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Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“She just left? After traveling with you for how long?” The Succubus asked, clearly confused by this Kila. “Are you saying you want me to take her name? After what she did to you?”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Well, you forget one important detail. She was my mentor, and she'd always told me that if I woke up one morning to find her gone, it was a sign that I was ready to go on my own. Brusque, standoffish, a mean shot with a fireball and a tongue almost as talented as yours. I kind of miss her, but you... well, you might be better."

She squirmed a bit as the thrust came, he walls involuntrily clutching the cock as a bit more of their mixed fluids leaked out.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Hm... so it's the name of someone you respect then. Alright, call me Kila.” Kila nodded as if to confirm her new name in her head. “Although, I do hope that you find me worthy.”

Kila reached down to Senira's folds to scoop up a mixture of their combined juices with her finger. She slowly licked it to savor the flavor of their union before she scooped up a little more and pressed it to Senira's lips.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

She would stick her tongue out and lick it, a smile on her lips.

"Hmmm... you know, I bet we're going to get along just fine. As much as I hate to say it... we might want to get going. I get the feeling they're going to be after you as much as me, and we're going to need all the help we can get if we're going to give Miguel- and his master- the royal heave-ho out the door. I've been down all the way the other way, and I met that rather nice dryad down that way. You'll know her when you look outside- that's the big tree sticking out of the other end of the wall. I think there's a spirit down this way that I want to take care of- Ithe more of his allies I can take down or convert, the fewer defenses we'll have in our way. So if we can go after that spirit- and maybe find the Sealer, too- we'll be good. Do you have any idea, Kila?"
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Kila smiled perversely as Senira also tasted their combined flavors but had to release a sad sigh when she brought up a good point. “More likely than not, they'll be targeting me first. I suspect that Miguel was expecting you to kill me and now he's going to try to arrange it himself.”

“That sapling grew? Did you...”
The succubus quirked a curious eyebrow before continuing. “That was probably an interesting experience. The evil spirit probably refers to that so-called demon hunter that rolled in a few decades back. Dying isn't necessarily an escape when the Master truly desires you... the Sealer is probably being kept in the castle somewhere on the third floor. That old man isn't particularly loyal to anyone, but they keep him content by giving him the first pick of the feasts.”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"The third floor... I guess that's a good place to start looking. And if Miguel wants you so badly... well, he's got to go through me first. I'm no pushover- but we'll need to keep moving, then. Try to help me look out for some of his little surprises, but if it looks bad, run. Fly your length off and go find the dryad. She'll be able to get you out, I think."

She shifted slightly, looking around.

"Let's move. Check the next door and all that."
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Most of the really interesting stuff should be on the upper tiers of the wall... visitors who Miguel is trying to turn, but are too dangerous to keep in the castle proper. Especially the third floor, but good luck getting in there.” Kila explained.

As Senira opened the door, she found a staircase that matched the one on the opposite side of the gate. The Spirit was said to lurk on the first floor but there was also the possibility of unturned people in the tower above.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Well, let's get started, then."

She would head up the stairs, motioning for Kila to stay behind her and watch the rear- and knowing her predilictions, she'd also have one eye on Senira's rear, no doubt.

"Let's see what's up these stairs... think they'll have anyone else?"
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“In this part of the wall? There was a captured Amazon that they were trying to break, but that was a while ago.” Kila offered helpfully. “If she hasn't been broken already then she's probably incredibly resilient. They've been trying everything.”

As Senira reached the second floor, she noticed that this portion of the wall seemed a lot more dungeon like than the other. Even in the staircase there were restraints on the wall ready to deal with an escapee. The stairs continued upwards and she could probably guess that the spell on them would take her straight to the fourth floor.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"An Amazon... well, that would help. But I'd wager that she'll more than likely have company... given this place, and the fact that you found me, well... let's just prepare to attack if we run into something."

Her hand swirled with ice crystals as she proceeded up the stairs. If she had to, she would introduce a monster to the true meaning of the phrase 'blue balls'.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Who knows what condition she'll be in though?” Kila pondered as she followed Senira up the stairs. “Although, I suppose that a knocked up amazon on our side is better then one on theirs.”

As Senira reached the next floor, she saw the tell tale window that apparently signaled her being on the fourth floor. However, instead of the door she had seen on the other wall she saw a corridor stretch into the distance. It technically was impossible for this corridor to exist as it would have had to jut out of the side of the castle for quite a distance. She felt the need to find the sorcerer responsible for this and kick him in the teeth just on principle. In the distance she could see two figures standing in front of a door talking animatedly with each other. They hadn't seemed to have noticed her yet but she couldn't quite hear what they were saying.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Well, at least they knew something was on this level, at least... She'd motion to Kila to keep as quiet as she could, and would start to creep down the corridor, hoping to get close enough to listen to the conversation they were having. Information was power, and the more they had, the better of an idea on what their next move might be.

And if they saw her? Well, she hadn't been holding an ice blast for anything...
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira and Kila quietly approached the two figures standing guard in front of the door. They stuck to the sides of the corridor remaining behind any cover provided until they could get close enough to see what they were dealing with.

