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Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=70/70, EP=83/83 ; Pregnant, Nude

As Iri tried to invite them in, she could see various female goblins around giving the male goblins the stink eye. "U-uhm... We would love to join you, mistress... B-but you see, we are here on borrowed time, uh... This place is the lair of another chieftain, and we are not entirely welcome here. Only when we mentioned you, an apparent favorite of the chieftain here, did we get allowed this momentary meeting." The goblin indicated.

"As long as they aren't moving in, they can come inside. But we kill them if they steal anything!" a female goblin announced, the others fine with Iri letting the trio inside as long as they were under constant supervision.

The three goblins came inside, continuing to answer her questions. "W-we found a purse of money from some kitty girl who was kidnapped by a big flying bug! We gave the money away to someone who knew your location, and then we headed straight here!" they indicated that they stole and used the sukuta's money upstairs. "We managed to be hunting for food for the tribe when the slaughter happened. We returned to find everyone dead! We did not know you were that powerful!" and thus, the reason why they wanted her to be their chieftain. They thought Iri was capable of such a slaughter, having no idea it was Drada and Qui who did it.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri blinked as she processed what she was told. Sure, she could be rather destructive if need be, but mass slaughter wasn't her strong suit. Hell, even now her powers could still screw her over in combat sometimes. She'd need to work on improving her control over the destructive aspect of them. But she was getting off track: the point was that she wasn't quite capable of taking out a threat of that magnitude, not yet at least. Drada and Qui were far stronger than she was. Still, the girl decided not to bother correcting the two. Had she decided to go for the kill rather than simply sneak around, she likely would have ended up terrorizing a fair number of them.

"Right. I actually met that kitty girl you're talking about." Iri nodded, sitting down on the nearest couch after leading the goblins in. "She's currently riding that other chieftain upstairs. You might want to avoid mentioning that bit to her." She advised the trio. "Right then, two more questions. Who told you where to look for me? Name or description, preferably both. Also, what can you do besides hunting?" It'd be good to know what they were capable of. It'd let her know how she could make use of them and extrapolate how much she had to train in order to live up to their expectations of a much more powerful being.

Perhaps more importantly, she'd have to look into some accomodations for this lot and soon, though. The other goblins were acting territorial, though whether this was due to tribal animosities or simply because they were outsiders was yet to be determined. Maybe she ought to question one of the females? Perhaps probing those three for what their tribe was doing before the massacre could be useful... Nah, that was Drada's business. Either she took care of it already, or it was still going on and likely something Iri didn't want to be a part of. For now she'd just get some answers and wait for her clothes to dry or Hank to come down, whichever happened first.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=70/70, EP=83/83 ; Pregnant, Nude

"Who? We don't know the name, but it was some girl who offered us bouncy bouncy if we paid her." a goblin explained. "She was a human girl with brown hair done into a pony tail, yes!"

Then, they'd answer the question about what they can do. "Uh... We can do anything if it's simple!" they declared. "Killing, hunting, r-rubbing mistress's feet! Fucking!" they announced that they were proudly capable of what most people were.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri frowned. Brown hair and ponytail... Didn't quite match up with anyone she knew personally. Still, judging from what the goblins told her the girl was probably a whore. Did they somehow make their way to the brothel? Seriously. "Well, I guess that's fine." She muttered, eyeing the trio. It sounded like they wouldn't be all that useful, though perhaps having some minions around would be nice if she ever wanted to raise some Hell. Alternatively, she could perhaps have them sneak around in plain sight if need be, depending on whether goblins were a common sight in Acheron. They certainly didn't appear to be too much of an unusual one if they were being offered sex for cash.

"I'll figure out something for you to do later, for now we're going to have to see where you could end up staying. Maybe could talk this out with Hank, not that he's likely to be in a talking mood anytime soon." Iri sighed, getting off of the couch. "Stick to me for now, and don't mess with anything." She commanded as she set off to see if her clothes had dried. It was unlikely, so she'd have to figure something out to do if they weren't. Grabbing a breakfast of some kind sounded like a decent proposition, actually. Depending on how long the sukuta would last, maybe she'd be able to go and see Hank about sorting the situation out after this.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=70/70, EP=83/83 ; Pregnant, Nude

"We can stay anywhere, mistress! W-we made a small camp outside of town. It is a very lonely camp, b-but it is our new home after the last one was completely destroyed!" the goblin announced.

Searching for her clothes, Iri would find them just getting done being dried upstairs, and thankfully the lewd nature of them left the stomach area completely exposed, allowing her to don them despite being heavily pregnant. That's when Hank left what Iri knew to be the baths. For once, the man smelled good. Even though now that he was clean, he looked even less happy. Apparently someone got sick of his stench and told him to go get clean. He looked at Iri as if he wanted her to take his gigantic gun (which she might have trouble even lifting) and blow his brains out. "Save me buttercup," he whined, his dripping wet naked self holding her shoulders as he rested his head on her breasts. "Head hurts and ever-one's bein' mean to ol' Hank." he said, sounding like he made an actual sob from crying. For once, he smelled like soap, so he wasn't unpleasant to be around in terms of odor.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri tried to hold back her laughter at the sight, wondering what to say to the man. She wasn't entirely successful - a snort did escape her and her lips were quivering. "Well, look on the bright side." She consoled him, looking rather amused. "At least now you smell much better. And besides, you're a grown man. You can take a bath every once in a while." She added, not being very helpful. "Though if you're complaining about the headache, you could go drink something that isn't booze. I've heard it helps with hangovers if you get some liquid." She advised, shrugging. "By the way, I just got myself three goblins as minions. Not girls, before you ask. They've got a camp outside town, but I was thinking it'd be more convenient to have them somewhere closer. Your girls don't seem to like them much, though. Might be a tribal dispute thing."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=70/70, EP=83/83 ; Pregnant, Nude

Hank snapped his head up when she suggested he act like a grown man and take a bath every once in a while. "BITCH DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" he growled, before mumbling about the liquid idea, and then shaking his head about the male goblin mention. "Shit, hell no. This house is ladies only, asides from me. If'n you want a place to house yer own tools of sexual satisfaction in the form of them goblins, just go get a deed fer one of the abandoned buildings in Northern Acheron." he suggested. "They're cheap as fuck, and like this house, they're fixer-uppers."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri was taken aback by Hank's sudden hostility. Gods, it was just a bath! What the Hell was his problem? Still, she chose not to comment on that. Instead, she focused on the idea of cheap housing for her minions. "Right. So who do I have to see about that and how much is it gonna cost me, roughly?" She inquired. Once she got the details, she excused herself and gathered the goblin trio as she set out to leave the mansion. "Alright, so here's the deal. You lot can't live here, but there are apparently places in Northern Acheron that we can buy for ourselves. I've got enough cash to cover this, but the place is going to be a dump. We'll look for something serviceable, but chances are your new home will require some extensive repairs before it starts to look good. You ok with that?"
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri buys a shitty house!
RJ: "One of the city offices'll do. I dunno the pricing, I ain't into the market, but if I had to guess, you could probably get a sweet place like mine fer 40 denarii." Hank chuckled. "But if ya just want to stash the gobbos somewhere, some kinda boarding house'll do. Probably fifteen or twenty if it's a piece of shit. Twenty-five if it's in pretty good condition, like if ya wanna live there."

gravetan: "Hm." Iri paused, thinking. "Not sure if I'm gonna live there, but it'd be nice to have a second house, I suppose." She stated. "Anyway, thanks for the info. I'm gonna go out now, see if I can find something and take care of other business. Got a lot of things to do." The girl stepped back, leaving Hank to his own business while she gathered her three minions and explained the situation to them while moving to leave the mansion. "So yeah, you can't live here. But I can set you up with a place to live, provided we find it ourselves. It's likely going to be a bit of a dump, but there's a chance it'll be livable at least. Think you can handle dealing with basic repairs and the like if necessary?"

RJ: "A-a house!?" the goblins were astonished. "A roof, to block the rain and sun!" they started a chaotic little dance. "Y-yes! We will fix it! Make it fit, for the mistress! N-need materials!"

gravetan: "Right, right." Iri deadpanned, letting them get the enthusiasm out of their system for a while before bringing them back to attention by raising her voice for a second. "First, we need to find one. There are abandoned buildings in Northern Acheron. We'll start with looking for one that can house a larger group of people, just to make sure we've got everything we need for the future. A boarding house or thereabouts will do. We'll see what needs to be done with it later. Now follow me!" She commanded, leading the group towards the aforementioned part of town. Looks like she'd have to pay the crazy scientist a visit later, once she was done with everything else. Hopefully it wouldn't take too long.

RJ: Looking around with her goblin posse following her, the conclusions a few spectators drew was that Iri was a mistress to three goblins and she was carrying their young. Everyone else just seemed to not give a single damn about it. Meanwhile, Iri might feel like a character in a fairy tale, as she'd come across three suitable boarding houses. One was in rather mint condition all things considered. Cracks and broken windows sure, but it was whole and intact with no signs of mold. It looked like it needed light repairs. Another was similar to the first, but it had a huge gaping hole in it, as if someone bombed it. The third was a mess. All the doors were missing, along with the doorframes, as if a hulking beast smashed through the entire house. It looked like it was a miracle it was still standing. Iri would have to choose one for the City Office to price.

gravetan: Iri mentally gave up on the third one almost instantly. It'd be cheap for sure, but the cost of materials and amount of time necessary to fix that shit would jack the actual price of it really high. The second one was more agreeable. The massive hole would take time and money to fix, but at least the rest of the building appeared serviceable. Plus, it'd give the goblins something to do... Whether they could pull off such complex repairs, especially without supervision, was the question. The first one was more or less as good as she could hope to get. In the end, it came down to how much time and money she'd like to devote on fixing the thing. After some thought, she decided to go with the first one and set out to find the Office to negotiate a purchase.

RJ: They told her 25 flat out for the first one.

gravetan: Sighing, Iri decided to just pay the price and get the deed. As soon as transaction was done, she ordered her underlings to go and fetch whatever stuff they've left behind at their camp, assuming they've had something of use left there, and bring it in. "You boys get yourselves settled in, I'll check up on you later. Got a few things to take care of in the meantime."

RJ: (Iri lost 25 denarii, and gained ye olde boarding house)

RJ: The goblins settled in, nodding at Iri. "We had no possessions, mistress! We will stay here until you return to us!"

gravetan: "Right then, take a look around and take stock of what we'll need to fix this place up completely." She nodded at the goblins. "I'll be back in a few hours, hopefully." With that out of the way, she decided she might as well get the whole debt cleared. Which meant going to Drada's place next, much to Iri's bemusement. Still, it was probably better to deal with that sooner rather than later, before she got herself into another mess.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri meets some demons that try to steal her loan money to pay off a demon that she owes because she stole a slave from demons.
RJ: Approaching Drada's holdout, the guards all chuckled at her return. "The desert shadow princess has returned." one commented. They opened the gates right away. "Nice belly baby, am I the dad?" another demon inquired, one she didn't recognize. One she did recognize from the hallway was lugging equipment around. "You here to see Drada?" he inquired with a grin. "I'll have to ask you to come with me." he declared.

gravetan: Iri ignored the comments from the guards, though internally she was seething a fair bit as she entered the compound. Still, the question she got from that demon she didn't recognize made her wonder just how many of them raped her while she was out cold from the poison they shot her with. Her mood soured a bit more as she came across one she recognized, especially with how he immediately demanded she follow him. "If you don't mind me asking, where and why?" The girl inquired, stopping. "I'd rather not go anywhere without an explanation. Seems to be a good policy around these parts."

RJ: "Well, you're armed. Can't have another incident like before, right? I mean, we're the victims here of your attempted invasion. Do you honestly think we're going to trust you?" he inquired. "You don't HAVE to see Drada, you know... Exit's right behind you." he declared, grinning wide, knowingly.

gravetan: Iri sighed. She had to admit, he had a point. "Alright, alright..." Without further word, she took off her armaments and passed them to the demon. "Let's get this over with. Lead the way, just make it quick."

