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Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Ha... you'll be begging me to make you my servant long before you ever set eyes upon Miguel.” The ghost taunted, sensing Senira trying to Focus her next spell.

Kila vs Specter
4 vs 12

Kila launched a burst of pink magic toward the spirit, only to have the dead demon huntress fade out of existence before reappearing in another part of the room. “You're not still trying, are you?”

“Shut up and let me hit you!” Kila growled at the ghost, frustrated by her lack of successful strikes.

Aria vs Rope Demon
20 vs 19

Aira, not having any luck with striking the incorporeal, began focusing her attacks on the very much tangible rope demon that had just dropped down the from the ceiling. With a might cleave, she strike the humanoid bundle of rope with her ax and sending it briefly flying with bits of itself flying off.

Specter vs Senira
9 +1 vs 6

“Let's have some fun, hot stuff.” The ghost smirked as it suddenly appeared in front of the focusing Senira. With a gasp, she whipped the sorceress with her ropes and she found herself entangled within them. The ropes snaked around Senira's body and coiled themselves around her wrists and ankles. Under the conditions, she couldn't maintain her focus on her spell and she could feel the well she had drawn up recede back under the surface.

Rope Demon vs Kila
6 +1 vs 17

“Senira!” Kila turned to try to help her lover, but quickly had to flutter and dodge out of the way as the rope demon started it's own attack against her. “Hold on!”


Senira FP 4/5 AP 0/10 Status: Entangled
Kila FP 4/4 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Aria FP 7/7 AP 0/10 Status: Fine

Specter FP 9/10 AP 0/10 Status: Entangling Senira
Rope Demon FP 3/5 Status: Fine
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Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"H..hey! You little... put me down!"

She started thrashing in the rope, working on getting herself free. Fire wouldn't work here- being tied in flaming rope was not a good way to go- and if she couldn't point her hands, that might make it harder to escape than she'd assumed...

"N... not a problem... I'll still get out and scorch you alive... I know I will..."
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Specter
Escape Attempt
10 vs 14

“You're not going to be going anywhere.” The ghost kept a firm grip against Senira's attempt to tear her way out of her bonds. She seemed to enjoy watching Senira struggle futility against her ropes.

Kila vs Specter
Grapple Break
20 vs 15

“Get off her you bitch!” Kila launched herself bodily at the spirit, forcing the spirit to fade out to avoid her strike. Kila quickly helped Senira get out of what ropes remained on her body. “Are you alright?”

Aria vs Rope Demon
12 vs 17

Aria nodded as she saw Kila release their comrade, before turning her attention back to her current opponent. She swung her ax at her opponent, but the rope creature managed to duck out of the way of her strong but slow moving strike.

8 vs 5

“Mmhm... let's even up the odds.” The Specter appeared at the far end of the room and with a thud another creature made out of rope fell from the ceiling, slightly disoriented by it's creation.

Rope Demon vs Aria
7 vs 14

The rope demon tried to throw itself at the amazon, but she easily threw off the creature. “Is this really the best help you can call for?”


Senira FP 4/5 AP 0/10 Status: Freed
Kila FP 4/4 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Aria FP 7/7 AP 0/10 Status: Fine

Specter FP 9/10 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Rope Demon A FP 3/5 Status: Fine
Rope Demon B FP 5/5 Status: Summoning Sickness
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"See? Told you..." She was breathing a bit heavily, but still found time to launch some fire at the oldest Rope Demon.

"Besides, you can summon until your face turns purple, but we'll still knock you around..."

She clenched her teeth and kept the pressure on. If it got to be too bad, she'd tell the others to run and make herself as big of a target as needed.

"Can't even keep hold of me, you old slipknot..."
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Rope Demon A
13 vs 10

The Rope Demon was too preoccupied with Aria to notice the incoming fire spell and it writhed in pain as it found it's mark. It rolled around on the ground trying to put out the parts of it that had caught fire before shuddering as it managed to regain it's feet. It seemed that the fire spell seemed exceptionally powerful against it's ancient strands.

