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Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Fine
Ehhh, don't worry about, Torguk told us you was tired. You coulda used a bedroll, not like we're usin' 'em when we're working is it?” the orc woman replied, waving of Euria's concerns. “And if you don't have anything to put forward in terms of food or drink, well... Torguk ain't the only one around here that would appreciate some company, if you catch my meaning. Even a bit o' eye candy might go a long way in keeping things friendly,” she trailed off, glancing over the nymph's form idly and seemingly appreciative of what she saw.
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Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

"Ah, yeah, might have been more comfortable. Hadn't meant to actually fall asleep, though," Euria gave a wry grin as she stood up from her seat, only semi-intentionally making a show of stretching out her stiff muscles before turning back to the orc woman.

"I can't say I wouldn't be interested in some company myself, but... I don't think someone like me could handle everyone here. Or even just a few, honestly." the Nymph admitted a little sheepishly with a shrug, glancing off to the side where the bedrolls were laid out across the room. While she'd certainly been fantasizing about the orcs here, and Torguk in particular, she didn't think she could handle all of them especially if even half the stories she'd heard were true, even though he wouldn't actually be the largest man she'd been with. She'd never had any sort of experience with more than a single partner at a time though, despite her race's predisposition towards promiscuity, and this didn't seem like the best place or time.

"I'm not adverse to... other options though." She continued, somewhat nervously curling a lock of hair around her finger, tail beginning to sway lazily behind her seemingly of its own accord, "What exactly do you have in mind when you say eye candy?" Euria was a bit uncertain regarding that suggestion, as teasing them didn't strike her as the safest course of action, but she was confident in her looks, and Elena's words had spoken directly to her pride. Between her physical beauty, her natural singing ability, and her fitness and flexibility making her at least a passable dancer, she could play the role of entertainer well enough if that was what was being suggested. It wouldn't be her first time in such a role either, it wasn't her preference, but she'd been able to put those talents to use among humans a few times in the past.
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Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Fine
"Not got the stones for it eh?" the orcish woman said with a smirk when Euria pointed out that she probably couldn't entertain the whole group on her lonesome, having shamelessly admired her stretching. "That's fine, you ain't a slave, got no obligation to take care of EVERYONE!" she said, "just whoever you feel like~" She grinned a little more and rolled her eyes, planting a hand on her hip, "you're a dancer eh? Nils likes to play the lute, that oughta be fun if you're willing to show off a bit. That ain't a problem for you faeries, right? I'm sure the boys won't complain about getting a good look at you sans some of those clothes either.... Neither would I for that matter~ Once that's over... Well, it's up to you how much fun you have later."

The other orcs were filtering in, totaling five men and five women when all was said and done, and many seemed to be quite tired judging by their slouching walks and slow gait. Torguk wasn't among them, still presumably on watch, but the rest did little more than glance her way before going to the kitchen to start preparing their meals.
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Just a little nervous is all," Euria gave a shallow grin as she replied, though her mood quickly brightened with the orcish woman's other news. They had a musician among them? That was a welcome surprise, if he was willing to play along with her. She wasn't quite sure what to sing, as she wanted to stay away from any human songs considering the ongoing conflict. She knew at least a few from back home that might be appropriate though, especially if they wanted her to... put on a show.

She wasn't adverse to the idea. She had always been comfortable with her body, most of what she'd learned of modesty was from humans, not her own upbringing, and heavier clothing like what she wore now was only practical in the wilderness. Even her armour wasn't exactly modestly designed, and though its chameleonic nature necessitated it cover most of her body to be effective it was fitted very well to her body, showing off all of her curves. She'd loosened the ties in the front while she was resting as well, and enough cleavage was showing to tease any onlookers.

"I don't have much in the way of more appealing clothes on me I'm afraid, I like to travel light, but I'm sure I can manage." She gave another grin, this one genuine, "And I'm surprised, not many people recognize me as fae, usually more caught up with the, well... these," The nymph waved a hand at her wolflike features, her tail's lazy swaying pace picking up a little, mirroring her growing enthusiasm. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad after all.

"So, um... you mind introducing me to this Nils? A little music wouldn't hurt, and I'll do my best to... entertain everyone once they all get here and settled in."
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Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Fine
"Heh... It'll all end up on the table anyway, right? Or on the floor~" Elena replied casually, "not that it looks bad to begin with.... Mmmmm, tight!" She spent another moment admiring Euria's figure in her tight garb before reaching out to bat playfully at her fluffy tail, "heh, or you could just play the cat!" She leaned back and nodded, "yeah, well... What else would you be? You don't seem the sort to be a demon, smell too nice to be a mutant, and you're too pale to be from Anudor."

