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Shackled (Courage Wolf, xgkf, and Shrike7)

Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

The faerie watched the proceedings dully. Seems like whoever had sent these two, this Chief Dolbog, had dealt with the portly orc before. Looks like she would be going back with them, at least out of the cold. But that was getting a bit ahead of herself...

The portly orc motioned for her to follow into the alley as well and she complied, the rattling of chains accompanying he movement and she shuffled rapidly to keep up, unable to take long steps with her legs manacled as they were, but still managing to look graceful as she did so. Her eyes raised as the other woman made her intentions known, the first truly noticable expression she had shown this whole time. The way she had reacted when the orc reached for her, she thought she jad been wrong with her earlier judgement.

She held up her arms, reminding Corin that she was quite firmly bound, as if to say 'What could I do?'. She made no motion to try and stop the woman, however, even going so far as to subtly motion towards the slimeball. She didn't see how she could help, but she wasn't going to try and interfere, either.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [48], Bound.
Corin: HP = 38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Chained to Karen
Karen: HP = 43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin
Corin's Stealth vs Karen: Karen notices the signals to Ananha.
Corin's Stealth vs the Slaver: He's clueless to her whispering & her motions, even with a massive penalty to the stealth check for proximity.

Corin, Karen, & Ananha's perception: 2, 19, & 20.
The slaver notices nothing.

The portly orc gave a few appreciative grunts as he molested the huntress's chest, every bit as violently as he had with Karen's. Yet, his hand never trailed to her nethers as it had for the broken woman. Impatience seemed to be getting the best of him. "Yes, let's egress and take care of the... details... shall we?" He appeared to find his own use of words hilarious, snickering as he turned and stepped into a shadowy alley behind him. The fur-wrapped beast-man obviously thought Corin to be just as broken as her blonde counterpart, as he paid little attention to her whisperings and miming.

Karen, however, did notice her collar-mate's strange motions toward the faerie. But something else might have pressed harder on her attentions. Something... Someone, several someones, in fact, were watching them from the main street. Dressed in tattered rags no better than the slaves themselves and armed with rusty knives and bits of cutlery, a group of young orc men watched the proceedings carefully. But these weren't the same types of orcs as the Crolian woman's master, according to, well, her master. The chief had always described them as dogs, lower than slaves. He had recounted that they were without honor or courage. They watched the slaver and the three women like hawks, waiting for a moment of weakness to strike their prey. And she had no doubt that the fat orc was among their list of prey.

Ananha noticed the group as well, which was good for Corin because the faerie might be more willing to share that information with the huntress. The raven-haired woman hadn't noticed the group of thugs at all, being too busy in her attempts to set up the murder of the orc. The group was already in the alleyway by the time there was a chance to react. The slaver had obviously not noticed anything, judging by his actions. As soon as they were in the darkened alleyway, he unwrapped some of the furs from himself and dropped his pants. Revealing the first, and potentially only, clean part of his body up to that point, though it seemed likely that his rod was only clean because that's where he preferred that his bathing slaves focused their attentions. "Well, then, who wants to negotiate first?" He asked, grinning lewdly, woefully unaware of the fate that was about to befall the alleyway. Things were about to become very chaotic. Chaos might have been good, though, chaos was a chance to slip away.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Karen stepped forward after the portly orc asked which of them would like to service him first, volunteering herself for the task she had already been expecting to perform. “I will, master,” she said casually, but paused for a moment as the group of lesser-orcs she’d seen eyeing them earlier weighed on her mind. “But...I think we were followed by the group of mongrels I saw on the street. They were watching us, and looked armed with knives and other utensils. What should we do?” she asked the slaver after informing him of the situation.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha noticed the group of thuggish orcs gathering across the street, watching the slaves intently. She tried to get Corin's attention again, nodding her head towards the group gathering across the street...
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Corin was entirely too busy trying to position herself behind the orc, after a key or a blade, anything she could possibly use to get Ananha free or make a more suitable weapon, exercising every ounce of skill she had to get something useful off of the fat sack of slime...
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [48], Bound.
Corin: HP = 38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Chained to Karen
Karen: HP = 43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin
Corin's Perception vs the Slaver: 12 vs 1. Success, she figures out where the key would be on him.
Corin's Stealth vs the Slaver: 3 vs 19. Failure. Unsurprisingly, he's a bit suspicious at her efforts to flank him.