RJ: He nodded, taking her weapons, and leading her inside. He went through the slightly maze-like interior of their head quarters, and Iri would find that half a dozen other demons accompanied him, all keeping hands on their weapons while keeping an extra eye on Iri. Taking one turn though, Iri would realize they weren't heading to Drada's room. "We'll let Drada know you're here. Until then, relax in the waiting room." he said, pointing her into a room with a single table and two chairs.

gravetan: Iri frowned at the company of demons around her. Seriously, wasn't this a bit much? It's not like she killed anybody or even put up that much resistance once it came to fighting! Perhaps more worrying was the fact that they were not leading her to Drada's office. Her worries were assuaged a bit as they pointed her to a relatively normal room. Even if it looked a bit less like a waiting room and more like an interrogation room to her. "Fine, fine." She said, probing a little at first to check it if was sealed magically before entering.

RJ: There were lights, but no magical sealing. There was even a light under the table, blocking many shadows in the room.

gravetan: Figuring the room was fine enough, Iri entered the room to wait for Drada. Rather than sit down, however, she opted to stand for a while. She always thought better when pacing and she could probably use the wait to mull over some of the stuff the demoness told her last time once more.

RJ: The demons all entered the room, with the one Iri knew all too personally standing outside. "I'll go ahead and inform Drada, you boys watch after the desert princess here." he said, while all of them had an all too wide smile. He closed the door, and Iri could hear it get locked with a metallic clink. In an instant, the demons were upon her, hands all over her body, caressing her and groping her breasts, belly, ass, and one hand smoothing down to rub over her clothed crotch. "We're going to have to search you for hidden weapons, hope you're okay with that~" the demons cooed.

gravetan: Iri tried to get away from the demons around her, letting out a growl as they began to grope and fondle her body. Assholes planned this! Maybe she should have tried sneaking through a window instead... Bah. For now, it was a matter of finding a way out of this mess relatively intact. "This better be nothing more than just a search, bastard." She responded through her teeth, setting her feet. "This time I'm not an intruder sneaking in. And even if I get in trouble for self-defense, you'll still be the one who gets his ass beaten."

RJ: "Yeah, yeah," the demons all laughed and rolled their eyes. "Oh, I think I found something, can't be sure though~" the demon fondling her crotch cooed. With that, the demons were bending her over and removing her clothes, all their hands holding her upper half to the table as her enlarged breasts squished against the cold wood. They threw her clothes to the floor, and one demon was holding onto her sack of denarii, even taking a moment to search it. His eyes went wide. "Oooh! She's loaded, boys!" he declared. "Probably could afford some really good hidden weaponry with that kind of money, maybe some poisons?" one demon inquired. "How are we gonna do this cavity search? Her pussy and asshole look pretty deep~" they chuckled, and then adjusted themselves, producing large dicks varying in size around ten inches in length, and an intimidating thickness of two inch diameter. "I've got just the thing~" he said, before Iri felt a large cock press up against her pussy from behind, all while the demon holding her
money grinned, and put her sack of denarii on his belt.

gravetan: "MOTHERFUCKER!" Iri yelled, losing her cool. Those bastards were stealing from her again! "Leave my money alone, you bastard!" She shouted, struggling. She didn't go through the trouble of gathering all that cash only to have some half-wit guard take it all away from her. Should she risk fighting them? She could maybe take them out, but it'd be risky as Hell. If they managed to shoot and paralyze her again before she took them out, she'd likely lose. Feeling the cock pressing against her pussy, she realized she'd have to act fast. "Alright! You want to fuck me, fine! But if, and only if you leave my money alone. You try taking any of it, and this WILL get ugly." She declared. "So, you going to not act like a shitty thief, or want to find out what happens when a shadow in your gut gets used as a weapon?"

gravetan: (Side note, Iri will attempt to resist pleasure if they try to fuck her without letting her keep her money.)

gravetan: (She might end up fighting this time.)

RJ: The demons all made a mocking "Ooooh!" when she threatened them, before the demon behind her violently thrusted into her pussy. "You think we'd let a nice piece of ass like you go?" the one behind her whispered into her ear while Iri felt his cock reach all the way in and kiss her cervix. Another demon got up onto the table, sitting in front of her and roughly grabbing her face, shoving his cock into her mouth and using his hands to bring her head up and down to bob up and down along his thick length. Which, when deep enough, choked her and deprived her of air. "Go ahead, bitch! Bite, use your magic, fight back!" he shouted, as another demon came and slapped her ass hard. "You'll be dead in an instant, you won't escape this city alive!" he declared. "You really want that money? It's a lot of money, you know. We could easily just make that denarii just disappear, and you'll be trapped here forever." he declared.

RJ: "You want it back? Well, we would like our little cute doggie girl back too. Remember her!?" the demon holding her money exclaimed, before he came up and delivered another smack to her ass. "You let a criminal free, and Drada and Qui are letting you walk the streets. I've been wanting to empty my ballsack into her for a while now, and it's your fault that I can't! Now you want to parade about here like it's your fucking privilege!" he exclaimed further. "Only reason you're free is because they think you'll be useful to them, but I know how a bitch like you works. You're just gonna fly away, because that's what's convenient for you!" he declared while the man behind her continued to pound himself into her cunt. "Lemme tell you how this is gonna go. You're gonna be a good girl, and tell us where you live. Then, whenever we're on a lonely night, we'll come by and pay you a visit. Relieve some stress. Agree, and I'll give Drada the money myself. Refuse? You ain't gettin' it back."

gravetan: Iri cried out as she felt the demon slam his dick into her pussy, then choked in the next moment as another cock was shoved into her mouth. As much as she hated to admit it, she was at a disadvantage here. If she had the element of suprise and time to prepare, she could maybe take them out, but here and now she was at their mercy. Still, the situation was not entirely unsalvageable. As long as she managed to pay Drada off, she could get rid of that sword hanging above her head. And those punks didn't know she had two, even three places to live in. She'd give them Hank's address, then stick to staying at Manni's place or with the goblins. They were obviously going to come for her someday, if only to get her back for her trickery, but as long as she got to fight them in her element, she could probably crush them if she prepared herself. Giving in for now, Iri nodded her head as much as she could to let them know she agreed to their terms. Hell, it was their fault for underestimating her here. In the end, revenge would be hers.

RJ: The men would grin as Iri showed her submission, before the gangbang would truly begin. Iri would be adjusted up onto the table, one man below thrusting up into her pussy, one man behind pulling on her nipples and dropping his hips onto her ass to jackhammer his engorged cock into her rectum, while the demon with the money stood at the end, petting Iri's head while putting her lips to his balls, ordering her to suck and lick his apple sized ballsack. That was about when Iri felt her switch flipped. Her motions became eager, and her body moved on its own to take the huge dicks into her holes, even stroking two more cocks on the side as her instincts demanded they release their foul seed. Everyone in the room was being pleasured by Iri, all while the demons chuckled. "She's awkward, but we can teach her how to fuck right." the one grinding her pussy said. "Never thought I'd get to say that I fucked a pregnant woman in the ass~" the one in her ass laughed.

RJ: Eventually, the demons would cum, her ass and pussy was filled with their seed, soon erupting and overflowing with their cum. Meanwhile, the two demons on the side released thick strings of cum, coating her back and hair with their seed as the rude demon in front of her moaned, thrusting his cock into her throat so deep that her throat bulged from his size, and she could feel his hot, corrupted seed being emptied into her stomach. After their release, Iri had cum several times... But her switch still was ON. Even as the door slammed open to behold a familiar tall figure. "You're not at your posts." announced Qui, his overbearing muscular form standing before the men who were raping Iri. "O-oh, sorry sir, we were just dealing with this girl who threatened us, and-" he was cut off as Qui reached forward, grabbing the pouch at his side while his cock dripped with cum and Iri's saliva. "Feels like exactly two-hundred and fifty denarii. I don't pay you this much." he said.

RJ: The man tried to speak, but it seemed Qui was not of short wit. He lifted his finger, the man was silenced, before a single blue beam shot through his skull, dropping the man dead on the ground. As he fell down, the sack of denarii was still clutched in Qui's hand, and stayed in it even as he fell. Qui poured the denarii out, before the coins seemed to levitate in midair. Leaving behind some coins in the bag, he threw it by Iri. "Payment's been recieved. As an apology for our more unsightly soldiers attempting to rob you... You may satisfy that carnal desire of yours on them." he said, before turning and leaving the room with the two-hundred denarii. The door was locked again, while the remaining soldiers were confused. Still hungry, still horny beyond her mind, Iri would be pouncing on the next soldier, impaling herself on his cock and riding him. As would she on the others, to the point where she was apparently making sex painful for them. The demons would try for the door as hours upon hours of sex went on.

RJ: They screamed to be let out, demanding mercy from Qui, before becoming victim to Iri's overwhelming lust. They all tried to outfuck the girl, but perhaps to the sane Iri's surprise, her lust was even more endless than a demon's... Iri had lost consciousness. She didn't know when. When she opened her eyes, she was in the cell. She was utterly soaked in cum, and the male demons around her looked so drained that they appeared just as much like corpses as did the corpse of the man who tried to rob her. The door slowly creaked, opening slowly, as if it was unlocked some time ago.

gravetan: (Jesus. How much corruption was it?)

RJ: (Iri gains 246 Corruption, or enough to reach 600)

RJ: (Iri becomes warped)

gravetan: (Bound to happen. Which mutation does she recieve?)

gravetan: (Because Warped happens as an extra, I believe.)

RJ: (Either Exhibitionist - gain +1 non-damage non-resistance bonus to rolls when nude, or Slick, dice are at a -6 in maintaining penetration, but Iri deals +4 PP damage)

RJ: (Exhibitionist will also eventually drive Iri into sex mode if people stare at her for too long while nude.)

gravetan: (+1 really ain't much help with a d20... On the other hand, exhibitionist is more fun.)

RJ: (It is a 5% odds buff)

RJ: (and applies to everything except damage and resistance, so it's kind of like how the Bard is good. Gives a few +'s that cover the whole board)

RJ: (dnd bard)

gravetan: (And sneaking around, she's actually relying on not being seen.)

gravetan: (Hmm.)

gravetan: (Gonna take exhibitionist.)

gravetan: (Also, almost feeling sorry for those bastards.)

