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Secret Apocalypse

Re: Secret Apocalypse

Meredith Harmon

Height: 5'8" tall
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Age: 18


An athletic and driven young woman with a competitive spirit, Meredith is used to excelling at anything once she puts her mind to it. She's a little bit abrasive and can lack in social grace; she's more used to dealing with other athletes and coaches in rigidly defined team roles and can be a little nervous in "normal" social settings and tries to overcompensate by being extremely outgoing and boisterous. She's still something of a tomboy and most of her friends have never even seen her wearing a dress.

Fortitude: 9
Dexterity: 9
Mind: 7
Intelligence: 5

Health: 50
Energy: 159
Arousal: 35
Grappling: 18
Critical Chance: 10
Initiative Bonus: 12
Psy: 5

Traits / Quirks:
Martial Artist (Grappling) 5
Martial Artist (General) 5
Fit (10)
Fast (10)
Athletic (10)
Dexterous (10)

Raw Techs:
Blast: D6+3 Damage, Range: 5ft Cost: 10 energy

Move Tech:
Power Leap: You leap 20 ft away from the opponent, also crossing almost any gaps you come across. Cost: 5 energy. Uses: both the move and action.

Experience: 0/(Level)*100
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Re: Secret Apocalypse

Hmmm, janna are you going to be the, err raider? aka hit and run?
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Alright... this is pretty much all done. I'll prepare monsters and anything. In the meantime, hopefully we can get a subforum for this.
Edit: I also changed Power Leap.
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Hmmm, janna are you going to be the, err raider? aka hit and run?
Meredith is just a reaction to my other characters. I'm playing Emily in Dungeon of Pleasure, who is smart but not that strong or combat capable, and over in Arena of Lust I have Sydney, who is agile but mostly gets by on luck. I wanted to come up with a character who was a little better in a fight.
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Also, I'd like to have one more player though it's not completely necessary.
Edit:I'll tell you guys what this is shamelessly based on later... I feel like I'm stealing the idea but it'll be okay I think because it's not well known.
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Hmmm, janna are you going to be the, err raider? aka hit and run?

You do realize, Diaga, your character seems to be a rape toy and not much else? (I mean, really, an I cup? Do you realize how big that is?)

Also, why have general martial arts? It's not very useful with a fortitude of 2 (Rarely hits + next to no damage) did you mean to copy/paste grappling for a +2 to escape roles?
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Wait grapple is escape? SHIT! Thanks for catching me on that phoenix. I Breast cup size is 13 inches depth width and etc.

Btw HIGH high arousal points. I am going to make this character conquer the enemies through sex by using mind techniques. Only problem is they also raise her arousal level. Which is bad....

Stir lust: You use your connection to the oppenents mind to increase their lust level for you and arousal points, problem is you take 1/2 of arousal back because of link 1d20. But there is also the chance the enemy will overpower your mind and cause the thing to backfire 1d30 if it backfires. Basically if its a twenty my character takes 10 arousal damage. If it backfires, then DAMMIT. For it to back fire the enemy needs to have at least half or equal to my mind stat if theirs is higher it automatically backfires, if they have half and above but not above my character we each roll 1 3d10. Whoever has the lowest gets hit. If I just stir lust without it affecting the character using it then it would be overpowered, balanceing.
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Sexual Combat

Once grappled, the golem can attempt to penetrate you.
Penetration will be rolled as such: Golem's Fort + 5 vs Your Dex or Fort + a D20 for you.
(Trust me, you'll need that d20)

Once penetrated, a roll will be made for stimulation. The roll is made as follows.
Golem rolls Fort + D10 and subtract your mind + D20 from that number.
Note: You can't get negative arousal, the stimulation can only be negated.

Escaping penetration uses the same dice rolls as avoiding penetration.