Kila vs Specter
13 vs 3

“Damn... we can't let her keep summoning these Rope Demons, Senira!” Kila focused and charged toward the spirit and delivered a punch backed by a pink aura. The ghost visibly reeled before fading out and reappearing elsewhere in the room.

“Oh it's so cute when the stupid sidekicks state the obvious.” The ghost stated, rubbing her chin where Kila had landed her blow.

Aria vs Rope Demon A
9 vs 5

“At least this is one less to worry about!” Aria declared as she landed her ax into the 'gut' of the already hurting Rope Demon. It flew bodily across the room where it lost it's cohesion and collapsed into it's component parts.

5 vs 10

“Don't worry, I've got plenty more where that came – get way from me you bitch!” The ghost was forced to abort the creation of a new minion as Kila bodily threw herself at the spirit.

Don't think I'll let that happen!” Kila growled at the ghost who faded back out, unharmed but with her focus broken.

Rope Demon B vs Aria
11 +1 vs 8

The new Rope Demon took advantage of Aria being distracted by the Specter's attempt to summon by throwing itself bodily on top of her. He quickly wrapped itself around her as best it could before she could react.

“Get off of me ya bastard!” Aria yelled as she struggled and bucked against her bonds, to no avail.


Senira FP 4/5 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Kila FP 4/4 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Aria FP 6/7 AP 0/10 Status: Entangled

Specter FP 8/10 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Rope Demon A FP 0/5 Status: Inanimate
Rope Demon B FP 5/5 Status: Entangling Aria
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Keep on her, Kila! Don't give her a chance to relax!" Senira seemed to be getting back to her old self as she focused on another fire spell, ready to hit this specter again. As long as Kila was still on the specter, and Aria was busy with the other rope demon, that would leave her willing and able to cast her magic, and it was a chance she was willing to take.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Specter
5 +1 vs 17

Senira sent another burst of fire at the ghost and it seemed to fly true. Unfortunately, the ghost simply faded out of sight as the fireball approached and reappeared in a different part of the room. The spirit seemed to taunt her by thrusting her chest forward, emphasizing her modest bust. “Oh, were you trying to hit this...?”

Kila vs Specter
7 vs 15

“Oh, I'll hit it alright!” Kila launched herself at the spirit with another glowing fist, emboldened by her previous success. The ghost was prepared this time and much like with Senira's fireball simply faded from sight as she approached. A loud smack was heard as Kila passed the area where the ghost had been as an angry red slap mark appeared on her ass.

“Don't worry, little slut... I'll get to you soon enough...” The ghost taunted, remaining invisible for the moment. Kila looked around trying to find the source of the voice.

"Come out, you bondage freak!” Kila challenged her, but only got laughter in return.

Escape Attempt
16 vs 14

A lour roar echoed through the room as Aria tore her way out of the Rope Demon's grasp and quickly beat feet before it could try to grab her again. “Damn clinging bastards!”

Summoning Attempt
20 -1 vs 15

The spirit reappeared on the far side of the rooms and began the familiar motions of calling another rope demon, although the continued efforts to do so were starting to take a toll on the ghost. Kila made a head long charge at the ghost, but it was too late to try to close the distance as another construct fell between them.

“Damn! She got another one out!” Kila cursed.

Rope Demon B vs Kila
11+1 vs 5

The still active Rope Demon launched itself bodily at Kila, sensing her to be easier prey then the amazon that had just tossed it off. It slammed into her even as it began coiling itself around her nude form.

“Not now! Fun time is later!” Kila cursed as she struggled against her bonds.


Senira FP 4/5 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Kila FP ¾ AP 0/10 Status: Entangled
Aria FP 6/7 AP 0/10 Status: Freed

Specter FP 8/10 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Rope Demon A FP 0/5 Status: Inanimate
Rope Demon B FP 5/5 Status: Entangling Kila
Rope Demon C FP 4/4 Status: Summoning Sickness
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Oh, really? I guess you must have been flat as a board in real life. What good are they if you can't touch them or tempt others with them?"

