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Senira's Journey (Green Jay)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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The EGG corporation building gleamed like a obelisk of glass and steel amongst the more dreary concrete structures that surrounded it. It was an opposing sight to any who came uninvited, but the invitation in Holly's hand was proof that they desired her to test their new full immersion system.

Almost as soon as she entered the building, the EGG corporation showed a much more welcoming face as they shuttled her from place to place in the building. At some point, she had received an ID card and had signed several non disclosure agreement concerning their invention. Finally she was brought to one of the testing chambers.

Standing up from her place at the administrators seat, a motherly seeming women with flowing brown hair greeted her. “Welcome to the EGG testing chamber. My name is Juliet Montague and I will be administrating your experience with the experimental EGG system. Along with ensuring a safe and interesting experience, I will be regulating your time in the chamber to ensure your health. Now, I will go over some safety and usage information with you before we begin your first session.”

Juliet went over the various safety information and regulations with Holly which were various degrees of dull but it still seemed very important. Finally, Juliet helped Holly enter into the EGG machine and the inside of the chamber grew dark as it was shut in around her.

“Alright, we are starting up the machine. Until the simulation begins, please go ahead and fill out your content preferences on the menu that will appear before you shortly.”

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futanari: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Machines: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): This is left vague 
on purpose, a number can't properly convey this setting.
______(Feel free to add new ones, though I may not run it if I'm not into it)
An additional prompt also appeared that was labeled Character Creator. Under it there were options to customize the appearance of her avatar in the game in startling detail as well as an option to allow the EGG to generate one based on her current appearance. Next to this prompt was a preview picture that currently showed her own face in picture perfect detail.

After she had filled out both of the previous prompts, a third one appeared that listed potential starting locations.
Neudiaz Village
Misty Forest
Abandoned Castle
Deserted Town
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Holly kept looking around as she kept one ear on the lecture and one hand on the notebook in her hand. She'd heard rumors about this place, but honestly, to actually be here... to be on the verge of not only writing her next Senira story, but a chance to step into her boots and actually live it? This one would get more readers for sure than her usual ones (who tended to just post reviews with things like 'write moar pron' and the like).

She nodded as she was shown to the chamber, and upon being sealed in herself, watched the screen come up, a confident grin already overcoming her normally shy features.

Starting with the first menu, she began to type.

Humans: Y, 2 ("It feels like every other review is asking for humans, usually with attached descriptions. Get over it, I'm not writing a self-insert series...")

Male/Female: Y, 2
Female/Female Y, 3 ("There IS something to be said for a good old-fashioned roll, but there's also something to be said for expert fingers and a darting tongue, as well...")

Futanari: Y, 3 ("Hmmm... this one could go both ways, I think. Having NPCs and others that are futa, with a chance of ending up one... that... actually sounds kind of hot.")

Pregnancy: Y, 4 -> Eggs and live birth are both acceptable. ("Where the heck do they think baby monsters come from, a cabbage patch? Or do they think there's a massive tentacle monster with a little hat that flies around carrying baby tentacles in a white bundled cloth? Sheesh... I just hope it doesn't last too long.")

Birth: Y, 4 ("What goes in has to come out...")

Non-Consentual Sex: Y, 3 ("...what, they want them to ask you to lie down and take it? 'Oh, please, mighty Senira, lie down and spread your legs so I can fuck you senseless without a fight...' Yeah, I'd blast him until he was dead, and then make an example out of them just to make a point.")

BDSM: Y, 1 ("Not that experienced with it, but I'd be willing to give it a shot.")

Slavery: N ("No, not really interested. Next...")

Monsters: Y, 5 ("What kind of game is it without monsters to kill? Sheesh...")

Machines: Y, 3 ("Machines... sounds like a challenge I can get behind.")

Roughness: 3.5/5 ("What, they expect that monsters are going to act like virgins on a first date, undressing with care and all that? As long as there aren't parts missing and there aren't gaping wounds in her body, I think we'll be good.")

When it came to the extra spaces, she thought for a second and added a few tentative things:

Large Insects (spiders, mantis, ants, bees, other creepy crawly stuff): Y, 3 ("I always wanted to try those...")

