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Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=70/70, EP=83/83 ; Pregnant

"Hank says it's a first come, first serve kind of world in Acheron." the lamia replied. "The girl is walking to the street if you want to catch her."

If Iri did make her way outside, the girl would gesture in surprise. "Y-you're perfect... I mean... Y-yes?" she questioned.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri gave the girl an odd glance, one eyebrow rising in suspicion at her first comment. Still, she let it slide for now. "Heard you need help catching a big bug. I happen to be interested in doing that job, provided there's pay." She stated bluntly. "Name's Iri. I can deliver you a live one if you want. Or eggs at least, I suppose. So, mind if I ask about the details? Where it's been sighted, how big it is, how many are there, what can I expect from them, are there any other threats in area and so on. Also, what's the reward?" The anudorian briefly glanced up at the sky to check what hour it was.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=70/70, EP=83/83 ; Pregnant

It was currently almost dusk.

The girl nodded. "Uhm... For the bug alone... f-fifty... If you're willing to help me out more than that... W-well, we'll talk when you've captured a sample for me." she said nervously, obviously sweating. "It's just one bug... To the east of here. It's the size of a man, bigger than you or I. J-just listen for the loud buzzing. G-good luck." she said, before turning and hurrying off, then stopping and turning around. "M-my house is down the street a ways... It's the big green house... Bring it there!" she declared, before finally hurrying off. For real this time.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Fifty denarii for the bug, huh? Iri would have preferred more, but she'd take what she could. At least there was an option to grab an extra, maybe even talk about the pay later. Altough judging by the way she was acting, something seemed to be off about her. Or maybe she was just weird like that. "Right, right. I'll be back soon." She waved at the retreating girl before turning around and heading eastwards. One bug meant one chance, but she could probably bring it down without killing it. She'd probably need to be careful and hold back a bit to avoid damaging it too much. Ideally, she'd want to weaken and disable it first, then drag it with her. The anudorian could think of several ways to do it, but first she had find it. And that meant going east until she heard it buzzing around, probably.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=70/70, EP=83/83 ; Pregnant

She left the town, heading east. Along the way, she came across a couple of men dressed in rather common armor. They were both demons. "Excuse me, miss." one hailed her, approaching her. "We're part of the Acheron guard, looking for some bandits in the area. Would you mind coming with us to answer some questions?" he inquired.
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Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri eyed the two warily. She hasn't heard of any bandit attacks around Acheron, but she hasn't been in the city for long either. And there was that goblin camp she ran across sometime before. Still, it'd be best to be careful. "And where exactly would we go?" She responded with a question of her own. "I don't mind answering questions, but I've got a job to do out here. Someone in town wants a large bug caught and I'm planning to get it done today if possible. Can't I just answer them here and we can all go our way?"
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=70/70, EP=83/83 ; Pregnant

After asking her own questions, the two guards looked at each other, before brandishing their blades. "Look, you ask way too many questions! If you don't want us to hurt you or your baby, you're gonna come with us!" the one guard declared, their mannerisms suddenly far from that of an authority figure and more that of a ruffian.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

(Death Whip: X=7, damage (2d8)*7+10, attacks on same turn, second attack at -8 damage penalty, uses Spirit to roll to-hit, non-lethal damage, hit both of them)

"Figures." Iri muttered, glaring at the bandits. "You'll be the ones getting hurt though." She quickly drew upon her power. Deciding not to bother with trying to scare them, since they weren't simple goblins, the girl came to the conclusion it'd be better to beat the shit out of them and send a clear message that she was not one to be fucked with. A quick application of her power was enough to arm her. A whip made of pure darkness formed in her hand, quickly growing to 15 feet as she lashed out with it, striking at both of the bandits. "Now piss off, peasants!"
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=70/70, EP=76/83 ; Pregnant

Both the men recoiled as they were hit hard by her whip, neither of them hit hard enough to be taken down though. "F-for fuck's sake! First the psycho with the huge gun and now this bitch!" the fake acheron guard cursed, before he and his companion began to flee from Iri, allowing Iri to kill them or capture them if she wished.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri sighed as she watched them run, idly considering her options. It sounded like Hank's killing spree took place somewhere around here, so even if she let them be they could end up dead anyway. The girl decided not to kill them herself, though. Dragging them in wasn't worth the effort either, since she wasn't exactly getting paid to do that. Though maybe she could look into bounty hunting? Then again, that'd likely meant dealing with Drada again. After last time, the anudorian wasn't so eager to see her more than absolutely necessary. With a sigh, she dismissed her whip and simply continued her trek. The sooner she captured that blasted hornet the better.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=70/70, EP=76/83 ; Pregnant

