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RPG RPG Maker [Searothonc] 処女を守る魔法 / Virgin Protection Magic (RJ139133)

Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Have you actually looked at the patch in my sig (or indeed anywhere)? I use the RPGMaker Trans tool I wrote to do translations (and Inkscape for graphics, technically). RPGMaker VX Ace (in this case) doesn't come anywhere near it.

That's also the reason why the demo patch will work on the full game. As RPGMaker Trans doesn't rely on replacing files outright, my patches will work on any version of a game. They'll even work on completely unrelated games (although the amount they'll translate is probably just menus...)
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

What are you talking about? To quote the website "Supports RPGMaker 2000/XP/VX/VX Ace Games". The only RPGMaker games I don't support are 2k3 (and also non-cp932 2k games, due to codepage issues). If it's not registering a game from one of those families, please file a bug. (Also: editting txt files is a lot easier than editting things in RPGMaker! No horrifically long saves!)

As to what inspired me, I used to be a fan of a certain constantly developed game and wanted to translate portions of it. As it was constantly developed, I needed a tool which could patch the game even if it changed (also the dev's were against an official English version, but were happy with the patch), and as no existing tool could do this, RPGMaker Trans was born - it's primarily been developed since to support translations that I want to do (also other people, technically, but big pushes were for my translations really..). Now, as it turned out, when I translated portions of that game it put me off it for good, but, you know, two-edged swords...
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Incorrect. I have had no involvement in the VH patch, other than being flamed.

I have honestly got no idea what it is you pasted. RPGMaker Trans patches are UTF-8 (optional BOM - this might help for whatever software you were using). Notepad++ is a good Windows editor that works well.

Finally can we move the conversation away from RPGMaker Trans? This is a thread about VPM, and while I'll answer some questions out of politeness, there's been altogether too many posts on RPGMaker Trans now.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

I'd think Q's about RPGMaker Trans in any relation to this game would be fine, since you've made a major patch for it (and Searothonic still hasn't released, no news), but the guy was probably trolling you. Don't sweat it, and if you don't want to answer... ignore 'em. :cool:

Oh, when you said the game turned you off after the translation, it was that insulting or repulsive?
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Im not trolling, i really didn't know that such software exist that was made by a fan who wants to bring japanese games to english speaking communities.
I deleted my msges as i felt it was irrelevant to this thread's topic. I really admire habisain's passion and contribution.
Also, thank you habisain for answering my questions. I really appreciate your time and thought you put into replying me.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Oh, when you said the game turned you off after the translation, it was that insulting or repulsive?

Yes. The game in question was RyonaRPG, which was one of the earlier games to do the entire sex-stat tracking things (even before VH). I knew that it was pretty bad ahead of doing some translations, but some of the stuff in there is really awful. (Although some of it is entertainingly comical as well...)

I deleted my msges as i felt it was irrelevant to this thread's topic. I really admire habisain's passion and contribution.

Aw, I certainly didn't mean that, or any implication that you were trolling. I was just concerned that people would be annoyed at the non-VPM noise on this thread, especially as there exists a thread about RPGMaker Trans on this forum anyway. Anyway, getting back on topic now.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

As Searothonc's twitter feed has been pretty active recently, I figure that people not paying attention / able to read Japanese might want to know what's going on. Basically, the recent activity is the trials and tribulations of debugging a game. Good news overall, I think, because this at least indicates that there's enough of a game there to debug.

Incidentally, if anyone is interested, the girl in the recent screenshots is probably Llywelyn, another witch, who I think is based in the 3rd town, Frisbee (Although I'm speculating that the order of the towns is Wiccaholt->Alchester->Frisbee->Mozuik).
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Aye, hopefully he'll release it sometime next month. Interesting that he's included so much British/Celtic themes, I haven't even seen anything particularly Japanese yet which is kinda unusual.

Also, one of his tweets said something about an ejaculation system:

"That's that. This is a bad system. Ejaculation if rod combination is me, to stay unless heroine of climax is usually'm going to be to separate, but there I'm less likely to end become ambiguous climax of heroine due that is a parameter-dependent. Next we will try to the good works also got squid let If you decide to me the other events squid cell. Yup"

Wonder if that means there will be bukkake or something like that, outside the QTE struggle when defeated.
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Aye, hopefully he'll release it sometime next month. Interesting that he's included so much British/Celtic themes, I haven't even seen anything particularly Japanese yet which is kinda unusual.

