it starts to dissolve her clothes.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

"C-crap..." she whimpered, closing her mouth tight as the slime quickly grows up that high, squirming a bit as she tries to struggle free still in her gooey prision.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

Shalen feels the slime dissolve the entirety of her clothes, as it exerts control over her body and forces her to open her mouth, through with a tendril of it enters, starting to throat fuck her first off.

She feels as though a hard piece of slime is grinding against her womanhood, but this is soon replaced by another tendril entering her there, and shortly after another entering her ass as the slime lets her fall to her knees while it fucks her. She feels the slime in her pussy and ass alternating, the feeling and warmth from the slime driving her to a climax. Though the slime itself continues, thrusting in and out, in and out, as it drives her to yet another climax.

The slime seems to decide this is enough however, as it spurts it's own fluids into her, leaving her to collapse on the ground out of tiredness, it seems the slime was keeping her awake.
She wakes up a while later, finding the fluids from the slime have made a small puddle under her. She feels somewhat tired, but the rest did a lot to help that.
Re: Shalen (lurker)

"Urk..." she whimpered, getting herself up again and whiping some of the slime off of her. Still, she grabbed her spear and headed for the broken ship again. "Ok, I get it, don't tease the game system openly in a fight..." she muttered, shivering a abit in the wind.