She kept her voice nonchalant as she worked up more fire. It was getting a bit out of hand. This time, she ficused it and threw it at the new rope demon.

"Besides, I'm sure these two would love to get ahold of your curves- for entirely different reasons than you want to get hold of mine for, anyways... so come on down and play- or are you just a big, spiritual chicken?"
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Hmph. Some of us couldn't afford... 'enchantments' growing up.” The ghost taunted Senira in return. “And I'll be getting a hold of you very soon...”

Kila vs Rope Demon B
Escape attempt
10 vs 18

“Get offa me!” Kila growled at the rope construct that held her. Despite her thrashing, it held firm against her attempts to dislodge it from her.

Aria vs Rope Demon B
Grapple Break Attempt
15 vs 13

“She said, 'OFF' you bastard!” Aria stormed toward the current elder construct. She seized it by the back of it's 'head' and viciously tore it off. She bodily threw it across the room where it immediately righted itself for another round.

“Thanks...” Kila said to Aria, getting an acknowledging nod in return.

Specter vs Senira
9 vs 3 +1

Senira found herself face to face with the specter as the spirit once again materialized in front of her. Before she had a chance to react, she found the ropes and chains encircle her form once more with an emphasis on her wrists.

“Well... now where did we leave off?” The ghost stated, reaching up and feeling incredibly corporeal as she roughly groped Senira's chest. Her cold touch wasn't intended to bring pleasure to her as much as it was a gesture of dominance.

Rope Demon B vs Aria
7 +1 vs 5

The elder rope demon launched itself once more at it's original foe and succeeded in slamming into her with a heavy thud. Even as she shuddered under the blow, it was making it's hold on her form as solid as it could enveloping the muscular beauty in it's loops. Taking a different approach this time, in addition to the ropes binding her it brought two of it's less course ropes to her breasts and began rhythmically groping her bosom.

“G-get your damn paws off me!” Aria said, even as the beginnings of a blush threatened her cheeks.

Rope Demon C vs Kila
11 +1 vs 10

“Aria, hold on!” Kila leaped to aid the comrade closest, but quickly found her path cut off by the second rope demon. She threw a magically powered punch at it, but it swiftly moved out of the way. She stumbled slightly which was all the rope demon needed to envelope her with it's form. With the intensity of a bear hug, it squeezed the breath out of her and silencing any current protests.


Senira FP 3/5 AP 0/10 Status: Entangled
Kila FP 2/4 AP 0/10 Status: Entangled
Aria FP 5/7 AP 1/10 Status: Entangled and being groped.

Specter FP 8/10 AP 0/10 Status: Entangling Senira
Rope Demon A FP 0/5 Status: Inanimate
Rope Demon B FP 5/5 Status: Entangling Aria
Rope Demon C FP 4/4 Status: Entangling Kila
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"H-hey! Hands off!" The rough treatment brought a blush to her face, but she still wrestled against the ropes and chains holding her wrists together. She'd try and twist out of them, flexing the rope, trying to work her way out...
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Specter
Escape Attempt
3 vs 4

No matter how much Senira twisted and writhed in the spirits grasp. The ghost seemed to be amused and maybe a little aroused by her desperate motions. “Oh... you look so helpless... makes me want to gobble you up.”

Kila vs Rope Demon C
Escape Attempt
19 vs 2

“Mmm... this feels so goooood...” Kila moaned within her rope demons grasp. It seemed almost delighted by her submission and was taken by surprise when it's slightly slacked grasp allowed her to grab it and throw it to the ground with a noticeable slam. “But not THAT good!”

Aria vs Rope Demon B
Escape Attempt
15 vs 10

Aria, instead of Kila's deceptive means, opted instead to start bodily hitting herself, rope demon first, into the nearest wall. After a few hits, it was dazed enough that she could tear herself free of her grasp. “And keep your... rope things to yourself!”