But nothing comes of it because they're suddenly faced with a bunch of thugs.

General Perception: 3, 8, and 14. Ananha and Karen notice a way out. Karen notices a second way out.

"Oh, I'm sure it's nothing. Just hooligans wandering the streets. Now hurry up or I might rethink my deal. I'm starting to get icicles here," he replied dismissively. He was a man whose brain was divided between his wallet and his pecker and nowhere else to be found, through and through. Corin eyed his furs as he beckoned Karen over to him and noticed a small, concealed pocket of linen underneath it all, it had a suspiciously key-shaped bulge in it. As she slunk behind the disgusting slaver, however, he grew too suspicious of her. "I don't go for any of that. If you're going to use your fingers and tongue it'd better be up-" and that was when a crash interrupted the group.

One of the "hooligans" had kicked an empty crate with his foot, sending it clattering into the alleyway before smacking into the side of a building and collapsing. The narrow, about fifteen feet wide, alley dead-ended on the opposite side and so they found all of their potential assailants in front of them, loosely blocking the only easily noticeable way out. Karen and Ananha, with a bit more familiarity of what the place had been and what the orcs had turned it into, noticed a small door on the back of one of the buildings. It might lead them away from the scene. Karen, additionally, noticed a window over a pile of trash that the more physically fit members of the group might be able to jump to, possibly even aid the others up to it in their escape. Any avenue of escape would likely soon be useful, given the head thug's immediate declaration; "We get the gold and the meat," he started, referring to the three women in such a way that might have made the other beast-men look like saints. "Or yer gettin' the steel, fatty. Choose wisely."

The portly, and obviously just slightly too frightened to be insulted that he was called fat, orc responded immediately, and in his mind tactfully. "You can have these three! I've even got the key for the faerie! But please don't take my money, it's all I've got!" The last bit was such a blatant lie that it might have been a surprise that no thunder sounded in the distance, no lightning struck the greasy man outright for his vicious assault on truth. "Twenty-five denarii, maybe?" He offered as the four other orcs scowled at him in response to his starting negotiation, trying very hard to ignore the advantage that they held over him.

"Nah, that's fine..." the obvious leader, a tall, lanky and pale green orc armed with a knife, of the thugs responded, offering the portly slaver the shortest lived sense of relief. The way he tossed his weapon from hand to hand suggested that it wasn't going to be fine even before his mouth did. "We'll just get the key and gold off yer body after we put a few air-holes in ya." He smiled wickedly, a gesture which was mimicked by the other three thrugs, two orcs who were built like barrels and a third that was short and shifty-looking. They advanced slowly, weapons leading the way. The fat orc stumbled backwards, tripping over his pants and landing on his ass. A fight was about to break out and the three women could be sure that they weren't going to be spared as spectators.

Corin, ever the talented huntress, noticed that the orcs who advanced on her weren't any sort of warriors to speak of. If she had her rifle she would have been able to clear the alleyway of them in seconds. As it was, though, unarmed and unprepared, the Badarian woman's chances were a bit more slim. But only if she was fighting alone. Karen would notice much the same as her collar-mate, if she could remember the more martial part of herself that had been lost in all the abuse. Even more, the warrior that the blonde woman had been might have been capable of fighting all four of them with nothing but her fists against their crude weaponry, if she did so smartly. Even Ananha could theoretically keep one grappled, if she could only get the key and remove her shackles. Although being scarcely clothed and in proximity to someone looking to rape her probably wasn't too appealing of an idea.

