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Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf, and Shrike7)

Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

(Fell to the second page before I could work up a reply, sorry guys)

"You remember because it's your true self, and such a thing cannot remain buried forever." Ananha told her soothingly, her actions unchanged as the woman in her arms continued her breakdown. "I can't make the pain go away, I'm sorry, but I promise you, I will do everything I can to keep them from hurting you again. We'll get out of here, all of us." She said with conviction, looking up at the other woman as well to let her know she was included in that.

The fae held and rocked Karen for as long as she needed, soothing words coming out of her in a constant stream as they sat in the chilled room. At one point, she reached over and drug some of the furs around them to help keep them warm, but otherwise focused all of her attention on the traumatized woman. Finally, once the worst of it seemed to be over, her tone changed slightly, from compassion to support. "You need to gather yourself, Dove. Stay strong, stay focused, and we'll all make it through this."
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

"Your damn right we will. First things first, we need to get out of our restraints. Ill wait for you to be ready, there should be enough strips here to make something similar to what I'm wearing to hold a weapon underneath those furs, but we need to do our best to stay out of sight..." Corin said, spreading the various daggers out along with the prepared fabric.

When they all decided to leave, she would show them how to work the simple harness and they would be on their way
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Karen simply laid there in the faerie woman’s warm embrace with their bodies entangled around one another, crying out tears that had been bottling up within her since before she could remember. After a while, the broken woman’s sobs finally began to go calm, her breathing began to go steady, and her tears finally began to stop flowing. The blonde woman’s once tight grip on Ananha loosened as her body began to relax, and while the pain in her heart and in her mind was still there, here – in the presence of this woman’s loving arms – she finally felt safe.

“My...true self...” Karen eventually muttered in response to the faerie woman’s words, her mind drifting back to the nightmarish memories that now plagued her thoughts, remembering the words she had seen etched in the stone floor of her old cell. “...Karen... That was her name...” she said softly, staring off into space. “...She... She was me...wasn’t she...? ...I... I don’t remember her... I just remember what...the masters did to her... What they...did to me...”

The blonde woman paused for a moment as the other two women spoke again, slowly prying herself off of Ananha’s body – but not away from her comforting arms, not wanting to leave their pleasant warmth just yet – and resumed sitting next to her, still covered in the furs that she had pulled over them. “...I didn’t want to remember... It hurt too much to remember...” Karen began, the other women’s words seeming to spark something deep down inside of her. “...I don’t know...what help I can be...but... She...I...don’t want to be here anymore...”

Updated Karen's character sheet. I spent the 4 Experience from the last battle on 4 Body, giving her a total of 40 and thus unlocking another skill. The skill that I chose was “Flurry of Blows.”
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

((Again, sorry for being so slow oon the uptake.))

Ananha listened and nodded. "I know, Karen, I know. Let's get started on that, okay?" She said, slowly extricating herself and standing again. "I need to get this collar off, I'm nearly useless with it on." She told the other woman, leaving the furs with Karen and pointedly not taking a weapon either. "I'd... Rather not, if that's okay." She said slowly, looking at the weapons with something between fear and disgust. "So, what's the plan? Whoever sent you two must be waiting for you to come back, right?"
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

“Y-Yes... Master...” Karen began, closing her eyes and shivering at her reflexive use of the term before continuing, “...sent us to collect you. We were...supposed to return as soon as I had...negotiated...your release... I don’t know...what to do now, though...” she continued, unconsciously pulling her knees up to her chest again. “I-If we don’t come back, Master...” she hesitated again, “...will send someone after us... But she doesn’t...I don’t...want to go back... I don’t know what to do...”
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Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Corin nodded at the Fey women and stashed away the weapons, it was entirely likely that she was the only one here willing to draw blood with a blade, which was fine. "Most likely we're going to need a smithy to get any of these collars off, so a Blacksmith or the like is gonna be our best option, A large stables would also work, many of them have small forges and anvils for shoeing the horses"

Looking down at the sobbing woman she was chained to, her heart softened. "I know, and we can't go back, if we do, the other women there lose any chance of getting out. As it stands now, we're most likely the only help they have but we can't do them any good there as prisoners." Falling quiet again, the Huntress let her mind fly into a whirl of random information, trying to see if she could put 2 and 2 together. Desperately trying to remember if she had seen the telltale hammer and tongs on any signs that would designate a smithy or forge. They were going to be the only ones with the tools to get them loose...