RJ: Iri feels different as she awakens. She feels as if whatever happened to her, her powers, her mutations, were slowly becoming less of a separate, cancerous growth, and more apart of her. As if it was melding with her. Naked, covered and filled with cum, and her body bare to the world, Iri felt an overwhelming and uplifting sense of morale. Her heart beat to the tune of freedom, and the smell of sex made her head swirl with a nice feeling. She could feel her normal, sane self becoming one with the beast within. All the while, outside her cell, Iri could see many lights were out, and a shadowy figure of a female silhouette stood in the hallway, awaiting her.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

The quest to finally birth that baby
gravetan: Pulled onto the table and stuffed with cocks in both holes, Iri would be pounded without mercy by the demons holding onto her, soon driving her wild. By the time the one that was holding her money commanded her to suck him off, she was already turning into a lustful beast, eagerly using her hips, mouth and even hands to pleasure the gangbangers and coax their seed out. She felt herself cumming several times from this, what little of her sanity left to be displeased covered up by her mad arousal. Even with how the dick in her throat sometimes prevented her from breathing as it pushed deeper, she kept going without pause, ignoring what the demons were saying, focused entirely on getting them off, which she eventually did.
gravetan: Iri moaned, or at least tried to moan around the cock stuffed in her throat as she felt the demons pour their cum inside of her. Her head and back were plastered with seed too, leaving her quite thoroughly soiled. But somehow, it wasn't enough for her. Just like that one time with Hank, she could feel she wasn't done. Even Qui's entrance did little more than made her pause for a moment, suprised at his presence. His cold execution of a thieving subordinate would have normally scared her, but she was far too addled to respond normally. Especially when he essentially gave her go-ahead to rape her rapists, locking them in with her. It took them a while to realize their situation, but she wasted no time in educating them. Soon only screams and moans were coming from the locked room.
gravetan: Before long, they were scrambling to stay away from her as she fucked them beyond the point of exhaustion, forcing herself upon them to satisfy her desire. The parts of Iri's mind that weren't clouded soon grew terrified at her own actions, the way she somehow managed to reduce no less than five demons to shriveled husks. She actually ended up blacking out somewhere in the middle of this, waking up to the aftermath of what she had done. The males looked no better than the corpse of that guy that had the misfortune of trying to rob her and lie to Qui about it. She, on the other hand, seemed physically fine, somehow. Granted, she had cum oozing from her mouth, pussy and ass, and was absolutely covered head to toe with the stuff, but somehow she was fine.
gravetan: Rather worryingly, however, Iri could feel herself change now. Her powers and quirks were changing. Previously, they felt like something she could distance herself from, something that was simply added onto her. Now they were merging with her body and soul, changing her into something else. She could feel it clearly now. Her first impulse was terror as she realized that the part of her that nearly killed several men with sex was growing stronger, but the feeling was blunted. That strange euphoria was making it harder to see it as something bad, making her desire more instead. Still, she wasn't completely gone. Swallowing those feelings, Iri stood up and tried to clean herself up as best as she could before putting her clothes back on. As strangely liberating as feeling naked was, her reason was quite insistent it was best to cover up for now.
gravetan: Once she was done, Iri left the room, noting that the door was apparently open now. Oddly enough, many of the lights were out for some reason. Did they decide they've no longer needed such security measure? Well, no matter. She could see in the dark just as easily as during the day. There was also someone waiting outside for her. Probably the other demonic sibling, coming to check up on the mess she had made this time. Sighing, the anudorian approached the figure. "Hey, Drada? Is that you?" She called out, feeling mentally exhausted. God, this day turned horrible so fast. She was starting to really hate this place.
RJ: The female figure giggled, her voice familiar, but it wasn't Drada's voice. "Little lamb, to think you'd forget me already~" she cooed. "I said I'd be watching, and my, how you've grown in such a short timespan~" she giggled. "How do you like it? That feeling of pleasure, and power? It's infantile in its current state, which means there's always room to grow. How about it, girl? Does this power scare you? Or do you want more?" she inquired.
gravetan: Iri's eyes widened, the girl sprinting forward towards the figure. "YOU!" She screamed, trying to catch her. That bitch had some serious balls to come here like this! Was she here because of the change? "Who the Hell are you? Why the Hell did you do that to me?" The questions came without much thought. Right now she wasn't answering any of the figure's own queries, more focused on uncovering the mystery that's been plaguing her.
RJ: Chasing after the figure, Iri found something familar. The being seemed to have all of Iri's powers, as she vanished like the wind into the darkness. "Because you were bored. Let's be honest~" she giggled. "You were the one who touched the stone. I forced nothing upon you, so stop acting like a victim. You could have ignored that power, hidden it away. But it unlocked more than just the shadows, didn't it, dear?" the shadowy figure appeared behind her. Despite being in the sole light source, Iri saw the light source vanish, consumed by darkness. "That part... Is nothing but you, who you really are. I was going to offer my help to come to terms with your wild side, but you don't seem to want my help anymore, so..."
RJ: The figure drifted back, as if threatening to abandon Iri.
gravetan: In retrospect, Iri should have seen it coming. Of course the figure had the same kind of abilities as she did. She was the source, after all. Still, she had no reason to dump all blame on the anudorian. How could the girl have known, after all? And was boredom supposed to be a good reason to completely flip someone's life like that? Looking around, she tried to locate the figure again, noticing she was backing away. "Wait!" She called out, reaching to her. She was straining her eyes to see her clearly now, hoping to pick out her appearance. With the mutations she had, she could easily see through the dark, though if the woman was using her powers she'd remain obscured. "Just wait! Just..." Iri stopped, clenching her fist. "Just why? Why set any of that up at all? What do you want from me?"
RJ: "Like you, I too, was bored." she chuckled. "Was it so wrong that I took to a kindred spirit, and gave her lots of amazing powers that she had hidden deep inside of her mortal soul?" she inquired. "And yet I get no thanks whatsoever. I turn you into a super human and you act like I tore your limbs off." she let out a hmph. "You'd be someone's bitch in that shabby little desert tribe if it wasn't for me. Did you know a band of invaders soon swept upon that town after your departure? By all technicality, I saved your very soul by resting that little stone there for you to touch, preventing it from being eaten by the pale ones. I might as well call a spade a spade, and declare myself your guardian angel."
gravetan: Iri stopped entirely, her eyes growing wide as she picked up on the important detail. "My home... Destroyed?" She asked, all fight temporarily gone from her as she realized what that meant. "No..." She whispered, images of her friends and family appearing in her mind as she choked back a sob. "No. Not that, anything but that..." The girl fell to her knees, hugging herself. Her home, one which she had to leave. One she had hoped, against all odds, to return to one day. Now gone for good. "Everybody... Why..." She cried, tears flowing down her face. "Y-you're lying. You've got to be..."
RJ: "It happens, little lamb. They were taken by the pale ones. It might have been due to my presence however, that some winged folk showed up as well. If you're lucky, then the angels at the very least freed your family's souls. Meanwhile, I escaped from their sight, thanks to you."
gravetan: Iri just stayed like this for a while, sobbing. Maybe... Maybe the angels saved them. But even if so, what then? It wasn't even certain. Faced with the fact that she lost her home completely, the girl realized that suddenly she could no longer feel the same kind of drive to seek out the truth from the woman before her as before. Because in the end, what she wanted most was a chance to go back home. And now that she lost it, what point was there in pursuing the woman? Especially when she apparently had no good reason for giving her powers whatsoever? Such cruel irony - she achieved her stated goal, only to learn the genuine one was forever beyond reach now. "Why did you tell me this?" She finally asked once she stopped crying.
RJ: "Because I want to see if you are going to crumble up and die knowing that your family was attacked, or if you're going to find purchase in the fact that you're still alive, and unlike your family, you aren't helpless against the invaders." she stated. "If it bothers you so much, then accept this power. Grow now, and then travel west. Return to your home, and see how it fares. If it's truly the worst case scenario, then you might still be able to free your tribes souls. Just keep in mind who you're dealing with. Best you don't go alone."
RJ: A slight clink on stone was heard. A few feet in front of her on the ground, a black stone lie. "Another of my stones. Accept it into your soul, and it will grant you perhaps just enough power to fight them, with aid of course. You don't have to do this, remember... You could refuse me, and go live your life as that brute's concubine." she directed towards Hank.
gravetan: Iri stared at the black stone in front of her, mulling over those words. Just... What the Hell was with those demons? She couldn't understand them at all. More importantly, should she take it? With her family gone, what reason did she have to come back? But on the other hand... What else did she have to do? Why should she just let those goddamn aliens walk all over her home as if they owned it, taking whatever they felt like? No, this was not acceptable. She would not stand for that, not at all. Slowly, she reached out and picked up the black orb, taking it in her hand.
RJ: Touching the stone, Iri felt a familiar sensation. A power, a new power, washed over her. On one hand, it felt like an empty, damaged power, on the other, it felt like a kind of power no human should have. Iri felt her connection to her inner self deepen. She started to feel like she could somewhat loosely control it.... Then, all the lights came back, the darkness faded, and she heard the demon's voice in her head. "Use this power against them. Turn your enemies against themselves, Iri. I'm sure you're familiar with this amazing power... Having been victim to it." she declared.
RJ: (Iri gained Natural Succubus (Enthrall). She may now gain control over people she makes orgasm and make them ally with her.)
gravetan: (She already has Natural Succubus, though.)
RJ: (Superior Succubus then)
gravetan: (Also, that's a succubus power. Natural and Superior Succubus grant Talents.)
gravetan: (Wait.)
RJ: (Enthrall is talent)
gravetan: (Right.)
gravetan: (How do resistance checks for this work? What's being rolled?)
RJ: (Just resistance)
gravetan: (So, Iri rolls her resistance vs enemy resistance?)
RJ: (Roll 1d20 resistance against them, gaining +4 every time you make them cum)
RJ: Now standing in the light, the place looking at normal as it did before, Iri heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and various demons looking at her oddly. "I'm told there is a crazy girl talking to herself down here." Drada announced. "Iri, what a pleasant surprise. You were rather quick to supply me with your apology. Then my untrained forces went and forced me to be the apologetic one." she claimed. "I'd make such excuses like, they were new, but that doesn't matter, does it? I deeply apologize, Iri." Drada made a polite bow. "I try to keep things on a professional level here, but you know how demons are sometimes." she chuckled, all while being a demon herself. "As an apology, since after lots of... Scolding, I was informed that the child in your belly is likely ours. I will offer you the funds to raise the child proper. I will send an appropriate amount of Denarii every month until the child is mature, as my apology."
gravetan: Iri shook her head, trying to make heads or tails of what she had just experienced. On one hand, the feeling of power, of something forbidden coming into her possession was undeniable. On the other hand, it felt so... Empty. Broken. Still, it felt like she could have some measure of control over her messed-up desires if she put effort into containing them, perhaps. More importantly, it felt like she could now do what the horseman had done to her earlier to others. She wasn't sure what to think of it, though.
gravetan: Just as she began to look around, however, Iri was found by a whole bunch of demons, led by Drada, most of whom were eyeing her warily. The reason for that soon became obvious - apparently she had been seeing and hearing things no other person could notice. Much as she wanted to protest the bit about being crazy, the girl decided it was probably best not to mention the incident. The new power she had assured her it was real enough... But she had so many questions now. What exactly happened? How? Shaking her head, the anudorian decided to focus on here and now. "Um. Well, let's not dwell on any of that, ok?" She offered, not entirely sure what to say about the whole rape thing. "And, uh, there's a possibility the child might not be yours. I'm not completely sure about it, but it might be possible." She scratched her head sheepishly.
gravetan: "Also... Sorry about some of the things I've said last time." She sighed. "In retrospect, that anger was probably misaimed." And now she had a much better target for it, Iri added to herself. Though the knowledge she gained changed her plans a whole lot. "Thanks for the offer, and for the help earlier. It's kinda overdue, but, well." The girl shrugged. "Maybe we should just forget about all that? Anyway, I probably should take up too much of your time here. It's been a... Suprisingly hectic day and I've got a couple things I'd like to check up on, assuming it's not night again... Kinda lost track of time back in that room for a while."
RJ: "It's night." Qui replied. Drada nodded. "Something on your mind? You look like something's under your skin... Other than the baby." she joked.
gravetan: Iri looked at Qui, then at Drada. "You've got no bloody idea." She eventually replied, looking grim. For a moment, she wondered how much she ought to tell the two. "I'll have to leave Acheron sooner or later. I... Got some news today about what happened back at home." She began. "My tribe was attacked some time after I left. I'm going to need more power and allies, but I am not going to let that slide. Looking for whoever gave me my powers is no longer a priority." She chose not to mention the weird vision from earlier. Best not to make them think she went completely insane.
RJ: "The invaders... I fought with them before, but only a small patrol, not the worst that they have to offer." Drada offered. Qui looked at Iri. "If your tribe was small, there's a chance that they weren't even taken for processing. If they were attacked by Hunters, they kill the men and use the women as breeding sows. Your men might be dead, but there is an excellent chance the women are alive and intact."
gravetan: "We weren't particularly big. Most of the large tribes are with the resistance, in the fortresses." Iri nodded. "Well, whatever happened... One way or another I'll have to go and beat those bastards back. Can't do it alone, though." She sighed. "Hard to say what they'll bring to bear, too. Bastards." The girl practically spat the word out. "Not sure how long I'll stay in Acheron. Definitely going to try and gather some allies and deal with this pregnancy, but I don't plan to remain longer than necessary."
RJ: "Perhaps you'd like to hire our services?" Drada inquired. "Since you denounced us of liability for the baby, I still feel an apology is due. We rescue your people if they're alive, and then we're truly square." she offered.
gravetan: Iri paused, looking at the two demons. "Seriously?" She asked, suprised. "Well. It'd be great to have someone as strong as you to watch my back, yeah." She admitted. "Doesn't quite feel right if I just leave it to you completely, though. That was my home, after all. I should go and take care of this too. Plus, that's a pretty big favor. I don't think a service like this is something that comes cheap."
RJ: Drada laughed. "Hahaha, I'm not going to do it!" she declared.
RJ: "Qui, she's mad at you. So, good luck." Drada declared. Qui sighed. "Yeah."
RJ: (Qui has joined the party! *fanfare*)
gravetan: Iri blinked, processing what just happened. Well, Qui was pretty damn strong too. And after today, she was slightly less mad at him than before. Kinda. Truth be told, she was really feeling odd about all this. "Riiight. I should probably go get some rest, sort the other businesses I've got and start preparing... Any idea how many people we might need for this? You mentioned you've got a bit of experience fighting those guys."
RJ: "We will need someone with a good eye and a taste for their blood. Hank destroyed an entire troop of Hunters on his own despite suffering multiple mortal wounds. He would be invaluable, if unstable." Qui noted. "Otherwise, when it comes to the invaders, you cannot overprepare. You can only under prepare, and lose your very soul."
gravetan: "And of course he survived them." Iri noted dryly, recalling how he seemed to react little to his injuries from the battle at the camp. "Well, I'll speak with him about that. Also got a few goblins, but I'm not sure how useful they'll be. There's only three of them and they don't seem very smart or strong." She sighed. "Those Hunters, roughly how strong are they? And what else can they throw at us?"
RJ: "They're adept at stealth, can practically go invisable. There's also the turned, people who were converted by the aliens. If some of your people were converted, they will look like the ones you care about, but they're no longer who you remember them to be. They lost their soul."
gravetan: Iri clenched her fists, taking a deep breath to steady herself. Monsters. Those invaders were monsters. They deserved death for doing this to her people. "I see. So we'll have to keep our eyes open." She noted. "Someone with keen senses will be invaluable." Unfortunately, she wasn't the best at this. Her only advantage was being able to see in the dark. "I should probably go now. I'll give you a call when I'm ready to leave."
RJ: Iri felt the baby kick in her belly, and felt her belly stir. The disturbance was noted by Qui. "You look like you're expecting at any moment. I'd suggest you find someplace to give birth and stay there."
gravetan: "Damn it, already?" Iri frowned. How in the Hell was she able to progress through pregnancy so quickly? "Right. I think I know a decent one. Should be able to reach it on my own." After all, Manni's place wasn't too far away. And near as she knew, the kid was potentially his. She wasn't entirely certain about it, but it was likely. Now it was a matter of getting there and hoping he was around.
RJ: She went to Manni's and knocked on the door. One of the demons answered, and upon seeing her pregnant belly, allowed her right in. Iri came upon a sight of debauchery. A bright pink woman with elven ears was on the floor, a night elf. She was on all fours, her arms and legs shaking as she held herself above a strange metal strip that was vibrating with electricity. Manni was on top of her, putting almost all of his weight on her while she struggled to support him and keep herself up. From the back Iri stood, and she saw his long, massive cock rapidly vanishing in and out of the night elf's pussy. "Please... I'm sorry...!" she cried, sobbing and losing her nerve and her strength quickly. "What's wrong? You're doing good~ Don't you want to earn what you tried to steal?" he inquired, picking his legs up as if to ride her like a horse while shifting his hips to pound his huge cock into her. "You... You fat fuck...!" she cried out, her body getting dangerously low to the electric strip. Then, Iri saw her pussy squirt out, she obviously came, and soon collapsed onto the strip, going silent as her entire body went into spasms as the electricity went through her. And Manni too, who seemed to care little for it.
RJ: Manni stood up, withdrawing his cock from her pussy as she continued to be electrified, urine shot out from her pussy, coating the floor as her eyes rolled back into her head. "Worthless bitch. Didn't even last." he spat. "You'll be my toy, until you earn your freedom, little thief." he said, waving his hand as the electricity vanished, and the girl twitched on the floor. He turned to Iri, before giving a smile and coming over to kiss her and pet her belly. "Oh, my love! You return to me! Forgive this ugly sight. Dispose of her." he said to the maids, who took the girl's body away. "Your beautiful eyes shouldn't be tainted by such a wretched soul. What have you come to me for? Tell me, as I prepare you food and drink~" he said, humming a song as he went into the kitchen.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Finally birthed that baby
gravetan: Walking into Manni's house, Iri was unprepared for the sight before her. The man was currently plowing a night elf that was desperately trying to keep her body above an electrified piece of metal, the woman pushed down by his bulk. From the looks of it, he was raping a thief that tried to steal from him and using his expertise in torture to punish her. Her strenght was fading fast and soon she came, collapsing onto the metal strip and going unconscious as she was shocked. Manni himself seemed to ignore the electricity, though, as if it didn't affect him. He even seemed to have power over it too. Now done with the woman after cumming inside of her, he turned his attention to the anudorian, welcoming the girl quite warmly. "Ah, well. I was taking care of some business I've had with Drada, dealing with a small debt after pissing her off with that latest debacle mostly. We're good now, though. Anyway, after I was done with that I've realized I'm quite close to giving birth now and need a place to stay. Seeing as it's most likely yours and your home was closest, I've decided to go here."

