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Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 40/57, PP = 58, EP = 40/45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

Kozel blinked slowly. "You met Ahael?" He leaned closer and sniffed her, then grinned. "Yeah, it seems like you met him the way he likes it. Other than me and him, there's... Invidia, N-" Astok interrupted him. " There's no need to tell her now. Now that I've recovered some, she will meet them each in turn. Kozel, I called you up for more than pleasantries. I need you to collect whatever is left of the Prismatic Veil." Kozel scratched his chin. "That thing? Oh, I lost track of that a~ges ago." Astok growled and Kozel quickly waved his hands in front of him, as if attempting to ward Astok's anger off. "I'll go find them! Yes, that's what I'll do!" Kozel quickly wrapped himself up in fluffy mist which was blown away by the wind. "Hmph."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

"Prismatic Veil? Sounds...", suddenly, Alira felt very tired, the stress and weariness accumulated from the mission catching up with her. "You know, I think I'm done with commentary for now. I'm going to get paid, I'm going to find a place to rest, and in the morning, I'll decide where w- I head next."

She continued on her way to the town hall, hoping to find either of the two men she'd spoken with earlier, and get some kind of recompense for her work, before finding a local inn.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 40/57, PP = 58, EP = 40/45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

Thankfully, Astok went silent for the rest of the day. Alira was given a room, free of charge, where she collapsed, without need or want of a bath or dinner. The next morning, she awoke ravenous and was fed half a dozen eggs and several strips of bacon. She was also invited to a feast in her honor which would he held in the vening. They were still arranging for her payment so they could get both out of the way in one swoop. Until that time, however, there was nothing for Alira to do. The villagers were still moving rubble around, carting the re-dead farther away from the settlement, and grieving over loved ones.

Alira's feast involved her going back to the main house, now unfortified. She was greeted with cheer tempered by sadness and there was much food to be had, as well as many toasts to her. Astok sparkled with the new polish he had been cleaned with. When people were beginning to get too drunk, the grizzled man she had met before called for a toast. "To those we have lost, and to our great savior! Alira, your name shall forever be remembered in this home of ours!" After a great yell and many congratulations, Alira was brought into the back room. "We need money to rebuild our town but our alchemist made some things to keep you alive." He gave her three healing potions, an energy potion, and an universal antidote. Then he pulled out a sword. Alira recognized it. "Cal wanted to give you this sword if he died. Its well made and has been enchanted." He placed the sword in its sheathe and gave it to Alira.

Alira has gained x3 healing potions, x1 energy potion, x1 Universal Antidote, x1 Dark Render (longsword: perfectly balanced (+1 attack and damage), Holy Blade (+4 attack and damage vs Undead, Demons, and Daemons)

From Crypt, Alira has gained treasure that can be sold for 62 Denarii, 2 Fire Marbles, and the Ruby Dawn.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira woke up with a start, sitting up bolt upright in the unfamiliar, too-soft bed. Blinking, she looked around the room, the last of her dreams fleeing from her mind. They'd been unusually vivid and numerous this night, and the last one...Ahael... She'd dreamed that she was with him once more, eagerly coupling with the demon, wantonly moaning as he thrust himself deep inside her. The details were even now slipping from her memory, but the sense of sheer lust and debauchery lingered. Alira shivered, and rose from the bed. Maybe I just need to get laid... Her gaze fell on the ever present bracer. Though I'd have to put up with an audience. Sighing, and putting her night time adventures aside, Alira washed up, and prepared herself for the day. Despite the dreams, she felt refreshed and energized, and eagerly wolfed down the offered breakfast.

For the rest of the day, she wandered around town, returning the numerous greetings of the townspeople. Taking the chance, she visited the market, and though the selection was sparse giving the recent siege, she managed to purchase 20 burning bolts, paying 10 denarii for the bundle. She considered pawning off the set of linked rings she'd found in the tomb, but decided to hold on to them for now. On a hunch, she asked the various merchants about the Duchess d' Granten.

The feast prepared by the town came as a surprise. Hesitant at first, eventually the fine wine and food loosened her up, and Alira began to genuinely enjoy herself. I could get used to this. Normally when I do my job, no one feels like celebrating. After the toast, she gratefully acknowledged the congratulations, offering what words she could gather in return.