Two Orc guards stood watch over the door. One wielded a sword, the other a spear and it was obvious that both were carrying restraints to aid in the capture of escapees. They weren't paying much attention to their posts as it became clear that they were discussing their prisoner.

“Did y'see the size of dem tits on dat whore?” The sword wielding Orc gestured with his hands as if he were weighing an bosom. “I though dey were suppose' to get small the more muscle da girl got.”

“Why you c'plainin? An' can ye 'magine how TIGTH dat bitch is?” The other Orc made an obscene gesture with his hips.

“Tight 'nuff that she breaks a guys dick off.” The first Orc stated, before grinning. “Das why dey have a 'taur loosen her up first before dey let us have a shot.”

“Did ya hear dat scream the first time?” The spear orc laughed. “Damn near broke me ears!”

The sword orc joined his comrade in laughing at the Amazon's predicament.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Well, she sure wasn't going to spare either of these two, that was for sure. The way they talked about their captive screaming, well... there were, admittedly, very few things that could cause her to blow her temper. Talk like that, however... could honestly do it.

"Hmmm... Kila, just for curiosity's sake... if you can feed through giving it to someone in the rear, it might be time for you to get a snack and me to get some more answers. I think one of those boys has earned himself a nice, rough introduction to being someone's bitch, preferably yours. And when we have him all nice and crumpled up, well... our new ally in there could stomp him into a nice stain on the floor."

A little bit further, and she'd unleash the ice spell she was holding, followed up with a fire spell at the same target- the orc that had remarked about the minotaur. And if the mino made an appearance- well, at least they'd have a way to cook him after the fight, hopefully.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Certainly. Although I'd be half afraid I'd catch something from those two.” Kila stated as she considered the two Orcs. “They're probably no strangers to being ass rammed, considering their low-rung status.”

Kila didn't seem to be as bothered by the Orc's statements as Senira was. Although this was probably because she'd become desensitized to such words, possibly aimed toward herself in the past. Regardless, she readies herself for battle herself for the battle to come.

9 vs 18

“Hey! Who're dey!” The sword wielding Orc shouted as he caught sight of the two attempting to stealthy approaching him. He quickly drew his steel as turned to face the girls.

“Look 'ike fresh and used pussy ta me!” The spear wielder leered at the two of them. He clearly had plans for both of them in the event he won.

Senira 11
Kila 10
Sword Orc 4
Spear Orc 12

Spear Orc vs Kila
10 vs 19

The Spear Orc attempted to thrust his spear at Kila in a more calculating manner then expected, but his caution didn't yield him any rewards. “Jus' lay down and take it. I know ye suck you buses love dat shit.”

“Sorry, but there's no way I'd let your filthy hands touch me.” Kila taunted back.

Senira vs Sword Orc
10 vs 5

Senira launched her already readies Ice spell at the sword wielding Orc who took it straight to the chest and was launched back a few paces. He hunched over himself shivering uncontrollably as the cold spell caused his body temperature to plummet. “Y-you whore! I'll fuck ya wid my sword!”

Kila vs Spear Orc
2 vs 3 +1

Out of the corner of her eye, Senira saw Kila attempt to cast some sort of spell at the other Orc but whatever it was seemed to fizzle out before it reached him.

Sword Orc vs Senira
2 +1 vs 12

The sword wielding Orc recovered from the cold spell to charge at Senira with his sword drawn. He swung wildly at her but she danced out of his way leaving him looking angry at her impudence.

Senira FP 5/5 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Kila FP 4/4 AP 0/10 Status: Fine

Sword Orc FP 2/3 AP 0/10 Status: Looking Stupid
Spear Orc FP 3/3 AP 0/10 Status: Looking slightly less stupid

Spear Orc vs Kila
2 vs 16

The spear wielding Orc lowered his stance slightly before he heaved himself at Kila with the full weight of his body behind his spear. Unfortunately, this didn't yield him any better results than his earlier caution as he only stabbed empty air as Kila fluttered out of the way.

“What's the matter, can't... get it up?” Kila taunted her opponent, his only response being a low growl.

Senira vs Sword Orc
13 vs 11

Senira's fire spell found it's target as easily as her ice spell had earlier and the orc squealed in pain as he quickly began rolling around in attempt to put out the flame. The smell of his burnt flesh filled the corridor as his screaming resembled a stuck pig.

Kila vs Spear Orc
5 vs 10 +1

Kila launched herself at the non-screaming Orc and tried to bodily knock him down. A flurry of small stabs prevented her from getting close enough to do any real damage and she was forced to break off the attack.

“Ha! I can get it up bedda den you!” The Orc returned her earlier taunt.

Sword Orc
Escape Attempt
vs Senira 12 vs 10
vs Kila 18 vs 10

The sword bearing Orc tore past the two women with all the panic of a chicken fleeing the slaughter house. He dodge the odd swing from both of them as he passed by and only stopped to yell at the two of them before he disappeared down the stairs.