RJ: "Most likely mine? My, you wound me! But then you cheer me right back up again because it is me who you came to and no other!" He cocked his head and grinned at her as if she were sly. "You yourself, Iri, are your own mistress of torture in a way. So few can cause such pain and pleasure at the same time, and so deep, where tools of torture cannot reach~" he spouted it as if torture was romantic. He kissed her on the cheek before moving into the kitchen. If Iri waited, he'd return with food and drink, soon to sit down and engage in idle chat with her. The baby was coming soon, but she wasn't in labor yet. So, Iri could speak to Manni before the big event happened.

gravetan: "Yeah, let's... Let's just say the infiltration didn't go as planned." Iri sighed, sitting down and partaking a little of the refreshments Manni provided. "Best not to dwell on that. It's all patched up anyway and I can move on... Speaking of which, I'll need to leave Acheron for a good while soon. I've recieved word from home that my tribe was struck by the invaders." Her face became somber at that. "I intend to gather a group and return the favor. Save whomever I can. After that... Hell, I'm not sure. If there's nothing left for me there..." She paused, sighing heavily. "I'll probably return here. Maybe bring whomever survived with me, if there will be any survivors. I've already got one good fighter to call on and know a second one, but I'll need supplies for the road and the fight ahead. Medicine, equipment, stuff like that. You know any good places I could buy them from?"

RJ: Manni reached across, and put his hands on Iri's. "My sweet, beautiful Dark Love... Why ask such a question? You should know that I will ride to your aid! The maids will take care of the baby, I will there personally to ensure your most comfortable travel, while I pamper you with the finest preserved foods~" he cooed, then frowned. "Your friends will not fit. They will walk, and bring their own food." he stated flatly. Having no love for the other men in Iri's life apparently.

RJ: *I will be there personally

gravetan: "Thank you for the offer, but... Are you certain?" Iri frowned. "This will be very dangerous. The desert is a harsh land and our enemy is monstrous. We'll be marching into a war just to save a few people. Or put them to rest." The girl explained. "We'll have to sneak around and battle and there's not guarantee it'll go well. Are you really sure you can do well out there? This isn't going to be a pleasure cruise. It's a mission of vengeance, and maybe a rescue."

RJ: Manni clapped his hands together in the middle of her speech so loud that her ears rung. "IRI! Let me be clear! You are questioning my love for you! No, you are DOUBTING it!" he said, before moving quickly through the house, fetching an odd rod with a red tip. He handed it to Iri, handle first, and with the red tip pointed towards himself. "This is the most painful and excruciating tool of torture I own. It's a device that causes so much pain that one minor mistake, one minor movement on the holder's part, and the victim will die. People I use this on often CEASE to function!" he said. "Take it, and put it to my ear, angled straight to my brain, and press, gently. Or hard, if you prefer, to test the limits of my mortality." he demanded. "Test my resolve, Iri. I WILL NOT BUDGE!"

gravetan: Iri stared at the rod in horror, recoiling as Manni described it. Did he seriously ask her to use a goddamn torture tool on him just to make a point? She hesitated on what to do. Should she really try to use it? Even if he could withstand a lot of pain, what about his ability to fight? On the other hand, his resolve seemed genuine. If he truly could help, it'd be rude to just throw his offer away, not to mention stupid. Slowly, the girl stood up and carefully following Manni's instructions gently pressed it against his head as he described, ready to pull back at a moment's notice.

RJ: And Iri would. The moment she touched his ear with the rod, Manni's face tightened up in a way Iri expected no human being's face ever would. Even if Manni seemed durable, and full of resolve, she could see it in his eyes. He wasn't looking around, he wasn't thinking. Iri inflicted so much pain onto him that Manni that his whole body began to shake as every nerve in his body seemed to go off at once in alarm, informing his very sense of survival that he was going to die if he did not move. His face immediately went blood red, as if his fat head was going to pop like a balloon. Blood ran down his ear, down his nostrils, and his mouth. After she removed it. Ten seconds passed, before his eyes whipped in her direction. "You are satisfied with just that?" he said in a very tight voice. Yet he spoke perfectly. "Press the rod against me until you know in your heart that I am in love with you."

RJ: Which basically meant, if Iri refused to believe him, he was telling her to kill him.

gravetan: Iri's expression turned into one of pure alarm and panic as she saw what the effect of the rod was. She quickly removed it, staring at Manni, fearing she had wounded him horribly. And yet, despite the flowing blood, he spoke perfectly clearly, even dared her to continue and go as far as to kill him. "No!" She shouted, dropping the implement onto the table as if it stung. "You've made your point, that's enough! You need to sit down now, no matter how tough you are bleeding like this is not a good thing! We need a towel, some water, a medic!" She fretted, panicking a little. She hadn't quite believed him, deep down, when he was describing the tool. Now that she saw what it did, she was horrified by her own actions.

RJ: Manni grinned. "I'm fine." he said, grabbing her hands and bringing them together, clasping them between his own warm fat hands. Despite what she saw before, he wasn't shaking anymore. "You barely did a thing to me. Only this much blood?" he asked, taking a napkin and cleaning himself. "My dear... This room will be coated with my blood before I die. I know, I tested my human limits long ago." he stated. "I've subjected myself to deadly voltage, burning, nerve damage, you name it. All to find the breaking point, without crossing it." he announced. "What you did..." He embraced her in a warm hug. "It was the most gentle torture I ever experienced, my beautiful angel~" he cooed, petting her hair with his hand.

gravetan: Iri stared at Manni for a while, finding herself at a complete loss for words. He'd subject himself to something like this only because he was curious about how much he could take? That was insane! Still, she could not deny he was probably the most durable person she had ever met in her entire life. Still, that left one question unanswered. "Well, um. I think I understand." She began, wondering how to say it. "Still... Can you fight, too? Or survive outside of city? I understand you won't break or die, but it'll also be a matter of fighting. Especially since our enemies can steal the souls of others."

RJ: "Oh-ho-ho! My girl! I keep telling you I'm an expert on pain and death. I can bring creatures to the brink, and I can make them cross it. Plus, I have a rifle in my room." he said, while patting his belly. "I've never tortured one of the invaders before, it might make for a good experience."

gravetan: "Just don't do it to any members of my tribe if they got turned, please." Iri sighed, relenting. If he was as good a shot as he was a torturer, then there was nothing to worry about. "They've already suffered enough. Granting them peace is the best thing we can do." She stated, shaking her head. "Well. With you, Qui, and Hank, assuming I can convince him to go, that'll be four of us. There's a trio of goblins I could take, but I'm not sure how helpful they'll be. They came by recently after I had an altercation with their tribe and pledged their lives to serve me, so I can't doubt their loyalty at least. We shouldn't take too many people if we're going to sneak around, though, and I'm pretty sure both Hank and Qui and tear their way through most foes quite well."