The material rewards were not disappointing either, and Alira was happy to accept payment in practical items. Gathering up the potions, and storing them in her pack, she turned to the sword her escort was holding out. Accepting it, she grasped the hilt and pulled it out, getting a feel for the weight and heft of the weapon. Cal's sword... a bit bigger than what I'm used to, but the quality...this will do.

"Thank you. These will come in useful. For what it's worth... I'm sorry you lost so many in the attack." Turning to go, Alira hesitated. "One more thing. Is there an expert in the arcane in the area? Or is Ironrose monastery my best bet?"
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Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 40/57, PP = 58, EP = 40/45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

One man seemed to know something about the local history. "Duchess d' Graten? Yeah, she was a noble that bought some property half a day's walk from here. She kept her distance and then one day people noticed she wasn't coming back. Someone dropped by and found the house had been completely ransacked. Not for treasure, oddly. No one ever saw her or her servants ever again. One of her near relatives came by after the house had been thoroughly looted. He sold the plot and bought her a nice home in the crypt, though no one was sure whether the skeleton they found was even hers. Spooky, huh?" He grinned.

"Finding someone who specializes in magic? No, I can't think of anyone off the top of my head. You'll probably want to go the monastery, though the chapter out here isn't the largest, I'm sure one of the monks is qualified enough."

After leaving earshot, Astok says "Still so eager to get rid of me? I thought we were beyond this distrust." He didn't exactly sound hurt.

The Ironrose monastery wasn't too far away, only a day's walk. Alira didn't manage to leave until midday, having to gather what supplies she could, so she had one night in the dark. During the night, there came a fog. After an hour, Alira realized the fog was turning red. Astok wasn't doing anything, as far as she could tell, though.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

"Get rid of you? I don't think I'm that lucky! Besides, I'd think you'd be happy to visit the place. They probably have a Prismatic Veil or two lying around. Probably don't know what to do with the ones they've got, just waiting for someone to take it off their hands."

Spending the morning in preparation, nightfall found Alira still on the road. She continued unconcerned, used to operating under the stars. The heavy fog was a different story. Not wanting to loose her way, the elf moved purposefully and carefully, keeping to the track.

Looking ahead to pick out the path, Alira watched in disbelief as the grey blanket of fog shrouding her surroundings began to gradually turn a deep scarlet. "Great... what is this all about? Astok? You're picking up on anything out there? Can't see a thing..." Despite the disturbing development, Alira kept moving forward, though her steps became even more cautious as she inched ahead.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

"Mmm?" If evil spirits trapped in bracers slept, Astok would sound like one that just woke up. "What's this? Red mist? Oh, I wouldn't worry. It's probably just some mundane coloring or something. I'm not a meteorologist." If that is what it was, the mist returned to normal a few minutes later. Then she head someone moving through the mist. It was hard to tell how far they were, because of the dampening effect of the fog, though the person wasn't trying very hard to hide. The fog darkened, signaling the person's approach. When the person finally showed up out of the fog, it was... Cal? She felt a quick wave of anger come out of Astok before it was smothered. Apparently, whatever connecting them was getting stronger.
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Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Hearing the sounds of an approaching creature, Alira dropped into a low crouch, and her hand instinctively went for her dagger. She wasn't very reassured by Astok's offhand dismissal of the fog. Her eyes sought for cover even as the sounds drew closer. An indistinct shape became visible, its outline growing more defined with every step it took. Finally, the fog parted to reveal...

"Cal?" Alira was too startled to hold back the shocked whisper. What is this? A hallucination? A spirit? Spirits don't make noise... A wave of anger washed over her thoughts, and she gasped. Astok?... Now this is getting really interesting...