“Da names Bggs! 'member it cause dat's who's gonna be fucking yer ass!” He cowered as he fled down the stairs, narrowly dodging another fireball from Senira.

Senira FP 5/5 AP 0/10 Status: Planning the use Bggs for target practice next time.
Kila FP 4/4 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Bggs FP 1/3 AP 0/10 Status: Bravely Ran Away
Spear Orc 3/3 AP 0/10 Status: Very much aware that he's now on his own.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Well, you know what they say... he who whines and runs away ain't even worth a pity lay!" she cracks. "I mean, just think what you might be missing out on- if you friend here beats us, he'll get to use both of us... all on his lonesome... and you'd be missing out on some of the tightest, warmest pussy that you ever had the chance to shove your cock into. Tell him, Kila- just how nice was it when you went deep into me?"

She'd let the second orc know she hadn't forgotten him with a quick bolt of lightning his way, and then would languidly stretch her hands above her head in a sexy pose to tempt the fleeing orc back.

"I guess you aren't interested, after all... what's your reputation going to be if your tribe finds out you ran away, anyways? They might cut off your length or something..."
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Oh, it was so tight and it practically sucked me in... Mmm...” Kila moaned as she took a moment to stroke her member. In fact, Senira couldn't recall if she saw it go limp at any point. “Although, considering the fact that they're peons means that they probably got traded to Miguel in exchange for pussy. They didn't have any pride to begin with.”

Spear Orc vs Kila
1 vs 17

The spear bearing Orc only replied to Kila's statement with a low growl, indicating that she had probably hit the nail on the head. Her charges her with spear thrusting forward and screaming, “I am Widg of the Spear! An Orc Slave 's still worth ten weak humies!”

His anger caused him to drive his spear into the wall after Kila once against glided out of the way of his ill considered attack. He paused in an attempt to pull his firmly lodged spear, rather than abandon it in the face of an incoming attack.

Senira vs Spear Orc
Auto-Hit due to Critical Failure

Widg screamed as the bolt of lightning ran through his body and caused him to spasm uncontrollably. He gasped in pain the electricity finished coursing through his body but his seizure did managed to work his spear loose of the wall. He managed to turn to the party and ready his spear for the next attack.

Kila vs Spear Orc
14 vs 13 +1

Kila had closed the distance incredibly quickly and he found himself slammed into the wall with surprising force considering the differences in their sizes. After a moment, he gave her a violent shove off of him before he weakly stumbled off the wall. He glared at the two of them, but was clearly on his last legs.

Senira FP 5/5 AP 0/10 Status: Sensing Victory
Kila FP 4/4 AP 0/10 Status: Fine

Sword Orc Status: Bravely Ran Away
Spear Orc AP 1/3 FP 0/10 Status: Considering options
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Well, of course they were traded. Neither one of them could have really made it out in the world. Besides, I bet I could finish him without even having to lift a finger."

In truth, she did lift a finger- it was actually her whole hand- and sent a cloud of ice down at the orc.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Spear Orc
Escape Attempt
vs Senira 5 vs 2
vs Kila 7 vs 6

“One day... I will be strong enough to face you.” The Orc said, in a surprisingly clear tongue. He dashed not towards them but towards the door he had been previously guarding. He slammed open the door and the first thing that caught their eyes was the Minotaur on the other side who had just been rudely awakened. It roared loudly as it's eyes fell upon the two women and it lowered it's horns.

While the Minotaur held their attention, the spear wielding Orc shoved his way past them and toward the stairs. Any thoughts of trying to turn and stop him disappeared as the Minotaur SMASHED his way through the smaller doorway and it's large erection declared it's intention toward them. Within it's hands it held a massive ax that was easily one and a half times as tall as Senira.

“This... is going to suck.” Kila stated, staring at the obscene member. “And a lot of fun, but we won't be able to walk for a week.”


Senira vs Minotaur
10 vs 9 +2

Senira launched the Ice Cloud spell she had already prepared to use on the Orc on the new arrival instead. The freezing cloud surrounded the Minotaur but his thick hide seemed more than adequate to shake off the cold.

Kila vs Minotaur
15 vs 10 +2

“C'mon, big boy! You know you want a piece of this!” Kila taunted the Minotaur by slapping her ass. He took the bait and charged toward her only to ram into the side of the corridor with a stone shuddering slam.

Minotaur vs Kila
18 vs 9

The Minotaur pulled itself from the wall, only looking slightly dazed. With a massive fist, he knocked Kila across the corridor where she hit the wall with a thud of her own. She got up from where she had fallen looking a little bruised, but surprisingly okay due to her inhuman nature.

Senira FP 5/5 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Kila FP 3/4 AP 0/10 Status: Winded, but still in the fight.

Minotaur FP 7/8 AP 0/15 Status: Angry at being awakened.
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Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Oh, I'm sure that it would be a lot of fun. Dinner and entertainment, all in one. Though I think we might have some differences on who'd be the entertainment- I don't think you'd be big on sharing."

If ice didn't work, well, she'd go with the old standby- launching a ball of fire at the minotaur, hoping to sizzle his fur and see if that might work.