RJ: Manni nodded. "Hank, eh?" he frowned, holding his belly. "That rugged, awful man. I'm certain he has touched you with his unwashed hands. He wouldn't be able to help himself, the slob." Manni let out a grunt of distaste. "Ah, but you know a true quality lover, don't you? That man has not seduced you over me, yes?" it seemed Manni was a jealous person.

gravetan: "Well. He's certainly... Colorful." And batshit insane, Iri added in the privacy of her mind. "Though someone managed to get him to wash lately, despite his complaining." She sighed. Honestly, he really could stand to do it more often. "And... No. No, he hasn't. He's helped me a fair bit, letting me stay for a couple days after I arrived in Acheron, but I haven't decided to stick with him." There were also those goblins she recruited, they'd probably like to have children with her... Which made her wonder, how quickly goblins bred?

RJ: Manni pat his belly. "Well, a beauty like you... Ugh, who am I? How can I expect to hoard such a desert treasure all to myself? I cannot stand it though, Iri! I can tell, I can feel it! The man has lain with you! Other men have lain with you! I wish I could make them all vanish and have you all to myself, but so ironic, you'd hate me forever!" he despaired. "Well, I suppose it's not all bad. At least when the goblins lay with you, and you in all your humble grace allow it, their ugly gestation only takes one day. Not unlike our beloved copulation~ Indeed, my seed has been greatly changed through my adventures~ We shall have many children together as well, but mine, Iri! Mine with you shall be the greatest! They will look like gods compared to clods if that stinkbag of a man Hank ever does fatten you with child! Hear me!" he raved.

gravetan: Iri just stared at Manni for a while, wondering why the fuck did she keep running into people who were obviously fucking INSANE. Hank was a maniac, the fat merchant/torturer was not right in the head either, and Qui barely emoted. The goblins were merely stupid, at least. And most of other people were dicks. After a moment, she reached out and patted the man on his shoulder. "Well, let's focus on the positives, alright? We've met each other, we're going to have a child, those are good things aren't they?" She ventured, hoping this would snap him out of this. "Some things can be avoided, mistakes are sometimes made, but let's not dwell on all those unpleasant things, hmm?" She'd have to remember to stock up on some contraceptives for the future, though.

RJ: He nodded, smiling. "You are such an angel~" he cooed. "Your heart is true, my dark love. And you're right. Soon, our baby will be born..." He said, looking down, just as both he and her would notice it. Iri's water broke. A panic ensued, Manni called the maids, who helped Iri get to a bedroom that was downstairs. The two demons got to helping Iri along, while Iri herself would note that this was not going as poorly as she might imagined. There was no pain, and no much trouble save for the fact that she had to start pushing. It took a lot of effort, especially considering that the baby seemed to be as fat as Manni as if his obesity was genetic, but eventually, Iri felt a young life leave her body. A dark skinned girl with Manni's droopy ears and Iri's eyes. Even if the ordeal was the most stressless kind of birth Iri ever heard of, it was still exhausting to birth such a big baby, and Iri found herself passing out soon after.

RJ: Iri awoke in the middle of early morning. It was almost still dark out save for a bit of rays of sunshine. She was alone in her bed with her baby, who had been quiet and calm. She was suckling on Iri's breast, which caused Iri to wake up. Like Manni, she was intolerable about her food, always hungry. She never got tired of drinking from Iri. Though once she looked like she gained a whole pound, she fell back asleep. Leaving Iri to do as she will, including name her newborn child.

gravetan: Iri's eyes went wide as she felt her waters break, quickly realizing that she was going to have problems and soon. The birth was about to start and she had little idea what to do. Thankfully, the maids had proven to be a great help and Manni himself seemed to be handling things pretty well. The whole thing was suprisingly painless, too. The ordeal was still tiring, as she had to push the baby out and it appeared to be as fat as the father, but she eventually managed to do it. And fell asleep soon after. She woke up next day, finding her child with her. The little girl was calm, but had an insatiable appetite, and Iri had to spend quite a while feeding her before she finally fell asleep. With that, the young woman decided to get out of bed and see if anybody else was awake.

RJ: Getting out of bed proved almost impossible. Iri had just given birth, and her legs were shot. A maid soon peeked into the room as if it was regulation, and approached her upon seeing Iri awake and wanting to move around. "This must be your first childbirth. You must rest and recover. I will bring you food and drink. Manni is away on business, but wishes to know what you will name the child. Please think of a name, while I go get you breakfast. What would you like for breakfast?" she spoke in a very monotone way, as if doing her duty, and nothing more, having no personal care for Iri whatsoever, but seemingly ready to perform a good job for the sake of her master.

gravetan: Iri was dismayed by her weakness. Damn, was childbirth always so much of a drag? She really wasn't looking forward to getting pregnant again. Seemed like she'd be alone with her child and the maids for now. And the thief, though she was likely locked up somewhere. Sighing, the girl flopped back onto the bed, quickly turning her attention to the servant talking to her. "Thank you. I'd prefer something light, I don't think a heavy meal would do me much good now. As for the name... I'm not sure yet. I'll need a moment to think, but I won't take long."

RJ: "Manni will wait, even though he is eager." she declared. "For someone like you, you would be expected to leave tomorrow. But your child was Manni's so who knows." she said, before giving a bow and leaving and soon coming back with food.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri rides around Acheron
RJ: She placed ze food before Iri, before Iri slowly started to feel some blood flow through her legs. "This food has some rejuvenating properties to it. It should help you recover faster." she said.

gravetan: "Thank you." Iri nodded her head, starting to eat as she felt her legs recover just a little bit. As she enjoyed her breakfast, she mulled over the name of her newborn child. A daughter she had with Manni, who seemed to take after her father a fair bit. Hmm... After a while, she finally managed to settle on one. "I think I will name her Farina." The girl declared, looking at the sleeping kid.

RJ: After eating, Iri soon surprised the maids. She was still weak, in structure, but she was able to walk around. "Farina it is then. Are you certain you should be walking around after giving birth to such a big child? Your frame is frail, you mustn't push yourself."

gravetan: "I've got much to accomplish here. I shouldn't simply lay around and do nothing." Iri replied, though she could see their point. She was still recovering and Acheron wasn't the safest of places even on a good day. Still, she decided to relent and take the time to rest properly. She'd rather be in better condition before she started wandering around and tying up all the loose ends.

RJ: Resting, Manni would eventually return, and learn the name of their baby. "Farina, such a wonderful name! I approve!" he chuckled. "My dear, you look like you're so full of energy and wanting. You shouldn't walk, but how about some fresh air?" he offered. "Do you want to ride around town? I'm sure, what with our objective, you have places you must go. And if it's the family of my beloved, I wish to save them just as much as you!"

gravetan: "Thank you." Iri replied to Manni, grateful for the assistance he was offering her. "First, I'd like to go see Hank. I still need to talk about him in regards to the expedition and get him on board. After that..." She scratched her head, thinking. "I was thinking of tying up a few loose ends. Those goblins that serve me, I ought to check up on them and the house I've bought. Need to let them know what's going to happen. I'd also like to visit a certain alchemist, mostly to check up on her if possible and see if she's willing to offer something useful. I kind of did her a favor and I suppose I ought to tell her not to waste time on a certain thing I've asked her to do."

RJ: Manni nodded, his expression turning rotten and sour when she mentioned Hank. "Fine... Fine... But as much as I love you, I won't go in and see the man! He stinks, and his personality is rotten! Why, we'd end up killing each other when we met were it not for the situation! Hmph!" he grunted. Extra angry that he has a fairly good feeling that Iri was plowed by the man he hated so much. "I will get some blankets and prepare your spot for you and the baby. Or shall we leave the baby in the care of my maids? One of them naturally lactates and can feed her when she is hungry."

gravetan: Iri sighed as she saw Manni react to the thought of Hank. "Fine. I'll go talk with him by myself." She stated. "Just don't pick a fight with him when we're out there, ok? I can understand you perfectly, but my family and friends are at stake here. I'd hate for this to go wrong." She'd probably have to make sure to avoid sleeping with either on this mission, if possible. "And the child... Might be better to leave her here for now. Not the best enviroment for her." The young woman concluded.

RJ: He nodded, before embracing Iri and holding one arm around her to help her walk around as he aided her to his wagon, where a blanket was waiting for her to sit on after Manni helped her climb up to the front, allowing her to place her ass comfortably on the seat while Manni just sat on wood. Iri was also given a straw hat to block the sun out of her face, as Badaria was warm, even if not quite as hot as the desert. The horses let out a neigh, their figures ugly and distorted. It was evident that they were corrupted, and with the newborn horses in Manni's house that Iri heard during the night, it was obvious that he bred the horses with people to serve as replacements should any die. That aside, the horses took them to Hank's mansion. It may have been surprising how well behaved they were, since corrupted creatures tend to just try to fuck everyone in sight. Manni didn't comment on how he kept them under control though.

RJ: "We're here, scumbag mansion." Manni said as he pulled up in front of Hank's home. "Go on, and remember you're still weak after having the child. If he comes onto you, stab him in the heart." he grunted.

gravetan: Iri gratefully accepted the hat, thankful for the protection it offered. Soon they were on the way to the mansion, the girl probably in a better mood than the man. Honestly, despite how helpful he was, his jealousy was rather ugly. She was a grown woman, damn it, she had the right to sleep with whom she wanted! Maybe she'd have to find a way to set him straight on that point. She wasn't entirely sure how to accomplish that, though. She had to admit that his horses were a curiosity, however. Clearly corrupt and likely bred using locals, probably people like the thief. Incredibly well-behaved, too. Likely trained somehow. Still, she didn't have much time to ponder that as soon they were in front of Hank's mansion. "Hopefully it won't come to that." She replied to Manni's suggestion, carefully getting off the wagon and moving towards the building.

RJ: Checking inside, the door was simply open. The goblins didn't pay her much mind, and there were sounds of water upstairs. Checking, Iri found the succubus and lamia scrubbing Hank while it seemed he was drunk out of his mind. "We found a way to get him to bathe every day. Booze." she said, while Hank chuckled. "Heeey, Butter Cup! Gettin' cleaned by hot girls instead of cleanin' yerself is amaaaaazing~" he laughed. "Oh hey, you ain't pregnant no more. What'd ya do with the kid?" he asked, bringing the bottle in his hands up to his lips. His hair was slicked back, and looked a lot more bright, revealing his hair to be light brown instead of dark. He looked much like a middle aged father, and quiet handsome now that he no longer looked like a mass murderer in the woods.

gravetan: Iri blinked as she saw the usually unkept killer looking piss drunk and suprisingly clean as he was bathed by his harem. Now that he looked halfway decent, she had to admit he wasn't so bad. "Huh. Looking better than usual." She remarked, too incredulous to resist. His question quickly brought her back to reality, though. "Ah, well. The kid's in the father's home right now. I'll explain later." She answered. "Anyway, Hank. I've got to talk to something important to you now. Should I wait until you're done or can you listen to me now?" She sighed. "It involves the aliens. I've heard you killed a whole lot of them and I am in need of such a talent now."

RJ: Hank blinked. "Uuuh... Yeah, okay. But I want bouncy bouncy when I kill em all." he said flatly, not too keen on doing something for nothing.

gravetan: "That's all?" Iri asked, blinking. Wow, he was... Suprisingly easy to persuade. Oh well. "Alright, I guess. Anyway, this is important. Our target is my old home, in the desert. I've got word that the invaders assaulted and destroyed it. I want to find any survivors that might still be alive and put those that can't be saved to rest." She stated, still feeling a bit of pain at the thought. "There are two others that will accompany us for certain. One is Qui, since Drada feels she owes me for some of her soldiers treating me like crap. Other is Manni, the guy who got me pregnant." The girl sighed. "He kind of really doesn't like you and is pretty crazy about me. He's also a torture expert and apparently knows his way with a gun. Also, retardedly resilient. Please don't pick a fight with him. I've also got three goblins, but I'm not sure if I should take them with me. They're nothing special." She briefly summed up the situation for him.