Also, Dia... I'm not sure if you understood but you get custom Spells/Techniques when you level up. So save those things for later! :p
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Re: Secret Apocalypse

Just saying I-cups are a bit large. For comparitive examples see (Not sure how I found that page)
Re: Secret Apocalypse

I posted that -.- sheesh I gave my character in jumpers K cup breasts since she has chaotic evil and will use all parts of her to get her own way. >.> The link is also there....
Explain... And oh I forgot to add in sex rules.. So you'll have to wait :p.

You talking about the mind tech stir lust? just read it....
Re: Secret Apocalypse

When we do get to craft spells, can I transfer my bonus spell from multi-talented over to a crafted spell in the same tech as my main spell line? (Basically having my bonus spells from multi-talented just grant a higher skill with my water psy)
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Oh, I meant to ask (since I didn't apply the bonus), does fit add to Health or to Energy?
Re: Secret Apocalypse

I think I wrote and meant energy. Also new spells/techniques are only available when you level up. So you get the level two spell from Raw a level two spell from Blade for example and one more for Blade that you can create or ask me to create. I may have to curb the power of the spell if it is overpowered. Multi-talented only let's you choose another field of pay tchniques. It's not for extra spells in essence. Though you get the spells from that field at a slower rate.
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Character Template

Name:hikabe toshihide
Sex: Often, oh sorry. i mean female


Critical Hit Chance:14
Initiative Bonus:14
(Cost:10 points)Quick-learner: You gain an additional 10% experience from each fight.
(Cost:15 points)A Natural: Believe it or not, you have a knack for these psy attacks. You gain a +1 to any psy tech roll.
(Cost:15 points)Multi-talented: Prerequisites: Quick Learner, A Natural: Allows you to take an additional psy tech. However, at level 1 you have the level 1 spells in both. Upon reaching level 2, one of them must stay behind at level 1 and the other can proceed to level 2. At level 3, one is level 3 and the other is level2. You get the point.
(Cost:5 points)Meditate: You gain 10*your level in energy while you rest for an entire turn.
Cost:5 points)Martial Artist (Grappling): Gives you a +2 on escaping grapple or grappling a target (I have no idea why you’d want to grapple a golem)

Psy Abilities/Tech:
Move Tech( combined with Telekinesis):
1: Power Leap: You leap 20 ft away from the opponent, also crossing almost any gaps you come across. Cost: 5 energy. Uses: both the move and action.
1: Pressure: You stun the opponent for D3 rounds. 50% chance of failure. Cost:10 energy Range:15ft

Level 1: Blast: D6 Damage+ ½ Psy Range: 5ft Cost: 10 energy

Experience: 0/(Level)*100
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Alright, rules for sexual combat are up. Consensual sex is not accounted for by this as you and the player or npc are not really fighting.

I'm going to ask a Aika for a subforum at around 9:30PM in my time zone which is approximately 5 hours and 40 minutes from now.
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Ok, quick question with the Elemental Tech here. Am I reading that right that we take one particular element at the start, then upon level can add a second element, while leveling up a previously owned one, and at level 5 gain Void? I'm a little unclear on that here, though I might be reading it wrong.

Alright, sheet is here, subject to slight change depending on what Tomoe says, but this is my placeholder.

Name: Aya Morioka (Yes I keep coming back to this name! :D)
Bio/Pic: (Coming later)
Sex: Female


Fortitude: 5
Dexterity: 8
Mind: 9
Intelligence/Luck: 8

Derived Stats:

Health: 38
Energy: 135
Arousal: 45
Grappling: 13
Critical Hit Chance: 16
Initiative Bonus: 12
Psy: 6.5 (round up to 7?)

Traits/Quirks: 50 points

Preparation: 10 points. You have great planning skills and it gives a boost to your next action. You can choose to waste on action on this or both an action and a move. Using one action gives a +3 to your next check. Using both a move and an action gives you a +5 on your next check.

Meditate: 5 points. You gain 10*your level in energy while you rest for an entire turn.