She didn't seem to be aware of any other possibilities, but didn't seem to care much for it. "Come on, Nils is right over there," she said, and led Euria to another orc woman who was thinner and more heavily dressed, and was carrying a few extra sets of clothes. She turned from her collecting, revealing a thin face and large dark eyes, and frowned. "What do you want Elena?" she said, impatience and exhaustion merging in her deep voice.

"Hello to you too Nils!" Elena replied in apparent amusement at her counterpart's annoyance with her. "This is our... Guest, the one Torguk let in. She's apparently not got much in the way of food to share, but she's willing to... Compensate... With a bit of a show for us~ Think you can stop being pissy for a night and break out the lute we all know you snuck out here?" The other woman's frown darkened into a scowl, but after glaring at Elena for a moment she sighed and turned to Euria.

"Sure. I'll string a tune while you prance about. You got any favorite tunes? I don't know many, but I've managed to pick up a few pieces from human and elven lands."
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

"I'll take that as a compliment then," Euria grinned at the comment about her scent, tail swaying excitedly behind her after Elena's playful swat at it. "I guess when you put it that way it makes sense, I'm just not used to people guessing."

She followed behind the orc, not overly bothered by the fact that they knew of her origins, as Elena at least didn't seem to have any problems with her over it. As far as she knew the orcs had no conflict with her people, so she didn't expect it to become an issue. Upon meeting the apparent musician, Euria gave a brief nod and shot the smaller orc a smile, "I am Euria, a pleasure to meet you."

"I sing as well as dance," The nymph added to Elena's explanation, a little off-put by the insinuation that eye candy was all she had to offer. "Do you have a minute? Why don't we step aside and I'll go over what I'm thinking about, so we can see if you know anything that would fit."

If Nils accepted, she would lead the orc out of the way of the others once she finished whatever she was doing, and sing her a few samples of her songs, to see if the orc knew any, or anything appropriate. Most likely elven music, but Euria could try her best to work with anything.
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Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The lithe orc woman, Nils, merely nodded to Euria's greeting, and sighed again and nodded when she suggested they go aside for a bit to discuss what music she might play while the faerie danced. "Yeah.... Elena go away, while we sort this out," she said grumpily, to which the bustier orcess simply rolled her eyes and turned, though she didn't depart towards the kitchens without taking another playful swat at Euria's tail.

Nils seemed to have a limited mastery of music, her list of songs fairly short, but the more she talked the more passionate she seemed to become. She was obviously enthusiastic about getting to practice her art, despite her outward gruffness. She did know a few elven tunes, and after a while Euria had narrowed down two songs where their knowledge crossed, one of old faerie origin with no lyrics to speak of but still a union of vocal chants and instrumentals, and the other an elven song about a dragon hunting heroine.
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria grinned as Elena swatted at her tail on her way past, twisting a little to present a better target for the orc—and with the added benefit of showing off her ass in her form-fitting leathers as well. She turned back to Nils only a moment later though, tail swaying lazily behind her.

The nymph nodded thoughtfully as they went over their potential songs. Unfortunately, there weren't many they had in common, but it was enough for her to work with. The orc didn't seem to be the most experienced musician, but that was understandable given her circumstances. It appeared to be simply a hobby, though one she was quite passionate about. It wasn't as though this was a professional performance, she was sure it would be more than good enough.

"We'll have to pass on that one," Euria shook her head as she went over the lyrics for the elven song, "You'd know better than me, but from what I've heard of your people, anything involving killing dragons seems like a poor choice. Don't want to offend anyone." She looked to the orc for her opinion on the matter before thinking again on what the plan should be.

"We can work with this though. Why don't we start with the other one, the faerie song. I know it pretty well, so that should be a good starting point... after that, well, seems like they want a show more than anything," Euria gave a sheepish grin and a shrug at that, "I don't really mind giving one. Why don't you pick whatever you think would be best? Doesn't matter if I know it or not, just let me hear it once beforehand so I know what to expect."
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Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Ehhh, we appreciate epics just fine," Nils said when Euria professed her concern over the ballad of a dragon slayer, "still, it's up to you really." She simply nodded when the nymph decided on the faerie song, seemingly accepting the idea without any desire to argue the point. She smirked knowingly when she suggested that her companions were looking for a show more than a song, "you're probably not wrong. Doesn't mean I'm gonna pass up on the opportunity to practice though!"

She grinned a little more broadly at her suggestion that they go somewhere to practice, and would bend down to grab an instrument before leading the nymph off to a secluded side chamber that they had seemingly already cleaned up if its barren appearance was any indication. She would go through a few numbers, singing them herself and proving fairly good at it even if her stringing wasn't the best that Euria had heard. Euria would be able to learn a trio of songs, a long sweeping ballad about a warlord who had united a dozen tribes before being beaten in single combat by a hero from the latest tribe to come under attack, a simple tavern bawdy that was decidedly suggestive but at least subtle enough to avoid saying anything overt, and a simple chanting tune that was meant for some sort of Anudorian ritual chant.

