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Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 47/57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

The woman eyed Alira and hefted her hammer. For one moment, Alira was afraid she was about to be mashed into a pink paste. Then the danger passed as the hammer was placed head-down on the ground. Alira noticed that Invidia had done all of this with one hand and apparently very little effort. "Oh aye, he talks! We 'll had to mae sacris to stay alae! It was ea fer me! 'll I had to do was chan back! But the demon blo', that stayed! I ner age, ner take sick!" "Well, see, that's go-" "SHUT YER TRAP! I'm so bore! No one to fih, not one pers! So brin out tha creep and I'll mash 'im this tie!"

She was sensing a great deal of bewilderment from Astok. Invidia seemed done for now. "He wouldn't be a good fight for you. He stayed as a demon and lost most of his power." "Oh, thas jus perfet! Who am I suppo to bea now?!" She looked at Alira, sizing her up. "I dun suppo yew got it in yew?" She poked Alira chest and even that little bump pushed her off balance. "Nae, is as I thou! No one in thi damn jungle to figh!" She screamed that last one and it was almost as bad as the poke. She saw birds from miles away take flight. One of the ruined buildings took this chance to crumble. She sighed and sat on the ground, her hammer held loosely in her arms.

Invidia was always looking for the next person to beat, the next chance to prove she was the best. Why don't you trying to comfort her? I'm going to... uh... try and think of something.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira rubbed at the spot on her chest where Invidia had poked her. Alright then...let's not make you mad...

Sure, let me just solve all of your problems... oh, fine I'll get her smiling again, long as you don't pipe up too much.

The night elf looked down at the massive warrior woman, sitting glumly in the dirt, looking like a huge petulant child that was being punished. Maybe a gentle touch would be best here...

Moving carefully, Alira knelt down next to Invidia. "Hey, hey, it's not all that bad," she said in a reassuring tone "there's plenty of stuff to fight around here. Why, just a while ago we had a massive alien invasion! Countries devastated, cities wiped out, the whole thing. I'm sure you could fight them for a bit, how does that sound? And you know, that Ahael bastard? Well I've had a few run-ins with him myself, and he's just getting stronger and stronger. Give him a few months, a year at the outside, and you two will be killing each other just like old times! And till then, there's plenty to keep you busy. Why, we've got dragons and ogres and aliens running around...Look, just a little ways back on that trail, I saw a huge, fierce giant!" Alira glanced sideways at Invidia, trying to get the pitch just right. "Seemed pretty strong to me...stronger than even you maybe..."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 47/57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

"Oh, aye, for a bre time, it was gold'n." She smiled a little. "Champs and wars all, ready to figh! Then they won. Was't tha grea. They got wise to me. I can't get close. Eerietime, they bolt. Run like dogs. I'm naw built for speed. And I can't lea this place."

She pointed at the shrine and the statues. "Tho thins hold my power. Can't get too far. If I bre them, I turn back into a demon and thas daner without Astok bein at full stren. I wasn't able to talk to Astok with the mind thing bein human again but with him learnin the terms, he can now sumin me. I'll be ba at full power when tha happens. But now I have to wait." She looked glum.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira glanced toward the three statues. Worryingly, they looked much more fragile than they had just a few short moments ago. "Well... I'll just stay away from those for a bit... She looked over at Invidia again. "Say, since it sounds like you know your way around the place..."

Alira held up the ring she had extracted from the belly button of the middle statue. "What's this thing do? And what happened to all the people around here?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 47/57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

"Les see... a long time ago, rye after we were defeated by Ch- Che-" "Chevalier." "SHUT IT! After that, I wander, gettin weak. I foun this lil vill under attack by some ugly bas. I kicked his arse and the people help make me those thins." She gestured again at the statues. "Tho rings were to copy some of my power, to help the villa's defense. Those bas cau two of them, the las died and I put the ring back. Tha one, lessee, I thin that one copied the power I used to resist that bas Ahael."

