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Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

On topic: Yes, I have considered it. I even came up with the best suicide message ever. Kinda pity that I'll probably never have a chance to use it.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

I won't say much, except for a thought I had at one point of my life:

"To die, taking all of your enemies with you, spiting the ones who despised and wronged you to the very last. A glorious death..."

Thankfully, I'm over that phase (at least for now), but yeah. Interpret it how you would like.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

I've considered it several times from about age 14 onwards. Out of boredom, mostly.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

When I got back from Iraq, I was trying to drink myself comatose every night. I don't know if i was considering suicide, but I can tell you I didn't really care what I was doing to myself at the time.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

Suicide is for the weak.
But if I did kill myself, it would be in the most interesting and fun way possible.

I think it was, tie a rope around your feet and attach it to a roof, superglue your hands to the sides of your head, tie string around your neck, make a funny face and jump. This way you hang upside down, looking like you tore your own head off and surprising everyone who walks by.

Also make sure the suicide notes ends with "FML" or it doesn't count and you have to do it again!
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

Yeah I've heard that one before.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

Yes, I have, I was really depressed. Until I met someone special, he made it all better.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

I've actually had to talk 2 or 3 people out of it before, one I had to literally seperate from his method of choice. One of the few things I won't ever miss about the army.
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

I tried it before when I was younger, mainly my parents had a rough divorce. It really started around 7ish and it stopped around 12ish it just was a rough phase. I was just young stupid, looking for attention...
Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

I've thought about it before. It was less that I actually wanted to follow through with it, and more that it was part of the mental gymnastics that my brain liked to do while feeling low. I've since learned to recognize when I'm in the "everything sucks and I suck" mode and gently pull myself out of it -- 'cause, you know, beating yourself up over feeling such a way only makes it worse. XD At least, in my experience.

Really, pain is going to be a part of life whatever way you slice it. I don't think that suicide is for the weak, and I don't think that chastising people for considering it is right... but at the same time, I do believe that if a person is considering it, they should try to make it the last possible backup. Mental health is as important as physical health, so if it's a matter of getting ones brain back together, that seems worth working for!

In terms of committing suicide due to terminal illness or debilitating disability, I feel hesitant to make a stand one way or the other. I want to say that everyone has the right to do with their lives what they want, but if it's a matter of the person feeling like they're being a burden, that seems wrong to me. And if it's a matter of the person not being able to make the decision for themselves, it seems very irresponsible to me to assume anything one way or another. We all only get one life, so far as we know, so it seems important to safe-guard that and be responsible with it!

Re: Serious topic: have you ever considered suicide?

*agrees with wallpaper*
I've thought about it too but when I looked down from a cliff, I changed my mind...

It's the whole afraid of heights thing. Well, there's always other methods but that was years ago when I was about seven. It was the only way I thought people could die.

I suppose that's a good thing.