Nils was just starting a prayer song from the temple of the Thunderlord when Torguk poked his head into the doorway, smirking when he spotted Euria and smirking a little wider if he caught her mid dance practice, and said; "Meal's ready."
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria gave a start when Torguk called from behind her, having been so focused on the music and her own practising that she hadn't noticed him approach despite her keen hearing. She blushed a little as she realized what he was smirking at, but it passed quickly. She was expecting to get a lot of stares, and probably a little more soon enough anyway, so she couldn't go getting embarrassed over being caught practising.

"Thanks, we'll be there soon." She returned his smirk and winked at him, intentionally making a show of stretching briefly. Once he was gone, she turned back to Nils with a friendlier, less suggestive smile. "Let's get going then. When we start, just start with the faerie song and I'll sing. From there, pick what you like from anything else we went over. I'll probably have to focus more on the dancing by then anyway." She went over the plan one last time before making her way back to the main hall with the musician.
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Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Torguk certainly seemed to appreciate the stretching, his eyes lingering over her tightly clad body, but he only stayed another moment before nodding and popping back around the corner from whence he came. "Works for me," Nils said calmly, gathering up her lute and then walking back to the rest of the group. There were about twenty two orcs there by her count, including Nils, Torguk, and Elena. A little over half were male, numbering thirteen men and nine women in total, but all of them at least glanced Euria's way as she and Nils walked into the dining area. The majority of it was still a mess, but the table they'd cleared and set up benches around had a bunch of plates with some food piled on a few of them.

"Well... We're here to entertain, why don't you introduce yourself? We can eat later," Nils said, testing the strings of her instrument before taking a seat at the corner of the table. Everyone else already had a plate, the fair simple and wild. Hard tack bread, most of which was taken sparingly, plus what looked like crushed cranberries, a few wild vegetables, turnip worked into a mash, and a bird that looked to be a turkey that had been cooked over a fire. The orc crew looked to her curiously, awaiting Eura to introduce herself properly even though she had already met a few of them, and then to begin her dance. Nils would start playing whenever Euria gave her a clue, starting as they'd agreed on the faerie song that would let her chant along with her dance at the beginning. There was plenty of room on the floor, and a nearby unoccupied table was close enough for them to see and seemingly stable, but there was also enough room for her to dance on the main table if she preferred.
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

"Of course. My name is Euria. I’ve agreed to provide some... entertainment for you all. I hope it’s to your liking." The nymph gave a brief curtsey, as unsuited as her attire might be to such a gesture, before slowly stepping forward. She made a show even of walking, her clothes hugging her curves as she seemed to sway back and forth. She gave a quick wave behind her to signal Nils to begin as she made her way to a clear spot on the floor where everyone would have a good view of her.

Once the music began, she began to sing. Though there were no lyrics to this particular song, her soft voice carried across the room as she began the chanting vocals that accompanied the music. While her talents as a singer were not inconsiderable, and while her dancing was not quite on the same level but still well above that of an amateur, more than simply her voice and her movements carried to her audience. There was a subtle power behind each movement, every sound she made. It was a natural power of her kind, something they all possessed, and while she had relatively little practise with it compared to many of her sisters, she wasn’t trying to entrance them either. She was intentionally limiting the subtle compulsion, merely making her song and her movements more enticing, harder to look away from, rather than truly trying to influence anyone’s mind.

Her movements were not fast, her dance a slow, sensual thing as her movements seemed to flow into each other. This was not truly meant to be a sexually provocative dance, though as anything created by nymphs, it was bound to be appealing regardless, if not outright alluring. She did not know the origin of the song itself, except that it came from the fae in some manner, but the dance she was performing was one she had seen many times in her youth. It was perhaps not what her audience had been expecting, but to her this was as art, and she sought to show it as such before she moved on to what she was sure most of them were truly looking for. Hopefully they could appreciate it regardless.

Once the song finally finished she paused to catch her breath for a moment, tugging a little on the laces holding her top together down the center of her chest as if to cool herself down a little, though it was really simply a move to subtly let just a little more of her breasts loose, accentuating her cleavage further before she began the next song. This was where the show she was certain most of them were looking for began. Once Nils began the next song she picked up the pace, her movements faster, more intentionally enticing. She didn’t sing, as there weren’t any of the other songs they’d practised she was confident in singing, but occasionally hummed along with the music, letting her power continue to subtly flow along with her voice and her movements.