Beasts: Y, 2 ("Why not? It might just be worth trying...")

She submitted the preferences, and pulled up the character creator. Flipping ahead in her notebook, she painstakingly transformed the avatar intothe comissioned picture she'd had done. (The provided picture, if you please.)

Last, the level selection. She thought about it for a while, and finally decided on the Abandoned Castle. She hoped it was big, a palace even, with a lot of rooms- maybe one she could even take over for herself one day, if she was skilled enough.

Finally, she submitted that, and waited for whatever happened next.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

The briefly held the stoic look until she submitted her settings at which point it shared her confident grin. A strange humming filled her ears as a 'STANDBY' message popped up in front of her.

“Alright, we've confirmed your settings. Just as a reminder, you won't be able to have these changed in the middle of the simulation. I'll be on hand in the event you need to exit the simulation prematurely or for any questions you might need to ask. Alright, we're ready. Brace yourself, this will feel weird at first.” Juliet's voiced echoed through the chamber as the panels cut off leaving Holly in the dark.

And then for a brief moment her world died. She felt nothing not even coldness until a new world exploded all around her. Of course, she wasn't Holly any more because this was Senira's world and she was seeing it through Senira's eyes. This went beyond any form of 'simulation' she had ever seen before. She could feel the worn leather of her boots envelop her calves, the unfamiliar weight of a large hat upon her head, the weight of a pack on her back and the cool evening air upon the exposed portions of her legs beneath her short dress and coat.

Senira could see the sun setting in the distance as it's red glow highlighted the massive castle in front of her. The sounds of cicadas and other creatures of the night filled her ears as the smell of the woodland surrounding her filled her nose. She stood on a road leading through the forest toward the castle that was separated from the forest by a vast moat. The drawbridge was still drawn up flush with the castle gate and she could see a figure sitting by the moat.

The old lady sitting on her side of the moat seemed to be waiting for someone and as she turned toward Senira a look of sadness and resignation filled her face. The old lady raised a wrinkled hand to greet the Mage girl.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

This... well, this was incredible. Taking a deep breath of the air, she felt prickles up and down her back that gave her goosebumps. This wasn't a story, or a bunch of image files. this was a whole world where she wouldn't have to worry about someone tying those feelings to her real-world personality.

She gave herself the obligatory look-over (they'd even gotten the boots right, surprisingly), and grinned. She began walking towards the castle moat, looking around.

Seeing no real way of getting across except swimming (and that would be a rather risky propisition- she sought out the old woman, adjusting her hat as she did so.

"Excuse me... but what's with the castle? Is there any way inside it?"
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Hello, young lady... this castle had laid abandoned by humans for as long as anyone can remember. Adventurers like yourself have been going in and not coming back out for just as long... victims of whatever lives in there now.” The old lady shivered a bit and she drew her shawl closer around her. “Whenever one of our villagers spots someone heading to the castle, they send little old me out in an attempt to talk them out of trying to enter the castle... trying to tell them whatever treasure is in there isn't worth it, or that the castle changes shape when no one is looking or even to bribe them with gold we don't really have. But we both know you've already set your thoughts on the matter... just like everyone else who's thought to enter this place.”

The old woman's sad words were interrupted by a low groan from the castle. Despite no one manning the gates, the gears and pulleys began turning and the drawbridge lowered slowly and surely until it met their side of the moat with a heavy thud. The old lady looked at it with both a sense of familiarity and a sense of dread before the spoke to Senira again. “You're expected. If you still wish to risk it, then I can guarantee that bridge is going to close itself up as soon as you cross it. If not, I can guarantee you a warm bed and a hot meal but this gate will probably never open for you again.”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Thank you for the offer, but... I'm afraid my mind's already made up. I've come a long way to try my luck- I've said my goodbyes, and if the worst happens to me, then you should offer your alms to the next soul to walk this path. Besides..." she says, stretching her arms over her head and feeling her joints pop back into place-

"...one of these days, someone might actually clean them out. Maybe those who went before are still in there, only in need of a stronger hand to help them out. I decline your offer of a meal now, but I will exchange that for a promise of dinner when I get back."