Specter vs Senira
16 vs 14
Arousal Chance from Entanglement – F

Senira could feel the ghosts ropes consolidated their hold on her and after binding her legs to began forcing them apart. From her position, the ghost could unleash any manner of pain on her that she could imagine. Slowly the spirit approached her and she could feel herself tensing in face of imminent pain. Instead, the ghost pressed her cold lips against hers with a sense of conquest as she felt two cold hands paw her flesh. One began kneading her breast in a gentler manner than before even as the other slipped underneath her tunic to rub between her parted legs.

“Don't worry... you'll all get the chance to enjoy this...” The ghost look over Senira's shoulder at her companions. She idly realized that the spirit had placed her between herself and the other combatants in an effort to prevent any more easy interruptions.

Rope Demon B vs Aria
14 +1 vs 15

The elder rope demon once more tried to entangle Aria in it's form, but she was ready for it this time. Any time it tried to draw close, she warded it off with a wide ax swing dissuading it from getting too close.

“Hold on, we'll be there in a second!”

Rope Demon C vs Kila
17 +1 vs 10

Kila was less lucky as her attempt to flutter out of the way was stopped by the construct throwing itself onto her causing both to gracelessly fall to the ground. The rope demon quickly took the opportunity to bind Kila into it's form once more and she quickly began swearing up a storm.

“I'm getting fucking sick of these fucking rope demons in this fucking room!”


Senira FP 3/5 AP 1/10 Status: Entangled and being groped.
Kila FP ¼ AP 0/10 Status: Entangled and getting sick of these rope demons in this room.
Aria FP 5/7 AP 1/10 Status: Freed

Specter FP 8/10 AP 0/10 Status: Entangling and groping Senira
Rope Demon A FP 0/5 Status: Inanimate
Rope Demon B FP 5/5 Status: Fine
Rope Demon C FP ¾ Status: Entangling Kila
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Even as her body tried to fight off the specter's advances, Senira couldn't deny that a slight bit of heat was generating from where the teasingly cold fingers had decided to play across the fabric over her breast, teasing her until two small yet stiff peaks could be seen poking at the material as she weakly tried again to get loose. It was obvious they were overmatched- if she didn't get out of the ropes this turn, she had a strong hunch that if she simply told the others to go, the specter might just be too engrossed with the prize she already had to pay them much heed.

That didn't stop her from writhing under the specter's fingers, or stop a slight moan from coloring her protests.

"S-stop... stop that... please, just-ohhhhmmmm.... let me down..."
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Specter
Escape Attempt
5 vs15

“Stop this...?” The specter spoke, nibbling at her neck even as she struggled against her bonds. “...oh, you want this... you just don't know it yet.”

Kila vs Rope Demon C
Escape Attempt
12 vs 9

Kila, after a moment of struggling against her bonds, finally managed to tear herself loose with a growl. “What the hell? Rope Demons aren't normally this aggressive... has she done something to them?”

Aria vs Specter
Grapple Break
10 vs 12

“Do I look like an expert?” Aria growled as she pushed her way towards the captive Senira. The specter didn't fade out this time and she grabbed a hold of the ropes binding her friends wrists. “Let go of her!”

Suddenly, from the Specter's position on the other side of Senira several other ropes and chains tried to encircle her as well and she desperate tore away from them.

Specter vs Aria
Grapple Attempt
18 +1 -3 vs 1
Arousal Chance vs Senira - F

“It's always so CUTE!” The Specter chirped as she drew Aria closer with her ropes, forsaking a chance to tighten her already considerable grip on Senira to do so. “They always try to save their little friends... Always.”

Heavy rope wound themselves around the impressively strong Amazon as if to declare she wasn't getting away this time. She found herself bound back to back with Senira and the sorceress could feel the amazon woman's heat clearly through her tunic.

“Hmhm... it's been a while since I've had you like this, hasn't it?” The ghost spoke over Senira's shoulder to Aria. She continued her suckling of the mages neck briefly, before floating through the two of them sending a cool shiver down their spines. Although Senira couldn't see it, she could feel Aria began to writhe as the spirit began sucking from the Amazon's breast even as a cold finger sought entry into her folds. “Do you remember the last time we parted? I had kept you on edge for so long you were begging for that minotaurs cock.”