RJ: "Kay." Hank replied flatly. It seemed the details really didn't matter to him

gravetan: "..." Iri just stared at the man for a moment. "Alright then. Gonna drop by when everything's ready. I've gotta go take care of a few things for now. See ya." And with that, she left the man to go and finish up her errands, trying not to think of how people around her functioned.

RJ: "See ya, butter cup!" Hank shouted, before Iri was left to be on her way.

gravetan: Iri went to go see how Manni was doing and continue on with her journey. Next stop, goblins.

RJ: Driven to her purchased estate, the goblins were trying to patch it up... With dirt, and mud. It seemed they had no supplies and no money to buy supplies. Upon seeing Iri, they skipped towards her excitedly.

gravetan: "Hey." Iri greeted them, surveying the repair job, if one could call it that, with some bemusement. Well, she probably shouldn't have expected better. "I see you're doing ok so far. Anything happened while I was away? Anyone came by?"

RJ: "No, mistress! We were accused of being squaters, but they left when they found out we were with you!"

gravetan: "At least that's good." Iri nodded, pleased by the situation being resolved peacefully. It appeared that she was recognized as the owner of that place now. "Anyway, I've got some news. I'll be leaving on a journey soon, hopefully a relatively short one. It's going to be dangerous, though." She began, looking at the three greenskin. "Tell me, you guys ever seen the aliens? A bunch of them attacked my hometown and I intend to settle the score with them."

RJ: "Aliens? Never fought whatever that is!" the goblins replied.

gravetan: "... Yeah, figured." Iri sighed. "Right. I think it might be for the best if you sit this one out... Those guys are dangerous. I am bringing a few strong people to assist me, though." She stated. "In the meantime... You guys ever worked a job for money? Think you can manage to earn some around here without getting into trouble with anyone?"

RJ: "W-we serve you! What could we do!?" the goblins asked, looking frightened and confused.

gravetan: "... Look. I'm not mad with you or anything. It's just that I'll be out of town for a bit and need someone to keep an eye on and maintain the house. We also need money for repair materials and tools, but right now I don't have much to spare and need to buy supplies for the road. I was thinking that if you feel like you can manage it without getting in trouble with anyone, maybe you could gather some cash and buy wood and such to patch the building up. It'll work a lot better than dirt. And what's left could be later used for the sake of the tribe once it starts recovering. So I'm asking, do you have any skills you could use to help with that?" Iri explained, a thought suddenly occuring to her. "Wait a tic. You guys hunt, right? Think you can catch live creatures? I think there was a girl in town who sometimes pays for catching live monsters for her and assisting in experiments. Not sure if you'll be able to help with the latter, but the former could still be enough to pay for the stuff we need to repair this place."

RJ: The goblins looked at each other. "We... We could help capture things! Live things is... Not so easy... Live things tend to eat us, Mistress! So we kill them dead! But... W-we can try!"

gravetan: "Just don't tackle something you can't deal with, ok? I don't want you guys to get killed." Iri nodded. "There's a chance she might ask you to bring something besides a creature, too, so you can try that if a chance presents itself. I won't be mad if this doesn't work out." She assured them. "I'll have to go for now. Got a couple more things to take care of, but I'll try to get back to you guys as soon as I can." She told them who could give them those jobs and where to look for her, hopefully the mad scientist would be ok with that. Deeming the job here done, she decided to move onto the next point of her plan. Namely, seeing how Cresent was doing and having a chat with her.

RJ: The goblins began to nod vigorously, before waving Iri goodbye. Returning to Cresent's home, Iri would find her sitting at her dining table having tea with the girl Iri rescued. "Oh, Iri. Welcome. This is Iri, she was the one I asked to save you!" she declared, before the girl with the dog ears and tail looked at Iri and nodded. "Thank you!" she declared with a smile. Cresent, meanwhile, looked to Iri. "Iri, I took a sample of you while you slept. Your blood... It's mixed. Like you have two kinds of blood flowing through you. It's like I took blood from two different people and mixed them together."

gravetan: Iri nodded to the dog-eared girl, smiling. "You're welcome. Nice to meet you under better circumstances." She then turned to Cresent, frowning a little at the explanation. "My blood... And another person's blood?" Did that mean that this woman who gave her power was... Inside of her, or something? "How is that possible? Also, ss this going to cause trouble?"

RJ: "I think it might explain your strange new nature. It's almost like you are two different people at once. Or perhaps... You're changing?" she theorized.

gravetan: "The latter, I think." Iri sighed, shaking her head. "I think the more corrupt I get, the greater the progress. If I were to guess, whatever came with my powers is changing me into something else. I've no idea what the end result is supposed to be, though."

RJ: "How do you feel? Do you feel ill in some way? I know for a fact that the corruption often afflicts others in awful ways..."

gravetan: "Not really, no. It feels like some of my urges are becoming... More prominent, I'd say?" She frowned. "It started with just going into heat sometime, but now it's more than that. It's like they're growing to become a part of me now."

RJ: "I'm afraid I don't know how I'd stop something like that. Surely, mutation is speeding its progress. So... Ceasing to engage in carnal acts with the mutated and demons should protect you."

gravetan: "Easier said than done in this place." Iri sighed, shaking her head. Acheron really wasn't a good spot if you were trying to avoid being mutated. "Thanks, anyway. I'll do my best to watch myself. By the way... I know I've asked you to help me find the person who changed me and you promised to find clues. Unfortunately, I have to abandon that for now. I've got news my home was attacked by invaders. I'm gathering a group to go and save those I can and it's taken priority over everything else for now. I'll also need supplies, medicine and such. You're an alchemist, right? Think you could make something useful for me?"

RJ: Cresent blinks, before shaking her head. "I'm afraid I don't have enough supplies to spare for an entire expedition... Most of my supplies are meant to be for the benefit of the horseman. Speaking of, he's been quite cross over the fact that you haven't returned for some time." she revealed.

gravetan: "Figures he is." Iri grumbled. Maybe she ought to avoid showing up around this place for a while. "If he's pissed, then he's free to discuss with Drada why I haven't been around. I'm lucky to have got out of that mess this fast. Had to hunt giant hornets to pay her off. Not so fun." The girl explained. "And considering I'll have to leave pretty soon, I'll probably not show up in a while. Shame about the supplies, though. Know any places where I might be able to buy something?"

RJ: Iri would be able to remind herself that Manni was willing to give her what she wanted for free. "He's just been asking me what's been happening with you. He's like some kind of boyfriend, irritated that you haven't even given him a message." she chuckled. "Just be careful about making him angry, alright?"

gravetan: Iri would also remind herself she didn't want to keep asking for everything. Getting used to such an easy lifestyle would be unwise. "Gods, another one?" She groaned, sighing. "Well, long story short I got caught, kinda left off easy because Drada figured I might be useful or something like that, and now I'm going to hunt monsters who ruined my home with a few other people. You think that'll be enough for him?" She decided not to mention the pregnancy. "Also, I can't believe this whole debacle with bounty hunters started because he's not paying taxes. It wouldn't kill him to do that, damn it."

RJ: "Well, he's paying them now. They busted into his place and forced him to catch up on all he missed out on, plus extra. Now, he's in some financial trouble." she stated. "I'll let him know you're around though... I guess? He's also still been supplying me with the goods I need, so I'm sure that's not helping him. He seemed to be under the impression that you'd come back and earn him a fortune and everything would be fine again. I guess you've no love for him, huh?" she stated, and understandably so, without criticizing her. After all, Iri was made to be his whore rather forcefully.

gravetan: Iri quirked an eyebrow as she listened to the explanation. "Huh, so they've hit him after all?" Not that suprising, considering she could remember the briefing she came across earlier. "I guess that explains why he's so annoyed. To be honest, I was mostly worried about getting in trouble with people like Drada and Qui again. Also, not entirely happy about the mind control thing, no. He didn't quite need to go that far." Not like she was with the bounty hunters, after all, just trying to find Hank. "Not that I hate him or anything, but I've had my own mess to deal with and now I've got a matter of life and death on my hands and that is far more important to me. The souls of my friends and family are on the line." She explained. "Once I'm back, and I likely will be, I might be able to help him if he's still clean, assuming both of us will profit. But now, I've got a score to settle and it's going to be a bloody fight."

RJ: "It's alright if I tell him you're going to return then?" she inquired. "I think that will calm him down. Or at least make him stop visiting me every day in the hopes to catch you."

gravetan: "I suppose it's alright to say that." Iri replied after a moment of thought. "It'd be unfair for you to take the brunt if I'm the reason. Just don't make too many promises in my name." She chuckled. This was another mess she'd have to straighten out sooner or later. Gods, she was going to have her hands full no matter what. "I should probably get going soon. I've still got things to prepare before setting out. Hopefully we'll get through that mess without too much trouble."

RJ: "I see you're traveling with the Screaming Merchant." Cresent said. "Odd, most people say women go missing who associate with him. Are you sure it's safe to be with him?"

gravetan: "That's what they call him?" Iri blinked, curious. "Why's that? And go missing how, exactly?" She had to admit, this was something she didn't quite expect. Apparently nearly every person she came across here had some kind of reputation in this place. "And I don't think he's likely to hurt me. I'm more worried about others who might set him off."

RJ: "It's just a rumor, but people say, while passing by his house, you can sometimes hear girls screaming from within. And that it's the girls who go missing."

gravetan: Wow, that was actually a quite accurate rumor, most likely. Best not to mention that, though. "I'll be fine. He's helped me out before, actually." Iri assured Cresent. "He's an oddball, that's for sure, but I don't think he's going to hurt me." Maybe she ought to advise Manni to be careful with his hobbies, though.

RJ: "Well, it's not as bad as the strange hermit. A girl that wears a concealing coat and glasses is seen going into her home, and all manner of horrible noises come from within. Buzzing, roaring, barking, and sounds people can't even identify. People think she has an actual gate to Hell in her home."

gravetan: "... Actually, I know that one." This time, Iri couldn't resist. "She just keeps weird animals in her home. Sometimes pays people to bring her live creatures. That hornet I've mentioned was for her. I'm not entirely sure what she's going to do with it, though. I think she's doing some sort of mad science. Maybe breeding those creatures, too." The girl sighed. "No gates to Hell as far as I've seen. The woman's a nutjob, though." She gave Cresent a strange look. "You seem to know a whole lot of rumors."

RJ: "Well, a whore is often close to those who like to talk." She mentioned. "Since this place is lorded over by demons, I can make a healthy living both doing my alchemy, and making a fair pouch on the side for the right price. It's those who speak of the rumors."

gravetan: "Fair enough." Iri nodded, accepting the explanation. Considering how things seemed to go in Acheron, it was entirely expecable. "Well, I guess I'll be going. Thanks for the help. Hopefully I'll see you again pretty soon." Truth be told, she had no idea how much time it'd take to rescue or release the souls of her tribe. She hoped it could be done quick, go in, kill whoever's responsible, get out once the job was done. Sticking around for a prolonged campaign wasn't in the plan. With her business at Cresent's place concluded, unless the alchemist had something else to say, Iri would return to Manni and retire for now. All that remained was gathering the supplies now, and she supposed the merchant would know best what to get and where.

RJ: Returning to Manni, it seemed her trip around town was finished. They returned to Manni's home, and Iri would come back into the house to the smell of steak being cooked by one demoness, while the other was in the process of putting Farina to her large breast as Farina suckled hungrily. "Welcome home, master." they greeted Manni, while Manni took a whiff. "Oh! Smells delicious! Shall we enjoy, Iri?" he inquired, before moving to sit at the dining area. Preparations would be made in due time. Iri was able to tend to her baby as much as she wished or let the demons do it. Either way, eventually her strength would return the next day, back in prime position, even though her primal side seemed entirely gone for now. Deep down, she could feel that she was not fertile due to birthing so recently. Without being fertile, her heat would not interrupt her. So, it seemed she'd have quite a while of peace after having a baby.

gravetan: "Yes, it smells really good." Iri replied. Steak sounded like a wonderful idea now, she was feeling rather hungry. Once she was done eating, she took over taking care of the child. It was her daughter after all, even if she hadn't planned to have one. She'd spend the rest of the day and the night at Manni's house. Once morning came, she'd find herself refreshed and back at full strenght, though curiously lacking the usual drive hiding beneath her personality. Apparently she couldn't have another child so soon, which was convenient. That way, she could actually focus on accomplishing her mission for now. First step, speaking with the merchant about procuring supplies for the road as well as things like medicine and potions. They'd need to be able to recover quickly.