She’d had a lot of practise with this as well. While she had little personal desire for money, it was a necessary thing when dealing with humans, and so she had found ways to make money. Sometimes she would hunt and sell her catches, but she’d also found that many taverns appreciated her other talents. The obvious choice for someone like her might have been to turn to sex for money as she was sure nymphs like herself had before, it was simply a part of their nature. She found the idea distasteful though. While she didn’t shy away from her baser desires, and all she really needed was a mutual attraction, not anything emotional, it didn’t feel right to make money that way. On the other hand, she was quite comfortable putting her talents in song and dance to use as an entertainer, and quite willing to put on the sort of show drunk tavern goers were after too. She never stayed long, just enough to pay for her food and board and whatever supplies she might need, but she’d learned a thing or two about putting on a show.

Hopefully orcs appreciated the same things human men did. Everything she’d seen so far suggested they did, at least. She continued occasionally plucking laces on her top until her breasts were threatening to burst free with every movement, but beyond that… well, that all depended on her audience’s reaction.

If possible (I think I asked about this a while ago?) using Siren Song, but only for the first stage effect, not trying to Stun/Charm anyone.
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Fine

22 orksiz
13 orcdix
9 (maybeonly) orcvaginas

Euria drew the full attention of the small warband as she spoke, even those who looked like they had had a fairly draining day and were covered in sweat and dust and those who had already started eating. The slight sway of her hips and the way that it made her already quite revealing outfit cling to her shapely body drew even more attention from the group, the ones who had already been looking gazing at her a little more intently and the ones who had focused elsewhere getting more distracted.

Her wave caused Nils to start playing after a quick test of her strings, opening with the song they'd agreed upon, and even though she only made light use of her natural ability to draw attention to herself Euria quickly had the room's attention as she got into the flow of her performance. Even if it might not be as lurid a display as some might have wanted, as she certainly earned a few encouraging leers, the group at least seemed to be enjoying her song and dance if only for the break from the monotony.

Once the first song ended and she loosened her top a little, the added bit of cleavage earned the nymph even more leers, and though her voice was replaced by Nils' her humming and the increasingly sensual sway of her body caused her to receive even more attention. Most of the men were now ignoring their meals in favor of watching her dance, and the more straps she undid and the more suggestively she moved the more attention she would receive. That wasn't to say that the women were ignoring her, however, as Elena and several of the other women were looking at her with no less interest than some of the men.

The next tune began, a slightly faster one that had Nils plucking away and singing a simplistic rhyming song, and as more and more of her laces came undone and her breasts threatened to spill out at any second she held the interested parties in increasingly rapt attention. She was starting to notice a few telltale signs of arousal, the same sort of reaction she'd expect from a human crowd in similar circumstances, and as the song was winding down she spotted one of the women sitting next to one of the men reach into his lap, causing him to start and look at her only for her to grin back, her arm moving in a slightly suspect manner, before he smirked back and returned his attention to Euria. They weren't the only pair that made gestures at one another of one sort or another, though they were the only ones who made any sort of contact, and as the most recent song wound down she heard one of the burlier men of the lot loudly shout; "Take it off!"

An appreciative chuckle and a few catcalls punctuated the end of the song, and after a brief respite Nils starting string the tavern bawdy. Elena immediately gestured for Euria to come close, a grin on her face, and she could see that she intended for the nymph to make a circle 'round the table. Such was part of the song, and along with it were quite a few mentions of "handsy clients" and the like that the group might risk reenacting if she was getting nearly as into the performance as she was.
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Fortunately, it seemed that this audience was quite similar to those Euria was used to. Her first performance had been enough to get them interested, though sadly it seemed that it was only Nils here who had a true appreciation for the art of song and dance. Still, it had been as much an indulgence for herself as a show for her hosts, and she hadn't really expected more. They were after a different sort of show, one she did intend to give them.

Her performance for the second song drew just the sort of reaction she was used to seeing. It was obvious the teasing display of cleavage combined with the sensual motions of the dance were having an effect on her audience. Many had stopped eating, too enthralled by her performance, and a few were showing visible signs of arousal. She'd even seen one couple getting a little... active under the table.

As that song wound down, Euria flashing a smile at one particularly loud call for her to "take it off". She wasn't about to comply that quickly though, even as she teasingly ran her hands over her chest and down her stomach, tugging at a few more straps and laces as they went, until her top was open almost entirely down the middle, held together only by a few ties in the center of her chest, seeming to strain to keep from bursting open as she moved. As Nils began the next song, she found herself grinning even wilder, giving a brief nod of acknowledgement to Elena's beckoning gesture as she went over the tavern bawdy in her mind.

She'd only heard it briefly, but it had stuck out to her as a very appropriate song for this particular performance, and it had stuck in her memory. It seemed that at least a few among the audience recognized it already. Hip swaying as she began to slowly circle the table, Euria began to sing along to the music. She made a game out of keeping just within arm's reach of the orcs and slipping and dancing away from any reaching hands, letting them touch her for only a few moments and slipping away with a playful grin before they could get any sort of grip on her.