hefting the axe in one hand, Corin looked at the woman chained to her. "If you can move I need you to, we need to check this building... Please" She said as quietly as she dared, she didn't want to push the girl, but they couldn't stay her for long, not with fresh corpses outside...
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

“I-I know... I’ll try...Corin...” Karen replied to the dark-haired woman, uncovering herself from the furs and slowly rising to her feet. She paused for a moment as she considered Corin’s words about removing their collars, trying think of a possible solution. “I-If I may... You might be able to...sever this chain, at least...with that axe...” she began, trying to be helpful. “I-I know it’s not the whole collar, but...you at least wouldn’t have to be...bound to me, anymore...” she finished, lowering her head slightly and fidgeting with her slave rags.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha made an effort to raise the bundles around Karen again after she rose, in an effort to keep the woman feeling comfortable. "Agreed, no good will come if we're found near the bodies outside, we should keep moving." She said evenly, trying to think if she had seen a blacksmith or similar place in her time here as well...
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Corin nodded at Ananha before addressing the other woman, looking her dead in the eyes, like she always had, if she didn't want to look, then Corin would gently raise her chin and smile softly, a rare expression indeed for the Huntress.

Taking a deep breath, she didn't hug her, or coddle her, she just spoke. "As much as I want nothing more then to be free of this leash, I don't want to be free of you... " Chuckling softly, Corin smiled even wider "I only now just realized I still don't know your name."
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Karen flinched slightly as Corin gently raised her chin and looked her in the eyes, uncertain of exactly what to expect from the woman that had been little more that hostile towards her to this point. When the blonde woman saw the smile on her collar-mate’s face, however, and then heard the kind words that followed – some of the first kind words that she’d heard from the other woman up until now, she blushed lightly as a soft smile tugged at her own lips. She then nodded once, affirming her understanding of the dark-haired woman’s words.

“...K-Karen...” she then slowly replied, giving her collar-mate her name. “M-My name was...is...Karen...”
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Smiling again she stepped back and pulled at the chain a little on her own collar. "A pleasure Karen." Looking over at the Fey, Corin was once again at a loss for a name, which in this situation was only to be expected given what had happened, its not like there had been time to ask. "Well Miss... Damn, I don't know your name either, I'm Corin."

After the last of the introductions had been made, Corin nodded and smiled at Karen again, and gave the Fey a look to check that she was ready as well. Putting the harness on and tightening the straps, Corin elected to carry all of the weapons and looked around one last time. "Lets go get a better look at our current situation shall we?"
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

"Ananha. I... I wish we could have met under better circumstances..." The fae said haltingly, then nodded. "Yes, best be off."
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Once Ananha had finished introducing herself as well, Karen nodded her agreement shortly afterwards before hesitantly stepping forward, ready to follow along with the other two women.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [36]
Corin: HP = 38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Chained to Karen
Karen: HP = 43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin
Stealth: 11 (A), 1 (C), 15 (K)
Perception: 11 (A), 15 (C), 20 (K).

Ananha and Karen both could remember several blacksmiths in the city. If there was one, non-martial, profession that never lacked for demand in an orcish city, it was the shaping of iron and steel. And not just for armor and weapons. Despite generally savage treatment of the other races, the orcs were quite advanced, and they were growing all the faster for what they had gained from the formerly human and elven cities that they had conquered.

There were two blacksmiths, in particular, that the two slaves could remember that might help them. One was on the main stretch, and he would do work with no questions asked. But he required a hefty payment and he expected it up front. And while he would let slaves work for the denarii they needed to fund their escape plans, it most certainly wasn't in a manner that their prideful huntress would likely acquiesce to.

The other likely candidate was more sympathetic towards slaves, but she worked in a more secluded, dangerous part of the city. She would probably do the work for free, but to go there was to risk running into beastmen that would have made the thugs they had battled off look saintly in comparison, and, unlike the thugs, were competent with their weapons. Still, she might do the work for free, if they managed to make it to her without being raped half-a-hundred times and taken.

