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Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Seemingly no corpses were present for the red-robed side... Although there were a few scattered instances of apparently discarded crimson robes and blades.

For those who'd born Tamberlyn's colors... Numerous corpses lay scattered about.

Should either Elise or Gilfer been watching the black-robed figure, it seemed to drop something near Mekel, then turned to leave.

<So, prisoners... Perhaps they'll be of use to the Carâthim... Once they find their way there.>

With that, the black-robed one moved back to its horse, let out another one of the cries, and took off. And the ambushers followed it away, some still carrying the bodies they claimed.

Dread: 2
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Elise stayed put, trusting in the thick brush she had chosen for a hiding spot. From there, she watched the other prisoner get attacked by the undead, taking a rather small wound and apparently falling as a result.

The leader of the assaulting force dropped something beside the downed man, then they left with a few prisoners of their own. the security force was in rout, and soon there was nothing left at the site of the carriages but the prisoners. Standing slowly, Elise went over to Mekel's downed form, toeing his shoulder and looking for what was left behind. She dropped the relic mace as she approached, letting out a small sigh as the pain of wielding the holy weapon faded almost immediately.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

The item dropped seemed to be some manner of small container, wrapped in a small cloth bundle. The contents of the container, if checked, would radiate a form of magic similar to that of healing spells, although it seemed slightly off from that.

The cloth wrapping, however, turned out to be a map of sorts, with a location to the north marked by a strange insignia.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

The woman bent down to examine the pair of objects, her gaze revealing the magic of the box. Deciding what she saw was confusing enough to not risk opening it, she simply tucked it away, examining the map around it instead. Her eyes were drawn to the odd insignia, curious whether she recognized it from any of the noble houses of the area.

( after dread.)

Pocketing the map for the time being as well, she went back to the carriage she had been locked in, taking the rest of her equipment, now that there was time to do so properly. She figured the area was safe enough, so she started scanning the remnants of the battleground for magical gear while she waited for the man to wake. If she could smarten him up enough not to make an ass of himself, he'd do well as a companion.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

At first, no answers came to mind about the insignia...

Then, it would come: The mark on the map was the heraldry of fallen realm of Fel-Carâth... A realm that, if tales were true, might be more accepting of Elise's actions than Tamberlyn.

Something might also catch her eye should she look back over towards where Mekel lay... A long, thin blade, just slightly longer than usual for a dagger, laying in the shadows. The very tip of the blade seemed to have broken off, and it would be radiating deathly magic... If that, or something similar, had wounded Mekel, perhaps what was in the container was left to help him re-awaken?

Caulder, you can roll to try to reawaken on your own, but catch me on Steam with the roll result before you post.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

The mage spotted the dagger a moment later, her vision of it's magical aura seeming to share similarities with the box. That alone warranted further attention. Getting close enough to look at it, she noticed the broken tip. THe strands of thought wove together quickly. The dead that attacked were from this lost nation, and for some reason they felt this man at least worthy of joining them. But out cold as he was, is the box meant to revive him?

Figuring it was worth the risk now, she gently pried open the box, checking the contents. If the use of the contents on the unconscious man seemed obvious enough, she'd go ahead and do what she could for him, as well.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

The container's lid had what appeared to be instructions on its underside, so it would be simple enough to apply.

Nevermind on that roll.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Mekel suddenly sits up, his lifeless mask looking around. "What happened?" he asks, looking around for his Greatsword and standing up, before dusting himself off and suddenly grasping at the wound on his arm, inhaling sharply. "And where's the bastard who stabbed me?" he asks, picking up his Greatsword in his right hand and looking at the woman through his mask.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

"I'm not saying anything until I'm convinced you aren't about to rush off for a repeat performance." Elise answers simply.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Mekel clenches his left hand tightly over the wound on his right arm, shaking his head slowly. "Do I look like I'm in any condition to go running off alone after an army of crazies in robes?" he asks her, flipping his greatsword around and planting it in the ground, using it to lean on. "This wound actually hurts a LOT worse than it looks." he says, seeming to be slightly out of breath.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

"You weren't really in a condition to go and try helping the people who had us imprisoned, either. And yet." The woman responds, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "They left to the north, and left you a gift as well." She finally answered, pulling out the chest and map, keeping the latter in-hand for now and pointing to the insignia. "That's the ancient symbol of the nation of Fel-Carath. Seems they like you, if they want you to follow them home."
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

"If you must know, it was a tactically sound plan to demoralize the goody-goodies who locked me up." he says, standing up and releasing the wound on his arm, reaching out and opening the box in her hand, since his right hand was preoccupied with keeping him standing.