Standing, but keeping a wary distance from the figure of the dead man, Alira called out. "Cal? Or whoever you are... What are you doing here?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

"Alira. I had so many things I wanted to talk to you about. There were things left unfinished." Cal stepped closer. "I just need to say one final thing to you." He spread his arms wide, showing he was unarmed. "Just one thing." Astok continued to suppress his true emotions but Alira caught wind of rising impatience.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira noticed the change in tone, and her wariness grew. But her curiosity was also piqued, due in large part to Astok's reaction. "Alright... I'm not going to argue with a dead man. If you're willing to come back from beyond the grave to speak your piece, it must be quite a piece. Say what you need. "
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

Cal stepped closer. "All I wanted to say was..." He put his face in her face "My name is Ahael, don't you remember?" His hand suddenly swung around her neck and pressed her lips against his as his body began to change. The skin, first, began to redden. Then it became shiny, as if slick. He didn't look like a goblin this time, more like a fairly unattractive human male with red skin. One part was still the same, though. She could feel it rising between her legs and logging against her crotch. "Ahael, what are you doing? I'm trying to get some work done." Ahael clasped one of Alira's asscheeks with a clawed hand. He had some kind of telepathic conversation with Astok that, to Alira's surprise, she could listen in on, even as her body began to respond.

"Boss, c'-on. -'ve -e-n -yi-- to --ck t-is sl-t -gai-. Plu-, -'ve -ee- -o-ng so-e w-rk s- I'- a lit-le l-w o- -nerg-." "Can't y-u ju-t find s--e whore -o fuck?" "- did." Astok growled. "Ah-e-, by ou- -act, y-u ar- not t- com- after -- host a--in -i-h-ut my -ermis---n." "Fi-e, f-ne. Be--e- en-oy this t-en."

At this stage in Alira's connection with Astok, she can start to pick up telepathic conversations. Right now she is in stage 1. I write a conversation. I roll a d6, then count it off and replace the letter with a -. As they get closer (whether they want to or not), the die will go to a d8, d10, etc. Unfortunately, the connection will be going both ways.

If you want to view the complete conversation, just for curiosity's sake, you can ask me.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira's eyes flew open in shock as Ahael pressed his lips to hers. Ahael... what is happening... The demon's presence brought back echoes of the maddening lust she had felt during their first meeting. Her body began to respond on its own, a treacherous warmth spreading through her pussy. She stood stock still as Ahael's clawed hand wrapped around her ass possessively, and the telepathic conversation between the demon and his master flashed through her mind, garbled but understandable. The rational part of her mind tried to hold on to the details. Astok's not happy about this...

Alira felt the demons hardening cock press against her crotch, and she let out an involuntary whine, grinding her hips. Last time he made me cum over an..No! I'm not just going to spread my legs for him again...and again... stop it! I need to get out of here!

The initial shock of Ahael's appearance began to wear off, and though the lust the demon instilled in her, Alira felt another tide rising within her - anger. She wrenched her face away from the demon's kiss, and began to struggle to escape his grasp. "You bastard! Get off of me!"

I'm assuming that Ahael's started a grapple, and as her first action Alira's trying to break the grapple. I thought about giving her the Aroused status effect, but then decided to let the mechanics work themselves out, since I haven't tried using the grapple rules before.

I like the bleed-over telepathic conversation tack you're going for. Does that mean that Astok can now get a sense of Alira's "private" thoughts?
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

Ahael shifted his grip, putting more force into his limbs. However, unlike the Ahael Alira had seen in the vision, this version wasn't very powerful. He fumbled and Alira slipped out of his reach. "I'm not going to be able to help you here. I'll tell you why after." Ahael growled in displeasure. "Slut, I know you want my dick again! Just lie down and take it!"

Rolls and OOC
Alira 11 + 40 vs 14 + 35 Ahael ALIRA WINS

Yes, he's beginning to pick up Alira's thoughts. Right now, they are just as garbled but he's had more experience and can get a better drift. Right now, for example, he can tell she wants to give in, at least some part of her.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Twisting, Alira felt the demon's grip loosen, and with another wrench, she freed herself from Ahael's embrace. The frantic movements made her stumble, but the nimble thief quickly regained her footing.

"I'm not going to be able to help you here. I'll tell you why after."

It's nice to know you'll be able to help somewhere! Call off your dog!

Alira spun back toward Ahael, who'd also been briefly thrown off balance by the struggle. The demon's burning eyes were fixated on her, frustration etched into his ugly face.