"Alright, Invid-" "GLAS you bas!" "Glas, I've changed the pact's wording to include your new circumstances. Do you agree?" A square appeared in mid air, covered with text. Invidia sunk her finger into it and pulled downward. All of the text blurred by. Either Invidia was a very faster reader, unlikely, or she wasn't reading any of it. At the bottom, there was a little box. She bit her thumb and let the blood drip onto the box, which turned into a line. She signed her name, again with blood, and the square disappeared. "Alright, let's go. We will see you again, Glas." Even though he said that, Astok was just kind of hoping for Alira to leave.

Ring reduces damage from resisting pleasure by 3 and grants a +5 Dodge and Resistance vs Succubus Powers.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Slipping the ring over her finger Alira stood, and stretched a bit, her supple skin warmed by the sunlight. "Well, it's been a nice chat... I've got to get moving, places to plunder, things to steal.... but if I see that giant again, I'll send him your way. Maybe send Ahael your way too, when he pops up again." With a last wave at Invi..Glas, Alira set off back down the path, the green gemstone glittering on her finger.

Ahael... She hadn't seen the demon since their brief encounter in the mists, but his memory still clung to her. His presence lurked in her dreams, and a few times she's awoken sweating and panting, her body filled with the half-familiar lustful yearning the demon brought out in her. If it wasn't for Astok's ever-present company, Alira wasn't sure if she could have held back from indulging those darker fantasies... Even that restraint has been growing weaker of late. I haven't had much relief in close to a month... maybe it wouldn't be so bad to just... Alira fought that thought down, but a small part of her continued to rationalize. It's not like I've been very shy before... there was that time in the tavern with that merchant...and it's not like Astok would be shocked... he'd probably be happy, the creep...can't blame him too much though, if I was stuck in a bracer for ages, I'd take what I could get too.... and I am downright sexy...

In an effort to distract herself, Alira struck up a conversation with Astok, hoping the idle chatter would quiet her mind. "So Astok... looks like we're headed to Gods-Reach. Ancient vault and all that. What was it like back in your day?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

If anything, the images of Ahael got stronger in Alira's mind. "Oh, well, it wasn't called Gods-Reach back then. I had control of it, not directly though, and used it more as a trading post then a fortress, since it was in a handy spot. I believe Bakh used it as her base of operations. I always suspected she took quite a lot off the top but I didn't mind too much. It was just what she did. I knew about the vaults underneath but never gave them much thought.." She caught brief glimpses from Astok's mind of a place that she felt was still a fortress. And she had the feeling, somewhere, that Astok wasn't being completely honest with her.

Fortunately or not, Alira didn't run into the giant again. It was a long trek to Gods-Reach, though. And every day, every night, Ahael lurked in her mind. Then, one night when she woke up, she got the idea Astok had just been talking to someone.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

The dream had started off innocently enough. Alira stalked through the doors of a familiar haunt, a fence she'd often used before the invasion. Dimly, she saw the vague outline of some bauble in her hand. The man behind the counter, his features blurry and indistinct, tossed a purse of coins toward her. The transaction finished, Alira turned back toward the exit, but the door, and indeed the room was gone. Instead, a scarlet mist swirled before her eyes.

She felt the lewd caress of a clawed finger, sliding it's way up between her ass cheeks, a possessive and crude gesture. She'd been almost expecting it, and glancing over her shoulder, she saw the main still there behind her but... demonic eyes, Ahael's eyes burned on his face. A shameful flutter of anticipation tingled it's way down through Alira's belly... she felt herself leaning back against the touch even as the demon pressed himself against her. One of his hands slid up under her shirt, mauling at her breasts.... Alira purred in pleasure and threw her arm up and around the demon's neck, angling her face backward to meet his. Hungrily, she kissed the demon's lips and felt his inhuman tongue begin to slide further and further into her eager, gasping mouth. Moaning, she began to rock her hips back, grinding her ass against his massive erection....

She awoke with a start, drenched in sweat. One of her hands had wandered to her breasts, stroking at the rock hard nub of her nipple. The other was pressed tightly between her thighs, still gently pumping. Oh gods... I want to... Alira suddenly realized that something had woken her, not the dream, but something else... Astok... The barest imprint of a conversation hung in her mind. Who's he talking to? Trying desperately to still excited pumping of her heart, Alira looked around, hoping to spot any possible threat.