Also, one of his tweets said something about an ejaculation system:

"That's that. This is a bad system. Ejaculation if rod combination is me, to stay unless heroine of climax is usually'm going to be to separate, but there I'm less likely to end become ambiguous climax of heroine due that is a parameter-dependent. Next we will try to the good works also got squid let If you decide to me the other events squid cell. Yup"

Wonder if that means there will be bukkake or something like that, outside the QTE struggle when defeated.
Well, there was a creampie effect when you win the qte after getting beaten by a slime monster.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

I, uh, don't think there will be bukkake. I think the actual complaint is that he wanted to decouple an enemy cumming in Brigit from when Brigit came, which wasn't working previously. Could be wrong though.

As to things particularly Japanese... well, I know there's a couple of things in there, although I won't spoil them here. The one in the demo is the public baths, which is definitely more towards the Japanese interpretation of them. And also, while the world building is pretty heavily skewed towards Celtic mythology, there's a smattering of Greek (a number of monsters) and Christian influences (presentation of churches, some of the Church history, and symbols used by the bad guys) as well.

(Incidentally, I don't think there are British themes per say, simply because the weather in VPM is far too good!)
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

As Searothonc's twitter feed has been pretty active recently, I figure that people not paying attention / able to read Japanese might want to know what's going on. Basically, the recent activity is the trials and tribulations of debugging a game. Good news overall, I think, because this at least indicates that there's enough of a game there to debug.

Incidentally, if anyone is interested, the girl in the recent screenshots is probably Llywelyn, another witch, who I think is based in the 3rd town, Frisbee (Although I'm speculating that the order of the towns is Wiccaholt->Alchester->Frisbee->Mozuik).

Is it just me or does Llywelyn use another Art-Style?
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Is it just me or does Llywelyn use another Art-Style?

Don't think so. She's a little darker (as in de-highlighted) than normal in that picture because she's not the active speaker, and the fact that she has very pale skin (and somewhat desaturated clothing) might be throwing you.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

any infos when the game comes out?

Oh, looks like fairly soon. It seems he's contacted someone about debugging the game starting Monday, so fingers crossed it's out this month...
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Oh, looks like fairly soon. It seems he's contacted someone about debugging the game starting Monday, so fingers crossed it's out this month...

Uh, I wouldn't count on that, frankly. Searothonc's recent tweets indicate that there is both debugging and feature implementation going on. So, uh, probably not this month, I think. Maybe this year?

EDIT: Whoops, didn't see the exchange with @frost_funi. I'd still say this month is a bit of a stretch, as I'm not convinced that Searothonc has a build that's ready for testing - the tweets I can see are a little vague on that.
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Huh. As if to prove me and my previous pessimism wrong, Searothonc just tweeted that he's finished implementing the game. I assume that means we just have to await a complete playtest and it'll be done.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Huh. As if to prove me and my previous pessimism wrong, Searothonc just tweeted that he's finished implementing the game. I assume that means we just have to await a complete playtest and it'll be done.

Wow, seems really professional, i mean most other indie game producers that uses the rpg maker engine seems to just poop out their games without even looking for errors.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Huh. As if to prove me and my previous pessimism wrong, Searothonc just tweeted that he's finished implementing the game. I assume that means we just have to await a complete playtest and it'll be done.

Well at god danm last...:cool:
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Wow, seems really professional, i mean most other indie game producers that uses the rpg maker engine seems to just poop out their games without even looking for errors.

That's a... little negative. Pretty certain that any game with significant modifications to RPGMaker will also have a fair amount of testing done on it as well. Although I have to point out: there can never be enough testing! There will always be bugs! Bugs are eternal and will never die!

Sorry, I might have let my inner developer get away from me there...

Well at god danm last...:cool:

What are you talking about? It's still less than a year late. In the grand scheme of delayed H-games, that's hardly any time at all :D