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Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

As she open the southern door, a loud snapping noise was issued from the other side followed by the sound of something wooden and metal hitting the floor. The door than swung open by itself revealing that a spear had been used to keep the door shut, but it had long since rotted through it's wooden handle and her opening the door had been the proverbial straw that broke the camels back.

Once inside, she found it to be a small storage room. A few crates filled with what smelled to be rotting fruit were stack against the wall, but there was something strange going on. Aside from the door she had entered from, there were no other exits. But something had propped the door shut from the inside...


However, she couldn't find anything obviously amiss with the room.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

She takes a few sniffs of the air and shakes her head. The room didn't have anything in it apart from a few old crates of fruit that was definately past its prime. That stink would more than likely stick with her- it was pretty foul.

On a hunch, she checked the spear, and shook her head.

"Spears don't just walk into a room- though in this place, the armor might just. Nothing in here... guess I'll just have to try the other room."

She made for the door and the other room, across the hall.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

This door seemed to open without the fan fare that the previous door had.

12 vs 7 W

It has almost opened to easily and the bottom of the door glinted a little suspiciously. As Senira looked closely she noticed that the bottom of the door was coated in a slimy material. On a hunch, she looked back at the other door and found that it too had a slimy coat that seemed much older and was in the process of flaking off. The slime on the new door was much fresher and as she looked into the new room she noticed two things. The first was that this room didn't have much besides a staircase heading up and the second was that there was a barely visible trail of slime heading up the stairs.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

So, apparently whatever had been here was on the run, and this was the way up. It might be interesting to see what was up there... so she'd climb the stairs carefully, trying to keep her feet out of the slime. If she saw it, well... that slime was going to be in for it.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira follow the slime trail up to the next floor where it led out underneath another doorway that most likely held a corridor similar to the one she encountered below. There was also another flight of stairs the continued upwards and this chamber had several arrow slits that gave her a glimpse of the sunset outside. Nightfall would be complete soon.

6 vs 2 W

It was then that she noticed something odd about the arrow slit. According to her reckoning, these arrow slits should be facing inwards toward the castle town but she could see the outside forest from it!
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Huh... so these point out to the forest... it's like a defense wall around the town inside. Are they trying to keep everyone in, or is this to keep intruders out...?"

She kept walking- if night was coming soon, it might be worth it to keep a better eye out...

"There's something going on... and when that disembodied voice realizes he's still got to deal with me, who knows what else is going to come after me? Then again, it's not like I can't handle it..." she says, with a confident smirk.

"He's all talk, anyways."
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Disregarding the slime trail heading into the corridor, she instead continued her climb up the stairs to the next flight of stairs. She encountered another chamber much like the one below that was only sparsely decorated and contained a proper window that had been left open.


The cool air gently wafted through the room and toyed with the curtains on either side of the window. The sounds of the night were beginning to stir from the forest. There laid another door way leading to the interior of the wall and another stair case that seemed to have the last rays of sunlight pouring through it.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

In all honesty, she wondered just how far this wall ran- if there was a door to the inside, well... it might be worth taking. But her curiosity drew her to the staircase. The higher up she was the better idea of how much territory she'd have to clean out to find what she was looking for. Her feet tapped over the stone as she walked towards it, intent upon heading up.

"Place is still inhabited... it's in okay repair, and the windows apparently work... either I'm getting lucky, or I'm being drawn somewhere..."
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira headed upwards once more and soon found herself standing upon the walkway the ran atop the wall. The sun was giving it's last gasps even as the moon began looming in the sky. The torches that ran atop the wall were at best sporadically lit and on either side of her she could spot the forest or the castle town.

The castle town looked to be in ruins and whatever maintained the walls didn't seem to care much for the decaying wooden structures. Several structures looked to be on the verge of collapse and a couple already had, but in the center Square she could almost make out what was once a campfire. It looked fresher than the buildings but it had long since gone out.


Then someone occurred to her as she caught sight of the wall as it wrapped around the side of the castle town. The wall appeared to have four floors... but she had only climbed three sets of stairs! None of them took particularly longer to climb than the others either. She examined the wall opposite hers as close as she could. The first floor had no windows and the second had arrow slits which matched up to what she'd seen earlier. The third floor generally had barred windows and those that didn't had clearly just had theirs rusted or torn off. She couldn't remember seeing anything like that on her way up and the top floor generally had proper windows with curtains albeit occasionally she'd see one with broken glass.