"Astok? What's going on?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

Astok sighed. She heard his thoughts. Ever since their meeting with Invidia/Glas, Alira had noticed it was getting easier to read Astok. She -ad to w-ke up now. -a-n. Can't g-- any wo-k done w-th-ut som-thing -nterf-ring on- -a- or anot-er. "I'm talking to one of my servants." That was odd, considering his ability to telepathically speak to them. But she felt he was being honest. He was still hiding something but he was being honest about that fact at least. "I'm sorry if it woke you." She didn't see anyone nearby. After a moment, though, she was able to see through Astok's eyes. The cords that went in different directions were there and the red cord, the one associated with Ahael, was brighter than normal. Astok spoke first. "Ahael found someone else to drain some power from. I was talking to him. He's gotten a little stronger, hence the stronger connection.." Damn, he noticed what Alira saw.

Alira and Astok's connection has gotten stronger. Switched from a d6 to a d8 when generating static and he'll pick up on more things now.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

"Oh..." Alira was more disturbed than she tried to let on. The idea of Astok conspiring with his cohorts while she slept was unsettling. "Well don't let me interrupt, keep going by all means. " Eavesdropping is a favorite past time.

Ahael's leering face swam before her eyes, and her damp pussy hummed in response. The thief groaned in frustration Damn it all...can't get any rest anyway... Alira glanced at the sky, already tinged by the first signs of dawn. Might as well start getting ready. As she rose and began her morning routine, pushing away the tendrils of lust her dreams had created, Alira briefly focused again, and the colorful bands of light tying Astok to his servant materialized in her mind's eye. Ahael's strand did look larger, stronger... but did that mean he was closer too?

Alira's eyes drifted toward her weapons, always at the ready. You're being paranoid she told herself, You sent him running last time, and...that was a mistake, you should have just knelt like a good sl- With an effort of will, Alira squashed that particular thought. Paranoid is just my version of properly prepared...

"So, Astok, what did you and Ahael chat about? Go on, give me the lurid details."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

Astok's image in Alira's head quirked an eyebrow. She didn't see what his face really looked like but she could tell what he would have done if he was in his usual shape. "I didn't think you the type. Well, if you must know, Ahael managed to find a village devastated by the aliens. The warriors of the village were almost all dead. It left behind many widows. He's been working his way through them and their daughters. They'll probably all be pregnant around the same time, he's good at that. Hopefully do-gooders won't slaughter the next generation because I can guarantee you they'll have horns and claws."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira held up her hand in protest, before she realized the futility of using body language to communicated with a bracer. "You know, 'lurid' was just a turn of phrase", she shook her head, "For a moment, I'd forgotten who I was dealing with. Don't get too excited, I won't do that again in a hurry. A whole village? See, hearing things like that is what makes me a little hesitant about our 'partnership'."

She sighed and continued with her preparations. "Well, time to go. Unless you'd care to finish up your morning chat?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

"You've been told the terms of our pact. I personally wouldn't have done it but since he wants to get his power back, he's going to go to lengths to do so. And I'm done talking to Ahael for now.." He hesitated for some time before saying. "I suppose I ought to warn you. Those images you've been getting? Ahael's using a special power of his species to 'ride' you. Either you give in or the visions continue to increase in power and length. The ring may help but you'll only get one chance to throw it off."

As they left the jungle and headed for Crolia, things began to get colder. And then Alira spotted an orc patrol. As an elf, things might have gotten dicey if Alira hadn't hidden herself. Looking at the map and doing some math, she realized she was nearer to Wildehaven than Gods Reach at the moment. The area would be thick with orcs. Hopefully she could keep out of their way.

Read: You can make a resistance check but only one so if you want to find someone to give you some buffs or something like that, you can have Alira wait

Are you going to have Alira do anything in particular until she gets to Gods-Reach in terms of traveling?
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

"The terms of your pact don't say anything about how that power is to be used. That's all on you, Astok...but I'm guessing you've heard this all before, right? I'm not moralizing, you made your choices, and you're paying for them now. I just want to make sure we're talking about the same thing." Alira paused and gave the bracer a sidelong look. "So...what happens if I 'give in'? Since we're being honest, before you came on the scene, I wasn't exactly used to abstinence, if you take my meaning. Hells, even some quality alone time would be good, not that I'm likely to get that with you strapped to my arm."