Corin, for the moment, however, was interested in searching the building. She slowly pushed open the door, only to find that the adjacent room was empty, and very small. There was a communal table, made of rotting, cheap wood and covered in filthy, broken clay plates. A series of barrels were positioned around the long table, along with one large, smooth rock and an actual stool. It was so crammed that the girls would have to step over the improvised seats in order to get to the other three doors in the room. The floors were poorly laid cobble that was rough on their feet and the walls were rough stone. Smoke wafted from a fireplace which was dangerously close to one of the barrels, its flame recently extinguished.

Checking one of the doors would reveal that it seemed to lead to the entrance room of the building. A second led to a similarly cramped room lined with shabby cots. The third went unopened, as they heard a loud ruckus from it. All three could hear a woman screaming in fear. A crowd chanted, cheered, and roared.

"Now, see, you chose the hard way," a rough voice announced, low and mocking.
"No, no, please, master! No!" A woman's voice cried out between sobs, sheer terror in her voice.
"Don't make me ruin that butt!"
"Ruin her ass, boss!"
"Fuck her raw!"
The crowd calls became increasingly lewd and disgusting as they listened. They could the screaming woman being pushed into something, and the clatter and crash of dishes. Fabric was torn and they could hear the crowd cheering all the louder. If they didn't do something, the slave would meet whatever fate the orcs in the other room had in mind for her. But they had no idea how many orcs were in the room, nor how armed they were. They might have time to get numbers, before the woman was violated, but they couldn't wait too long.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

As the group prepared to move on, Karen filled Corin in as best she could on the blacksmiths she knew of within the orc encampment, as well as what the owners were like and where they were located. She also blushed slightly as she told of what the type of work the male blacksmith would require of them...but whether she was blushing due to embarrassment or mild arousal at her own description wasn’t clear.

Afterwards, the blonde woman followed Corin’s lead as they began searching the building they were in, finding it mostly empty until they came upon a door that seemingly lead to a room that was anything but. The loud ruckus being made by the apparently numerous orcs on the other side came through the door easily, and was accompanied by the frightened cries of another slave girl who had apparently caught the interest – or the ire – of one of the orc masters in the other room.

As the group listened to the crowds chants and cheers, no mistake could be made as to what was about to happen to the helpless slave girl on the other side of the door. As much as she tried, Karen couldn’t stop the images of what was about to be done to the mystery woman from entering her mind. Images of her being bent over a table a roughly taken from behind, before another orc took the first’s place and used her as well. Images of her being passed from one orc to the next, servicing the others with her mouth and hands while she was forced to ride the orc who’s turn it was to have her.

Karen blushed as her pussy began to grow moist in spite of herself, her body now instinctively reacting to the thought of that woman being her. If the others looked, they would see the broken woman’s unwanted arousal clearly present on her face, fidgeting with obvious discomfort and frustration as she tried to suppress the feelings that her body and mind couldn’t help but feel. At any rate, Karen would wait quietly to see what the other women wanted to do.
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Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Corin took careful stock of everything they passed, looking at the smoldering fire with particular interest, as well as the barrels and dilapidated furniture. When they came upon a room with what sounded to be an impending rape however, Corin's anger rose in her, reawakened by the cries from inside as the orcs simply laughed at the women's plight. Looking at Karen with a pained expression, she held out a dagger and whispered "Trust me".

Giving Ananha a blade as well, she looked her in the eyes and saw the same drive to help that had so often given the Huntress purpose and steeled her resolve. Motioning at the girls, rather then speaking, Corin had them collect sheets from the beds in one of the adjacent rooms before having Karen help her roll the barrels in front of the door. Taking the last of the spare daggers, she hung the fabric over the door, hiding it from view, and nailed it in place with the last of the blades with a loud thunk, hefing her axe and taking position on the side of the door frame and out of sight, Karen behind her, the chain kept quiet as she waited. If nothing were to happen, she would start hurling insults at the door until she heard a reaction within.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Karen hesitated as the dark-haired woman approached her and offered her one of the rusty daggers, asking her to trust her. After a moment of thought, the slave girl shook her head and lightly pushed the dagger away, refusing it. “I...I trust you...but...” she began, keeping her voice quiet as well as she continued. “I...I can’t... What I remember of Karen...she didn’t use...those...” Karen paused, thinking back on the images of the woman she had seen in her mind fighting the orcs when they were in the alley. “She used...larger swords...and...her hands and feet to fight... I think that...she was...I might be...better without that...” she finished, referring to the dagger again, but looking at Corin in a way that might instill confidence in what she was saying if not for the blush still on her cheeks due to the sounds of what was happening in the other room.