With a nod, she stepped off across the drawbridge, keeping her eyes peeled on the sides. With her luck, there might be something in the moat, ready to ambush her. At least it didn't smell fun- oh, wait. Yeah, it did, kind of like that sewer she'd had to crawl through to get out of that scrape with the mercenary captain.

She still plodded forward, resolute. If she fell here, well, at least she'd take a pyre's worth of servants with her.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira felt a tug at her sleeve just as she was ready to cross the drawbridge and a whisper in her ear. The old lady looked at her with a deeply said expression and said, “If you find my son, Derrick... can you tell him that I miss him...”

The old lady turned away from Senira as quickly as she could and started down the path away from the castle without looking back. But it was clear from the shuddering of her shoulders that she was holding back tears.

With no choice but to move forward, she cautiously crossed the drawbridge. Each step brought a threatening creek from the thick, rotting boards but it held as she made her way across without incident.

On the other side, a large stone room awaited her that had no light. With a slam, the portcullis closed behind her even as the ancient gears closed the drawbridge leaving her in near total darkness. But not for long as several torches in the room burst into flame revealing a large check point. It was easy to imagine entire wagon fulls of merchants and their goods being inspected by city guards in here. Two hallways led into corridors that followed the wall in either direction and a second portcullis was still open leading out into what once was a castle town.

“Good evening, Miss.” A ghostly voice echoed in from all around her. It sounded polite, but somehow still oily. “I am Miguel and I am in charge of keeping the Master's new toys from breaking before he's had his fill of them. And might I say you look delicious...”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Delicious, hmmm? I don't think I've heard that one before. What's next, are you going to tell me that you want to see me covered in honey and cream, lying on a table for your master to snack on as he pleases? I don't honestly think that's going to happen."

She had to keep moving, and chose the left-hand passage to press forward.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Hmhmhm... we like the brave ones. Especially when they finally break.” The voice echoed from behind her as she leaves through the west passage.



Senira finds herself looking down a corridor the ran down nearly as far as she could see. To her north and south were closed doorways that had suits of armor placed on either side of them. It was then she noticed something something off about them. Three of them held weapons and were standing at salute but the fourth was just standing there without a weapon and wasn't saluting. There was something else off about that armor as well...
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Oh, you'll see something break- it's going to be something very important, but it won't be me."

She proceeds into the room and looks around, gazing at the armor, idly wondering if they had any weapons she could actually use. The fourth suit, however... something just felt off about it. No weapon, not even making an effort to hide itself...

"You can stop playing. I know you're in the armor, so just step forward and we'll make this quick, okay?"

She'd tug on her tunic in the right place, making sure the material was tight, and then considered her options. Fire would roast whatever was in there, ice would potentially lock it up. And thunder, well... it'd be like getting shocked by a hundred-thousand doorknobs at once.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)


The suit of armors wrongness only intensified as it stepped off it's perch. The entire way it moved was wrong. It was almost as if there was something in there that had an idea of how a human should move but still hadn't gotten it quite right. It's head turned to her in an unnatural way before it's visor popped open without any assistance. This allowed her to briefly see some sort of pink flesh coating the inside of the armor instead of the face she was expecting. It then belched forth a visibly pink vapor in her direction!

Living Armor vs Senira
13 vs 9 W

The shock of the startling look of the monsters inside as well as the suddenness of the attack prevented Senira from sufficiently covering up her nose and mouth. A sweet and intoxicating scent filled her nostrils and she felt a small flush of arousal come over her body. She wouldn't have much time to contemplate what she had just inhaled as the armor was approaching her.

Senira FP: 5/5 AP: 1/10 Status: Fine

Living Armor FP: 3/3 AP: 0/10 Status: Fine
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

She'd been expecting something to be in the armor, but not the armor itself to come after her. She coughed as the vapor hit her face, and grit her teeth as she felt a flush come over her body.