Doing her best to put her nighttime frustrations aside, Alira set off down the trail. Luckily, she kept herself alert, and her keen senses gave her enough warning of the approaching orc patrol to hide herself away. That was lucky... how am I going to dodge the orcs in a city full of them? Should have thought of that before... Concerned, Alira continued on carefully, taking pains to conceal herself as best she could.

Didn't really plan on stuff, beside continuing the Ahael visions as opportunity arose. But that doesn't depend on the travel really. In Gods-reach, what is the situation for elves? If its a case of every elf that comes in gets enslaved, she'll probably stay away. But if its just a hostile environment, she can work there.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

"The night you 'give in' Ahael will be able to temporarily materialize near you while you're asleep. He'll probably give you a hell of a wake up call. So if you plan on stopping him, I'd sleep lightly and keeping that blade on hand. You can't force it to happen so you'll just have to get used to keeping the blade nearby until you reach your limit."

As Alira progressed through the wilderness, she noticed there was less orcs nearby. That was fortunate. What was unfortunate was that one night she awoke after a particularly vivid look at what Ahael would turn her into, if he had his way, to see three orcs. If she had taken Astok's advice, she'd at least have her weapon, though not her armor. If not, well, she was screwed on both fronts. "You have company. I was going to wake you but it looked like Ahael might have actually succeeded this time. I'll help you out, though. I don't think any of these pigs use magic."

The biggest of the three snorted loudly and looked pissed. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" His muscles bulged. He was wielding a huge club. One held what looked like a spear with the point divided into two and the third wielded a net and a small spear.

It's dangerous only if you get caught. If you aren't careful, they'll probably try and snatch you but they won't do it on sight or in public.

Perception 1 + 28 vs 15 + 20 Stealth ALIRA LOSES
Perception 3 + 28 vs 3 + 20 Stealth ALIRA WINS
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

The dream was different this time, bathed in smoky shades of violets and purples. Ahael himself was nowhere to be seen, but everything carried a sense of his influence and tainted touch. Figures writhed erotically in the mists, some human-looking, others less so, all intertwined with various partners, small groups breaking off and rejoining the debauched orgy. Alira felt herself moving seamlessly through the scene, strangely detached and weightless, her passage unnoticed by any of the participants.This is not...I need to wake up.... I need to join them... fuck them...

Drifting at first without direction, she found herself drawn to a particular group, somehow fascinated by the participants. A single woman, her smooth violet skin shimmering invitingly, writhed between three male figures, their features blurred and indistinct. Dressed in straps of lace and leather, revealing more than they concealed, she straddled a single supine partner, her back undulating rhythmically in an erotic dance. She fucked the man confidently, riding his ...massive cock with eager abandon, her large, rounded breasts bouncing to underscore every desperate thrust. Above her taught ass, a serpentine tail curled in the air, the first hint of a truly demonic nature. Her hands were wrapped around the swollen manhoods of her other partners, pleasuring them. As Alira continued to drift closer, she saw the woman eagerly lean forward, and wrap her plump lips around the tasty cock of the man to her left, an inhuman tongue sliding forth to curl around the shaft. Frozen, Alira watched the harlot fellate the man to completion, expertly swallowing him to the root, humming and moaning appreciatively. Just as her partner victim....slave.... began to tremble in orgasm, the woman's yellowish eyes, cat's eyes, snapped open and locked onto Alira's gaze. Oh gods... that's impossible Alira found herself staring at her own face, contorted by lust and changed by demonic magic, but still undeniably, unmistakably hers.