Of course, with how many pairs of hands there were to dodge, it was only natural that she slipped up eventually. Nearly halfway around the table someone managed to get a grip on her collar, the added pull finally causing the last few ties to come loose and the leather garment to burst open in the front, baring her breasts for all to see, likely to the delight of her audience. She faltered a moment in her singing but took it in stride, slipping her arms free and leaving her top in the grip of whichever of the orcs had managed to grab it.

Nudity didn't particularly bother her, like any raised among the fae, but there was a certain appeal to a slow reveal as well. She continued with her circle around the table seemingly uncaring of her new state of partial nudity, continuing to teasingly slip in and out of reach of the seated orcs until the song began to wind down and she made it back to her starting point, finally coming to a stop with a brief flourish as it ended. She eyed her audience as she leaned in against the side of the table, giving everyone seated around it a good view of her now bare chest.
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Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 28/59, PP = 21/42, EP = 47, Status = Naked, Horny

22 orksiz
13 orcdix
9 (maybeonly) orcvaginas

As a note: Resisting pleasure for Euria reduces all pleasure received by 13.

Euria's Dodge = 70 for the dance
Elena moves to catch Euria, but she escapes.
Several orcs move to grope Euria, but she dodges.
Then Torguk catches her.
Grapple: Torguk easily holds her, and gropes her a bit.
Pleasure: 1 + 1 + 13 - 2 - 13 = 0 pleasure, minimum 1.
Then he strips her top off and lets her go.
New Dodge = 62
One of the next group manages to catch Euria for some more groping.
Pleasure: 4 + 4 + 10 - 13 = 5 pleasure.
The next four easily get their hands on her.
Pleasure: 4 + 4 + 10 - 13 = 5 pleasure.
Pleasure: 4 + 4 + 10 - 13 = 5 pleasure.
Pleasure: 2 + 2 + 10 - 13 = 1 pleasure.
And her bottoms are removed too.
Just doing damage here. 25 damage from resisting pleasure.
Then one more before she gets back to Elena.
Pleasure: 4 + 3 + 10 - 13 = 4 pleasure. Euria just gets horny. Barely.
Damage: 4 + 2 = 6 more.

Euria played into the nature of the song exactly as she should have as she began to sway her way around the table, deftly dodging reaching hands. It was something of a game, this song, and Euria was the "ball" of sorts. The orcs stamped their feet and mumbled or sang along with the music, this clearly being one of their favorites, and as Euria approached she might easily figure out why. Her role in the song was to make a lap of the table, dodging as many groping hands as possible along the way. Anyone who caught her could hold her for only so long, either as long as they could hold her in a spin or until a verse was finished at most, but when they had her they could touch her however they wanted. In human and elven taverns it usually didn't get too risque, maybe a slip of a hand under the clothes at worst, but perhaps unsurprisingly the group of orcs she had run into were willing to do quite a bit more.

At first she whirled and swayed past the orcs, their reaching hands coming just close enough to brush against her but never finding purchase. Men and women both reached to grab her only to barely brush their fingers across her, fingers brushing over the bare skin of her belly and thigh or the leather covered portions of her breasts and backside, but they found no purchase beyond producing a few pleasant tingles. One even managed to brush their fingers over the soft fur of her tail too, running their fingers across it and cooing with pleasure at the feel of her plush fur.

Then she found herself in front of Torguk, and despite an impressive whirl away Euria found herself wrapped up in his arms and spinning. One arm held her tight against him as he turned in place, keeping her just off balance enough to keep her from slipping away. She could feel his erection pulsing against her ass, the two layers of cloth and leather not nearly enough to keep her from feeling his impressive bulge, an appealing and she once more felt his palm slide up under her top. For the second time that day the orcish man's fingers closed deftly over her breast, kneading the soft flesh and lightly rubbing its tip. Being essentially pinned by the clearly stronger man, feeling his muscles tensing as he held her and spun, practically helpless before his lewd advances only served to enhance the arousal that his touch sent flaring through her. This time, however, she opted to keep those desires contained rather than submit to them, leaving her amorous but not nearly overwhelmingly so... Yet.

He spun her twice more, holding her tightly and fondling her intimately while Euria found herself completely at his mercy. As his hand receded towards the end of the verse, however, he flicked away the last few straps holding her top open. Her breasts spilled out, fully exposed for the crowd's viewing pleasure, and her top was pulled away from the willing nymph while the group cheered around her. Every eye now on her now fully bare chest, Euria found herself released at the proper time, just at the end of the verse, and despite a bit of dizziness and her partial nudity she was set on the course to continue her dance.