RJ: The merchant seemingly was already getting the wagon ready. Plenty of jerky, and other food that would last through a trip, medicine, medical supplies, it seemed he had a lot planned out, though he had everything divvied into very specific areas. The supplies for Iri were prolific, while the food for Hank and Quit was nonexistent and medical supplies very limited, no different than the same amount you'd carry in your pack on a trip, maybe less.
gravetan: (Potions and such are included?)
RJ: (A few potions, those are extremely expensive)
RJ: (Considering Manni buys and sells things that are often at most 5 denari)
RJ: (That and denarii is oddly bloated as a currency. A good meal is worth only a handful of denarii, and that's like going out to eat, pricy)
gravetan: (Weren't potions like 10 Denarii each? How many do we have on hand?)
RJ: Gonna say Manni has 3 to spare
gravetan: HP?
RJ: (yes)
gravetan: (Ugh. Gonna need more than that, aren't I.)
RJ: (Maaaaybe, maaaaaybe noooot)
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri watches two men shoot each other in the face by accident
gravetan: Iri surveyed the supplies gathered. Food was plentiful and there was a large amount of medicine and other necessities gathered as well. That being said, there was little for Hank and Qui. She hoped the two men had made their own preparations, otherwise this could get unpleasant. She still couldn't help but sigh at that, though. Maybe she ought to talk with Manni about this. The thing that got her attention most were the potions, however. They looked supremely useful, but their supply was painfully short. The girl turned to the merchant, intending to ask about the possibility of buying more. As short on cash as she was, maybe she could afford a couple if there was a place she could buy them at.

RJ: "We have enough, my dear." he replied. "Besides, as much as I'd like to, I cannot dump all of my wealth just on this. I've spent enough to go there, and make it back to Acheron to continue my business without going homeless."

gravetan: "Fair enough." Iri sighed. She still had some of her own money to pay with, damn it. "If this is all we need, then we might as well go round up the others. No point in wasting more time." The girl declared. "Also... Thank you for doing this for me."

RJ: Manni turned, and kissed Iri. "It is my pleasure and honor~"

gravetan: Iri accepted the kiss before getting ready to head out. She'd have to visit Hank and Qui, letting them know everything was ready for the mission. The former would probably take either much longer to prepare, or be immediately ready, depending on whether he'd just grab whatever and go as he was or gather stuff first. Qui seemed like the reliable, organized sort. So she'd start with the insane gunman first.

RJ: Going to see Hank, Iri found that the man looked like a boy who ran away from home. He wasn't in his mansion, he was in the street. "Hey, buttercup, can we go, like... Right now? They're givin' me a bath every day and I can't have it. In addition to other awful things. They even threaten me with no pussy! Get me outta here, darlin." he begged. His appearance was clean, Iri would find him undoubtedly attractive and handsome once all the blood, grease, and grime was gone, and even his breath smelled fresh and clean. He was apparently suffering, forced to look like an attractive and handsome gentlemen.

gravetan: Iri sighed, palming her face. Seriously, what was wrong with this guy. "Yeah, sure. Was about to go let you know things are ready on my end. Just make sure you've got supplies for yourself. Also." She took a deep breath. "Hank. For the love of gods. It's just a bath. Besides, you look a lot better like this. You really do. Seriously, I'm sure your girls love it. Just a little sacrifice for them, you can do that much right?" It seemed like they were starting to whip the madman into shape, much to his discomfort. "Anyway, just gotta go pick up Qui and we can set off."

RJ: "It ain't just a bath! I never bathe! It burns mah skin!" he whined. To match his boy who ran away from home look, he had a backpack on with supplies in it, which he seemed to think was enough. Going to go get Qui, the demon was in the middle of giving a girl similar treatment he gave Iri. Torturing her for information. As Iri came in, she heard the girl he was making cum over and over eventually spill the beans on a place in Acheron where her fellow thieves were holding all the stolen things from various people they pick pocketed. Upon seeing Iri, he withdrew his cock. Bare as the day he was born. "Iri. Is it time to go?"

gravetan: "Yes." Iri replied, trying not to think of what happened here. Huh, another thief... She idly wondered if that place was somehow related to the one that tried to rob Manni. Putting the thought aside for now, she focused back on the task at hand. "Just grab whatever supplies you'll need. I've got mine covered, but not much beyond that." She added sheepishly. The merchant was a decent sort, as far as a madman in Acheron might be, but his infatuation was rather... Embarrassing at times, to put it delicately.

RJ: "The merchant, right? The one who helped you sneak in." Qui inquired, stating something that might alert Iri. Qui narrowed his eyes. "That's a matter that will be dealt with later. For now, I will meet you at his house with what I need. I will also require you to feed me should I expend too much energy. Is this acceptable? I would have mentioned it sooner, but I foolishly assumed you'd know."

gravetan: "... I did not consider that." Iri replied, trying not to show her suprise at how the demon knew how she got in. Well, it probably wasn't that hard to figure out. "We might want to avoid doing that near the merchant, though. He's crazy about me, really crazy. Literally willing to die for me, as far as I can tell." She explained. "And jealous as Hell. But I think we can manage somehow." She nodded. "It's acceptable, I guess. I'll see you when you're ready, then." With that out of the way, all that remained was to return, get ready for the road and wait for others.

RJ: "He will accept it or he will die, then we will use his wagon. His presence is not helpful." Qui said coldly, as if he didn't care if he fucked Iri right in the fat man's face. Seeing Hank, he only glanced at the man, before grinning. "Nice haircut." Qui said, almost like it was an insult. "Man... Fuck you." Hank groaned.

gravetan: Iri winced. That was cold. Entirely expected, perhaps, given his personality so far, but still cold. "I don't think he'll be easy to kill." She muttered, recalling Manni's resilience. "Nor is he helpless. Let's try to avoid killing each other, ok?" She suggested, then blinked as she saw Qui grin. Wow, he actually smiled? Guess he had a sense of humor after all. Or Hank's misery was just that amusing to everyone. "See you soon, then." She said before retreating.

RJ: On the way to Manni's house, Hank looked at Iri. "So... Buttercup... Would you want to fuck a lot more if'n I was clean? Is that true?" he asked sheepishly. Apparently going through the stages of despiar, nearing closer to bargaining.

gravetan: Iri gave Hank another look, taking in his appearance once more. "I'd say so, yeah. You look and smell a lot better now. Seriously, you've got some good looks, but they get a lot better when you clean up. Hell, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd tell you that. Sure, might take a while to get used to, but there are benefits to it too."

RJ: Hank actually blushes, showing a side never thought possible, before moving like he was going to hug Iri. Instead he got behind her and began groping her, one hand squeezing her breast in his hand and the other holding her crotch and drawing circles around her clothed pussy. "D'aaawww! Shit, buttercup! You make me feel all funny!" Hank chuckled, before both would find that they were just down the street from Manni's house. "If you are QUITE finished, Hank! You..." Manni called out, before narrowing his eyes while Hank looked up at Manni, still groping Iri. "Who the hell are you?" Manni inquired. "Are you HANK!? Did you take a bath!?" Manni exclaimed. "Yeah. Buttercup convinced me that baths are the way to go! What with her sexy way her hair goes over one eye, and the way her titties jiggle~" he cooes. "She changed me~" he said, before Manni rolled his eyes. "Yes, she does have that effect on men... A-and would you STOP that!" he protested the fact that he still didn't let Iri go.

RJ: "What. I like em." Hank replied, putting his hands under Iri's breasts and bouncing them in his palms.

Session Start (gravetan:RJ): Sat Jan 02 14:32:58 2016 0100

gravetan: Iri blinked as she saw Hank blush. Dear gods, what was going on here? Was it bizzaro day or what? Compared to that sight, his groping felt positively mundane. If a bit ill-timed, considering it happened in front of Manni's house. Though the fat merchant's reaction to the gunslinger's makeover was amusing. Though the anudorian was pretty sure they were giving her too much credit here: Hank would have likely ended up getting used to bathing anyway and she had no idea what made Manni like her so much, so it was hardly conscious effort on her part. However, perhaps it'd be more prudent to defuse the situation before it escalated. After a moment, Iri disentangled herself from Hank's grip. "Yes yes, thank you... Now, let's not argue, ok? We're all on the same side here. Now, all we need is Qui, he ought to be here soon. Oh, and by the way." She turned to Manni. "Drada and Qui have figured out you helped me, I don't know how. You might want to watch out."

RJ: "Bah, I figured they would. I don't care. Let them try to do their worst. If it comes to it..." he chuckled. "I'll get to see if that Drada is any good at torturing. As much as she claims to be, that is~"

gravetan: Iri sighed. This was not going to end well, near as she could tell. Hopefully it wouldn't end in too much trouble, with those personalities clashing it could easily end in tears for everybody involved. "Just don't cause too big a mess, ok? I'd rather not spend majority of my visits at her place sneaking around." The girl tried to joke a little to relieve tension. And to avoid having to imagine what sort of mess this'd devolve into. "I think she's got some practice, at least. What with what's going on inside." She still noted, recalling the sights. "I'm suprised you haven't been swapping notes, actually."

RJ: Manni laughed aloud. "Swapping notes!? My love, you have not been witness to my true technique yet! Drada is just an amateur. She does not even use her own torture devices on herself to prove their worth!" he declared. Hank was picking at his ear. "Why the fuck would you do that." he commented on the side.

gravetan: "Don't ask me." Iri responded on reflex. She really didn't want to know what the Hell was going on in Manni's head. Using torture devices on yourself probably helped you find out how they work in detail, but did you really need that sort of knowledge? Maybe the fat man just got off on pain or something. "Well, I guess she'll be in for a suprise if she tries." The girl concluded, deciding not to touch the topic anymore. That way lay madness. Instead she opted to just keep watch for Qui's arrival, hoping he wouldn't take long.

RJ: Nodding, Manni laughed, before Qui soon arrived. "This place smells of sex and blood. Is this your second house, Hank?" he inquired. Hank shook his head. "Hell no, there's be sexy girls walkin' all over the place." he said, before the pair of maids came out. Their large bosoms bouncing with each breath, and with each step. "You were saying"

RJ: Said Qui, before Hank shrugged. "I have more."

gravetan: Hmm, could it be that neither of the demon siblings had any idea what the merchant did in his spare time? It looked like the future could turn out quite amusing. Or tragic. "Well, I guess we're all here." Iri spoke up. "I don't think there's much reason to keep standing around here, so let's go. I should probably lead the way, especially once we hit the desert." After all, she was the one who knew where their objective was. "No objections, I hope?" If this would be the end of it, then she'd get the group moving towards the objective. It'd take a while to reach the place.

RJ: "Nah." Hank said, before Iri would be let onto the wagon, and the other two men would be made to walk. Farina was left behind with the maids. one of which were breast feeding her, as Farina's appetite seemed endless. They made their way out into the desert, with Qui and Hank not seeming to mind the walk. "So, Hank." Qui began. "How are you able to detect the hunters? Most humans cannot detect them before its too late." he said. "I can smell em. They smell like something real bad. It helps if they killed someone too. I can smell the blood." he chuckled. As if blood excited him.

gravetan: "Real bad? You mean they stink or something?" Iri asked from her place on the wagon. She was rather impressed by the endurance of the two men. She could walk, sure, but she lacked the kind of inexhaustible strenght they seemed to have. Perhaps some physical training was in order? Maybe she'd be able get some tips from Qui later. "What do they look like, anyway?" Come to think of it, that was a question she should have asked earlier. Oh well, she could learn while directing them to where the settlement was.