Her whorish doppleganger popped her mouth off the dick she had been pleasuring, her tongue slipping back between her lips. Even as she continued to fuck the man beneath her, she maintained eye contact with Alira, a wicked smile spreading across the too-familiar face... Alira felt her dream self drift closer, and she fought desperately to wake up, but some part of her urged her on, horror, revulsion, lust and anticipation all warring within her....then suddenly the dream was wiped away and she found herself waking up in her bedroll, Astok's words filtering through the last vestiges of the vision, three angry, armed orcs arrayed before her.

"...I don't think any of these pigs use magic."


Since Astok's warning, Alira had kept her weapons even closer than normal, and that precaution paid off handsomely now. In a flash she stood, her instincts telling her to forget about the dream and focus on the immediate danger. "Sorry boys, this won't be easy. Now all of us can have a good night, or a very, very bad one. I suggest you move on and find someone else to bother. " Alira wasn't holding her breath for a peaceful resolution, but just in case... Her hand tightened around the stock of the loaded crossbow she had set aside.

Alira preps Sudden Shot, trying to take out the first orc to make a hostile move. I'm assuming that she also has access to at least one of her melee weapons, for further defense. She took Astok's warning to heart, plus she's used to sleeping in unsafe areas.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

When Alira pulled her weapons out, the orcs were momentarily stopped in their tracks. They had meant to capture her in her sleep. Now she was not only awake, she was armed. She obviously had some skill with her weapons as well. The leader looked at the other two, who looked cowed. He roared "You don't scare me you-" He didn't get to finish his sentence. When he moved to attack her, she aimed the crossbow at him and pulled the trigger. With a thumb, the crossbow bolt caught him in the neck. He sprayed blood for a while, staying up for a few seconds to Alira's surprise. Then he fell down and stayed down. The other two had been spooked and fled. If Alira searched the orc, she'd find only a few denarii (6), a leather slave collar linked with a chain, and some.. actually, nevermind. Those stayed in the pouch. The club was far too large and heavy for her to wield and his armor was bulky and lugging it around was probably more trouble than it was worth.

Unfortunately, the orcs had woken Alira at the worst time. It was too close to morning to get much more sleep but too early to begin traveling. It was annoying but that was it. Alira spent another few nights being plagued by visions before running into a small outpost. Mostly orcs but there were almost as many humans. Almost no other races, though she did see a few elven slaves. Two were females, one male. None of them were night elves, though.

The orcs at the outpost, unlike the ones she had met, seemed well trained and barely batted an eye at Alira. He merely asked for her reason for entering, then sent her through. One of the humans, a mercenary by the looks of him, told her to keep an eye out, that not everyone here was so disciplined. When Alira put up her hood on her traveling cape, the interest in her dropped, though she could still tell eyes were following her. The outpost proved a good place to restock supplies. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw two pairs of eyes watching her. It was the orcs she had sent fleeing before. They were on the other side of the store and Alira had no idea how they spotted her. A human was speaking with them. Alira couldn't quite make out his features.

There wasn't a conventional inn, more of a bunk house. Fortunately, there was a female-only barracks. Well muscled orc women, along with the less common human, were sleeping there. The male elf was there too. His collar's leash was being held by a large orcess who was in the nude. She didn't seem to care, though a few of the humans shot her odd looks. She was speaking to other orcs and yanked the elf forward. In a practiced motion, she lowered his pants and was showing off his 'equipment' to the other orcs, who muttered to themselves. Alira wasn't quite fluent in orc and she couldn't understand what they were saying when they weren't speaking Common.

The outpost's resident merchant actually had quite a selection. If Alira wanted to buy something in particular, she couldn't probably get it here. Slaves were also being sold, if Alira was feeling so inclined. Two orcs, one male, one female, were for sale, as well as a few humans. They were out of elves. There was one surprise they were holding back. Only those who were willing to show they had enough coin to buy (75 denarii) were being allowed to see this last mystery.

Stealth check 12 + 36 (no armor) vs 9 + 20 ALIRA WINS
Auto hits
Damage: (4 + 5 + 6 + 2 + 6 + 8) * 2 = 62 (ignores AV)
Orc is ded
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Sitting on her bunk, Alira glanced over at the orc and her elven slave as the woman paraded her toy for the admiring viewers. Despite the language barrier, it wasn't difficult to imagine the bulk of the conversation. "Great stamina, and even cuddles after..." muttered Alira under her breath. She was much more disturbed by the appearance of her two night time guests. That's one kind of trouble I really didn't need. Who was that bastard they were chatting with? I have to be quick and smart in this. Well, no one said being a thief was boring... Checking her weapons, she headed out the door.