She decided to leave the bad men alone so that they would have the unfortunate fate of meeting an even badder man. Then, she was on her way. Searching for a hornet, Iri actually came across an odd nest in a tree. It was the color of sand, mostly white with a slightly tan color. Though it looked old and abandoned. As it would turn out, it was an old nest used by the bug in question. The nest looked to be human sized, and seemed meant for just that, for keeping a human sized victim inside.

A bit more searching, and Iri would hear it. An obnoxiously loud buzzing noise. At first it was impossible to tell where it was coming from, until she looked up, and saw a massive hornet in the sky flying around above her, seemingly checking her out and investigating her.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri eyed the massive nest with bemusement. Whatever built it had to be pretty damn large. Larger than she anticipated. Definitely looked like something a bug would make, though, and likely meant to keep a victim inside. And looking around, the girl would quickly see the creature in question. The damn thing was massive and aware of her too, seemingly hanging back to investigate her. The girl briefly wondered how to approach this. She'd have to bring it down from the sky somehow and take it down before it became problematic. First, though, a bit of insurance she'd be able to fight it if it rushed her.

(Dark Armor: X=5+3(Tentacles)+3(Tail), total cost 11, Upkeep 5-3-2=0)

(Piercer: X=1+3(inflict Weakened), total cost 4, damage 1d12+2)

Coating herself in an armor of pure shadows for protection, Iri manifested a set of tentacles for grabbing the hornet later and a tail to give her the ability to paralyze it with the shadowy toxin it contained. Once she was ready to battle, she raised her arm up in the air, pointing it at the giant bug. She was wary of using this power against an enemy she didn't want to kill, but she had to bring the monster down somehow. Focusing, she fired a shard of darkness from the tip of her finger at the creature, aiming to cripple it, however temporarily. It'd probably prompt it to attack, bringing it within her strike range.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=19/41, PP=70/70, EP=61/83 ; Pregnant, Dark Armor, Paralyzex1(DC30)

Iri fires at the bug
Auto-hit: 11 damage
Resistance: Failed, bug is not weakened

The bug goes into attack mode, retaliating against Iri
The Hornet swoops down to sting Iri
Auto-hit: 22 damage
Resistance: Failed, Iri gains a stack of paralyze

Iri's Paralyze: 20+10=30, passed, Iri gets to take her turn

Firing upon the bug, Iri noticed green blood shoot forth from it's carapace as she also seemed to enrage it. The hornet swooped down, and before she could even react, it was lodging its stinger into her side. She could quickly feel the paralyzing venom pumping through her body, something she was familiar with. This time though, she could remain standing.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

"Gah!" Iri cried out as she felt the stinger pierce her skin. She was starting to REALLY hate poisons. Why did everybody have to use them around here? Still, she was still standing, which was good. She could probably hold out of a short while, long enough to do something. Technically, she could easily kill the hornet and damn the mission, but that'd mean no payout. So she had no other choice but to take a bit of a risk and hope it paid out. She channeled more energy, once more forming a whip out of shadows and lashing out with it. There was a chance that the creature would withstand this, but this way she could still capture it alive, if beaten up.

(Shadow Whip, X=10, damage (2d8)*10+10, attack for non-lethal damage)
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=19/41, PP=70/70, EP=51/83 ; Pregnant, Dark Armor, Paralyzex1(DC30)

Iri attacks the bee
To-hit: Success
Damage: a lot

Iri struck the bug so hard that she heard something snap. It fell to the ground in a heap from the sheer amount of power she put into her attack, twitching where it lay. It didn't seem dead, but it also looked like it wouldn't be doing much of anything with its body structure fractured.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

"Aw crap." Iri swore, watching the bug twitch on the ground like this. She may have hit it much harder than she wanted to. Granted, she panicked because of the paralysis inflicted on her, but this was overkill. Well, a healer could probably fix this up... Probably. Sighing, the girl wondered what to do. Normally she'd want to rest to recover from the poison, but it was getting dark and the bug could die if she waited. So she had little choice but to tough it out and hope she made it. Wrapping her tentacles around the hornet, she began to carry - or at least drag - it in the direction of Acheron. She also kept listening to the sounds around her carefully. If Hank was around, maybe she could meet up with him and get a little help.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=19/41, PP=70/70, EP=51/83 ; Pregnant, Dark Armor

The effects of the paralysis made it hard to get the job done, understandably. Thankfully though, after a few minutes Iri felt herself getting over it, able to drag the bee along the road without too much of a hitch.