This time, Alira was better prepared for the rush of unnatural lust she felt whenever she faced Ahael. Further away from him, with no physical contact, it was easier for her to control herself. Besides... she'd seen that look before, on the faces of other would be lovers, men and women who thought that she'd owed them something, that she'd rejected for one reason or another. It was clear that her resistance was an unpleasant surprise for the demon, and his irritation eroded whatever self-control he possessed. Use it... get away from him... don't think about the way he made you cum...

"Slut, I know you want my dick again! Just lie down and take it!"

The demon's aggressive, crude demand helped her overcome whatever lingering arousal she felt. Alira laughed, shaking her head, "Oh Ahael, with sweet talk like that you must have maidens throwing themselves at your crooked little feet." She stopped laughing, the forced mirth draining from her quickly. "The man whose face you stole, he didn't like demons very much. Look, he even had a nice sword, just for dealing with your kind." Her hand found the hilt of Dark Render. "Somehow, I just know he'd be glad if I tried it out on you. And strangely, I'm getting a sense that Astok wouldn't mind so much either. But I'll give you a chance to walk away. Shuffle off down the road, disappear in a puff of smoke, its all the same to me, just so long as I don't have to stare at your ugly mug."

Though her arm was steady and her voice firm, Alira's thoughts raced. I don't know how long I can resist.. how long I can continue to want to resist... Cal's image swam before her mind, and she felt a fresh pang of anger at Ahael's theft of the man's identity.

Alira is preparing an attack on Ahael. If he makes an aggressive move on her, she'll strike out at him immediately, using Quick Draw to draw Dark Render without using an action. If he tries to move closer, she'll keep her distance.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

Ahael actually took a step back when he saw the sword. He looked scared. Again, she heard Ahael and Astok speak.

--ere di- sh- get -h-t thin- from? L-ke sh- said, -he m-n -h-'s f-ce yo- sto-e. He w-s so-- sort o- -oly w-r---r. Ma-e her pu- it -way! No, --u made -ou- bed. Da-- you A-to-! - hav--'t don- -nythi-g. Now -eave -nd fin- -omeo-- else.

Ahael took one step back. Her growled and said "You just missed out. I'll be in your dreams and you'll want it so bad that when you wake up, you're going to have to frig yourself just to get through the day." Then he ran off into the fog. The fog where he ran turned crimson before fading.

There was some silence, then Astok spoke. "Ahael, Kozen, and the others have an unique contract with me. By our pact, I can give them orders. However, they do whatever they get to do whatever they want and I can't oppose them. I can give them an order once they are finished but I can't stop them. Usually it isn't an issue, since the pact also forbids them from working against me."

By morning, Alira would get to the monastery. It was small, smaller than most of the houses that Alira had seen back in the village. There didn't seem to be any doors but after entering, she found the doors had been pressed back, hiding them. Most of the space in the monastery was dedicated to a room that housed an altar and several stone seats. Well, they were obviously meant to be seats. They were more like small, wide stone pillars. On the alter lay an exquisitely crafted rose made of iron. The thing looked too fragile to hold itself up but it did. The thorns glimmered menacingly but the petals shone radiantly. She saw a small opening to the right side and heard a few voices coming from it. Then she heard footsteps from behind her and found an elven woman carrying a small, squirming bundle. It was a child, swaddled in cloth. The elf at first looked surprised, then angry. Then she quickly changed her face into a neutral expression. "Good morning." She was holding a wooden bucket full of water and a brush. She placed the child in a stone niche in the wall that had a curved bottom and began to clean the altar.
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Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira watched the demon retreat, relaxing only when the last swirl of crimson fog dissolved in the white mist. Worst part is, he's probably right... what did he do to me? Nice to know he doesn't like the sword though.

Astok spoke up, and she forced herself to listen, though the brief encounter with Ahael had strained her energy and patience.

"...Usually it isn't an issue, since the pact also forbids them from working against me."

"Alright... I thought you'd be happy if Ahael got his claws on me again. I saw what happened last time, after our first encounter. He got more powerful, didn't he? Are you afraid your demons will start paying more attention to your "host" than to you?" Sighing, she turned back on her original course, heading for the monastery. "There was some tension back there, whatever the cause. Tell me Astok, what happens when one of you breaks the pact?"
The building of the monastery's chapter loomed in front of her.