Of course, if nothing else, they could simply try to flee by one of the three routes available. The thugs might pursue, though, and Ananha would be easy to catch as long as she remained chained. The orc slaver would probably be on their side, regardless, at least until he felt he was safe from the threat of murder. He might not have been the type of ally that any other than Karen would care for, though.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Annoyed at her failed attempt and angered by the intrusion she turned to look at the thugs before moving right next to Karen and started to whisper again. "Come on women, our chances are fading fast, Remember who you fucking are, before scum like this broke you. What about pride, your family, even your fucking name, the one your parents gave you! If you can't then realise that master will NOT be pleased if this deal goes sour, He trusted you to handle it and we can't run, we need to fight damnit!" Corin was already crouching low and holding a section of the chain tightly in one hand. The fat slaver could be dealt with later, they had more immediate problems...
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha eyed the group warily, turning into a near panic as the portly orc immediately offered her up to the ruffians, looking back and forth as the slaver tried to bargain with them. Negotiations went sour almost immediately, and she glanced around nervously, spotting the door they may be able to make an escape from. "There, a door." She said, trying to point at it without letting the thugs see, before coming in closer to the greaseball orc with the key to her chains. "Let me free, please, I can help, but I need my spells!" She begged, still panicking.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Karen shook her head at Corin’s words, the strange pain returning for an instant before vanishing yet again, along with whatever indecipherable images that it accompanied. “I-I told you, this is who I am!” she rebutted, turning to face her collar-mate before continuing, her voice low. “You’re right, Master won’t be please if things go poorly, but my task was to broker the selling of the faerie girl to him and bring her back, he didn’t specify how! Even if I could fight, we can’t beat them all like this! So if you’ll shut up and actually help me like you promised you would, we might be able to get away from those mongrels and safely back to Master! Their kind are worth less than dirt to him, Master and the guards here will protect us!” she finished, her eyes filled with more determination than Corin had perhaps yet seen. Whatever the dark-haired woman’s approach for trying to get Karen to ‘remember herself’ was, it clearly wasn’t working...at least not for the time being...

The blonde woman then turned towards the portly orc and addressed him, keeping her voice low to try and keep the group of lesser-orcs from hearing. “Master, you have to release the faerie’s leg shackles. There is a door into one of the buildings here that we can all escape though, but we can’t get away if the faerie can’t run,” Karen explained, adding to the faerie woman’s own plea in an effort to convince the frightened slaver. “Once we’re inside we can make our way back out into the main streets. The guards will protect us from these mongrels from there, and we can make it back to my Master safely.”
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Corin had had enough. "He isn't going to do that you fool! he's going to trade her for his life!" At the end of this sentence Corin suddenly yanked hard on the broken woman's collar and swung her elbow at the foolish women's head, Consequences be damned. Hell, it might even prove enough of a distraction to give them some breathing room...
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

At the sudden yanking of the chain connecting her to Corin, Karen yelped as she spun around and almost reflexively moved to try and dodge the other woman’s attack while simultaneously shifting her feet, positioning her body in an attempt to trip the other woman up and send her falling to the ground, either by using the dark-haired woman’s own attack against her or with her own force.

Attack Corin using the “Trip” Skill.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [48], Bound, Grappled.
Corin: HP = 38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Chained to Karen, Prone.
Karen: HP = 23/43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin, Injured
Initiative: Corin = 22, Karen = 23.

Ananha moves closer to the slaver and tries to get him to unlock her chains.

Karen uses Trip on Corin.
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: 16 + 18 = 34 vs 15 = 2 + 13. Karen wins. Corin is tripped.

Slaver fumbles with a key and drops it.

Thug #1 vs Slaver
Attack: Hit
Damage: 18 - 4 = 14.

Thug #2 vs Karen
Attack: Miss.

Thug #3 vs Karen
Attack: Hit
Damage: 20.

Thug #4 vs Ananha
Attack: Hit. Ananha has been grappled.