Afterwards, Karen followed along with Corin’s plan and did as she was asked, glad for something to take her mind off of the noises in the other room. When everything was ready, she stood at her position behind Corin and waited nervously for the confrontation that was now inevitable.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha took the offered dagger with a sigh, holding it stiffly. She helped with moving the sheets and barrels in place, then took up a position of her own, a bit further back and among the barrels in the rest of the room. With any luck, anyone looking out would spot her first, drawing them out past the other two. She was placed so she could move up easily enough once they needed it, and tried to adopt a neutral stance. Maybe she could try to talk to them first...

(Full defense, if she winds up with swings her way immediately.)
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Tucking the refused dagger away again, Corin took her position and hefted the axe, the first orc to walk through that door was getting a nasty surprise, the shock of seeing one of their own falling should be enough to send them pouring out of the door and straight into the barrels. She tossed a quick prayer to any gods that may have been listening and made the conscious effort to remain absolutely still as she waited, lest the damn chain give away her position...

Lets kick this off shall we?
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf and Shrike7) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [36]
Corin: HP = 38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Chained to Karen
Karen: HP = 43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin
Stealth: Success.
Attack (Corin): Automatic Success.
Damage: 18 + 3 + 13 = 34 * 2 = 68 - 5. He dead.

Resistance: Failure. A second orc stumbles over the barrels and such into the room, being knocked prone in the middle of the three women.

Unfortunately, their preparations didn't come quickly enough to save the woman on the other side of the door. A pained shriek and an ear-splitting cheer from the crowd of orcs signified that their boss had done whatever he intended on doing. The screams continued, intermingling with grunting and lewd calls and whistles from the group that was obviously spectating. But, as fast as she could, Corin prepared, as did the other two. They may not have had the chance to save the woman all of her pains, but they could still save her from continued suffering.

The huntress didn't need to make any calls, as soon as she took up by the door she heard the voice of the one the other orcs had presumably called boss speak up, "Go see what it was," he calmly commanded, the yelps from the woman he was undoubtedly violating not receding even as he spoke. A subordinate gave a grumbled return, in what sounded like disappointment through the drafty stone walls, but before long the door opened.

"Who the hell put this here?" He questioned aloud. Corin waited, silently as only she among the group could, for the right moment. The curtain shifted, a meaty green hand brushed it aside far enough for a matching colored, ugly face to pop through. He only saw the faerie before an axe from the side connected with his throat, the force of it cutting through windpipe and his vital arteries, causing him to slump backwards—an act that nearly took the hatchet with him, before Corin hastily ripped it away— and drown in his own blood.

"Always ruining my fun," the soft-spoken orc announced from the other side of the curtain. It was only then that the girl's pained wails lessened, though they didn't disappear entirely. The three slaves could hear clambering in the other room as beastmen rushed to see what had become of their comrade. One particularly zealous orc crashed through the curtain, smashed his feet into the barrel on accident, sending them rolling slightly away from the door in the process, and crashed into cobblestone floor amidst the wood, leaving him vulnerable to the trio.

"Don't rush in, you morons," the lead orc berated the group, the noise of the green-skinned men rushing to enter the small room died down almost immediately, despite that the command was spoken so softly that the deadly women could barely even hear it. "Now, whoever's in there," he announced, getting closer. And as the voice came closer, it became obvious to Ananha, Corin, and Karen, all, that the voice could only properly be described as creepy. It had the same qualities as putting on a blindfold and having a hand shoved into slimy, oily goop that would cling to the skin even after pulling away. "I'm gonna give you a chance. See, I was in the middle of some... entertainment. Heh, heh. You unseen folks can join in on this, all peaceful like, if you want. Or you can make me come in there after you and force you to take part in the entertainment, 'cause I don't really care if you're a man, woman, both, or even neither."

"We can do this the easy away, or we can do this the hard way. The choice is yours," he delivered as an ultimatum, even as one of his own among the group struggled to get up before the three could put him down permanently.

Visible Enemies:

Orc (Prone)