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Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 40, EP = 44/45 CP: 536 CL: 2 Status: Fine

Alira managed fine, her well tuned body making it over the rubble without any problems. It helped that her luck held: the debris she stepped on seemed to have settled well and it didn't break or move underneath her weight. Once, she stepped on a rock that wasn't well lit and found that it was covered in small rocks. She didn't fall, didn't come close to it, but the rocks slid onto a circle. A long, tense moment passed but nothing happened. The circle didn't activate. Apparently it needed another kind of trigger. Alira managed to clamber down next to the doorway.

The lamp's light revealed what looked like a storage area. There were several shelves built into the walls, though most of them had been destroyed. There was a jar of paste but time had caused it to decay. There were brushes and ink pots and other items for creation. She finally found something interesting: a small clay pot with sparkling sand. It looks like... crushed diamond. It's often used as an alchemy or spell reagent. Pretty potent stuff. Another pot revealed silver dust. Another popular ingredient. Used for purification for the most part. Hmmm... I wonder why these things are here. I could put both to plenty of uses but it's not like I knew every ritual in the world. See if you can find a book. After a little searching, Alira did find a book. The cover was made of some kind of leather, badly damaged. The pages were dust. Damn. Oh well.

Alira also found a silver dagger and a cruel looking knife. Both were in good condition, despite the age. Everything else looked too damaged to be put to any use.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Gathering up her loot, and sticking the two daggers into her belt alongside her usual weaponry. Alira headed back to the rest of the party. Climbing over the same rubble, she took extra care around the loose rocks, mindful that loosing her footing would result in more than a nasty bruise.

Joining the others, she laid out the items for them to inspect. "Well, I've found a few trinkets, but I think we're just getting started." She brushed a strand of her hair away from her face as she spoke. "I'll take the diamond dust, if you don't mind, and you can split the rest. Or if you like, we can decide all that after we're done."

Alira had seen greed sink too many partnerships in the past. On a job, the goodwill of your companions was worth far more than the gold you might get for whatever trinkets you hoarded, so she was open to fair suggestions on distributing the loot.

That settled, Alira turned back to the room, and the subtle, malevolent glow of the summoning circles. She pointed out the locations the the others. "There.... there...by that collapsed section, just to the left..." The night elf looked at Erik and the orcs. "I can try to get across again, but it will be trickier. If you have any ideas, let me know. Otherwise, I'm heading over those rocks there. Watch my back."

Astok, are the circles connected? If I trip one, will all of them activate?
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 56/57, PP = 40, EP = 44/45 CP: 536 CL: 2 Status: Weakened

Erik and the orcs looked over the items Alira had gathered. Lea, the female orc, spoke first. "No, we will look over everything at the end. Right now, if you know what you are talking about, we'll hold onto these. If something happens and this area collapses, at least we will walk away with something." She produced a humorless smile. "Right now, we'll look at these circles you mentioned, see if we can't figure out a way to deactivate them. There may be things that aren't quite so portable." She concentrated for a moment before opening her eyes, which glowed blue. Erik pulled out some green-tinted glasses. They both focused on the nearest circle and Char pulled out a book for them.

No, the circles aren't linked. However, during a fight, it's more than likely that you'll end up activating more.

This time the rubble was much less helpful. It had built up into a pile that reached the ceiling and the only place she could get a footing on had a steep slant. Then part of the rubble slid out from under her feet. The good news? It fell into a circle but didn't activate it. The bad news? Alira was falling. She just managed to throw herself at the edge of the room but she fell badly and a flare of pain erupted from her ankle. She could tell she sprained something. Getting back across the room was going to be even harder now. Healing magic isn't exactly my forte. I can't help with that.

The room beyond was vast, far larger than the storage closet. It was covered with runes that seemed to move whenever Alira wasn't looking directly at them. There were rivulets in the room that ran from the ceiling, which was dotted in stone circles, to the middle of the floor which held a stone bowl. She heard Astok again but there was interference. -un-s -nte-fe-in- w-th -agi-. Ca-'t --nt-nue -omm-nic-ti-n. Then there was silence. The omnipresent feeling of Astok looking over her shoulder was gone.

Chance for Disaster: 19
Resistance Roll: 1 + 20 vs DC 30
Alira takes 1 damage and gains an instance of Weakened.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira straightened up with a groan, the pain in her ankle flaring as she tried to put weight on it. She grit her teeth, and tried a couple of steps. She could walk, and in fact the pain seemed to dull slightly as she worked the joint, but it was clear that her agility was affected. Just great...

-un-s -nte-fe-in- w-th -agi-. Ca-'t --nt-nue -omm-nic-ti-n.