The orcs got a good bit more adventurous now that she had lost some of her clothes, however. They moved a bit faster, a bit more enthusiastically, and thus Euria found a lot of groping hands finding their mark. First one orc caught her, a busty woman with blonde braided haired one who pressed against Euria tightly in their spin, groping her ass while Euria's bare breasts pressed against her covered ones. Then she was sent spinning away into another one, a shorter thick man who held her like Torguk had but crossed his arms over her chest, groping both of her breasts at once. Then she was tossed to the next, the orcs stamping in rhythm to the still playing music, and had another female orc rubbing both between her legs and one of her breasts. The physical sensation and atmosphere of the room spurred her instincts into a broil that surged beneath her skin, arousal flaring through her at every additional touch, and when she found herself grabbed by the bulky one who had jeered for her to take off her top she was once more left helpless in someone's grasp while the others jeered at her.

He roughly pushed her against the table, bending her over, and though it was something of a break in the rules no one complained. His fingers dug into the waistband of her bottoms and dragged them down, and whether or not the nymph was ready to bare it all for the group she found her last bastion of protection from their eyes taken away, letting those nearby get a nice view of the rest of her "assets" and producing another round of jeers. Her increasingly flushed form was sent spinning again, and though she dodged a few more groping hands as the song started towards its climax, one more managed to grab her just before she could complete her circuit of the table. Another orc man swept her into a dance, this one more graceful than most, and though he didn't hold her quite as tightly his fingers proved quite deft, slowly sliding along her now exposed petals and across the tip of her breast while he spun her. The teasing grasp sent stimulation flooding through her, and even with her resistance to the atmosphere brewing in the room Euria felt every touch bringing her natural arousal to the fore of her thoughts.

Her very nature led her to feed on the lustful atmosphere in the room, the latter awakening the former. The ritual that had given her her animalistic features had only served to further enhance that aspect of her bloodline, and the scent of thick musk of both sexes that was rising in the air, so pungent in her enhanced senses, only served to make the situation even more potent. The music played down as she was finally released, her circuit of the table complete, only to find herself caught in Elena's arms. The redheaded orc swung her around once, grinning, but her hands kept to Euria's hips even though her entire frame was bare save for whatever she used to cover her feet.

Arousal was already flooding through Euria, however, and the insatiable need that had awakened was not to be denied, not when there was a whole room of men and women able - and apparently willing - to fulfill it. She was left an opportunity to choose how she wanted to achieve such, however, as Nils idly strung her instrument while awaiting another signal from Euria, seemingly expecting that the nymph would simply recover from her ordeal and either continue or take a bow. All eyes were sweeping over her naked body now, all hungry and waiting, but ultimately the decision of what was to happen next was at least partially up to the nymph.
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria panted softly as she steadied herself after being caught and spun around yet again by Elena at the end of her trip around the table, both from exertion and from arousal. She hadn't expected them to be quite so adept at catching hold of her, though if she were of a more rational mind she might have considered the difficulty of dodging grasping hands while also splitting her focus with singing and keeping her movements graceful and sensual—It was still a dance of a sort after all. She let herself lean forward a little, until her bare breasts were pressed softly against the other woman as she looked over her audience.

Her state of undress was of little concern to her. Going around entirely nude wasn't unusual where she'd grown up, though normally she would perhaps be a little uncomfortable with so many eyes on her body. Normally however, her mind wasn't fogged with lust and desire as it was now, the few of the orcs who'd managed to get their hands on her having awoken her baser instincts with their ministrations. To her sensitive nose the air was heavy with the scents of arousal, tinged with the sweeter scent of her own pheromones, to an almost oppressive degree. Her proximity to the woman now holding her by the hips only made it harder to think of anything more than sating those desires, both her own and those evident around the room as well. A quick look over at where Nils was awaiting a signal and she shook her head briefly, before turning back to her audience.

"Well... I hope you enjoyed the show!" She finally spoke with a grin visible on her face as she simultaneously reached around behind Elena to catch a handful of the orc's ass. "But I think that's all I can manage for now... You all certainly know how to tire a girl out." She grinned even wider as she let the final comment slip, obviously quite aware of the innuendo present in her words.