RJ: "They look like fucked up green people, when they ain't hidin' under their camo." Hank said. "They ain't got fingers either, just long claws that'll take a fucker's head right off, so you watch yerself!" he stated. "If'n they decide they don't want you alive, yer life could be over in an instant."

gravetan: "Lovely." Iri muttered under her breath. Her dodging ability wasn't too good, she'd have to rely on her armor to tank the blows. Maybe she ought to pour more power into it next time? Something to remember for later. It'd probably make her stealthier as far as she could tell. "Thanks for the advice. By the way, what sort of camouflage do they use?"

RJ: "What kind? They just do, fuck if I know. Maybe it's their skin or someshit." he chuckled.

gravetan: "Could be." Iri nodded, falling silent. She went back to observing the area and guiding others, thinking on what she learned. Should they come across those monsters, putting them down quickly would have to take priority. She wasn't sure how well she'd be able to do compared to others, but hopefully she'd be able to fight without slowing them down.

gravetan: (By the way, spent that exp on Skilled Wielder, taking Harmful Spirit as Aptitude choice. Just like we've spoken earlier.)

RJ: (kk)

RJ: They traveled, making way through the land. Their progress was as steady as could be. Though, soon, the wagon came under fire. Qui shouted out, and Hank seemed a bit caught off guard. (Perception=9+18 ; Failed) Iri didn't see the attack coming either. However, Manni did, and soon was shouting for her to get her head down. Which thankfully caused her to react when she wouldn't have. "Qui and Hank! Kill both those mother fuckers!" the assailants shouted, apparently having a personal vendetta. "Oh, I'm so glad we invited these two!" Manni growled, turning to open fire with his rifle while using his wagon like a bunker, quickly diving in. Before Iri could do much of the same, she found her leg grabbed. With a yank, she was pulled off the wagon as the others dealt with the attack force on the other side as this ambush force hit the other. It seemed like neither Hank or Qui saw it. Manni just seemed to be confused, unaware that Iri wasn't leaving, she was getting pulled.

RJ: Iri fell, before falling into a bearhug from a demon behind her. Two more were there, all poised. They weren't doing anything, but they looked prepared to. "Don't scream, or you die." the one behind her whispered. "We'll take the girl, use her as bait if those two scumbags don't die here." another demon said, aiming a gun at Iri's head.

gravetan: (What's the gun look like?)

gravetan: (Also, do I need to win a roll to use Dark Armor?)

gravetan: (Grapple rules imply I don't.)

RJ: (Logically, you shouldn't have to. So no)

RJ: (it looks like a single shot)

gravetan: (Rifle?)

RJ: (pistol)

gravetan: (Christ. If it's what I think it is, this will suuuuuck.)

RJ: (I think it's single shot. I forget how advanced the pistols are)

RJ: (It's not strong)

gravetan: (Revolvers apparently exist.)

gravetan: (Well, the only single-shot listed was the Badarian Handcannon. Which is pretty damn potent.)

gravetan: (So you kinda scared me there.)

RJ: (Badar Rev)

gravetan: Iri swore as first gunshots rang out. The attack caught her off-guard, but thankfully Manni gave her the heads-up she needed to hide in cover before she got hit. It seemed that the attackers were after Qui and Hank, likely out for revenge. Or they were hired by someone. Maybe both. However, before she could properly hide herself from attackers, she was grabbed by the leg and forcefully pulled off of the cart, away from her allies. Manni saw it, but didn't seem to realize what was happening. The anudorian was seized by a demon of some sort, two others at his side. And one of them had a gun pointed at her head. And from the sounds of it, they planned to use her as bait, as if she was nothing but a helpless captive. This kind of made her mad.

gravetan: Iri focused. She reached into herself, calling her power to form what was both protection and weapon to her. She drew greater amounts before, but usually that was used to shape her armor. This time, she pushed all of it into the armor itself, empowering to a far greater degree than usual. It'd be taxing to keep it up at such a level, but she could manage it for a while. Enough to clean those bastards up, at least. Darkness poured out of her form in a torrent rather than the usual gentle stream. In an instand, it twisted and swirled around her, quickly gathering itself around her body, lending her strenght. "You BASTARDS!" Iri screamed in rage as she began to trash, struggling to get out of the demon's grip.

gravetan: (Dark Armor, X=11, no addons, Upkeep 6, +33 to melee damage, AV, grapple, +11 Stealth)

gravetan: (After that, escape grapple.)

RJ: Iri covers herself in her dark armor quickly. The men immediately react, firing upon her! Their bullets seem to phase right through her as her armor completely negates their harm. The result was a rather amusing issue on their part. The bullets phased through Iri's head, and both went into each others, effectively murdering each other. The remaining demon was promptly thrown off by Iri. And killed if she wished.

gravetan: (Huh. Didn't see that coming.)

gravetan: "What." Iri stared at the two corpses. She expected them to fire, but didn't expect the bullets to just pass through her without activating her phasing ability deliberately. Besides, didn't those idiots realize that if they fired like this, they could end up hitting themselves even without bullshit magic armors coming into play? Apparently overpenetration wasn't an issue they taught bandits about. Still, that left the one demon that grabbed her earlier. Truth be told, the girl got out of grapple because she expected she'd have to fight the other two as well, but with the battle ending like this, she actually opted to grab him and bash him into submission. Considering they were willing to grab her and run off to make another ambush, there was a chance some reinforcements were waiting for them.

gravetan: (BTW, am I limited to general/class talents at character creation, or can I take from all lists?)

RJ: (During char creation, you can only take talents from other trees by buying the natural X talent that allows you to take one. Otherwise, any further skills need to be bought with exp)

gravetan: (K.)

RJ: Grabbed, Iri bapped him once over the head with her armor covered fist and slammed him into the side of the wagon to finish the deal. The demon was now unconscious, and soon Iri saw a mixture of bright light and shadow erupt from the other side of the wagon. When she looked, she'd see that an entire thirty feet of the forest was completely gone, as if turned into ash. Hank merely laughed. "Shit, blueberry, mind if'n I strap you to my gun?" he inquired. "Call me blueberry again and I'll snap your neck." Qui replied with a snap. Hank shrugged. "Well shit, with an attitude like that, you wouldn't make for a very positive part."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

After the fight (aka the last of the logs before my computer was replaced)
gravetan: "Wow." Iri muttered, looking around. "Are they all gone?" She'd wait for a confirmation and double-check the demon she fought before dropping her armor, reasoning it's better to be safe than sorry. Still, that massive blast of whatever the fuck Qui used made her feel rather inadequate. "Well, I've got one of the idiots that tried to capture me for use as bait, the other two are dead. Dumbasses shot each other. Figure we might interrogate him, check if there are any more suprises. By the way, what the Hell was that?" She asked Qui. "I saw you use magic or whatever before, but nothing on that scale." The devastation her wrought this time was total, nothing like the precise beam of power from before or that telekinesis.

RJ: "No." Qui said, lifting one finger before a red beam fired from the tip of his finger, shooting right through the demon's head, killing him while he slept in the land of unconsciousness. "I know who they are. They are a broken group of criminals I disbanded from Acheron following their kidnapping in the streets. They mean nothing, even more so now than before, because they are dead." he stated. That's when Iri seemed to wanna know about his attack. "That? Well, to put it in a way you can understand... It was a big bang... Kind of attack." Qui said, trying to explain it while calling it a big bang attack. To which, Hank flatted his gaze at Qui. "Wow... That's painful." he chuckled.

gravetan: Iri also leveled a flat gaze at Qui. Both for killing the captive and his "explanation". She dispelled her armor with a sigh, shaking her head. "Yes yes, thank you for you consideration for dumb little Iri, but could you try to elaborate a wee bit more? I am not that stupid." She grumbled before moving to check onto Manni and the wagon to see if there was any damage. "Going by how you're saying it was a big bang, I assume it's just a massive blast of some sort?"

RJ: "Yes." he stated, about the big bang being an explosion. Manni was soon poking his head out. "You... Damned blue demon! Don't use something like that in front of the horses!" he said, holding onto the reigns desperately as the warped horses seemed to want to bolt, their behavior odd for horses, though granted they were warped by the corruption.

gravetan: Iri glanced at the horses, raising an eyebrow. They were certainly odd, both in form and behaviour, though that could be blamed on the corruption. Sighing, she moved to assist in reigning them in so that the group could continue the journey. "So anyway, are there any other big groups you've busted that might assault us in the future? Assassins? Might be good to know if that was any indication." She directed the question to both Qui and Hank, but didn't have high hopes for their answer.

RJ: "Yes." both Qui and Hank answered at the same time. "Oh, yes! FANTASTIC TO KNOW!" Manni howled his displeasure before spurring his horses onwards.

RJ: Also while inviting Iri to get back in.

gravetan: Iri sighed, rubbing her temples. That was to be expected, really. Wasn't any less annoying for being expected, though. "Lovely. Just what I needed to hear." She grumbled, getting back onto the cart. "Friggin Hell... How likely are we to encounter them, more importantly?" This was the big question, really. If the odds were low, then maybe this wouldn't be so bad. High odds, on the other hand, meant trouble. Especially on the off chance they ended up actually rescuing someone.

RJ: "My enemies? Not likely." Hank chuckled. "Unlike our blueberry here, I Actually kill my enemies." he chuckled. Qui narrowed his eyes. "People are more useful alive." he said. "D'aww, it's okay, blueberry. We know yer a softie~" Hank cooed, as the two stared each other down. Both seemed to be holding back the urge to fight one another.

gravetan: Iri let out a sigh. Maybe she should have spent more time looking for people to accompany her after all. "Right right, we get it, you like each other and all that crap. Best friends forever." She snarked, clapping her hands. "Save it for people we'll be beating the shit out of. I've been told insulting them first is a time-honored custom." The girl added dryly. This was going to be just another one of those small pains in the ass that grow bigger when not attended. "Or better yet, save it for the aliens. Wouldn't mind seeing either of you make them suffer."

RJ: "Hey, buttercup. What say whoever kills the most aliens get to have you for the night?" Hank inquired. "Iri will already be riding my cock. You can have your pity fuck from her, if you wish it." Qui replied. Hank looked like he was shocked. "Wha-! Hey, buttercup! Ya weren't plannin on fucking him and not me, was ya!?"

RJ: Manni growled. "This angel is in love with me more than either of you two street thugs! She will first enjoy a truely skilled partner, then indulge you two dogs." he said, and both Hank and Qui laughed. Though Iri would already know the ranking of who was the most skilled. Maybe she'd know better who she'd rather fuck sooner, but Hank was in last place. Still skilled, but beaten out by Manni's overwhelming cock and Qui's size and skill. Qui is the champion, and probably the last she'd want to willingly sleep with. But still, he literally was able to fuck the brainwashing out of her.

gravetan: Iri facepalmed, letting out an exasperated sigh. Those idiots seemed to insist in making her wish she could stab them. She chose not to comment on their differences in size and skill. That would just lead to people sulking, getting insufferable and generally acting like idiots. "Swear to gods... I've no idea what I've done to deserve this, but I clearly haven't enjoyed it as much as I should." She muttered quietly under her breath. "Let's leave this for later, shall we?" She requested, hoping they'd listen. "With all the crap that's waiting for us, I'd rather not go into this mess completely wiped out."

RJ: And so they did. They left it for later. That night, camp was made, and Qui decided that later had arrived. "The battle against the bandits left me drained. Iri, if you would." Both Hank and Manni looked ready to protest, wanting first dibs because they thought Iri liked them better.

gravetan: Iri held back a groan. Damn it, he couldn't really regain lost power on his own, could he? Guess that's what Drada was talking about that time. Being a demon sure sucked. He had no choice but to depend on her for recovery - and she had little choice but to provide. "Yeah, I guess it can't be helped." She sighed. "At least let's do it someplace out of sight." She noticed that the others didn't seem too happy about it. Hopefully it wouldn't end in a fight - she'd have to likely mollify them later. How the Hell did she end up with so many men going after her ass, she had no idea. At the very least, she could go and get this done somewhere where she and Qui wouldn't be immediately visible.