"Astok? Astok?" There was no answer. Alira focused and tried again. Astok? But his presence was gone from her mind, her once-familiar solitude restored. For a moment, Alira couldn't believe it. It must be some trick... Her eyes fell on the bracer, and in a rush she tugged at it, but it held on tight. Oh...guess he's still around. Still will be nice to get some time to myself for once. Alira glanced around at the walls, with their shifting runes, the likely source of the interference. Hey, I should take some of these with me. Next time he gets into a mood, I'll just wave these around! Yeah, right...She reasoned that if the runes were producing some sort of anti-magic field, then any magical traps would also be disabled. Doesn't mean the tripwires will stop working though....

With that cheery thought, Alira began to explore the room, moving carefully and gingerly, favoring her injured ankle. She decided to explore the perimeter of the room first, seeking any further exits, before approaching the stone bowl in the center.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 56/57, PP = 40, EP = 44/45 CP: 536 CL: 2 Status: Weakened

There weren't any tripewires but Alira did find another old fallback: the pressure plate. She located five throughout the room, laid out randomly. That seemed to be it, as far as traps were concerned. She found a carving but it was badly damaged. She could see teardrops of something falling into... something. There was a knife and by looking at it closely, Alira realized it was the second dagger she had found. There was, and this was exciting, a gem depicted in the wall. But, she realized, it was inside of the body of a roughly humanoid figure with horns. The next picture showed the gem by itself. And that was it.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira scanned the carvings one more time, and sighed. Well, if it was easy, everyone would be down here already... She walked back over the the stone bowl, limping only slightly, and held her hand over it, her other drawing the ceremonial dagger. Just as she was about to make a small cut, she paused. Hang on a second... I'm not alone in it this time.

Carefully sheathing the knife, and ascertaining the positions of the pressure plates, Alira moved back over to the entrance of the room. "How's it going out there? Just so you know, I may be about to summon a guardian demon... or just a man with a bad haircut, the carvings are kind of worn."

As she waited for the reply, Alira realized that standing as she was on the precipice of the room, she may have moved far enough to dull the magical damping of the runes. Well, he'll make himself known if he can. I know he likes to do that.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 56/57, PP = 40, EP = 44/45 CP: 536 CL: 2 Status: Weakened

Alira sensed some irritation on Astok's part. Enjoyed that, did you? Well you can get on without me. I'm sure you can figure it out. And with a huff, he retreated inside the bracelet.

She noticed, with some surprised, that the group had actually made progress and were halfway through the room. Erik looked up as Lea muttered under her breath. The light of the circle in front of them began to dim, then, after a minute, disappeared completely. Lea looked quite tired but she picked herself up and turned to the next circle. Before she could do anything, Char pushed a potion into her hands. She drank it, sighing as the magic rejuvenated her and gave the orc a peck on the cheek before beginning the ritual to dispel the next circle. "Should only be a little while. Enough for a snack! You want some horse meat, seasoned in lime and olive oil and salted with sea salt from the frozen north waters?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

"No, but thanks. You enjoy though." replied Alira, watching the ritual Lea was preforming. Well, they'll be here soon enough. Might as well wait a bit, and if anything goes wrong in their end, I'll be able to help.

Alira settled in against a wall, grateful to get some weight off of her injured ankle. Should have brought some bandages, at least could have made a stiff wrap for it....

Free of the runes' influence, Alira could once more feel Astok's presence. The spirit of the ancient sorcerer appeared to be sulking. Oh come on, Astok. Don't go all grumpy on me. Everyone needs some space every once in a while.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 56/57, PP = 40, EP = 44/45 CP: 536 CL: 2 Status: Weakened

Astok declined to comment. Eventually Lea, Erik, and Char got past the circles. Char eyed Alria's leg and wordlessly retrieved some bandages and a splint. He sat down, grabbed Alira's leg, and applied first aid. It helped a little. (Weakened now is at half strength) Lea sighed. "My husband is a man of few words." She grabbed the back of Erik's collar as the man tried to enter the room. "Anything we should know before we go in?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira got up, and carefully tested the injured leg. The splint seemed to be helping, and she smiled at Char. "Well, few words or not, but you know your stuff. Thank you!" She turned back to Lea, who was still holding Erik's collar, the skinny man easily held back by the orc's strength.

"Yes, I've found five pressure plates," she said, gesturing with her arm to indicate the locations. "I don't know what they do, but I wouldn't count on anything pleasant. Also, magic seems to blocked or weakened in there. The carvings describe a ritual." Alira quickly filled the rest in on the images she had discovered.

"I'm thinking we summon the thing, take it down, grab the gem. Let's not just go in swinging though, you never know how these guardian things will respond. Still if it comes to a fight, Lea, if you and Char can distract it, I should be able to do some damage from the back. If things get desperate, we can try luring it to one of the pressure plates. Sound good? Erik, you should probably hang back."