Aware: 10 points. You are aware of your surroundings and instead of a vague environment description; you are given
extra info that can be used to your advantage. (Ex: Normal= You see many trees cover what at first seemed to be a
forest outside. The air is a bit chilly. Aware= The ground around you is slightly damp with water and you notice many
trees around you. With a quick glance you are able to discern the location of the exit, it is to the north. There is a decent
amount of wind which makes the room seem chilly. You realize that you are in fact still inside the building. You see
something move from behind a tree though you may be seeing things. All you know was that it was small.)

Martial Artist (General): 5 points. You can use a physical attack that would actually prove affective on the golems.

Damage is equal to D(Fortitude/2)+(level) and the use of 5 energy is required. A physical check versus the golem’s
dexterity is used to determine whether the attack hits or not. You also gain a +2 when choosing to defend against

Improved Meditate: 15 points. Prerequisite: Meditate: You gain 25* your level in energy while you rest for an entire

Martial Artist (Grappling): 5 points. Gives you a +2 on escaping grapple or grappling a target (I have no idea why you’d want to grapple a golem)

Psy Techs:

Void/Element Tech. Starting with Fire.
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Re: Secret Apocalypse

Still time for someone to join? Trying to go with a support character with this one :)

Name: Keyla Jensen
A sweet and loving girl who cared for her two younger sisters before the recent incidents. Although she is comfortable in social settings, she does become very embarrassed and shy when certain subjects come up. She has never been in a real fight before and is very frightened of making mistakes and either getting hurt, or letting one of her friends get hurt. Keyla has a mothering and protective nature that caused her to become very proficient with defensive abilities.
Sex: Female

Fortitude: 6
Dexterity: 8
Mind: 10
Intelligence/Luck: 6

Health: 44
Energy: 150
Arousal: 50
Grappling: 14
Critical Hit Chance: 12
Initiative Bonus: 11
Psy: 6.5 (7?)

(Cost:10 points)Quick-learner: You gain an additional 10% experience from each fight.
(Cost:15 points)Plain, Raw Power: You can’t harness the psy energy you have properly and so some of the energy can only come through raw techs. +2 to raw tech rolls.
(Cost:5 points)Meditate: You gain 10*your level in energy while you rest for an entire turn.
(Cost:10 points)Preparation: You have great planning skills and it gives a boost to your next action. You can choose to waste on action on this or both an action and a move. Using one action gives a +3 to your next check. Using both a move and an action gives you a +5 on your next check.
(Cost:10 points)Fast: You get a +3 bonus to initiative and +1 to dodging.

Psy Abilities/Tech:
Level 1: Blast: D6 Damage+ ½ Psy Range: 5ft Cost: 10 energy

1: Basic Shield: Psy= Damage Mitigation for 7 rounds Cost:20 energy

Experience: 0/(Level)*10
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Re: Secret Apocalypse

We have about 3 hours left until I ask for a subforum and I guess close up character creation though I will allow exceptions.

Currently, you get one element at a time per level, Void being at level 5. Each element only has a single spell but as I mentioned in one of my posts, every time you level up, you can make a new spell under your specialization. So for example you make a new earth spell. When you said "we take one particular element at the start, then upon level can add a second element, while leveling up a previously owned one" this, this is for Multi-talented character. You must take Multi-talented as a Quirk thingy. It means that when you take that, you get an additional kind of psy tech. That psy tech however will always be one level behind your other one. Hopefully I've made that clear.
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Ok then let me get this straight here. I could choose NOW to take Void if I wanted to?

Or alternatively, one of the elements, and ONLY that one until I could get the multi-talented quirk?

If that is the case, I likely am going to change from Earth to either Void, or another element if I can't take that one immediately. I THINK I have gotten the gist of what you have said, but I will wait for confirmation here before altering, based on the answers to both questions here.
Re: Secret Apocalypse

Ok, 2 more people, yay! A close enough character to a tank is Xivvix. You have me, and my spell making abilities, just ask and I'll make it. If you don't like then change as you see it. Two elementals siphon and phoenix. Hit and run janna. nickname "Rape Toy'"(my character) thx to phoenix.... you are a very unhappy and mean person phoenix :(