The slaver was at wit's end. By the time the argument and the situation had begun to hit full blast in the alleyway he had, as best they could tell, only put together that the faerie needed to have her shackles released if he was to live. That was good enough reason for him. "I only have the key for the shackles on me! I was going to sell the key for the collar separately! But I'll unlock your shackles and you can be free for all I care, just get me out of here!"

The thugs fanned out around the group as the slaver spoke, they moved like a pack of hyenas, sensing weakened prey. The portly orc fumbled in his pockets for the key, pulling it out with a great deal of difficulty for the cowardly shaking of his hands. His shakiness might still be their undoing as a loud clang rung through the air. He had dropped the key on the ground.

The alleyway erupted, with Corin attempting to elbow Karen. The broken woman was a bit more talented in hand-to-hand, however, and acted sooner. Something clicked inside the blonde woman and she allowed the elbow to come her way before simply using the huntress's momentum against her. The raven-haired Badarian was sent tumbling to the ground. It wasn't painful for Corin outside of a few minor scuffs but it would take her precious seconds to bring herself back to her feet. Karen escaped without the scuffle without any injury at all.

At least until two of the thugs went for her, sensing her as a threat. Karen ducked a wild swing of one knife with ease, whatever had briefly awoken inside of her allowing her to effortlessly detect the arc. A second came for her just a little faster, while she was still disoriented from her exchange with Corin and the other thug, and she raised her arm as a last ditch attempt to keep it away from her vitals. The dull knife left an angry red line across her forearm, leaving it burning painfully, but she managed to keep him from hitting anything major.

Ananha and the slaver were beset by their own problems, as one of the thugs lunged at the fat orc. His dagger pierced through fur and skin alike, lodging in his target's shoulder and causing the cowardly beast-man to squeal in pain. Another simply grabbed the faerie by the chains and yanked her toward him, a wicked glint in his eyes. Even with how weak his grip was, Ananha couldn't tear free of it while she was bound. Things were looking grim for the two...

Corin was currently prone on the ground, with Karen the only thing between her and two of the thugs. A key was only feet from Ananha, laying in plain sight on the ground, but the thug holding her was keeping her from taking it for herself. The slaver was currently preoccupied by the attacker who had just stabbed him.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Corin let out a loud curse as the apparent dead weight she was attached to surprised her. Hitting the ground with a thud she immediately gets to her feet. "FINE! IF BITCH IS YOUR NAME THAT THAT'S WHAT ILL CALL YOU!" no gear, no help, a blonde cow who apparently only acted like a human being when her life was on the line and happily sucking green cock all the rest while the rest of her fellows wallowed in filth in a prison. She could fight, that much was apparent but in her state she was going to get them all killed or worse, broken, like her. And in fairness Corin would rather die then head back to that chief and his Harem, hopefully the slaver would bleed to death but for now it seemed once again that Corin was forced to deal with a situation that had no apparent possibility of success. What had originally been pity for the blonde woman was quickly turning into justified hatred.
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Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Karen staggered backward for a moment in shock as she looked down at Corin lying prone on the ground before her, not understanding what had happened, or how.

She had moved so fluidly in response to the woman’s unsavory attempt to attack her, somehow shifting her body to not only avoid the dark-haired woman’s elbow all together, but at the same time managing to position her leg behind the other woman’s. Before she knew it, Karen’s hand had been positioned at her collar-mate’s chest and was pushing her down while her leg hooked around behind the other woman’s, the combined loss of balance from Corin’s own failed attack and from Karen’s positioning and applied force sending her crashing to the ground.

Before she had time to react further, Karen saw motion out of the corner of her eye and reacted again almost reflexively, ducking the wide swing from one of the lesser-orcs with what might have looked like practiced ease. Another of the mongrels advanced before she could respond, however, taking a swing with his own dull blade. Karen managed to raise her arms up at the last second to block the attack before the blade could reach her body, but it left a deep gash running along her forearm that caused the slave girl to cry out and recoil as the wound quickly began to bleed and burn with pain.