If the rest are on board, Alira will perform the ritual, then attempt to hide from whatever it summons. If the thing is hostile, she'll go for a sneak attack.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 56/57, PP = 40, EP = 44/45 CP: 536 CL: 2 Status: Weakened

Lea nodded and looked at Char, who nodded. He pulled out a small pouch and opened it. At every pressure plate, Char dipped his hand into the pouch and threw some powder onto the floor. Then he pulled out a flask and poured a little liquid on the powder. The powder glowed, providing an easy mark. "That will keep for up to a day." He then put down his pack and drew out a heavy shield and a mace. Lea drew out a set of throwing knives, placing several on her belt. Apparently she had noticed the runes as well. Lea nodded at Alira.

A quick cut and Alira's blood dripped into the bowl. It began to smoke and hiss. Backing into the shadows, Alira saw the bowl flood with blood. Out of the blood came a ruby. At first Alira thought it was covered in blood but it was actually completely dry. It was blood-red. Then it glowed and the smell of burning flesh came from the stone. It continued to burn and changed color into a brilliant amber. Erik suddenly gasped and fell to his knees. Lea turned and moved towards him but Char never took his eyes off the gem. A line of energy flowed from Erik into the gem. Erik blinked. "I'm okay. But... I'm... full?"

The energy swirled around the gem, glowing brighter and brighter. Eventually Alira couldn't take it anymore and had to close her eyes. When she opened them, she saw that someone had joined them. He wasn't... what Alira had expected a guardian demon to look like. He looked human, fair skinned. He wore a white suit with the same color hair, though he looked young. His suit was unbuttoned reveal his fit body but also allowing the view of the most unusual detail: the amber gem studded in his chest.

He cracked his neck, once, twice. "Oh, that's good." He reached out with his hand and the runes glowed. They grew bright orange and began to disappear, drawn into the man. "Ahhh... tasty." He licked his lips. Char and Lea looked uncertain. The man then began stretching, ignoring the odd looks he was receiving. Astok sighed. Not what you expected Rasab to look like, is he?
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

His appearance is not my problem, Astok! You keeping his presence a secret certainly is!

Alira looked around the chamber, checking on her companions. Erik seemed undamaged as he struggled back to his feet, under the concerned eye of Lea. Char hefted his mace, his intentions unclear. Can I afford a fight here? The demon, Rasab, is probably weakened... if it came to that, we could probably overpower him. Astok's the wild card though...

Stepping out of the shadows, Alira decided to get the situation under control. "Lea, check on Erik, please." She glanced at other orc. "Char, let's not get violent... yet." As she spoke, her hands stealthily moved across her belt, drawing out one of the fire beads and palming it, ready for a throw.

Alira turned her attention to the figure in the middle of the chamber, still unconcernedly stretching. "Well, hello there. Would you kindly explain what in the hells just happened?" Explain it with details Rasab. And don't get too frisky for your own good.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 56/57, PP = 40, EP = 44/45 CP: 536 CL: 2 Status: Weakened

Bah, you can't expect me to hold your hand every step of the way. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't anyway. The field made this place blind to me until Rasab removed them. Astok sounded annoyed.

Char gritted his teeth but nodded, while Lea took Erik out of the room. Rasab didn't respond to Alira's words. He continued to stretch for another minute. Char looked upon him in bemusement. Finally, Rasab finished his routine and turned to Alira. "Hello Alira! Nice to meet you! Char, the same. And Astok! Glad to see you again! It's been a while!" Char edged closer while Rasab's back was turned but didn't get too close. "You want details! Alright, so, after we got our asses handed to us by you-know-who, we split up! I found this sparkly bit and determined it was enough to house my essence. I got a few slaves together to build me this room and absorb ambient holy, mental, and demonic energies, not elemental because that would have disrupted my workers. And now I have a bit of pep in my step!"

He gestured at the doorway, where Lea and Erik had left. "That man was one of my servant's descendants, apparently. They each held a little of me in them. I'm sure you noticed it had an effect. Lucky me! That gave me quite a bit more strength. Maybe even enough to destroy you and my master!" His face produced a sinister grin, then the grin widened into an innocent one. "But I'm not going to do that because that's not very interesting. I am puckish though!" He gestured at Char, who stiffened, then began to change. Soon he was made of a orange substance. Rasab broke off Char's hand and placed it in his mouth, though how he did it was a mystery. "Mmmm... Caramel..."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

"No!" Alira cried out instinctively, Rasab's casual and disgusting cruelty sending waves of mingled horror and fury through her. "You bastard! Hungry? Eat this!" With a fluid motion, Alira threw the fire bead toward the demon, aiming at the midpoint between Rasab and Char's remains.