Listening for Hank, Iri soon found Hank. In the direction where the bandits ran, she heard gunfire. And if she investigated, she'd find a whole encampment of bandits poorly posing as Acheron guards all mostly dead, mind for a single female demon that had her hands tied behind her back, straddling Hank as he rested against a rock and was smoking a cigar. She was naked as the day she was born, and Iri saw Hank's familiar big cock vanishing in and out of the demon girl's pussy as she moaned and threw her head back and forth. "You've made a great decision, joinin' the winnin' team, darlin!" Hank cheered while she rode him.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

"Why am I not suprised." Iri commented dryly as she walked in on the scene of carnage and debauchery. Finding them man wasn't too hard, all she had to do was follow the sounds of death and mayhem. The girl was immensely glad that the paralysis was short-lived, though. Now she could at least deliver her quarry, for what it was worth. "Figured you were around here after I heard two morons mention a guy with a gun. Sorry I didn't show up the past couple days, got into a bit of a mess in town. It's mostly sorted out, though. You going to be here for long? I need to deliver this thing." She pointed to the hornet she was holding in her tentacles. "I was told to bring it alive... Might have hit it a bit too hard, though."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=19/41, PP=70/70, EP=51/83 ; Pregnant, Dark Armor

"One second... One second, buttercup!" Hank declared, thrusting upwards into the demon with quick movements, the two moaning together before Hank released inside of her. Iri could see his cum gush out from around her pussy folds probably not unlike it did when he was inside of her that one night. Once he was done with her, he lifted her off and stood up, his cock dripping with various juices and his body covered in blood. He seemed to have a few wounds as well, so it was hard to tell if it was his blood or someone elses.

He stepped up to Iri, before suddenly embracing her and trapping her lips in a kiss. His mouth tasted like he bit someone's throat open as a copper taste filled her mouth. One of his hands went down to grope and squeeze her ass while the other ran over the roundness of her breast. "You pregnant? God damn," Hank chuckled. "Heard from Drada and Qui that you fucked em over. Drada said she wanted to play with ya a bit and Qui too. So, they told me I could pick ya up once they put ya up for sale. But here ya are!" he chuckled, before noticing the bug.

"Oh, I remember. The request from glasses, eh?" he mentioned the girl with the huge glasses. "Yeah, seems like you didn't understand her request, sugar. She wants things like this cuz she wants to breed them and experiment on them. Looks like you fucked it up too much, hehehe." he laughed. "I bring her girls and creatures like that sometimes. I'd reckon you're gonna want a new one though, since I doubt this thing will be fuckin' anyone anytime soon after what you did to it." he laughed again. "It's not the only one around here, that's for sure. Once one showed up, it snuck off with some random girl and filled her fulla eggs and wrapped her in one of its hives. Wonder if they'll become a pest soon, hehehe." Hank laughed, seeing it as an opportunity to make money by letting the problem happen instead of stopping it early.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

"Oy... You gonna be ok?" Iri asked with some concern, noting that Hank was actually fairly wounded. Well, he still was fucking and moving around, so it probably wasn't too serious, but still. The fact that he also gave her a kiss that tasted of blood while groping her helped reinforce the fact. "Shit happened." The girl stated by way of explanation, grimacing as she tried to get the coppery aftertaste out of her mouth. "And I'm not off the hook yet. Gotta deliver them 200 in a week or that bitch's gonna put a bounty on me. I've got half of it already though, so I was hoping a job or two would get the the rest." She informed Hank.

"So you're basically saying this fucker is useless now?" Iri frowned as he told her she'd need a new bug. "The fuck am I supposed to do with it now? Isn't there a way to heal it up or something?" She asked, though she didn't have much hope. "Fucking Hell... Where's that second one you've mentioned?" The anudorian wasn't giving up so easily. This time she'd try sneaking up on the creature first, however. The only problem was how to perform a takedown... Hmm. Maybe she ought to try grappling it with her whip? "Gods... Still, if that girl is still there, maybe there's still a chance to get some cash out of it. Eggs were also ok."