Astok, let me know if anyone starts watching me a little too hard. Let's not have any more orc surprises this trip.

The merchant's stall was indeed well equipped, but Alira resisted the urge to spend her hard earned coin. Though her armor was beginning to get a little worn, a true upgrade was a bit out of her price range. Still she made a show of examining the wares, even giving the slaves a cursory glance in order to blend in a little. Walking around the market, she visited a few more stalls, idly fingering the wares. Though her path appeared random and aimless, in truth she was trying to identify anyone, orc or otherwise, who might be following her. No way am I going looking for a vault while slavers are hot on my tail. No telling what will be waiting for me when I come out...
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

As Alira moved through the marketplace, Astok supplied her with some information. You've got one or two admirers. They aren't the ones from last night with that man. Astok sounded bored. When Alira was sufficiently sure that no one was tailing her, she left with her new supplies. Aside from the visions Astok's curse was causing, it seemed like easy going. Then. as she was preparing for camp one night, she heard Astok's thoughts, colored by a kind weariness To--g-t is -he -i-h-.

During a particular vivid dream, Alira found herself on a bed with purple silk sheets that seemed to stroke her body as she lay on them. Ahael had pushed her down, with his hands on her wrist. He was much more handsome than she remembered, looking as a perfect specimen of a male, with chisled muscles and a face that looked like it had been created specifically to cause women to fall under his spell. His cock was still the same, though, with nodules and bumps and everything that would make it more pleasurable for her. It lay across her stomach as he thrust back and forth, she felt the heat of it flow through her. He said "Got you."

With a start, Alira awoke to find the dream was true. Well, at least Ahael's presence was true. She grinned at her and she almost melted at the sight of it. Astok spoke to her. Hold him off for a minutes Someone wants to speak to him but it'll cost us some energy. She'll be more than willing to help, though. The thing is, your body isn't used to this kind of strain. Normally she'd be here in a second but it'll take some effort on both our parts. Ahael's cock grinded against her stomach, then her thighs. "You're mine now!" Thankfully, before he could get any farther, Alira bucked and threw him off balance. She got her feet under her and wrenched away, getting herself free and grabbing her weapons as she turned. Ahael grinned. "Those aren't going to stop me this time."

Astok needs over 8 EP. That means it's going to cost Alira HP and EP. However, he is genuinely trying to help her, or at least that's the sense she's getting.

Grapple 14 + 40 vs 4 + 42 ALIRA WINS
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira panted, wide-eyed, her chest heaving as she tried to calm her breath. The dream had been so real, so vivid... and then she woke to find the reality staring her in the face. She'd thrown Ahael off with a desperate effort, and she thanked her lucky stars she had, because if the demon had stayed on top of her, she wasn't at all sure if she could have continued to resist him. He's getting better at this... Really, how long can I keep this up? I should just drop the sword, and lay back dow- Stop it! The green ring shimmered faintly on her finger, and she drew a small measure of reassurance from its presence.

She forced herself to look at Ahael's face, the teasing smirk still playing about his lips. "You're looking better," she said, "you sure you want me to mess up that pretty mug, Ahael?" She held Dark Render in her hand, the point trembling only slightly as she followed Ahael's movements. Behind her back, she fingered her crossbow. Saved me once already...oh gods, let him attack soon, I don't know how long I can resist....

How long do you need? Tell me when you're ready...Also, for the love of whatever you care about, make up your mind as to who you're helping here! Last time, you were perfectly happy to let him root around in my dreams!

Alira once again prepares a Sudden Shot, that she will use if Ahael makes his move. She's a bit agitated at Astok, mostly because of the rude awakening, but is leaning toward trusting him. When Astok is ready, if Ahael has not been chased off, she'll let him draw the necessary power. Unless she somehow gains the upper hand herself.
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