Karen’s reflexes kicked in again, however, and before she knew what was happening she was spinning around with one of her legs raised up to the level of the knife-wielding thug’s hand, attempting to impact his hand with her foot and jar the dull blade free of his grip.

Attack the orc-thug that cut her using the “Disarm” Skill.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha tried to hurry the slaver along as best she could, letting out a panicked yelp as the man dropped the key. She was prevented from going for it herself by one of the gang of orcs grabbing the chain in between her wrists and giving her a yank, drawing her towards him. "Stop fighting you two!" She called out to the pair chained together, unable to spare them any more attention.

She had to figure a way to get herself free of the orc in front of her, tugging back, she knew she wasn't strong enough. She couldn't even get a leg up to kick at him, chained together as they were as well, but maybe... Using the grip he had on her wrists as a brace, the fairy jumped and tried to kick at him with both feet together, aiming to plant them dead center on his chest and hopefully push them apart. The orc could just let go to avoid it, most likely, but hopefully he wouldn't react fast enough.

Either way, she was winding up on the ground, so she immediately started crawling for the key, laying in the mud only a few feet from her...
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [36]
Corin: HP = 38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Chained to Karen
Karen: HP = 10/43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin, Badly Injured
Corin stands up (?)

Karen uses Disarm.
Attack: Hit.
Thug #3 is disarmed.

Grapple: 19 vs 5. Success! (Nice roll.)
She retrieves the key and unbinds herself.

Slaver unsheathes his weapon.
Sucks to have no Quick Draw.

Thug #1 attacks Slaver.
Attack: Rolled a 1. Miss.

Thug #2 attacks Karen
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 13.

Thug #3 disregards his lack of weapon and chooses to kick at Corin while she's getting up.
Attack: Rolls a 2. Misses.

Thug #4 lost the grapple roll with Ananha and as such does nothing this turn.

The orcs paid little mind to Corin's shout. Their eyes continued to watch the three rag-clothed women and they each licked their lips, as if preparing for a particularly tasty meal. Their looks would change quickly, however, as Karen's kick connected with the hand of the orc that had cut her, sending his blade skipping across the alleyway. The disarmed orc sidled away from the dangerous woman. His comrade held little such caution. The other thug's blade lashed out at Karen again, catching her across the midsection. It was shallow, thankfully, and more importantly not mortal, but it was quite painful. Another hit like that and she'd be at their mercy.

Ananha, in the meantime, used her fey grace to great effect. The beastly thug hadn't even been paying much attention to what she was doing, merely ogling her body and attempting to pull his pants down. He looked up just in time to see her feet ascend into the air and slam into him. The orc stumbled backward several steps before landing on his backside. The faerie slave, herself, ended up falling onto the ground, though again her natural grace saved her any great harm, instead allowing her to come away with only a few scuffs. Despite her success, she was aware that things were only just getting started and crawled forward for the key, managing to successfully take it in her hands. The fey woman hurriedly began to unlock her manacles, she would be free in mere seconds.

The slaver's luck finally made a turn for the better, although this wasn't necessarily good news for the women. He pulled his weapon from his belt just in time to block a thrust from the thug who had already caused him to bleed once that day. In the meantime, the other thug, who had retreated away from Karen, decided to take a kick at Corin, who seemed vulnerable. The huntress managed to simply knock his foot away as she returned to her feet. As the thug regained his balance from the kick, he might have looked particularly strangle-able to the Badarian woman, who hadn't had the chance to see through any violence on anybody up to that point in the day.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Karen’s eyes widened in shock again as her foot connected with the thug’s hand and sent his knife skipping across the alley, her level of fear and confusion growing. How...how was she doing this? She couldn’t remember ever moving with such quickness and precision before. Flexibility, yes, the slave girl knew she was flexible from the multitude of different ways that she was used to please her masters. What she was somehow doing now, however...she just didn’t understand it...