"Huh. Thought there would be more roses. And more iron."

After the bright light of the day, the interior of the monastery seemed gloomy, and Alira blinked a few times, waiting for her eyes to adjust. She looked around with interest, noting the altar and the rose on it. Just as she was about to move toward the sound of voices, she heard footsteps coming up from behind her.

"Good morning."

Alira watched the elf set down the squirming child and get to work. She had detected the brief flash of hostility, but couldn't understand the reason. What did I do to her?

"Hello. My name is Alira, I heard that the monastery might be able to help me. I'm looking for someone with knowledge of magic, souls and such. Do you know someone who could help me?" Alira kept her tone polite, not wanting to antagonize the woman further, even unitentionally.

How widespread is the knowledge of the corruption that demonic encounters entail? So far I've been assuming that Alira doesn't really understand what sex with Ahael or other demons means for her, but is that realistic in this setting?
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

Astok seemed to ignore the first part of Alira's response about Ahael. She did, however, get a blip. He wasn't upset about what Ahael had done, he was upset about something Ahael didn't do. He did, however, answer the second. "Oh, the usual when dealing with pacts of this level. If they break it, they become my thrall. If I break it, they will devour my soul between them."


The woman sighed but didn't look up from her work. "That would be Brother Lagun. He's a... what did call it... ah, yes, he is a magical theorist." A creature emerged from the side. He was large, had a round belly, and was an orc. No... that wasn't right. He had strong signs of being an orc but on the other hand... an elf? Alira could barely believe it. The man was a half-orc half-elf. A rare breed indeed. His tusks were much smaller than a normal orcs and almost looked non-threatening when he smiled. "Did someone say my name?"

The elf bowed and he returned the bow. "Yes, this... night elf was looking for someone to consult about magic and souls." She waved at Alira and Brother Lagun turned to her. He bowed again. "I am Lagun, monk of the Iron Rose. I am pleased to make your acquaintance."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira tried to stop staring at the man and his unusual features. "Uh, hello. As I was saying, my name is Alira, and I could use some help..."

Briefly, Alira described what had happened in the ancient city where she had met Astok, leaving out the sordid details of her intimate encounter with Ahael.

"I met a man who told me that separation would be next to impossible. What about... I don't know, a block or seal of some kind? Look, mostly I just want to know what's going on. Who was this guy? He's been my best source of information, and frankly, it's hard to trust an evil spirit strapped to your arm with a vested interest in controlling your soul."

See how reasonable I'm being? I'm not even trying to kick you out...
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 57, PP = 58, EP = 45 CP: 149 CL: 1 Status: Fine

The half-orc/elf looked at the bracer with curiosity, then concern. "You were right to bring this to me. Follow me." Lagun led Alira through the back room. There were a few beds there and men of varying races getting ready for the day. They looked up but when they saw that Lagun was leading Alira, they returned to their preparation. Lagun led Alira into a tiny room, big enough for just two seats. It did, however, have a window and that helped with the feeling of claustrophobia. "Sit." Lagun sat on the seat opposite Alira and began to examine the bracer. "Hmmm..." When he touched it, a tiny big of black lightning, little more than bolt of static, zapped Lagun's finger. He gave a cry of surprise and pulled his hand back. He rubbed the finger and sighed. "Well, that is a problem. Do you know what the spirit's name is?"

Unexpectedly, the bracer spoke. "My name is Astok. I would be happy to leave this bracer." Lagun looked at the bracer warily, then at Alira. He chuckled. "No, I don't think so, Astok, Lord of the Six, Pactmaker, Septimus Knight." Astok, had he had a body, would have started. "Oh yes, I've heard of you. One of my ancestors lived in the town above your tomb. You were a legend, you know. Something to scare children. No, I don't think I'll be helping you."

Lagun turned to Alira. "I don't know much about him. Only the legends, the titles. Things passed down through stories. And I don't think I can do much to help you. I may know the theories but the power it would take to enact them would be astronomical.."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira ground her teeth in frustration, but she refused to give up so easily. "Look, someone put him in there in the first place, right? Who was that? Those stories you mentioned - did they say why Astok wasn't around anymore?"