Unless the woman tried to keep the Nymph in her grip, Euria would slip away from Elena with a parting pinch on the behind, seemingly unconcerned with finding her clothes or redressing herself and she made her way around the table once again. This time there was no song or dance though, and she had a specific destination in mind, though neither was she paying her surroundings nearly as much attention anymore. If she made it without being grabbed along the way she would finally stop behind Torguk's seat, wordlessly leaning in and pressing her breasts against his back as she draped her arms over his shoulders and rested her head on one for a few moments. Her body was all but entirely on autopilot now, and after a few moments of simply resting her head there, unless he made an effort to move her, she would reach up with one hand to turn his head to the side as she shifted around to his side and pressed her lips to his without warning. She needed someone to help her sate these uncontrollable desires, and he'd seemed more than willing earlier...
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 28/59, PP = 21/42, EP = 47, Status = Naked, Horny

22 orksiz
13 orcdix
9 (maybeonly) orcvaginas

Elena gave a soft coo as Euria grabbed a handful her ass, strong muscles tensing briefly but then relaxing and allowing the nymph to play with the softer flesh. She quickly returned the favor on the nymph's bare bottom, giving both cheeks of the faerie wanderer's backside a firm squeeze one at a time. There was an uproarious cheer from the crowd of orcs as Euria turned to address them, and as she made her blatant innuendo one of the orc's prompted a second cheer as he shouted; "Stick around, we'll be sure to tire ye out!"

Elena chuckled and chirped in surprise as Euria gave her backside a playful pinch, but while she would offer the nymph a slight pout she wouldn't maintain her hold when Euria moved to pull away. That left the white haired nymph free to make her second walk around the table, one that included a good number of orc hands sliding over her flesh, before she ended up behind Torguk. The man who had first greeted her had watched her journey with lust as naked as she in his eyes, but didn't turn to track her as she stepped behind his chair. That left him straightening slightly in surprise as she pressed her full bosom against his back, draping herself over his shoulders.

"Well hello - mmph! Mmmmm," he began only for Euria to silence him as her lips pressed into his. His surprise faded quickly, however, as he soon returned the kiss as enthusiastically as she might expect, his thick tongue swirling forth to caress and dance with her own. After a few moments he reached out and grabbed her around the waist, dragging her into his lap. The bench he was seated on was wide enough for her to straddle him, which was what he had her do after first pulling her down. The other orcs gave another cheer, this one less enthusiastic as some stopped paying attention to the pair who were obviously about to become quite thoroughly entangled, but Torguk paid them no heed.

By that point he was hard, that much she could tell from the moment she was in his lap, and even through his thick garments she could feel how big he was, easily large enough to test her limits nicely. His hands both quickly settled into the same motions on her ass that Elena had enjoyed only moments prior, kneading her soft lower cheeks and squeezing them one at a time, even occasionally giving her ass a small smack should she start grinding on him. At the same time he deepened the kiss, tilting his head to open his mouth a little wider so that his tongue could really start exploring her mouth. She could, with some difficulty, undo his trousers and mount him right then and there, but if she didn't Torguk would remain content to fondle and kiss for the next few minutes, before Euria would feel herself lifted into the air.

Torguk carried her over to the bedrolls, breaking the kiss to help navigate the table but still nipping at her neck and jawline, before gently lowering her to the ground. Then he straightened, pulling off his shirt to reveal a broad, muscular chest and arms that bulged with strength. She could do away with his trousers in the meantime, but if she didn't he would, leaving him in a similar state of undress to the nymph left at his feet. There came another cheer, this one dominated by the female portion of their now more distant onlookers, as Torguk's member flopped free of its confines, easily larger than human average and even favorable to some of the more well endowed satyrs she had seen, its dark green flesh pulsating eagerly while the thick, rounded tip possessed a slightly purple tint from the blood pumping through it, and with Euria left on her knees at his feet she would find it pointed right at her face if she hadn't begun to move rather than aid him out of his clothes.
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Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria happily allowed herself to be pulled into Torguk's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled him closer. She didn't break the kiss, her tongue working just as vigorously as his own, and she rolled her hips slowly in his lap as his hands settled on her behind, teasing at the erection she could easily feel through his clothes. He wasn't the biggest she'd ever had, she still hadn't found anyone who quite matched up to the ursine man who was her former mentor and lover, but what she could feel was quite impressive regardless.

She made no effort to break away from the kiss or the position she'd been pulled into straddling his lap, content to continue as they were. She let out a few muffled moans as his hands played with her bare flesh, and then gave a startled yelp as he suddenly lifted her into the air, squirming briefly in the orc's arms before settling down and allowing herself to be carried away from the table.

The nymph took a moment to admire his sculpted chest, idly running her fingers down his now bare skin as she lowered herself to her knees, tugging at the laces holding his trousers up. Their audience didn't bother her, in truth she barely even noticed their presence, too focused on what was before her. When she finally freed his member from its confines, she was not disappointed. He was rather large, especially compared to the human men she'd been with in the past... it seemed that at least some of the stories she'd been told of orcs weren't exaggerations.

Her hand gently stroked the shaft a few times before she leaned forward, idly pulling a few strands of hair out of her way as she began by teasingly running her tongue along the underside before taking the head into her mouth and taking in his taste as well as his scent. A few moments of teasingly flicking at the tip with her tongue and she began to slowly bob her head up and down along his length, skillfully working around it with her tongue as she went. She looked up to meet his eyes for a brief moment as she pulled back enough that only the head was between her lips before dipping down again to take as much as she could in one go.