A moment later, Karen’s body acted almost on its own once again in an effort to avoid the second thug’s blade, but due to her distracted state of mind she didn’t see the second orc’s attack until it was too late to fully dodge it. She managed to avoid a serious blow, but it left a gash through her rags and across her midsection that quickly began to burn with pain all the same. Her body continued with the motion it had used to try and dodge the blade, however, and she spun around again once, throwing out her hand as she came around and trying to back-hand the orc’s knife out of his grasp just as she had done with the first one.

Repeat of last turn, basically. Attack the orc-thug that just cut her using the “Disarm” Skill.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Corin knocked the orcs foot away in annoyance, finally having a suitable target for her anger, and taking a length of chain in her hands she rushed the ugly green bastard and tried to loop the chain around his throat. If she had her way she would plant her feet on him after and pull for all she was worth...
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Is it just me, or did her collar just get weaker? /:
Ananha surprised herself at her own success, reaching out and taking hold of the key to her bonds, working quickly to free herself. She scrambled to her feet, holding the chain and swinging it to ward off any of the orcs that try for her. "Come on, the door!" she said, backing up as quickly as she could without tripping over something or giving the orcs an easy shot at her.
Re: Shackled (Courage Wolf and xgkf) GMed by Hafnium

Ananha: HP = 47, PP = 53, EP = 48, Status: Sealed [36]
Corin: HP = 34/38, PP = 32, EP = 30, Status = Chained to Karen
Karen: HP = 10/43, PP = 68, EP = 29, Status = Chained to Corin, Badly Injured
Ananha is no longer bound and as such the seal is less effective, as it was designed before an official ritual was made public.

Corin attempts to choke a bitch. Giving a circumstance bonus and allowing her to both use stranglehold and not requiring a grapple since she does have a heavy bit of chain available.
Resistance: 20 vs... 20, apparently. The orc is at 7/10 resistance.

Karen disarms another thug!
Attack: Success, he's disarmed.

Ananha moves for the door. Makes it.

The slaver swings at the thug attacking him.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 17.

Thug #1 attacks the Slaver again.
Attack: Miss.

Thug #2 attacks Karen.
Attack: Miss.

Thug #3 attacks Corin.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4.

Thug #4 attempts to grab Ananha
Attack: Miss.

The newly unshackled Ananha went for the door immediately, attempting to pave the way for her new comrades' retreats. After so many hours of the irons weighing her down, her limbs felt as light as feathers, and her fey nature easily allowed her to back her way to the door without tripping or faltering in swinging her former chains around. Her neck was still collared, the seal that prevented her from easily using her magics in place, but it might not have to be that way for too much longer.

The faerie's pseudo-freedom would be of benefit, as the orc who had tried to be a little too friendly with her advanced. He lunged toward to grab her around the waist but she easily sidestepped it and tripped him, sending him headfirst into the door. His face smashed into the heavy wood and he let out an angered growl before stumbling backwards, clutching at his skull.

Corin, in the meantime, had jumped one of the orcs, maneuvered herself around his back, and was strangling him with her chain. He put up a monstrous struggle, but couldn't dislodge the huntress. She could feel him getting weaker. Not before he stomped on her foot in an attempt to get her off him, however. It didn't matter, the enraged Badarian barely registered any pain from his feeble attack as she continued to choke him.

The huntress's efforts almost sent Karen off her balance as she struck out, but the broken woman was channeling something else, as she rolled with the slash and her collar-mate's actions and spun her hand out, knocking the offending blade free of the thug's hand and sending it clattering into the alley. The orc growled at her in a rage and swung at her with a meaty fist, disregarding his weaponless state, but missed entirely as the formerly superior warrior took a step out of the way.

The slaver was finally getting into the fight, himself, taking a swing at the that had harassed him so and drawing blood. It seemed very likely that none of the women really cared how he fared, though.