As soon as the bead left her hand, she spun and raced toward the exit, shouting a warning for Lea and Erik along the way.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 56/57, PP = 40, EP = 44/45 CP: 536 CL: 2 Status: Weakened

"Wazzat?" Rasab's mouth snapped open and he swallowed the bead. He blinked, then his eyes widened. Alira had barely left the room when the bead exploded. The entire structure rocked and debris began to fall from the ceiling. Lea glared at Alira but she grabbed Erik and sprinted out of the ruin. They had barely escaped when Alira was hit so hard she flew off her feet. Lea held her hand above Alira's face and it began to glow with power. "Where is Char!?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira's ears rung from the roar of the ruin's collapse, and her breath had been knocked out of her by the blast. Laying on her back, she blinked a few times, and Lea's fearful and angry face swam into focus above her. The glow around the woman's hand did not look friendly. Flat on the ground and stunned, Alira opted for the truth.

"He's... he's gone. That demon... he..before I could do anything, he killed Char. Just waved his hand and...I'm sorry." Keeping a wary eye on Lea's reaction, Alira began to gingerly sit up. "We need to go... before the same happens to us."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 56/57, PP = 40, EP = 44/45 CP: 536 CL: 2 Status: Weakened

Lea looked uncertain and the glow intensified. Then there was a rumble and debris was thrown from the ruins. "Wow! That was a big one." Lea instantly turned and held up her hand, only to see Char stumbling from the ruin. "C-char, you are alright..." He grinned "Course I'm not." There was a glimmer of magic and Lea froze. She didn't change into anything, though. Char swiftly changed back into Rasab. He looked at Alira disapprovingly. "That could have hurt someone."

Astok spoke and Alira felt something in the back of her mind. Fear? "So, you've gotten back that much power?" Rasab grinned and Alira was chilled to the bone. "Yup. There was plenty of magic to soak up. But..." He looked around. "Something's happened. Something else is here. I think I'm going to go on walkabouts. I'll see you two later.." He walked over to Lea and lifted her easily. He began to walk off, trotting on Erik as he went. Rasab was a unique one. He can eat magic, given time. The fireball happened far too fast for him to digest it but... I had no idea he had done so well. He must be at least eighty percent power. Astok did not sound pleased. The static cleared for Alira to get one solid piece of information: Astok was terrified of Rasab.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Still dazed from the impact, Alira could do nothing as Rasab casually walked away, Lea his motionless captive. Erik gave a strangled grunt as the demon trod on him, but otherwise remained still. And even if I wasn't hurt, what could I do? Damn him... As she watched Rasab disappear in the gloom of the ruined passages, the sense of fear she felt from Astok grew more and more tangible.

Scared? Yeah, you're not the only one. Wincing, Alira made herself stand, and shuffled over to Erik. Dropping to her knees she began to examine the man, hoping to bring him back to his senses. "Come on get up! Astok, that bastard said that something else was here. What the hell is he talking about? Where?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 56/57, PP = 40, EP = 44/45 CP: 536 CL: 2 Status: Weakened

Astok was silent for some time. In fact, as the minutes stretched on, Alira got the feeling he wasn't listening. He had delved deep into his own mind to the point where Alira couldn't hear his thoughts at all or feel his presence. In her mind's eye, she saw several of the lines of power brighten and begin vibrating. Red, Green, Light Blue, and Yellow. So, Astok was doing something with Ahael, Glas, Kozel, and Bakh.

Meanwhile, Erik woke up after a few moments of attention from Alira. He looked around blankly. "Where am I? Where are Char and Lea? Who are you? Why am I not hungry?" He seemed confused and disinclined to rise to his feet.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

"They're... dead, or near enough. This has turned into a disaster. But we don't have time to sit here and whine and moan." With a forceful tug, Alira hauled the stunned man to his feet, wincing as a fresh spear of pain lanced through her injured ankle. "Erik, focus. We need to get out of here. The... thing that killed Lea and Char is gone, but there is still something else here. Don't know what. We need to get moving, and find a way out of this mess. The explosion I set off may have caved in some passages, but there's got to be more than one route in and out of this place."

Propping Erik up against the side of the tunnel, making sure that he was capable of steadying himself, Alira looked around. She had fled blindly, heading down the exit tunnel, but the blast which knocked her off her feet scrambled her bearings. She reached for the lamp on her belt, thankfully undamaged. Lighting it, she held it aloft, then hesitated. "Erik? Do you have my light gem on you? Could be useful right about now." She continued to explore the surrounding passage as she waited for a response. Astok's silence was unsettling, but based on his fear of Rasab, Alira guessed that he was trying to deal with the new development on his own terms. Brilliant, Astok, just brilliant. "Ooh, I've got a pact, I can control these demons... unless one of them really acts up!"

Just trying to get a sense of her options at this point. When they made their way in it was a straight shot down to Rasab's room, and that apparently had only one exit. Is that right, or are there other ways to head?