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Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“It's one of the ghosts toys... although practically everyone else makes use of it sooner or later.” Aria replied as the rhythmic clicking continued. “It kinda resembles a saddle that they strap you onto... it has two shafts that will thrust into you until they see fit to release you.”

“It sounds fun.” Kila smiled, clearly imagining the possibilities.

“It kinda is... if you're on there for only a matter of minutes or sometimes an hour or two.” Aria replied, a heavy flush on her cheeks before she gained a more serious look. “That's not what they use it for... they'll strap you in there and leave you on it for hours and days at a time. Even if you reach the point where you stop producing your natural juices, the machine is pumping this warm oil into you and there's even a piece they strap in your mouth to keep you filled with water and this mashed fruit stuff. It's designed to break you through sheer exhaustion... “
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Then maybe we should go take a look and see who's in there. Might be worth the risk."

She'd crack open the door and enter, trying not to draw attention.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

As Senira cracked open the door, she could see the machine in question running in the middle of the room. It was current unoccupied... she could see two large shafts thrusting and spinning atop a saddle that itself seemed to vibrate lightly. The two stirrups on either side had the means to lock the legs into place and the controls were placed well out of the reach of whoever was placed upon it. Each of the shafts leaked oil from their tips and it dripped down the sides of the saddle into a basin that led into a drain. From a container hanging from the ceiling, from which a weird slurry of fruits seemed to feed down a tube into a dispenser shaped like a cock. There was no real restraints for a captives arms, although even if they were free they wouldn’t be able to do much beyond hold on for dear life.

“She's going to be pissed when she finds they didn't clean up after themselves. Or remembered to turn if off when they were done with it.” Aria remarked, following Senira into the room. Aside from the machine, there were spare containers of the oil, fruit slurry and a set of tools that seemed intended for the machine.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Well... this thing's running for a reason... does it power the barrier out there, or what?"

She'd examine the thing, hoping for a way to turn it off.