"If you want to play, my metal-skinned friend... you best get some new clothes!" Making a quick guesture, her hand crackling with electricity, she unleashed a bolt of lightning at the armor, hoping to fry the thing in it.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Living Armor
12 vs 16 +1 L

Senira's bolt of lightning flew true enough but to her shock the suit of armor made a twisting motion that would've broken the back of any man inside of it. The result being that her bolt of electricity flew past her foe and down the corridor. The armor didn't bother fully righting itself until it was practically upon her and it tried to throw itself bodily upon her.

Living Armor vs Senira
Grapple Attempt
9 vs 14 L

Senira was too quick for it and she got out of the way allowing it to flop to the ground where she was once standing. It quickly brought itself to it boots with little damage to anything but what passed for it's pride.

Senira FP:5/5 AP: 1/10 Status: Fine

Living Armor FP: 3/3 AP: 0/10 Status: Fine
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Biting back several curses, she changed tactics. Holding her palm out, she launched a small ball of fire at it.

"Let's see how you like roasting in my flames!"
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Living Armor
20 vs 12 +1 W

Whether it be because something had been shaken loose or been damaged in some way, the armor wasn't able to dodge the fireball that had been launched at it and it took it to the shoulder. It staggered and flailed in obvious pain as the smell of something charring filled the air but didn't go down. It even seemed more desperate as it once against threw itself at her body.

Living Armor vs Senira
Grapple Attempt
18 vs 8 W

This time it was close enough that Senira wasn't able to get out of it's way in time. It used the considerable weight of the armor to keep her pinned down. It held her there for a moment but from the obvious wet sound emanating from inside the armor it was getting ready to do something.

Senira FP: 5/5 AP: 1/10 Status: Grappled by Living Armor

Enemy FP: 1/3 AP: 0/10 Status: Grappling Senira, took an extra point of damage due to Fire
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Well, looks like that did- AH!"

She wasn't able to get the rest of her comment out as she was suddenly pinned.

"Owwww... get off!" she groaned, clenching her hands and trying to roll it over so she could get out of its grasp. With any luck, she'd make it out before finding out what that noise was...
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Living Armor
Escape Attempt
9 vs 18 L

Senira pushed and bucked against the large metal form but it held firm against her attempts to roll it off of her. It grabbed a hold of her wrists and roughly pinned them above her head before raising itself into a crouching position. With a wet crunch, the front half of the armor split in two and opened up. Within it she saw not only the strange pink flesh coated the inside of the armor but long tendrils were growing from the flesh and seemed to be attracted to her flesh. Then the horrifying truth was evident: the growth would make it impossible for a larger man to wear this armor but it was the perfect size for her!

Living Armor vs Senira
Capture Attempt
16 vs 16

The tendrils shot towards her body in an attempt to pull her into the armor but she managed to wiggle and worm her way out of their grasp. The armor seemed to glower down at the small success she had in evading it's attempt to force her to wear it.

Senira FP: 5/5 AP 1/10 Status: Grappled by Living Armor

Living Armor FP: 1/3 AP: 0/10 Status: Grappling Senira, annoyed.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

If that wasn't going to work, she had one option left: if it was going to try and take her inside, well, she wouldn't give it the pleasure. All she'd have to do is get one hand on it and loose a charge of lightning through it- it was going to hurt, true, but she could take it, she figured.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Living Armor
17 -1 vs 4 W

In an attempt to overbear her further, the living armor made a critical mistake in taking weight off of her legs. Sensing an opportunity, she braced her foot against a solid piece of it and she managed to kick it off of her. As if briefly stunned, the armor didn't react when she quickly stood and launched a bolt of lightning into it's chest cavity. It gave an unearthly scream as it's insides proved quite friable and the armor fell deathly still.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Breathing heavily, she nudged the armor with her foot and shook her head. It had been a nice try- hell, she'd almost gotten a new outfit she didn't want- but this thing wouldn't be bothering her- or anyone- ever again.

"Have to give him some respect, he almost had me- key word there being almost. Guess i should pay better attention to the decor."

Quickly getting back to her feet, she would look down the hall to where the two doors stood. She'd look around, and then pop open the door on her left, confident from her first encounter.