If Torguk chose to take charge, Euria would be more than willing to go along with his desires, but if he chose to allow her to finish herself she would pull back after having taken his length just far enough for its tip to press against the back of her throat. "So... How do you want me then?" She all but whispered as she pulled away from him, staring up with half-lidded eyes. She wasn't adverse to taking charge, but she wanted to see what he would do now that she'd taken the initiative to get him good and ready. She was curious about how many of the sultry stories of orcs she'd heard were true. Would he simply take her hard and roughly, like some kind of beast? A part of her hoped he would, that was exactly what her body was craving now, but perhaps he would surprise her instead...
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Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 28/59, PP = 21/42, EP = 47, Status = Naked, Horny

22 orksiz
13 orcdix
9 (maybeonly) orcvaginas

Euria would feel the heat radiating off of Torguk as her fingers wrapped around his thick shaft, the fat slab of meat hard and hot and pulsating against her palm as she opened up with a few strokes. He looked down at her with a grin as she leaned forward to flick at his manhood with her tongue, giving a low murmur in appreciation for her initial touch that turned into a soft groan as she took the tip between her lips. Taking a taste of his potent, masculine scent sent her libido raging, and as she swirled her tongue over the head of the orc's cock she got a taste of his thick, salty precum. The pair got a few more catcalls as Euria gave her first bob onto his shaft, some male and some female, but Torguk totally ignored them, his attention focused on the lovely nymph at his feet and the ecstasy that her oral skills provided.

Torguk seemed quite content to let the nymph take things at her own pace, his body giving slight bursts of tension each time she drew back. By the time she popped free of his rod just after the tip brushed against the back of her throat, her saliva coated just a bit more than half of his cock, and following her question Torguk simply gave a pleased grunt and replied; Well, you were doing such a good job... Why don't you start out on top?"

The burly orc would lie down on his back on the bedroll once Euria shifted out of his way, and as she climbed on top in whichever facing she preferred he would pull her on to hasten her arrival. Despite that he had let her take the lead, Torguk didn't remain idle, allowing her to settle but then both planting his hands on her hips to pull her down and gently thrusting his hips up to meet her first descent. Ecstasy and relief flooded her system as her tight folds parted, the orc filling her nicely, but from that point on it was up to her to set the pace. In the beginning at least he would give only gentle thrusts up to meet hers, allowing her to decide exactly how fast and how hard their coupling progressed.
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Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria was surprised by Torguk's choice, but certainly not displeased. It was rare in her experience for her partner to be patient enough to let her do things at her own pace when given the choice she'd given him. She ran her hands along his muscular chest as she climbed atop him before settling into a comfortable position. The nymph rolled her hips once to grind against his hard shaft, already all but dripping in anticipation herself, before raising herself up over it and feeling his hands on her hips to guide her down.

She gave a satisfied moan as she impaled herself upon his rod, mind-numbing pleasure finally burning away the desires that had been building since her performance had started. While she prided herself on having better self control than many of her sisters, not letting her baser desired control her life as they seemed to for so many... she couldn't ignore them either. And right now, her body was screaming at her to move faster, harder...

She obliged it, quickly picking up the pace. The sound of their flesh slapping together each time her descent met his own thrusts echoed around them, mixing with Euria's own soft moans to create a distinctly erotic soundtrack to anyone who cared to listen—and they still had quite the potential audience. Euria's tail seemed to have a mind of its own throughout the whole act, at first slowly swaying behind her back and then beginning to move faster as she began to pick up the pace.

She wasn't cutting the most elegant picture now that she'd really begun to get into it—Breasts bouncing with each stroke, tail wagging behind her, and her ass jiggling pleasantly each time it met Torguk's thighs—but that wasn't likely any more of a concern to Torguk or their potential audience than it was to Euria herself at that moment. She simply impaled herself upon him only to rise and do it again, hitting deep inside of herself with each thrust and occasionally drawing a soft mewl of pleasure from her lips. With the aid of gravity and Torguk's own thrusts eventually every stroke had him bottoming out completely within her. It didn't take too long for her to begin to feel an orgasm building, already having been pushed achingly close by the teasing and groping during her performance and she began to move even faster. Finally she clamped down even harder on him as she met his thrust with even more strength than before, giving a wordless cry of pleasure that could surely be heard by everyone in the room as she was pushed over the edge.

If he was still going though, Euria wouldn't pause for longer than it took to start to come down from her orgasm, renewing her efforts with perhaps only a little more aid from Torguk himself despite her sensitivity. She wasn't satisfied yet, not so soon...