A silent squawk could be heard in the distance and she traced it to a bell tower on the castle proper. The bell had long since been knocked loose of it's mooring and she could dimly see several figures crouched down in it's place as if starting to shelter for the night. Whatever those figures were, they hadn't seemed to notice her yet.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

As silently as she coiuld, she noted where everything was. There were four floors to this wall, and it looked like maybe someone was camped out in the center square. Once she was done there, it would be a good place to start her exploration of the town.

She would turn and head back down the stairs, trying to avoid drawing attention. It was high time she looked through that other door in the room where the staircase originated, to see what was going on there.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

I believe this is what you meant when you gave directions. If possible, can you be more specific in the future?

Senira silently crept back down the stairs, intent on investigating the door she had just passed up. Night had fallen, but the torches in the castle still presented plenty of light for her to see by.


As she approached the door with the window to her back, she thought she heard something on the other side. She cautiously approached the suspect door and pressed her ear against it and she could hear heavy but even breathing on the other side.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

It is, and I will.

Breathing... well, looks like she was going to have to play again. She took hold of the knob and pressed herself to the door. Slowly twisting the knob, she pulled the door open, keeping the door between her and whatever was behind it, free hand beginning to crackle with lightning. If it tried to attack her, she'd hit it with the lightning. If not, well... she'd talk to it- maybe it could be someone who could be an ally in this crazy place- keeping people alive as slaves or toys meant they had to be kept alive. They might be able to help her storm the town if they were still alive...
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“You picked a poor time to arrive, girl.” A deep voice growled from the opened door way. “The Beast is almost upon me.”

Within the room, Senira found a large furry form strapped down onto a strange looking chair. The Werewolf had eyes that still had humanity within them but it was fading fast and occasionally he would thrash against his bindings.

“I would advise you to leave and return when I am myself again.” The Werewolf spoke, before snarling suddenly. “The Beast smells you and wishes to take it's satisfaction on you. If pushed into a fury, it may well prove capable of breaking out of these restraints. Please, leave!”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"...I'll be back for you."

She gives the man a nod, and re-closes the door as best she can. A mental note is made of this place- she won't leave him here.

Having satisfied herself that there's nothing else here, she descends the stairs back to the corridor with slime in it, and follows the slime trail onwards.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Thank you.” Was the last thing he said before the humanity left his eyes and he was left a snarling beast trapped in it's restraints. This was what Senira last saw when she closed the door with her promise echoing in her heart.

Down she headed again, this time to follow the slime trail she had abandoned earlier. As she pushed open the door, she saw a much larger corridor than she had expected with a large arched ceiling that should have pushed into the room she just left the werewolf in but didn't. Her eyes traced the slime trail and she noticed that a inexplicably small slime was quivering in a darkened patch of the corridor.


She quickly realized that a slime that small wouldn't have been able to leave a trail as large as the one she had been following. She examined her surroundings and noticed something dripping from the ceiling above the small slime. It was a much more massive slime clinging to the ceiling in ambush!
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Without another word, that cocky grin returned to her face. A few steps back, so the thing wouldn't land on her, and she raised her hand, unleashing a quick blast of ice, intending on slowing the creature down, or perhaps simply freezing it to the ceiling.

"Ever hear the words 'clean up after yourself?" she mocked it with, looking up at it.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Slime
19 vs 5 W

Senira was able to completely remain hidden until she was ready to unleash her ice spell upon the unaware Slime.

Senira vs Slime

The blast of ice slammed into the unsuspecting Slime and immediately flash froze part of it. With a thud the entire thing fell to the ground squishing the smaller Slime it had generated in it's attempt to ambush her. It seemed briefly stunned and it looked like she would have another chance to wail on it before it was ready to attack.

Senira FP: 5/5 AP: 0/10 Status: Confident

Slime FP: 4/5 AP: 0/0 Status: Stunned
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

It was going according to plan... she raised her hand and decided on fire this time, hoping to melt it away.

"You thought you could take me? I should have left that werewolf's door open, he might have been a challenge..."

Of course, there was always a fine boundary between confidence and overconfidence, and then a small jump to just plain arrogance...
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Slime
15 vs 17 - 2

Senira's fireball flew toward the Slime and it stuck true causing it the steam and hiss as part of it's form started to evaporate. It still stood, however, and it returned to it's full height with it's attention focused solely on Senira. He grace period was over.

Senira FP: 5/5 AP:0/10 Status: Fine

Slime FP: 3/5 AP 0/0 Status: Pissed.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"I'm sorry, did I get you angry? Or is this about the slime that you fell and crushed? You know, squirmy little guy, might have gone 'splat' when you landed on it..."

She gritted her teeth as it rose up. It certainly was... bigger than she'd anticipated. But bigger wasn't necessarily better- she braces herself and launches a bit of lightning at it.