What the hell is in this box?! /showfu
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Gilfer thought for a moment, as he saw the other two prisoners. He stood and watched them, considering how the world moved about him, and realized that while one convicted fugitive might be easier to hide, three were harder to capture. After a few minutes of thought, he advanced towards the pair, grabbing a cloak and shifting it around, as if to check the interior "This would hold the seeming of a bandit attack, gentleman, lady. Would you two happen to be of the living remainder of the defenders? I can certainly be helping you in the getting away and exiting from this devastating nightmare."

He hoped, quietly to himself, that despite the accent and facts of the area they wouldn't question the arrival of a jester, after all, whatever would lead them to inquire about such a thing. He was clearly just another traveler. Yes. That was it.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

(( Posting, cause I suppose somebody's gotta. ))

Elise frowned at the Jester's appearance. "The carriages, a prisoner each. You aren't stupid enough to think we're with the corpses, defenders routed one way, undead left the other, so you didn't come off the road. You must be the third ward." She said, squaring herself in his direction, her tone leaving no room for argument. "The undead seem to want him, so there may be something of a haven there. You can come with, but if you try to stab either of us in the back, it isn't going to turn out in your best interest." She warned, watching his reaction carefully.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Gilfer laughed and shrugged "Well, it can be said that it was attempted at least. Yes, I was the unwilling dinner date of the two clerics in my cart, it can easily be pointed out. I felt it might be funner to at least...figure out whatever it was surrounded me first, after all, anyone could indeed be anyone." He had an innocent, or at least attempted innocent, smile on his face, accentuated beyond the need with the goofy lipstick. "To be said at once together, whyever would I attempt to stab a back? What would the need be?"
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

"There wouldn't be one, but the warning stands." Elise repeated, glancing down at the map in her hand. Knowing which direction the undead left in was very helpful. "We're headed in that direction. Two minutes to scavenge anything you wish from the corpses, then we're leaving, we can't afford to wait for very long." She said, taking charge of the group, as neither of the other two seemed competent or willing enough to.

For her own part, she went scavenging for the time alotted, Starting with the remainder of her own gear from the carriage, cramming it all into the pack with plans to sort it out later. With the remainder, she simply activated her spellsight again, and started taking everything she could that was small, avoiding the blessed weapons and armour. She'd consider passing out what she found to the other two, perhaps some charity would endear them for the time being, but it would depend on what she was able to grab in the short time before they left.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Gilfer sat down on the cart waiting for the other two to get done, a polite smile on his face, leaning back comfortably.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Mekel scoffs at the jester, his dislike apparent in the way he moves, as his face was still covered by his mask. With one fluid motion, he stands, hefting his greatsword over his shoulder, before returning to the cart he had been brought in and grabbing all of his gear, growling every so often at the pain in his right arm. Once he had gathered all of his survival gear, as well as donned his coat and strapped on his sword's sheath, he hopped down and approached the woman, waiting for her to finish.......Whatever it was she was doing.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Elise's search initially turned up little of use. The arms and armor of the fallen defenders all obviously bore the same types of enchantments as what she'd initially grabbed during the battle. A few backpacks, here and there, were mostly in usable condition. Of those, many had some healing potions in them. There were also a few pieces of usable camping gear, as well as enough scrounged foodstuff for several meals.

However, a chance glance back towards the carriage she'd been in recently would likely reveal the true prize... It was seemingly undamaged, and bore several signs of enchantments designed for swift travel. As well, it seemed that there were no immediate signs of use-barring powers to it. Given that those carriages were normally restricted to use by official sources, perhaps it could be turned some advantage?
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Elise gathered the rations into one rucksack and the collected healing potions into the other. "Time's up! we're taking a carriage." She said, tossing the bags into the back of one and taking a seat on the driver's bench. She recalled from her time incarcerated How the magical steeds work, thankfully. Reaching down to pull the lever that spelled them into existence, she waited for the other two to hop on where they wished before setting the carriage on a route following where the undead left from.