“Damn you...” Aria bit back a moan at the ghosts familiar ministrations.

Rope Demon B vs Kila
7 +1 vs 15

“Hold on!” Kila yelled at the two, before finding herself frantically dodging the elder rope demon's advances. She ducked, weaved and fluttered her way out of it's grasp before finally landing to try and catch her breath.

Rope Demon C
2 +1 vs 18

Which is when the second rope demon launched it's own offensive on her. She stared blankly at it's encroaching form as she raggedly drew her breath. With a mighty yell, she landed a magically back punch straight to it's 'face' staggering it long enough for her to create some distance.


Senira FP 3/5 AP 1/10 Status: Entangled
Kila FP ¼ AP 0/10 Status: FALCON PAWNCH
Aria FP 4/6 AP 2/10 Status: Entangled

Specter FP 8/10 AP 0/10 Status: Entangling Senira and Aria (-3 penalty)
Rope Demon A FP 0/5 Status: Only being kept here for record keeping purposes
Rope Demon B FP 5/5 Status: Fine
Rope Demon C FP 2/4 Status: FALCON PAWNCH'D!
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Let them go, and I'll play with you. As long as you want, whatever you want. Either you keep fighting all of us, or you let them go and get me without a struggle."

Her eyes were closed, face drooping down. It was obvious they were overmatched, and Aria had already been through the specter's hands once before. But they might be able to find her, if she could just get them out of here...
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

The room fell silent for a moment after Senira spoke those words, even the Rope Demons becoming still. The spirit slowly walked back around to the mage and, in contrast to her earlier aroused malice, her face was completely expressionless. She stared into Senira's eyes for an eternal moment before delivering a piercing slap.

“Don't you fucking utter those words again.” The ghost growled, even as the bound pair felt their bonds grow slack and fall off. “Get out of here. I'm not in the mood anymore...”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Too bad. And here I thought you wanted someone to play with. Just remember... I offered, and you turned me down..." she said, rubbing her cheek.

"...we'll just leave you alone for now, then. Come on- if she wants to sulk, let her sulk. We can find a way to the castle without banishing her, I guess. Too bad, though... I was having fun..." she finished with a wan little grin.

With a look back, she made for the door, to plot her next move.

Wow. Didn't expect her to have such a violent reaction to that...
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Kila and Aria followed Senira wordlessly out the door and it shut behind them with a slam. They could hear the sound of the door being sealed from the other side and knew they wouldn't be able to reenter for a while.

“...she didn't come in here alone, did she?” Aria asked after a moment.

“Lone adventurers are kinda rare... groups are more common.” Kila answered, before looking at Senira. “You... are neither the first nor probably the last to try to make that sort of deal. It... never works out...”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Well... maybe we can come back and talk to her, after she's had some time to blow off steam and think things through. I think she's just as much a prisoner here as everyone else is. Come on, we'll leave her alone. I think it's high time we head to the gate to the inner part of this place, anyways. I think we should go take it out on the next thing that crosses our path. Come on, let's finish this hallway and see if there's anything else here before we head back."
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“...it's a good idea as any.” Kila replied. Aria nodded in agreement, but she seemed a little bothered by something. There were a few more doors to examine in the hallway before they came across a barrier that prevented further travel through the wall. It seemed to be both magical and physical in nature, resisting any effort to bypass it. Two of the doors were firmly locked, but as Senira reached to check the third she became aware of a strange, rhythmic clicking noise coming from the other side.

“That's...” Aria began, with an expression halfway between terror and a heavy blush. “It's in use... no guarantee whether or not whoever started that machine is actually watching their handiwork, though.”

“Ooo, are you talking about what I'm thinking you're talking about?” Kila responded with an intrigued eyebrow and a slightly perverted grin.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"...yeah, maybe you should enlighten us as to what's in there- so we don't run into something that could go badly?" she says, as the thought brightens her cheeks a bit.

"Sounds like some sort of mechanical device from out here..."